by Michael Topper
Zelator Website
An extensive and thorough
review of a book called "The Montauk Project"
written by Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon.
The book’s non-fiction story takes off where the
ill-fated "Philadelphia Project" ended (which was a
top-secret project from the U.S. navy in order to create
optical invisibility for their ships).
The Montauk Project’s aim
were first revolving around the possibilities of mind
control using radar equipment; however, the Montauk
Project suddenly delved deeper into the "unknown"
realms when they were successfully able to
materialize, dematerialize, and even travel through
The technology they used
is rumored to have alien origin - and the
Orion aliens had their own reason why they gave away
such a good technology. And indeed, Topper knows
their motives and tells you why the aliens gave away
their tools! Equip yourself with the most exhaustive
book review you’ve seen for a while, and study it’s
implications. |
This preposterous pig of a
world, its farrow that so solid seem/Must vanish on an
instant, did the mind but change its theme.
W.B. Yeats
Over the
Rainbow (Way Over)
"...The man recognized me, but I had
no idea who he was or what he was talking about. I did listen to
his story. He said he had been a technician at the base and that
he’d been AWOL. He had deserted the project just before the base
had been abandoned. He spoke about a big beast appearing and
frightening everyone away. He told me a lot about the technical
details of the machinery and how things worked. He also said
something that was very strange. He told me that he remembered
me well. In fact, I had been his boss on the project. Of course,
I thought it was pure nonsense." H. G. Wells?
"Six different people said that it had snowed in the middle of
August. There were listings of hurricane force winds that came
out of nowhere. Thunderstorms, lightning and hail were also
reported under unusual circumstances. They would appear when
previously there had been no meteorological evidence to expect
such." Flash Gordon?
"There were... stories of animals coming into town en masse and
sometimes crashing through the windows." Bram Stoker’s Dracula ?
While reading with the kind of
compelling fascination that might make one feel in possession of a
great movie-script, the above excerpts are actually drawn from the
non-fiction book The Montauk Project, Experiment in Time, by
Preston B. Nichols (with Peter Moon, appropriately enough - cf. Kiko
LP review, this issue). Preston B. Nichols, in the "real time" world
people insist - on as a normative reference point despite almost three
decades of Carlos Castaneda and Seth - is a self-described
"specialist in electromagnetic phenomena" with a degree in
electrical engineering who, beginning in 1971, worked for a defense
contractor on Long Island.
As he came procedurally to find out,
through grant-subsidized studies in the research of psi phenomena
and mental telepathy, he was "at the same time" working the
technical operations for radio frequencies and transmitter of a top
secret project located at Montauk Point on the easternmost end of
Long Island.
As the reader progressively discovers along with Nichols’ narrative
sleuthing, this project was launched with the prodigious task of
making decisive experiments in
mind control and apport/materializations!
It was conducted during a period from 1971 to 1983, and Nichols came
to the project in 1973.
Its point-of-departure was an exhaustive
investigation into the secrets of the electromagnetic "bottle"
effect generated during the ill-fated 1943
Philadelphia Experiment,
in which a specially rigged ship and crew attempting to achieve
radar invisibility in an autonomous envelope of coils and
generators, actually disappeared for a disconcerting interval from
their own harbor, and upon reappearing exhibited not only mysterious
physical damage but, more incredibly, a strange "displacement" in
the time-locks of the crew members which found some fading in and out
of visibility, some actually embedded in the steel bulwarks, and
some smoldering in a kind of slow-burning fire of flesh!
The initial "problem" was discovered to be that of a disjunction
between the "spirit" or "soul" and the body of the living subject,
the "essential" being having an independent electromagnetic or
energy-composition distinct from that of the physical time EM
frame-of-reference, which becomes coupled to that reference through
birth (this indeed comprises a description of what "birth" is).
Thus did the military and U.S. intelligence become secretly
introduced to the metaphysics of reality so that, unbeknownst to the
general public (actually conditioned to block such recognition) the
government or significant "classified" portions thereof from
’43 on
had set up shop in the Spirituality Business.
Montauk Project was not Congress approved. Its actual
instigators were a "mystery" although CIA/NSA influence seemed
integral; the military had been persuaded to participate and extend
its facilities (the abandoned base with its coveted Sage radar
antenna) because of the tremendous potentials involved in the
possible achievement of mind control. Financing for the project was
ultimately traced to the
50 billion dollar nazi gold shipment that
disappeared in transport through France during a troop-train
explosion in ’44, famously investigated by General George Patton;
and to ITT through control of the
Krupp family, late of WW’s I and
II for which the Krupp ownership of German munitions factories
brought a Nuremberg "censure", and release on their own
The Sage
Gets the Chair (As Usual)
Using a 425 to 450 MegaHertz frequency as radiosonde "window" into
the mind, psycho-actively enhanced by pulse-modulated frequency
hopping with variable mixes and timings, the Montauk experimentors
collected an enormous data-base on mental and emotional patterns,
experimentally verified in their ability to entrain human psychic
functioning by actually turning the transmitter on unsuspecting
personnel stationed at the base, or on the vicinity’s civilian
This period of experimentation accounts also for the peculiar
influence which compelled the environment’s animal population to
converge en masse upon the Montauk streets, as well as for odd
fluxes in the area’s crime rate during the designated interval.
During the early/mid-period of the ’70s the Sage transmitter was
hooked up to the Montauk Chair, basically a mind-reading machine
developed from ITT sensor technology of the ’50s, and allegedly
expedited by alien technological input from the Sirius star system.
The Chair consisted of sets of pickup coils pyramidally distributed,
which transmitted the EM signature of the seated subject into three
corresponding radio receivers (the latter eventually redesigned to
be fitted with Tesla "Delta Time" coil structures in order to
insulate the energy-field from unwanted feedback disturbance-with
attendant "time-glitches"-front the broadcast antenna; and the
former eventually made as special phase-integrated Helmholtz coils,
generating a constant internal field without external effect to
similarly shield the apparatus from EM echo).
The Delta-T receivers were provided with outputs from an independent
sideband detector, equipped with oscillator and floating carrier
reference system. In sideband-oscillation above and below the
carrier signal, the detectors would lock on to a signal from the
subject which was not itself a carrier wave but became identified as
a phantom or "etheric" noise-peak common to the sets of frequencies
picked up from the pyramidal coils by the tuned receivers. Such
discharge discriminated changing thought-signals from the human
aura, as Nichols describes it, and this information was fed into a
Cray 1 computer through a digital converter. Eventually, digitally
coded "interior monologues" of the subject’s thought-patterns as
well as 3-dimensional audio-visual representations could be
printed-out. The Cray 1 computer was interfaced with an IBM 360
computer, which was in turn interfaced with the Montauk transmitter
in order to regulate the Sage’s frequency-hopping modulations. This
adapted the receiving system coding psychic patterns generated by
the seated subject, into a transmitting system.
A person "brought in" at this point according to Nichols, usable for
his acquired expertise in the metaphysical ramifications of
human/transmitter interface and employed specifically to link
operations between the Cray and IBM 360, was Al Bielek. The chief
subject employed by the Montauk experiment to generate select
thought-forms amplified and broadcast out the Sage transmitter, was
Duncan Cameron.
These names may be familiar by now to those with reading interest in
the general UFO field, or who attend the UFO expo/lecture circuit.
T-Bird readers may recall (Vol. 2, No. 3, "T-Bird Meets the
Phoenix") that the abrupt surfacing of Mr. Bielek at the 1990
Beckley Space-alien Conference was cited as one of the chief reasons
for drawing the Southern Crown adepts and T-Bird Parents AAA and MT,
into attendance there. Mr. Bielek and Mr. Cameron were purportedly
naval control-room operators on the Eldridge during the 1943
Philadelphia Experiment. Their respective stories, dovetailing with
that of Preston Nichols and indeed supplying mutual pieces to the
fractionated puzzle of teleportation and time-warping, confirm that
they were -at the time- the Cameron brothers, Duncan and
Edward. The
story of how Edward Cameron became Al Bielek, and both came to be
displaced in chronological age from either of those personalities,
is the bizarre and often doubted story of the Philadelphia
Experiment itself.
The metaphysical thread linking the Camerons to the present story of
mind control at the Montauk Phoenix Project, contains within it the
secret purpose of the whole experiment not-necessarily-even known in
all its ramifications to its efficient instigators at that time.
The EM "bottle" created by the Eldridge, generated a spatiotemporal
displacement. It opened up a hole in space-time. Similar to the
"fictionalized" portrayal in the movie The Philadelphia Experiment,
the Cameron brothers were shielded by steel bulkheads in the
generator room, from the radio-frequency traumas experienced by the
on-deck crew. Unable to turn off the equipment (unbeknownst to them,
it was locked in to the generator equipment at Montauk, on the other
end of an artificially closed time-loop from ’43 to ’83) the Cameron
brothers jumped overboard, landing in hyperspace rather than the
waters of either the Philadelphia Naval Yard or Norfolk to which the EIdridge itself had been displaced. Through hyperspace they were
summarily sucked down a time-tunnel and netted "immediately" at the
other end of the space-time loop at Montauk where, in the
instantaneous forty year interval the Project Rainbow of the
Philadelphia Experiment had metamorphosed into the Phoenix Project,
of enormous metaphysical ambition.
And how were the Cameron brothers caught in this spatiotemporal anastomosis? They were snared through an addition to that very
psychic transmissions-system on which we last left brothers Al and
Duncan separately working!
Be Now
Here, Be Now here, Be Nowhere...
In experimenting with thought-form projection certain stabilizing
processes were established making the effects, influences and
materializations more reliable and steadily focused. A technique
identified as Reichian, and very parallel certain tantrik or
sexo-magickal formulae of Western occultism known as comatose
lucidity or the Death Posture, was introduced to distract Duncan’s
fluxing rational mind with prolonged pre-orgastic intensities
temporarily liberating the trance-concentrated "primitive" (or
atavistic) strata of the subconscious sensitive to inculcated
impressions, commands or programs, and able to absorb as well as
reflect them much more completely. With the greater efficacy in
mind-control broadcasts and psychic materializations came more acute
and consequential problems in any slippage from precision-timing or
focus. "Glitches" arose, in which effects would pop up at times and
places that varied from the specified times and places, and this
could have serious repercussion.
One reason discovered for this contretemps, was Duncan Cameron’s
"secret" background as the hyperspatial timetraveler from
Eldridge of 1943, who owing to the event had been sensitized to
zero-time (or the common reference point through which all
space-time fields and universes coincide, and from which they revolvingly polarize). This connection to the wildcard variable of
zero-time was identified as a potential boon, if that factor could
be brought under control. And indeed it was, by introducing the
Orion Delta T antenna, a large octahedronal device installed
underground beneath the Montauk Chair establishing a null-point of
zero-interference for the Chair between it and the RF antenna above.
(The device was called an Orion antenna owing to its rumored
The Delta-T antenna was driven by amplitron pulse modulators of the
existing transmitters, and an audio amplifier white-noise source
that correlated the frequency oscillations of the entire setup; this
latter feature was important since white-noise amplitude-modulation
of the oscillators made the etheric components coherent. Coupled to
the other "new" feature, the Tesla-designed zero-time generator
which phase-adjusted the white-noise amplifier and
computer-synchronized/digitally-fed timing functions, it was now
possible to generate a stable psychic portal opening operative
wormholes in time from one point to another through Duncan’s
concentration on a target date. The discovered natural 20 year
biorhythms of the Earth were used as reference integrals, and indeed
the 1943 Philadelphia-experiment date was recognized as no accident
but the upshot of an influence carefully seeded at the time from
space-alien sources with their own agendas.
In this way a time-tunnel vortex could be opened directly through
the Delta-T antenna; the ’43, ’63, ’83 intervals generated the
master vortices through which subvortexial time-tangents could be
sprouted like secondary shoots off the main branch.
The coherent transmission-system properly calibrated to time phase
was operative by 1979 (a date having significance with respect to
the Southern Crown teaching altogether, as do the other dates
associated with the Phoenix Project-a curious circumstance we’ll
return to). The time-tunnel process was subsequently used to project
teams (as well as occasional shanghaied derelicts and kidnapped
children) to times and places from ’43 to the extreme limit of
10,000 A.D. (this figure is derived from an
interview in Matrix III
with an "anonymous" source easily identified as
Duncan Cameron).
Using the optimum master-vortex target date of August ’83, and
shielding the ’83-version Duncan from any paradoxicalty-calamitous
encounter with his oncoming ’43 version self, the hyperspatial
coupling between Project Rainbow and the Phoenix Project was made.
Edward and Duncan Cameron were "netted" at ’83 Montauk, sent back to
forcibly smash the Eldridge equipment to prevent possible time-space
gobbling of Earth by a runaway vortex lockup, then separated for a
several-decades interim as Edward remained in ’43, Duncan jumped
overboard again returning to ’83.
Edward was employed for a time in sensitive government research
projects, then-for apparent "security" reasons-was forcibly
regressed through alien technology by displacing his own coordinate timelocks, reduced to infancy with potential memory intact, and
placed into a properly brainwashed family as "their own" child. Off
and on up to the Phoenix Project, as he "grew up again", he was
"used" by strategically placed operatives (functioning
surreptitiously at points in the timewarp webwork) in retrieval of
that subliminal expertise stored away in his condensed nucleic
memory-codes, shunted onto time-tunnel sidetracks for various
purposes and then folded back to within a near seamless millimeter
on the time-tangent from which he’d been borrowed-Owing to
fatally-rapid aging from time-travel displacement of his time-locks,
Duncan had to be soul-transferred to another body "prepared" in 1951
with cooperation of his own father! (apparently privy to certain of
these anomalies owing to Intelligence-connections) and took up
incarnation therein circa 1963-displacing whatever "soul" had
obligingly inhabited the Cameron-vehicle meanwhile.
the Time-tenses, Orion Style
Now - does all of this sound properly preposterous? Why has Monty
taken you through this - virtually exhaustive - recapitulation of
the event-outline detailed in the Montauk Project? Surely, so as to
give the readership some of the real flavor of exactly how
preposterous-sounding the whole Bielek/Cameron/Duncan/Nichols spiel
actually is when laid out in full-convoluted splendor. How
disconcerting it must certainly be, then, when Monty in the very
next moment assures the readership that SC adepts AAA and
MT have
independent reason to accept the whole Rainbow/Phoenix story as
essentially true!
One would think that a complex
time-shuffling and alternative coordinate-lockup of eras and events
would fall within the realm-of-notice of someone outside these main
high-profile propagators of the basic tale-and in fact, that happens
to be the case. Although, as we all ought to know from our
new-age-alternative-readers, a shift from one time track to an
alternative probable time track isn’t necessarily noticeable owing
to the simultaneous adjustment of major mnemonic references and
corroborative details, one might certainly suspect that those
functioning on a higher-dimensional alignment of initiated faculties
and perceptions would register some impression of the subtle
It’s for this reason that AAA and
traveled to the seminal 1990 Space-alien Convention in Phoenix to
interview the likes of
Al Bielek and
Betty Andreasson in the first
place. And especially in the case of Mr. Bielek, it was already
perceived that here would be a helpful repository of many relevant
details pertaining to that overall Strange Displacement through
which the adepts had been functioning - it was not necessarily
appreciated at the time just how many additional kinks in the
space-time fabric would be forced out of that fateful, face-to-face
meeting! - but then, that’s a whole other "book review", hmmm?
Suffice to say that Southern Crown adepts AAA and MT have been, by
virtue of their spiritual Function, subtly synchronized through many
key features of their own initiatory saga with the specific dates
and governing symbol-typologies belonging to contrapuntal processes
of the Phoenix/Rainbow projects paralleling, on another level, the
great Events of the Conscious Process (indeed with which those
processes interact, as smaller secondary ratchet-systems in a
gigantic Timekeeping device of incalculably-large/interlocking
With this expressed, the reader who may previously have approached
such Bielek-type material with interest but some trepidation as to
what or how much (if any) of it should be accepted, yet who has some
respect for the
T-Bird/Southern Crown teaching or at least an
increased confidence in additional corroboration, may now approach
such matter as is presented in the Montauk Project with keener
interest-level and less ambiguity so as to absorb more of the actual
sense of what’s contained there. Distractors who mock the "nonsense"
of the material or who might occasionally be found calling Bielek "a
liar", are simply unqualified to judge the subject, haven’t
sufficient background even to be suitably "intrigued" by the very
plausible and complexly-interrelated explanations given both
scientific and metaphysical principles by the parties concerned.
Such souls must be left to their own remedial growth, amongst the
snails and slugs in the outer garden.
Now however, having gathered together a sufficiently "open" cluster
of curiosity-seekers on this time-warp expedition, we may profitably
ask "for what reason was this time-tunnel hookup-loop between ’83
Montauk and the ’43 Eldridge invisibility-experiment made?" The
ultimate ulterior purpose, as Nichols suggests in the book, seems to
belong to negative "UFO" beings of Orion origin whose full intent
may have been masked from nearly all the actual participants working
through their own respective agendas.
"...Not only was an alternate time
loop created but that this loop enabled a vast influx of alien
UFOs to come to this planet. UFOs have always been around, but
there is no denying the sudden frequency of reports in the
(p. 151,
The Montauk Project).
Independent corroboration of an alien
presence surreptitiously associated with Project Rainbow may be
found in the Wurlitzer-authored Philadelphia Experiment, wherein
interviewed survivors recall a foggy limbo-like state while in
hyperspace suspension, through the mists of which alien beings
appeared of description suspiciously-familiar to later contacteé/abductee
Yet, we’ve heard this "explanation" given frequently-enough in the
many interviews with the parties involved (chiefly as printed or
reprinted in
the Matrix volumes); there is some clarification given
as to why such an artificial timeloop, efficiently generated at the
human end of it (though psychically-influenced from "outside",
perhaps) had to be created in order for UFO-beings to "enter" in
large quantities, in the consideration involving density levels of
The hierarchies of both
positively-polarized and negatively-polarized density levels above
the admixed prepschool-level of 3rd density, functioning
on the effective energy-relationships of Psychic law valuing
conservation of the free-will variable in either the "tricked" or
knowledgeably-informed sense, have been historically "screened" from
direct-disproportionate influence on the evolving Earth-psyche - no
matter how malevolently or benignly motivated - by a strategic
planetary energy-grid established expressly for the purpose of
keeping the planes separate, so that any transdimensional
relationships or links overtly established must be by explicit or
implicit invitation of Earth-planetary consciousness; requirements
for higher-dimensional knowledge in conducting "invisibility" and "timetravel"
experiments generate just such implicit or explicit kinds of
invitation, and the linkages are secured according to overall
compatibility-of-disposition between the earthside implorer-scout
and the positive or negative density-hierarchies technically able to
This explanation is offered in one form or another, when the
question arises as to why a timeloop seems to have been required for
the incursion of higher density negative forces; such an artificial
warping of the probability-timeline generates distortions in the
enveloping EM protection-grid of the planet, since the energies of
that grid are composed of the units out of which regulatory
time-tensors and standardized spatiotemporal patterns are polarized;
in this way an initial small and locally-confined invitation can be
parlayed by negative predatory powers into an increasingly large and
unrestricted ingress, a kind of "hole" in the fine meshwork of the
space-time grid that can be continuously enlarged with the addition
of sideloops or ancillary spacetime manifolds grafted to the initial
time-loop distortion.
Yet this "explanation" only partially
answers the question as to why the negative Orion minions would wish
to enter into more direct influential relationship through a
time-distortion as opposed to the many other modes, previously
catalogued here and elsewhere, which similarly disrupt the planetary
protection-grid by disturbing the underlying sea of primary scalar
(or time/space) units with nuclear radiation, eloptic
energy-tampering etc.
Though the correct answer for this has never been approached by any
of the extant commentators on the subject, leaving them with many
unnoticed anomalies and not a few internal contradictions upon which
the skeptics all-too-readily prey, ol’ Monty sees by the sands in
the hourglass that Time is just about up for any answers from the
classroom; therefore the SC adeptship, courtesy of your present
pixilated book-reviewer, shall read the proper pixels from the
granulated computer-screen and inscribe the actual answer in those
piling sands at the bottom of the glass.
There they may be read, by who or whatever remains.
I Am
That I’m-probable
The purpose of using a timeloop in order to more closely approach
interaction with invitational Earth-consciousness, has to do with
our very Back-to-the-Future theme; the specific use of a time-loop
involves the requirement for changing the overall potential of the
timeline, by altering certain circumstances "naturally" occurring in
the chronology of that line thereby forcing a mutual adjustment and
realignment of events across the whole span of the given timeloop - in
this case, from ’43 to the furthest "window" upon futuretime the
experimenters opened-out, and walked through.
As Nichols correctly
explains it:
"...the past and future can be changed."
"It will help
to consider the idea of a chessboard [cf. MT’s explanations in the
"Crack of Doom" article, also using the chessboard analogy without
reference to this present text at all]. In chess, there might be thirty moves in
a game. Each one of these moves will create a different layout of
the chessboard. If one were to ’go back in time’ and change a move
that had been made, it would consequently change all the other board
layouts subsequent to that change."
"When someone is able to
manipulate a change in time, they are also manipulating our
subconscious considerations and experiences. Therefore, if time is
changed, one wouldn’t necessarily realize it."
Here we must interject a supplemental explanation about
probability-potentials and timelines, chiefly in clarification of a
certain amount of mud generated by recent misinformation of a source
sufficiently-read by a joint readership to necessitate sweeping the
ground before continuing.
No need to name the source; the window for
its typical misperceptions has been discussed enough-times in this
paper ere now, that citing by name would serve no further purpose;
suffice to say its habitual rationale for getting things manifestly
wrong within the range of the aforesaid window hangs on the sad
little channeler’s thesis about fatigued receivers and tired
Any "information" the reader may have
read, however, of the type which self-contradictorily asserts that
an entity from the power-point of present-time can steer the
direction of the future yet an entity "returning" to a sensitive
point in the timeline’s "past" can’t change the "future" of that
line in any substantial way affecting the "society or historical
culture" en masse, since that "history line has already been
written" by the party of the first part, can only be considered
"information" advanced along a very knotted line of communication.
While the time elements of all
individual and collective components along a given probability
trajectory are "quantized" so that changing an individual’s "past"
to affect his "future" doesn’t necessarily modify the line as a
whole for all others (in the manner suggested by the beating
butterfly-wing hypothesis in chaos theory), nonetheless the
butterfly effect is always potentially operative; the critical
factor has always to do with the specific crunching-power in the
focusing of energy bearing "new" information upon the time-point
chosen as the Archimedes fulcrum, and has nothing to do with
whether-from any given "now" perspective-that history is "already
This latter consideration similarly has to do with the
"quantization" of time; any present action, generating currents of
probability that align events of a "future" point, pivots in a sea
of probability-potential through which innumerable switches in
alignment are constantly possible, and indeed enacted, owing to the
inherent non-finality in the organization of variable event
manifolds. Only the strength of the given probability-stream (its
ratio of probability, in physics terms) establishes its net "status"
in the sifting-out of overall developments within a density
The importance is the net tensile strength of the given
probability, not its alleged exclusivity or preemptive finalism;
this should only be apparent to a modicum of reasoning on the
Let the average reader immerse himself, or dive back again, into the
corpus of
the Seth material - any grasp of the general principles
there will surely prevent the kinds of frequent errors in both
elementary probability-logic and deeper deduction constantly
surfacing from latter day "channeled" sources which seem ill-versed
in the rudiments of 3rd-stage reasoning, let alone "higher
dimensional" concerns.
How difficult is it to perceive that the "written history" of our
present is only provisionally so? since, if we were to return to a
former time point in the "past" of that history we would be ipso
fact at a now point as pivotally-elastic as the now-point of the
personalities organically integrated to that juncture of time; if
that "already written history" of our "present" spreads out before
such personalities, from their now-point, as a sea of
probability-variables synthetically subject to the direction they
presently impart, then our time-traveling self returned to that
"past" now-point would occupy the same void-variable juncture they
did, having efficacy from precisely the same "distance" (where the
"written history" of our "present", so apparently crystallized and
irrevocable, exists as fluxing probability-waves "still" subject to
modification and alternative linkages gauged from the
distance-interval of the respective time-points).
Again, we return to the idea cited above, which is not to be found
in any other materials including those of Seth or Ra etc., yet which
is eminently compatible with the philosophies expressed in both and
represents an advance teaching-extension of each: the idea that,
"only the strength of the given
probability-stream (its ratio of probability) establishes its
net ’status’ in the sifting-out of overall developments within a
density framework."
It is precisely this net strength in the
sifting-out of overall developments within a density framework that
is ultimately significant to the soul-entity; for according to the
net-strength of the probability fields in overall
density-development at the convergence-time where such weighing
takes place, the soul-entity associated by lock-in/incarnative
identification with such fields throws the balance of its destiny,
as determined in those rounds.
Underfinanced Mass-Transit System
This is critically important to an understanding of the otherwise
perplexing prospect of "probability-development".
While the field of
a given density as a whole may be viewed as a boundless but finite
loop wherein all the probability-variables contributing to
provisional, relative "time-lines" in that loop constantly shift and
adjust through simultaneous realignments, mutually modifying all
comparative "pasts", "presents" and "futures", the soul-entity
focused into that probability field as a projection of "reincarnative"
identification-facets undergoes a process of actual development.
Incessant mutual modification within the framework of a loop doesn’t
seem in itself to "go anywhere"; this is why the soul or
consciousness-unit, while apparently projected in faceted
distribution about the loop as a simultaneous rainbow-diffraction of
incarnative selves, subjectively experiences the process as a
temporal sequence with "past lives", "present identities" and
"future probable selves".
Through stylized filter of such an
owpattern, the soul may seem to progress around the loop according
to the general alignment of directional arrows given by the
polarized time-units. The internal space of the loop, saturated with
probability-variables, may appear to flux in aimlessly incessant
shuffling of overall components like the rattling of a cistern; but
those same fluctuations and mutual "temporalized" modifications
organize themselves with respect to the superposed soul-pattern, in
a kind of purposive linear convergence the net resultant of which
is focused toward a particular series of transition personalities in
the "incarnational flowline".
Those transition-personalities represent the progressive
integrations which are (ideally) made with respect to the overall
mind-body harmony of the soul-unit; they come into progressively
clearer focus, through the overall pattern, as the soul shifts its
beam of concern from one probability-complex in the development of a
personality expression to another, this single-focus intensity
manifesting within the framework of the probability loop as the
one-at-a-time linear sequence or temporal progression from a single incarnative event to another. Thus as the soul unit focuses into
physical expression it lives "one-at-a-time" the multitude of
probable selves shed all at once over the given density field, by
its greater Aspect-self, as a burst of creative potential "in the
Beginning" suggesting all the ramifications to which that Aspect
could be adapted and its fullness increased, or drawn forward,
according to the unique quality of the probability-medium.
Thus though the field as a whole may seem to flux in probable
time-signatures without end, it comes to a progressive culmination
as far as the projective soul-entity focusing into that field is
concerned. According to the net-resultant in the ratio of
probability-intensity collected through the locus of the critical
transition-personality, that overall soul-potential has the
opportunity (or not) of making a qualitative shift in alignment.
This qualitative shift in alignment is vertical, or mutually
perpendicular, to the dimensions in which the given (3rd stage)
density-medium conjugates. Thus, according to the net ratio in the
probability intensities converging upon the key
transition-personality at the moment overall soul-focus from the
Aspect self lights up the now-point of the personality’s
probability-complex, that soul*
may realize a type of permanent value-amplification.
nuclear self, in Jane Roberts’ helpful probability-terminology
The permanence of such value-amplification, as qualitative
acceleration of the soul-potential, is the actual fixed magnitude
that may ultimately be derived from the fluxing field of
probability-events, for which a frozen-indelible "history-line" is
only the displaced reflection of that principle cast on the
shadow-wall of the 3rd stage medium itself. Such a
value-amplification at this juncture may resolve itself in a
permanent shift of focus away from the 3rd density
probability-field, where mutual spatiotemporal modifications
involving the various probable/incarnational personalities goes on
According to the net ratio of probability intensities characterizing
the overall "way" in which the soul-entity sifts out through
convergence-locus of the Transition personality (summing all which
the mutual modifications of the 3rd density field amount
to), the reincarnational soul-entity may polarize to a
higher-density framework (4th, 5th or even 6th
depending on aggregate quality of alignments at this juncture). It
may polarize to positive higher density framework or it may polarize
to negative higher density framework or, if the overall net ratio of
probability intensity is insufficient in either direction, the
soul-entity may have to "jump off’ from its probable
transition-personality to another 3rd density field for remedial
work in another overall set of probability variables karmically
resonant with the former field.
What is true of the "individual" Transition personality and its
informing soul-unit, is true of the collective. At a
transition-juncture in which the whole 3rd density field
is scheduled, through factors of cosmic timing, to make a 4th
density transition, there are two probability-currents to be taken
into account, interrelated but distinct. The overall
probability-value or ratio-of-intensity for the field as a whole is
the determinant, through focus of the transition-juncture, as to
whether the field will polarize 4th density positive,
density negative or fail to so polarize altogether (in which case it
generally self-destructs, or is left barren as an "uninhabitable"
matrix). There is the related but independent variable of. personal
probability, or ratio-of-intensity, for the given soul alignment
(i.e. whether "you" personally are functioning through a sufficient
intensity of integrative ratios in your probability-fields to
warrant polarization positive or negative, or no polarization at
Generally, the statistical "average" in the (possible) transition
personalities coupled to the event-moment of density transition,
depends deeply on the aggregate value or ratio-of-intensity
characterizing the overall field at that point. As the field goes,
so they go.
Few are of sufficient development to transcend the aggregate
influence of the field’s probability-value. And not all during that
time-period can be considered even potential
This has direct bearing on the hidden purpose for higher-density
negative incursion through generation of an artificial time-loop,
tampering with the probability streams of that anastomosed period
between ’43 and a point in the remote "future".
(Alternative) Day Over the Rainbow...
In order to understand this more clearly, let’s look at the initial
date of the timeloop’s origin: 1943. This is close to, but before,
the official close of World War II. Let us consider something now
which is specifically mentioned in the Montauk Project itself: it
has been estimated by qualified insider-sources that, had "the war"
proceeded another thirty days, the Germans would have been able to
implement advanced technologies long in development making a reverse
outcome highly probable.
As the "anonymous interviewee" states in
the Cameron-style dialogue reprinted from the Sovereign Scribe
(Matrix III):
"The parallel time stream also
exists where the Germans overtly won the second world war."
Herein is an explanation never before
given, which distills Initiated Wisdom on the subject and weaves
together several clues previously salted through these T-Bird pages.
In order to grasp this explanation (having to do with a field
relatively abstruse to the general readership and so
complexly-subtle in its ramifications that ostensibly
"higher-dimensional" agencies often seem hopelessly to tangle in
their own explanatory cords) let’s return again to the important
idea that, in the overall density-picture, it’s the net ratio in the
sifted upshot of probability-intensities which ultimately weighs
upon the disposition of the density as a whole through its
convergent transition-juncture, and upon the individuated
soul-units-participating in the fields of that incarnational
framework-through their transition-personalities.
In this light we may submit that the
initial intensity-value in the ratio of probabilities clustering
around the outcome of WWII, was highly in favor of Allied victory
despite the objective, thirty-day differential cited above; this is
owing to the fact that, as we’ve indicated in "Revenge of the Fake
Quakes", T-Bird Vol. 3, No. 2, the positive Spiritual Hierarchy had
for the first time in history thrown its Influence behind a specific
party in the field of contention due to the perceived participation
of Negative-hierarchy influence concertedly behind the Axis powers.
With such polarized participation, outcome of the overt
confrontation necessarily weighed much more favorably on the side of
the Allies/positive Spiritual Hierarchy, since that Hierarchy aligns
with Whole-values of the higher-densities much less ambiguously, and
without the entropic internal contradiction characterizing the
Negative spiritual hierarchy.
But the latter works best and scores its greatest successes anyway
by indirect or surreptitious means, a mode which by its very nature
tends to be obscured from either direct scrutiny or accurate
appraisal by the Positive Hierarchy. Thus if the initial ratio of
probabilities pans out 75/25 in favor of "the Allies" (backed by the
positive Hierarchy), the resultant Influence focused toward the
density transition-period of 2011-13 favors positive planetary-polarization by a large margin.
If the negative Hierarchy is going to do
anything about that, it is going to have to change the odds,
utilizing everything it knows about crossing timelines, amplifying
and diminishing the energies injected into given timeperiods (cf.
article on the transformation-covariance of Energy and Time
["Coupling of Parallel Universes"] page 0371-A of "Matrix III"
wherein a rather rare exposition of that arcane relationship is
given, dovetailing with the T-Bird/Mother Terasu explanation of the
same principle in terms of metaphysical values and origins, page
0538-B-6, same volume).
Keeping this in mind, let’s return to a few years after Armistice,
1947. From our present, recently "informed" position, we "know" that
the Four Corners weather-balloon crashes at Aztec and
Roswell New
Mexico were "really" coverup UFO crashes, and that this period
inaugurated an intensified if covert interrelation between various
spacealien presences and black-project programs of the shadow
We "know" from our perspective that, for
instance, all the rash of ’50s Sci-Fi movies wasn’t just a fad of
fanciful futurism, but reflected the hidden relationships that were
actually congealing during that timeperiod including
the Eisenhower
meeting with alien ambassadors at Holloman etc. We "know" that all
of our aggressively middleclass conditioning during the interval
between ’47 and now, was an intentional smokescreen meant to mask
progressive alien abductions of the population, the tensions and
fluxing fortunes in an escalating power-alignment between
Intelligence, Military and UFO personnel with concomitant
underground buildup of space-alien presences etc.
We "know" that there is a considerable post-war nazi overtone to
these furtive proceedings owing to the outsize presence of
expatriate Germans in U.S. Intelligence, banking and industry
We "know" all this now, in combing the ragged ridges of
evidence in retrospect, fitting them together through gargantuan
research-help of such agencies as Nevada Aerial Research Group
(Leading Edge) etc., and perceiving how our restructured picture
coincides so perfectly and with such timeliness to current/emerging
events, just in sync for us to be able to catch them as if on cue. - e.g.
the NASA-released (but officially-abjured!) satellite videotapes
surfacing on Sighlings, Hard Copy etc. showing a UFO hovering over
Earth being fired on by a beam-source from below...
Didn’t They
Forget To Give an Armsignal?
We know all these things now... But let’s have a little "fun", shall
we? Let’s play "what if." What if, in returning to the Aztec/Roswell
of 1947 we thought we knew, we discovered that, at the time and
along the time arc we were traveling, the point-incident in question
was actually the crash of a weather-balloon, mistaken by some for a
"UFO". Forget temporarily that now, circa late ’SOs-early
surviving family members of military eyewitnesses testify to the
presence of crashed saucers and alien bodies.
Let’s say "what if the original timeline
on which the point-event occurred, carried off the point-event as a
simple case of mistaken identity. Let’s say, furthermore, "what if
all the UFO movies of the ’50s etc. were just speculative science
fiction, drawing perhaps through dreaming of the collective
unconscious upon alternative realities, conditions existing in
closer congruence to the "fictive" form through probable timelines
that weren’t really being lived by us, by Ike, by the scriptwriters,
the actors etc. on our timeline...
Let’s say "what if the intensified antigravity and time-travel work
being done relatively above-ground in the ’50s and wholly in covert
form thereafter, had not really been done or at least carried out so
extensively as we "know" now it was, on the initial timeline...
Huh? Then what happened? You mean, Monty, all this spacealien/nazi/secret
government/UFO/New World Order stuff hasn’t really happened?
No, Monty means that yes it has "really" happened. As far as we’re
concerned at our present place and time it has happened.
But-consider the roadsign for merging traffic lanes: first we see
two parallel lines, one of which moves closer to or seems to be
"drawn toward" the other, until they blend into a single line. The
line which was bent into conformance with the other, may still be
traced as a parallel straightline from that convergence-point in our
But its imagined continued trajectory will have much
less reality for us than the perceived "event" of the sign where the
one merges into reinforcement of the straightline trajectory of the
other as a single continuous "traffic lane". This, we may say, is
what happened in the case of our present consideration of probable
timelines; for, as the Duncan-like anonymous Source in the
Matrix/Sovereign Scribe interview declares, "They did succeed in
changing the past".
That is, by influencing the free-will variable of Earth-scientists
and intelligence personnel over the time-span between 1933 (a
resonance sub-harmonic or branch-projection from the key timeloop of
major planetary biorhythms, counted in twenty year intervals from
’43) and 1983, the higher-density Orion Empire was able to establish
a critical time-stress bending the "initial" timeline into closer
congruence with an alternative probable timeline based upon a
harmonic interval nearer the "reality" in which the Germans won
If the "initial" timeline, the "safe insular" timeline we always
thought we knew but have recently been disabused of, represents the
more balanced/benign post-War reality planned by the Positive
Hierarchy, to lead (along its high-probability trajectory) toward
the Millennium of 4th density transition, then the timeline upon
which we ride now - whereon we’re disabused of the "misleading"
official memory of those earlier years - is a timewarp onto a
trajectory un-planned by the Hierarchy and progressively unlike Its
positive-optimum design.
This current trajectory resonates to a much
deeper affinity with the probability-stream, still a few lateral
jumps away, upon which the Nazis achieved WWII victory (isn’t it
curious how a recent "fiction" book reviewed in Time, deals with
speculation on exactly this "what if" theme, as if to indicate via
the mass-unconscious that we’re growing closer toward mergence with
that probability-loop?).
Therefore we might see what the real difference is, entering upon
Earth-events in "ordinary" present-time through the planetary
envelope suitably shredded by scalar/atomic means, and coming in the
"side door" through an induced distortion in time. The (largely)
negative UFO minions have entered in this side door then, not so
much from their origination-point in outer space but from their
probable temporal victory and consequent overt Earth-alliance with
the Nazis of WWII. They skip over to us on the artificial timeloop
from an Earth staging zone.
They beam in upon and consequently warp
our initial timeline (taking its point-of-departure from
Positive-hierarchy/Allied victory) from a parallel probability-field
where they are already far into the establishment of Negative Empire
on a solid Earth base, toward 4th density transition.
Let’s also say that the two master probability timelines, our
"initial" one and the "WWII/Nazi victory" one, are too far apart in
qualitative polarization to effect the imperceptible warp of the one
directly into the other; let’s say it’s "as if the original parallel
lanes on the 'merging traffic' sign were separated by several
parallel dotted lines representing intervening transition-lanes."
also there is a gradation of intervening probability-lines between
the harshly contrasted master timelines, so that the bending of one
into overlapping congruence or indistinguishable mergence with the
other must be accomplished in stages, just as, in "merging far
left", you must carefully cut across all intervening lanes occupying
each in turn.
This is what’s happening now. There’s a "struggle" between the
Negative hierarchy and the revised outlook of the Positive
Hierarchy, as to whether successive ancillary sub-loops on the
initial Phoenix/Montauk timeloop will draw our "present" position
closer toward the ultimate Negative probability, in which fascist
totalitarianism dominates the planet polarizing it 4th
density negative, or whether the induced time-jumps accomplished
during this last interval will draw our "present" position back into
closer conformance with the initial, Promising point-of-departure
toward a Positive future (higher density) outcome.
For, as of now, the merging of the initial timeline (promising 75%
toward positive polarization/alignment) into a probability stream
closer in quality-congruence with the negative master time-stream,
draws the latter into a revised ratio of probability-intensity
leaning much more in its favor; our "initial" time-stream exists now
like the fading dotted-line that might be drawn in the imagination
as a hypothetical straight-line continuation of the lane which, by
visible depiction, is bent and blended indistinguishably into the
Thus the Orion time-benders draw probability - loops together, toward
the Negative - biased direction, like the twining of strands of
string. With each successive collection or "gathering" of the
next-adjacent strand of the probability-timelines, the braid wound
’round the master strand of Negative 4th density polarization
becomes progressively thicker and tougher, making it increasingly
less probable that it can be broken. At the same time, by joining
the initially-more benign strands to the master negative timeline it
depotentiates them by just that much as probabilities, from feasible
influence or impact.
By the time the ultimate, cosmic
"collapse of the state-vector" occurs in denouement of the
century’s-end 4th density transition, the probability
ratio will have-at this rate-shifted to 75% negative
probability-intensity. This leads us to some interesting questions,
doesn’t it?
For instance, we might wonder whether some such event as
Clinton’s presidency represents a preponderantly negative or
preponderantly positive gain, a move "back" to the more
positively-inflected future, or a move "back" even closer to the
negative master time-current for a negatively-ensured future?
On Schroedinger’s Cat
Those not understanding probabilities well enough as yet, may object
on the basis of "naive realism" that: surely there is or isn’t
presently existing a maggot-brood of nazis overflowing the
military-intelligence networks, and surely there is or isn’t a
vipers’ nest of Orion-legions to be found when lifting the lid of
the black box-Surety knowledge of the "actual" numbers is presently
in someone’s consciousness, existing as a fact and not a speculative
probability so that it is or isn’t secured as an unalterably fixed
However, it must be understood that "switching timelines" causes to
bleed into your very electrochemistry and biophysiology those
synaptic patterns and ethero-magnetic template codes carrying
engrams of alternate memories, divergent keys of "knowledge" etc.
that superpose so suavely, conforming common edges of shared
point-events so smoothly, that only in little side-flutter anomalies
at the corner of the mind is any suspicion ever possibly kindled, is
anything ever "noticed" even subliminally.
Except for awakened
adept-consciousness which overtly notices the anomalies and claims
information directly from the connective Dream-mind in which all
probability-fields float, no consciousness will perceive the "break"
or the almost-seamless weld without much intentional scrutiny. Try
it; think back on your life and memories, as far back as they’ll go
- try to remember when you first heard of UFOs, try to remember
moments in the acquisition of your "knowledge" about how things
"really are"... you may find some unaccounted ambiguity fluttering at
the margins of daylight apprehension after all.
You know "Schroedinger’s cat?" This original
Probability thought
problem shows that, until an actual observation of the results is
made (called "collapse of the state vector") reality has not yet
"finalized" the fate of a hypothetical cat placed in a box closed
off to external perception, and awaiting its 50-50 chance as to
whether a decaying isotope will/or won’t trigger, in that enclosed
time-interval, a poison gas.
Similarly, then, it isn’t just a matter
of our personally perceiving what’s "realty already there", when
once the ultimate Revelatory Lid is taken off this particular
density-box altogether, at the Century’s-end juncture of Cosmic
State-vector collapse (crystallizing once-and-for-all, on the
settled probability-basis of net-intensity for the whole, just which
way the people-and-planet will polarize); it will not be a matter of
perceiving what’s "already there", but rather a matter of finalizing
the sum of factors "let in" to one’s reality-framework on the net
strength of one’s intent, on the ultimate balance of one’s will.
This is true of the individual, and true of the planet.
And how do you throw effectively into the determination of the
balance, how do you "ensure" alliance of personal behavior with
positive intent toward a benign outcome?
Beside the many
positive-polarization things we’ve already enumerated in these
pages, why don’t you observe the Negative’s mode, tendency and
intent as clearly outlined across the Bird’s publication wingspan,
in the Matrix volumes and in the current work under consideration,
the Montauk Project. Do you find yourself sharing still an affinity
for certain of the "values" demonstrated there?
Then change, while
you still can.