by Julian Rose
March 10, 2015
JulianRose Website
Spanish version

What do
atmospheric aerosol geoengineering,
genetic engineering of foods and
the reordering of
the human genome - have in common?
They are all part of an attempt to alter the fundamental
building blocks of life and to put in their place an artificial
substitute that is one hundred percent subject to the will of its
Clearly these owner-controllers fully believe their personal vision
of 'the perfect life' to be greatly superior to any other. But no
megalomaniac knows that he is a megalomaniac, so unless physically
removed from their position of influence - much damage can be
expected to result.
Many of us today puzzle over the weird, surreal even, diversion that
life appears to have taken to have allowed such anti-life
authoritarian figureheads to gain any traction at all on this
planet. Not just to espouse their insane visions, but to actually
garner enough support to set them in motion.
Does their gaining such a substantial command
over the workings of society expose a fundamental weakness
at the core of human kind?
A subconscious predilection to close the eyes
and brain to that which lies beyond immediate domestic and
self-interested concern?
While such a kink in human kind might tell some of
the story, it does not tell the whole story; although there are
obvious grounds for arriving at such a simplistic conclusion.
Not least the fact that various forms of intellectual
laziness are - and have been - fashionable for a long time. And if
people don't want to be seen as 'different' they will go to great
lengths to fit into the accepted pattern of the day, decade,
They will be content to be slaves rather than carry forward the
torch of truth. And this is fecund ground for the rise and rise of
the power-monger, who may find little resistance to his manipulative
skills and attendant desire to dominate.
Nature abhors a vacuum, so the fact that some
exploitative element would occupy the vacant seat could almost be
considered inevitable.
However, it is not inevitable that whatever or whoever occupies the
vacant seat must be a life exploiter rather than a life supporter.
Neither is it inevitable that the majority of human kind should
spend the greater part of their lives in a state of abject slumber.
It is far more likely that much of what recent researchers 'down the
rabbit hole' have brought back to the surface is broadly true:
namely, that most varieties of megalomania are the result of a
conditioned, disciplined school of control-freak persuasion. One
with direct connections to hierarchical god-king lines of ancestry
linking royal blood lines, powerful fiefdoms and strongholds of
religious fanaticism, going back for centuries.
A critical factor in the maintenance of the dark empires that
symbolize the obsessive unipolar power of these lines, is the desire
to keep all powers and possessions tightly tethered within a small
number of bloodline connected family units.
I have a degree of insider information concerning this, as I was
brought-up within the British upper-class world that takes such
powers for granted.
The landed estates of the wealthy, well-connected
elites, are quite simply fortresses that act to reinforce their
owners' belief in themselves as 'best leaders'. Little empires,
having all the qualities
that dark-side depopulationists and
corporate kings crave.
The largest royal blood-line fiefdoms are quite literally
isolated from the outside world.
Thus they 'become the world' for those that inherit
and maintain them. Such people form the core of most political
think-tanks of Europe and North America. They go to the same
universities, share the same clubs and mix within the same social
Thus one gets the 'two world' phenomenon that divides
by money and class, the societies of the Western world and beyond.
It is here where the divisive and sinister get to
Not only is inter-family marriage put in place to safeguard the
accumulated wealth, but so is the engineering of human, animal and
plant DNA also indulged in for the same ends. To invent and to
patent a 'novel' life form is to acquire control and ownership of it
in perpetuity.
In the inner sanctum, plans are hatched that will ensure ownership
of the world by 'a chosen few'.
The powers that 'they'
accord to themselves are almost limitless,
that is why bankers sit at the
pinnacle of the elite cabal pyramid. They arrange the world's
finances so that all the collateral and all the cash lands in their
This is the debt slavery system to which we all subscribe. At
least nearly all. It ensures the longevity of
the elite blood lines and their
highly acquisitive ambitions.
It is the fuel that keeps the world in a perpetual state of division
and war. And it is overseen and protected by a legal system whose
key officers are closely vetted members of the same club.
The club that finances both the 'terrorists' and the
'anti-terrorists' at the same time.
The club that divides, conquers and kills until all the fear-struck
survivors can do is shout,
"For God's sake leave us alone - give us
And all this we are paying for.
I repeat - all this we are paying for. We are
conspicuous in our complicity to support that which we abhor. Most
of us.
So the way to do something truly meaningful - which goes beyond the
accusing and hand wringing - is to take our money out of the all
powerful banking and stock market trading corporations. As it is
these institutions that form the bedrock of the elitist control
system which holds a synthetically engineered sword over our lives,
as well as the subtle living exigence of planet Gaia herself.
Invest it in something worthy, ethical and of real value
to the future.
I made this move some years ago. It removes a major
hypocrisy from our efforts to walk the road of truth.
If you have any financial resources, other than what is needed for
day-to-day necessities, use them to support that which is humane
and opposes the neo-liberal globalised free trade scam that finances
the re-engineering of life on this planet, and steam-rolls into
oblivion everything of value that stands in its path.
This is the most straightforward and pragmatic action we can perform
if we are serious about taking apart the phony fiat financial
scam that fuels the global cabal's megalomania.
It is, in large part, our feeble minded fear of a loss of personal
convenience and security that holds back taking the steps that must
be taken to ameliorate conditions on this planet.
If we don't take our money out of 'the system' it will be stolen
from us anyway, by the system - for the system.
Yes, its protagonists will quite simply raid your
bank account and help themselves. The 'bail-in'. It already happened
on Cyprus and it will happen in all places where bankers hold the
reins of power. And frankly, that is pretty much everywhere that is
hooked into the global economy.
To prevent the re-engineering and retarding of life we must collapse
that which supports its insanity. We will suffer forever under the
stigma of a deep hypocrisy if we fail to take steps that can save
this planet and all that moves on it - from a fate one hundred times
worse than death.
This truth is uncompromising and unavoidable.
We must act on it - and act now.