by Acolyte
June-July 2011- NEXUS Magazine
NexusMagazine website
Story Behind The
"me tel u now before 15 may" thread |
A New
It was the last week in June 2006. It was a slow month, and most of
my assignments were submitted for final analysis, completion and
then filing.
There were a few new ones, but they were
the usual two-to-three-day-at-a-time monitoring types and
surveillance over the next few weeks. Nothing to get excited about.
I had some leave due soon and was contemplating how I would spend
some quiet time. I stared out the window; not that I had much of a
view anyway, but it was a habit.
I wasn't a smoker back then. Little did
I know, that would soon change.
My pager beeped "SC Oscar Now" ("Station Chief Office Now"). I
wondered why she'd beeped me. My office was just down the hall. She
could have just pressed the intercom button for my office and
I remembered to put on my jacket before I left my office.
"Damn," I thought. "I should have picked another tie."
It was just me and her.
I sat down.
"You're familiar with Internet
discussion forums?" she asked, knowing that it's clearly in my
TOP (Tasked Operator's Priorities) and profiling assignment
But, then again, she was new on this floor; she'd only started
as SC in January.
"Yes," I said, lifting a questioning eyebrow.
"I want you to clear all your assignments for the next few
weeks," she said.
I was worried. She slid a single file
across her desk.
I opened it and thought:
"Ah, just two pages; can't be too
'heavy' an assignment. Nothing to worry about here. This should
only take a week."
"On page two you will find the signed FARR form," the Station
Chief said. (FARR stands for File Authorization Release and
"Wow!" I thought. "She's already signed it without even asking
me if I accept the assignment."
This only confirmed to me even more that
she knew exactly what my TOP profile was.
Then it hit me. The file must be highly classified (Echelon Access
Only) or too large for her to carry around in her task pouch
(briefcase). It was both.
The file was huge - a box of files, in fact - with over 20,000
transcript pages, and it had Echelon stamps all over it. It also
contained a few thousand pages of research notes and copies of
correspondence between researchers, technicians and scientists from
various fields. There were a few data discs but, from their dates, I
could see they were only added recently.
To this day, I still think that if the filing clerk didn't know me
personally he would have asked for a second signature on the FARR
"A 'few weeks', she said? Damn, this
will take months," I realized.
This is how I became familiar with a
project called CHANI, and why I took up smoking that day.
During the years 1994 to 1999, a group of researchers from an
organization/corporation, which I will call
RAND and Associates, or
RA, had access to an underground CERN-like collider facility in
Africa (the location is still classified).
A contingent of
AFRICOM security
personnel was tasked with securing the base and, of course, keeping
its location secret. The AFRICOM station commander made and
supervised all the travel and accommodation arrangements for the
team of researchers. They were closely watched 24/7.
Between those years, the researchers started receiving
communications from an Entity who claimed to be from a parallel
A remarkable and groundbreaking
interaction ensued. For a period of five years, researchers asked
the Entity a series of over 20,000 questions and received answers to
more than 95 per cent of questions asked.
There were other active projects running concurrently, like.
Time Fabricating
Simulation by Atom Replacement and Removal
Holographic Programming of Dark Matter
Manifestation of Quantum
Associated String Programming with Ether/Etheric
...and a few more, but for the purpose of this article I
will keep to the CHANI project only.
Note: CHANI is an acronym for
'Channelled Holographic Access Network Interface.'
In reviewing the research notes for this article, all the above
projects at one stage seemed to have had a turn in merging with the
CHANI project and subject matter.
One researcher commented:
"This is an orgasmic interaction
between science, theory and spiritual awareness."
In October 1999, technicians began a
series of software and hardware upgrades to all the collider
equipment and computer networks.
The purpose was to get the system
Y2K compliant. It was soon apparent that the
Y2K-compliant upgrades had a direct effect on the CHANI research
On 14 November 1999, contact with the Entity, which for five years
was continuous and constant on a daily basis, was effectively lost.
Months were spent trying to re-establish contact. It was not to be,
and in April 2000 the research part of project CHANI came to an end.
It must be noted here that I wasn't one of the original and
fortunate researchers on the project or one who used the CHANI
But I am most grateful to have been introduced to this mind-boggling
and powerful, perspective-changing information. It caused a paradigm
shift in my way of thinking, forever.
Computer "Channelling"
What made CHANI unique from any other channelling method/technique
is that the researchers never used a human "channeller".
Thus they eliminated the emotion,
feeling and interpretation of a human channeller. It was a pure,
directed and dedicated channel, not distorted or affected/infected
by human mood swings or interferences from the subconscious mind of
a human subject with possible suppressed emotion, memory and
psychological trauma.
The imaginative ability of human input
was effectively removed from the calculations and result.
The precise mechanics of how these words were captured, displayed
and reproduced using the CHANI device is still classified. To my
knowledge, it was the first documented case in which a
machine/device/computer model was used successfully to make contact
with, over a prolonged period of time, and interact with, or
"channel", another being or entity.
The researchers established
contact with only one Entity.
The Entity was verified to them in ways
and methods that are still highly classified and which I can't
elaborate on.
The Entity and
The Entity explained in some detail to the researchers that contact
was made because the Entity was our equivalent of a "student" and he
had authority from his Elders to interact with, observe, study and
learn from us.
The Entity explained that his Elders
"noticed" us (we here on Earth) and our whole solar system cross
onto "their" parallel universe.
The Entity also explained that we
weren't the only race reaching this crossroads/ merge, but that they
could see other alien races from other planets in our solar system
as well. Our Entity was specifically tasked to study us (humans,
Earth), while other students were tasked to study the other races
and planets corresponding to their planet and solar system.
It was not just a merging or colliding
of our Earth reality, but it was our complete solar system colliding
with the reality of another "parallel" solar system. Although it was
we humans (with some alien assistance/technology) who were "playing
with dark and portal matters", the result was that our whole solar
system traversed into "their" universe of visibility/perception.
So, to put the above into perspective, our researchers used the word
"student" to explain the Entity’s actions. It was as if the Entity
were part of a master's degree study group, similar to what we have
in our world as Phd (doctorate) candidates.
The Elders were able to see us and our
whole solar system crossing into their reality. They therefore began
a research program of their own to study us and our history so that
the Elders could prepare their civilization for our arrival/merge.
The Entity was thus doing reconnaissance on us.
To help researchers get a timeframe for when this merging or
colliding of realities would occur, the Entity gave them
"predictions" that served as indicators for when the time was close.
The Entity's abilities and accuracy were verified to researchers by
predictions and indicators given during the five years of the CHANI
project (these are still classified).
The predictions didn't come all at once, but were obtained/spread
over the duration of the research project.
Although the Entity was
in the "now", he was able to see, with frequent assistance from his
Elders, events in our timeline that he shared with the researchers.
Some of these were a cosmic sonic-boom event and changes to our Sun
and Jupiter.
All these predictions were to be used as
a sequence of steps/indicators to identify the time (Fuse Year) when
the big event (the Merge) would occur.
The Rubicon
Around the end of 2005, the CHANI project files were handed over to
the Rubicon Station for project Reveal.
As the name suggests, Rubicon deals with
information that has been deemed to have reached a point of no
return. The Rubicon division was formed by a number of
"dissatisfied" Upper Echelon members within the RA community, who
decided that certain information should be released and that seeds
should be planted to measure and research public reaction - clearing
the way and setting a foundation for whenever "they" decide to flood
the wires with full disclosure on any specific topic.
When public interaction becomes a
necessity, the information is to be released.
Rubicon was and is tasked with the sanctioned release of classified
information for "public consumption", in a controlled fashion,
through various platforms and outlets. One of these platforms is
Internet discussion forums. Another is sending anonymous letters or
making anonymous phone calls or using fake credentials and
call-routing to write to or call selected individuals and groups.
Once the information and intel
(intelligence) are
released, public responses or those of the individual or group are
recorded, monitored and analyzed. Depending on their reaction,
further information is then released using a phased and synchronized
methodology based on public behavior, perception and responses.
Whenever public/individual/group reaction is deemed "unfavorable",
the project is suspended and set for release at a later date or
totally terminated.
It is sometimes necessary for the
information to be pulled/unrouted/denied and to let it grow and
sprout a bit more, behind the scenes, before another attempt is made
to replant/reintroduce or to renew contact if it was an
Who Am I?
I was a Rubicon Revealer.
Depending on the assignment, I would be
required to take up the role of an observer, a monitor, a reporter,
an investigator, an instructor, an analyst, and in most instances an
initiator and even an instigator in some.
One part of my duties was to frequent Internet discussion forums,
observing, reporting, profiling and identifying possible outlets
where Rubicon Reveal information could be introduced. This usually
took on the form of my posting a "thread" on a designated or chosen
forum which we decided would be the most suitable to get the info/intel
out to our target audience.
The second part involved the physical (in the field) and digital
(satellite and high-tech) monitoring, surveillance and gathering of
information on groups or profiled persons and events around the
globe that may have bearing on specific Rubicon projects.
Rubicon has this credo:
"Our whistle is blowing softly; if we blow
too hard, some eardrums might pop, then everyone would be deaf."
In the final analysis, Rubicon operatives are sanctioned
whistleblowers, albeit in a limited and controlled form.
CHANI on the Internet
Thus, on a cold wintry day in June 2006, I flipped the electronic
switch to lock my office door, which is standard operating procedure
for Echelon "subject matter", and I unpacked those filing boxes all
over my desk.
My love affair with this project and the
Entity had begun.
As expected, it took me months to shift, study and read through the
CHANI material. At first, it was a daunting task to get my mind to
comprehend fully what I was dealing with. I already had an idea
about which Internet forums I wanted to begin the "release/reveal"
on, due to past research and active monitoring, but nonetheless I
spent a few more months on researching others and identifying the
most appropriate forum on which to launch the CHANI project.
I would only have the time and resources to focus on one forum for
this specific project. This project was of great importance to my
superiors at the time, and I had no intention of rushing in. I had
to "thread" (forum lingo) carefully and be absolutely sure that the
right forum was chosen.
(I have since initiated a variety of other
Rubicon projects on the same forum over the past few years, the most
recent being the BEZERK project with accompanying Reveal and intel
burst threads.)
It is also well worth noting that
intelligence agencies frequently use forums to communicate and relay
information and updates to their operators in the field.
Since the Internet came along, the
practice of posting and placing/using classified ads in newspapers
as a communication medium has become a fossil. In contrast, the use
of Internet discussion forums, online game platforms and their
associated chat features has become quite the norm.
During initial research, I began posting a few threads on a popular
forum, Godlike Productions, to "test the water" and to start
creating a persona.
As the forum is widely known to be a conspiracy
and lunatic-fringe site, I created a persona to suit: somewhat
crazy, even hoaxing, but an enigma on spiritual and global strategic
insider issues nevertheless. This persona provided an efficient
cover to get information out there without lifting too many
I often had to play both protagonist and antagonist.
I decided to test the reaction to a few topics by starting threads
and releasing limited, but real, intel on topics of a
political-insider and spiritual nature. And yes, I said "spiritual".
Some might be pleasantly surprised if they knew how "spiritually
oriented" the decision-makers in Upper Echelon and other
intelligence-gathering organizations are.
They are fully aware of the spiritual
impact that the coming changes will bring to mankind. The influence
and necessity of spiritual interaction and awareness are well
calculated and correlated within their think-tanks and in making
future decisions on what to advise those who depend on their
For us operators, think-tanks like Rubicon (RAND) sometimes have the
annoying habit of analyzing things to death before a decision is
made and the direction of a future cause of action is drafted/set.
Now, all that remained was to wait patiently for the appropriate
time to release the CHANI information to the public.
That time
finally came in March 2008.
Birth of the
"me tel u now" Thread
It was from the CHANI transcripts of over 20,000 questions and
answers that the thread known as the "me tel u now so u belive me
after 15 may" thread was started on the Godlike Productions forum.
Apart from amazing information and
discourses on various subjects, the transcripts also contained a
large number of "predictions" or "calculations" (a term that the
Entity used). We had the dates, but not the year. The Entity never
specified an exact year, but mentioned only months and days.
On various occasions, the Entity would also ask the researchers
questions, which led to even more intrigue, insight and
contemplation. To put it frankly, on some days the researchers were
quite literally stunned.
When, in 2007, those studying the CHANI project (Rubicon superiors
and my group) identified names and scenarios, trigger events and
predictions described by the Entity back in 1994-1999 as coming up
or becoming likely, it was assumed that the year 2008 would be the
Event or "Fuse" Year.
Thus it was deemed necessary for the public to
know and for me to begin the release/reveal.
On 15 March 2008, the thread was started. Depending on how well it
was received, I was to continue. It was a hit from the outset.
Reaction and interaction from people posting was immediate and
interest grew exponentially. Today it is still ranked in the top 10
threads on the forum.
Questions from forum members and posters were answered by
cross-referencing the actual answers given by the Entity and using
the exact same format of written dialect used by the Entity. For
coherence and to ensure better interaction, answers were
personalized and discretional ad libs were used by me.
A common misassumption on the thread was
that the Entity made specific contact with us to warn us. This is
not how or why it happened.
Both 2008 and 2009 came and went without significant correlation,
and by the end of 2009 my active participation/reveal on the thread
was halted. Rubicon officially pulled the plug. However, with
certain events transpiring in 2010, it's been suggested that 2011
may be the Fuse Year.
With the official Rubicon release of the
BEZERK information (another thread, launched in June 2010), there
exists a strong case that the "oil sickness" and the problems in
Japan mentioned by the Entity could relate to events in the BEZERK
thread (e.g., the Deepwater Horizon oil-well disaster, and the Japan
earthquake, tsunami and radiation contamination).
Hence my renewed
yet "unofficial" interest in the CHANI project and information.
This article is meant to serve only as an introduction to CHANI and
to provide some background. If there is enough interest or demand, I
hope to expand on topics covered by the Entity in further articles,
even if it turns out that 2011 is not the Fuse Year.
At first, the words and spellings that the Entity used may strike
you as odd, silly and even childlike. But I assure you that even our
top neurolinguists were awestruck by how this simple flow of words,
structure, spelling and positioning spoke so directly to the
reader's being. It was instructive, guiding and informative, but
most noteworthy was its pleasantly gentle and soothing manner on
your ear, heart and mind. It was baby talk for adults.
The simplicity and ease with which the
Entity managed to explain and get difficult and controversial
subjects across had a definite lingering quality. I experienced this
on a number of occasions when some thoughts would linger for days,
my subconscious actively contemplating the information somewhere in
the back of my mind.
I'm sure that all the researchers on
CHANI shared this experience. It is my hope that you, the reader of
this article, will have the same experiences when reading some
quotes of the transcripts provided.
What follows below are selected quotes from the Entity in no
particular order or importance. Many have asked me what are my
favorites or most significant. I really can't answer that. They are
all up there; every single quote ranks top. I invite you to visit
thread at Godlike Productions and you'll soon understand why.
I'm giving you the quotes as they were given, with some personal
comments where necessary [the Entity's "wordings" are left unedited
for publication here - Ed.] I've purposefully kept the comments and
explanations to a minimum.
You, the reader, must contemplate them
yourself and decide.
Below is the opening post on the "me tel u now" thread.
After reviewing more than 100
predictions, I decided on this collection to start the thread:
"many things go wrong 15 may
because door opens with
portal to dark matters not undestanding earth beings
sharon will dimise be4 15 may
mandela will dimise be4 15 may
thatcher will stroke be4 15 may
japan warring thing will commenceing before 15 may secretly
oil gets very big sicknes no use anymore after 15 may
old bush will very sick be4 15 may
cheney will dimise be4 15 june
obama accident before 27 aperil
big sicknes be4 15 may
very moving earth on 17 aperils
oceon not sleeping when heaven things beware many waters to
come drown
brown cheat be4 15 may
putin missing after 15 may many worry people do crazy
This is one of the first statements made
by the Entity, and it was repeated at various times:
"u ask me many question me first
answer u by xplain
to unerstan u and u in the univers u must unerstan these
first u must unerstan the ilusion of infinti
then u must unerstan the infinty of ilusion
this mean noting but xplain everythings
so first u lern the u
then u lern the univers
then this xplain al and mean something"
More references to oil sickness and to
the Japan earthquake and radiation:
"me post probabilitys ok
me cee crash plane on deck of us war ship 55 dimise
me cee us bomer crash sea
me cee many dolfin and whale go suicide
me cee 250 plus more demise acident and crash of plane
europe people
me cee very moving earth again people of same shape eye
me cee sicknes go people of india and people of korea
me cee very oil sicknes people of america grow biger not
aford buy oil anymores
me cee america people very angry go damage monument there
capitol ok
me cee very big and final earth war this line time but u can
stop stil
please forget oil yor oil become enemy after september yor
line time
oil get radiation as me tel u be4 why u not belive me
me cry 4 u"
On how we think, read and interpret:
"write lanuage cause bad things
4 yor human history hold u back
beter draw pictures like sumar
beter write image like egyptian
write lanuage tel u what to think not how to think not good
thing 4 mind
picture tel u how to think must use mind to read picture
good thing 4 mind
picture u remember 4 ever write lanuage u forget soon not
think anymore"
"the reason
sumaria write in picture is they want last
generation u to unerstan 2000 years later ok
if they rite data on disk u not able deciferings disk 4 u
not have same reading device 2 read their data 2000 year
sumaria write on stone to survive al yor teknology ok and
alow u to stil unerstan 2000 years later simple ok"
The Entity explains free will:
"me ask elders about explain
frewil beter
elders say me explain like this
god give u eg
eg is there eg already created eg exist
u use frewil decide what do about eg
u can make choice boil eg eat eg
u can make choice bake eg eat eg
u can make choice u leve eg but eg get roten but eg stil
u can make choice u not eat other animal so u throw eg away
eg get roten somewere else but eg stil exist u wil smel eg
eventualy u must decide and deal with eg
time colide is like eg
god make time colide
time colide is there time colide already created time colide
eventualy u must decide what u want do with time colide and
deal with it
u can not change what god created but with frewil u must
decide what u do with time colide ok
me say eat eg because eg good for u b4 get roten then eg
very bad 4 u"
The researchers asked the Entity to
explain the concept of trinity:
"first me try xplain mind body
me xplain true trinity
trinity is mind body and spirit
trinity is farther child and mother
yor sumerian symbol of sumeria queen is dove
yor religion leaders long ago decide not use female 4 church
leaders and leading
so they remove female esence from child and remove mother
esence from spirit
they then say trinity is father son and spirit al male
this was to distract deceive to change church and religion 4
male control only and dominating
that where al yor religion go wrong in history
farther is the mind
son daughter or child is the body
mother is the spirit ok
the mother spirit esence is the balance is the harmony is
the glue
the mother is between the farther and son or child
the spirit is between mind and body
religion without mother spirit esence is not spiritual but
false teachings 4 control
trinity is the family of life
trinity is sum experince of mind body and spirit ok
now me try xplain how get ready mind body spirit
make ready yor mind understaning whatever hapens
make ready yor spirit aceptance whatever hapens
make ready body not 2 fear 4 death body not real u only
vehicle u
me unerstan many u more scare pain of death than death
itself this only body scared not real u
if death was painles then many more would partake ok yes no
dimising is not ending but new begining progres
death is progres is grow"
On the law of attraction:
"me try xplain this beter
u r god in yor universe
but u not god in gods universe
u need unerstan this
u can only be god in yor own universe
u can not be god in gods universe ok
u not in yor own universe yet ok
u keep on belive u get yor own universe
this take many line times lived then u get yor own universe
you play god
now u just belive u part god universe only
eventual u create yor universe by belive
but 4 now u r god in training ok"
"what u think u create
what u create by thinkings play very big role yes ok"
The Entity referred to dolphins and
mentioned their importance on a number of occasions.
Dolphins somehow balance certain
vibrations on Earth. Specifics were given, but that part was not
cleared by Echelon for release. We should keep an eye on dolphin
behavior and events involving dolphins.
Their behavior heralds events and Earth
"this planet first al water
then ground comes
dolfin decideing to walk ground your planet
many wars happen
then dolfin evolv remember water glory
dolfin then go back and swim water glory
dolfin most clever on this planet line time "
"seawater has residu from dolfin comunication
dolfin sqeek cause vibration of seawater to becom becon and
balance energy
dolfin more advanse than human this planet line time
u must study dolfin"
"dolfin always love al creature with god esense even human
dolfin unerstan freedom of god esense many life time this
line time
dolfin keep your earth balance
dolfin protect al planet and al creature on earth with god
now human kil 2 many dolfin be4 time we want rescu dolfin
bring them our planet share
dolfin agree come our line time 15 may we prepare place"
"many dolfin already sacrifice for keep harmonics balance
yor planet and make yor suferings les
very very big sufering coming and dolfin can not stop this
even they try be brave but not enough
u must lern harmonics yor planet soon or u demise not
knowing anything and begin 0000 again"
"yes sound dolfin make heal brainwave of al creature earth
dolfin sound cause synaps make beter contact in brain make
miracel hapen
dolfin balanse harmonics of earth vortex ok"
"many being live deep oceon and holow earth can give u human
answer and helpings
when u unerstand oceon u wil unerstan how cosmic travelings
work easy ok
oceon have same compositing than space same element ok
u unerstan salt and water and magnet u wil unerstan life and
everything living"
me tel u watch sun
me tel u watch dolfin
me tel u watch cern
me tel u watch pope
me tel u watch moving earth
cee wat yor sun is doing
cee wat yor dolfin is doing
cee wat cern is doing
cee wat pope is doing and saying
cee wat moving is doing and why
ask yor leaders
yor leaders prepare
u stil not prepare why
0000 is here make ready yor mind soul body now"
Comments by the Entity on the spiritual
evolution of
aliens/extraterrestrials and
ascension (some specifics
remains classified):
"they r many evolved fisical but
not many evolve spiritul
u human have evolve more spritual then them
but they want hold on their wise teknology
their god is their teknology"
"me unerstan yor acension asking wordings
me tel u now your acension is nothing more then mas
thing ok"
"we won war with reptile our line time long ago we evolve
reptile yor line time keep u back u can not grow"
"we kil many dragons many line times 1 long ago
stil dragons left in holow ground yor line time 1 yes"
"earth not solid
me not know al theory things
dragon like beings live holow ground stil
they good now
they very wise now
they peaceful like dolphin now"
"me not know al these things
even stranger beings exist other line times
beings evolving al line times always never stop"
"we can speek to al creature who have mind 2 understan ok"
Some questions asked by the Entity to
the researchers:
"ok me first question ask
wat purpose yor moon
me line time moon demise long ago
life become better with no moon
why u stil have moon
wat purpose yor moon have u
moon not natural heaven body
moon put there by other being to control earth mood
without moon big calm comes over peoples no big storm
anymore only litel storm
without moon peace among people
elders say old race
capture moon from space then put next
elders say moon forces work like time mashine keep control
moon also control mood of beings on planet in this line
"me have question
me ask question now
me cee u xplore mars planet with many mony and resourcings
why u not xplore deep oceon yor own planet with same many
mony and resourcings
deep oceon give al aswers yor existencing and future
deep oceon have much knowledges u stil need lern
me tel u some secret
some places deep oceon water presures so big that air u
breeth can not buble to surface
this air traping cause big caverns where humans can live and
do breathings of good air and plant and live very wel
deep oceons have many crystal solves al yor energising needs
no polution
u ignore yor best lifeline by not seekings answerings from
yor own deep oceon
god provide deep oceon why u not use what is given
earth is a water planet yet u leaders look answers in space
deep oceon have al answer for cosmic travelings this line
time why u ignore this in your history
when u solve mysteries of deep oceon u wil solve mysteries
of space ask dolfin they tel u this ok"
"me have more question
me ask question now
what purpos religion when leaders not godlike not real gods
what purpos building tempel when no gods there
what purpos building church when no gods there
what purpos building mosk when no gods there
what purpos pray big wall when god not a wall
what purpos pray statue when god not a statue
what purpos pray river when god not a river
why cow holy when cow not even know god
why monkey sacred when monkey not even know god
only holy animals this line time is dolphin
not need pray dolfin like a god but must respect dolfin very
"me ask question now
why u adult stil drink milk
why u drink mother milk from other speci not human"
"me ask elders about gold
elders say eye must ask
eye ask now
where is this gold
yor leaders not keep gold
yor leaders not have many gold anymore
leaders always
give yor gold to other planet beings
why u not know this
u not wory gold
gold not keep place safe 4 yor family u not eet gold
biger wory when oil gets sickness"
"me have question
me ask question now
me cee ground sufer not water very dry people hungry
but oceon ful water
why u not take salt away from cea water and use on land
oceon enough water to make al ground even desert into forest
al people can eat nice enough
why u not pump oceon water everywere
u can make big bom but u can not make big fresh water from
big boms very bad
big fresh water always good"
Some Closing Notes
English was the primary language
used by the Entity. Another language was perfect Latin. The
contrast/contradiction between the childlike use of English
and that of the Latin is apparently explained in the master
copy of the Echelon files, as are other topics.
This file was never made
available to me and still remains Centrally Classified to
this day. "Centrally Classified" indicates an intel grouping
where even the classification is classified.
This intel falls under various
National and International Intelligence Directives (NIID;
pronounced "need" in intelligence lingo).
The CHANI project was a natural
outflow of the research done at the collider facility. Among
other things, the time-space fabric was tested and
experimented on. When protons collide, then what about time?
Can times collide? This was the irony of the research done
at the collider. They were looking at the possibility of
times colliding - and the researchers were not disappointed.
The CHANI project was proof
Other aspects of the timeline
phenomenon were also researched and tested, e.g., time
machines/devices, conscious projection of awareness of
"human subject" forward or backward in time, and projection
of "objects" (mostly sub-nano quantum recording devices)
forward and backward in time.
I will comment briefly on
aspects of the
concept of time as it was covered in the CHANI research. Time is linear and moves in a circle, i.e.,
a single line drawn in a circle: 0 to 0000, then back again
to 0 (beginning to end to beginning).
There are many of these circular
timelines and sometimes they interchange or cross each
other, similar to the gravitational waves and orbits of
solar bodies. When they intersect some beings, or their
developed awareness, they can jump from one to another and
don't have to repeat the (time) line they were following
Others don't jump but can see the other timeline
and interact with beings on that timeline while the crossing
takes place.
Sometimes beings can cross our
line and see us coming to the crossing before we even get
there. This last instance describes "our" meeting/colliding
with the Entity (by "our", I'm referring to the R&A
- Research and Analysis - researchers.)
Time is also elastic and can be stretched, resulting in a
time-stretch phenomenon.
Some researchers commented on
how déjà vu can fit into this paradigm, as well as on how
the "time is elastic" model seems to be the only workable
model to describe and define time travel. The "time is
elastic" model also explains the colliding of realities at
the same time. As far as the CHANI project was concerned,
the elastic properties of time helped to explain why no year
was given, only dates.
A further "help" was how the Entity described the direct and
"planned" influence of the Moon on the human perception of
time. Because the Entity didn't have a moon in his
parallel/time universe (they destroyed or "killed" it),
giving a year date was impossible and turned their
calculation of our time into "probabilities" rather than
The Entity explained that his
Elders originally had calculated our dates using a 28-day,
13-month mathematical model, but that they themselves
couldn't decide on the appropriate maths and starting dates
to use with our current timeline on Earth. The procession of
time and our awareness of time are directly controlled by
our Moon.
The Moon has an effect on the body, mind and spirit of every
living organism on this planet.
This is why the Entity's
Elders destroyed their moon. They wanted to get rid of the
moon's influence. They received the advice to do so from
inner-planet beings.
Without the moon, there were
five immediately observable changes:
The most notable changes
were in the mood and temperament of the beings/civilizations
living there.
Without the moon, they became more calm and
peaceful. Anxiety and emotional fear had a dramatic
decline among the population and even the animals.
All living beings were affected.
There were weather and
climate changes. The oceans became much calmer.
Heavy thunderstorms and lightning became a rarity.
The climate became balanced all over their planet.
Extreme cold or heat became something of the past.
They developed an
enhanced new color spectrum. They could see and
differentiate between new colors in a way that they
couldn't do before.
A great majority of the
population became aware of their telepathic
communication abilities, especially between parents
and children and among siblings. Children born after
the "demise" of the moon were able to communicate
with inner-plane beings without the need of
training, Elder guidance or instruments.
There were major changes
to their respiratory system. Their blood and
breathing chemistry changed or adapted. Children
born after the moon's demise were able to hold their
breath under water for hours at a time.
I have to point out to the
reader that there were certain topics that the Entity was
very reluctant to address or to provide more detail on,
other than what was already covered.
Some topics were
refused outright (these topics are classified).
One of these "reluctant" topics
was the naming and description of
inner-Earth beings, their
role in our development as well as the appointed hierarchy
and who appointed such a hierarchy.
During the period when
technicians tried to re-establish contact with the Entity,
the research notes make mention of the introduction of a
quantum antidote/virus with artificial-intelligence string
gathering properties and an estimated dormant period of 10
Technicians came to the
conclusion that once the code was introduced into the
collider network, it would lie dormant while gathering
artificial intelligence on how to re-establish contact.
Simply put, they thought it would fix itself, given enough
However, I'm quite certain that the CHANI project did end in 2000, so I don't know if this project was
re-opened under another science or if it flowed or merged into
I mention this because, with the recent
outbreak of the
Stuxnet virus and the comments made by technicians,
I can't help but feel uncomfortable with the similarities between
the current Stuxnet outbreak and the "code" properties that the
technicians discussed at the time of the CHANI-Y2K issue.
That was in 2000; Stuxnet surfaced in
2010. A 10-year dormant period?
I wonder, but that's a whole new
conspiracy for another day.