by Susan Ferguson
December 18, 2015
MetaphysicalMusing Website
All the Objective World is
Produced by Prakriti…
Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita XII.10
by the Kashmir Shaivite saint
and scholar
Swami Lakshmanjoo
All the objective world is
produced by Prakriti [the Matrix],
everything, all, whatever is found in
These are changes of Prakriti…these are
unending and these have rise also.
But Prakriti is unending and unchanged,
without beginning and endless.
Prakriti has made this for Purusha to
taste so that he will be entangled
in the wheel of repeated births and
Prakriti is dumb, quiet, she is inert.
She creates this for Purusha.
She dances, she kicks him, she plays
him, from one birth to another birth,
from one birth to another birth,
whatever she likes.
But as soon as he is aware of Prakriti,
meaning he is aware "Prakriti is playing
with me,"
he becomes Jîvan Mukta [Liberated while
and is established in samâdhi.
As soon as Purusha gets awareness of
that "Prakriti is dancing on me" -
he will become Mukta [Liberated].
AI, Chemtrails, Smart Dust and Morgellons
Harald Kautz-Vella,
"started to work on these topics
while dealing with environmental protection analysis and
came across a number of substances that shouldn't have been
in nature because they are 100% artificial, and they are
high tech, and there is no other reason to have them in the
environment apart from intent - and not the best one, let's
put it this way."
Harald Kautz-Vella is that rare
being who can weave together both the spiritual-metaphysical and
Returning to the substances he found
in the environment, he says,
"And if you root these
substances back to what they are designed for, you come to
Transhumanistic technologies, which is the attempt to get an
interface between artificial intelligence and biological.
If you ask the Transhumanists
themselves, they would always say they would like to give
humans better access to AI - and if you look into the
technologies, it's always to the opposite way round, it's
always giving the AI access to the human, in the sense of
getting the human system controlled from the outside."

Off-Planet AI
The unknowns involved in artificial intelligence (AI)
loom over humanity.
Harald Kautz-Vella says,
"Most of the people in the world are
wrong when they think that AI is something that we [meaning
humans on earth] have developed. True to some extent. But there
is a second type of AI that is much older and not of terrestrial
origin that we are facing.
Hard to prove, but it's looks like
the AI we are working on is seeded by these original
extraterrestrial AI."
This astonishing mind-blowing recent
body of knowledge from Harald Kautz-Vella encompasses the,
There are topics that are indeed
frightening, however he also has an experiential understanding of
higher metaphysics, the Cycles of Time, and an obvious connection
with Creation.
I'm still assimilating his information,
but I feel it is more than provocative and in fact puts so many
loose ends together that it is well worth your time, even if you
don't agree with every point he makes.
Biophotons and
Imagination Chronicles One - Dangerous Imagination, Silent
Assimilation" is the book written by Cara St.
Louis and Harald Kautz-Vella.
His scientific information is in the
second half.
For example the concept of biophoton
emissions, light signals that contain information of value to
biological systems - and biophotonic-activity to non-linear
optics and quantum physics.
He discusses
negentropy, which is,
"the ability to spontaneously
build up order and concentrate energy.
Negentropy is naturally
occurring in biology and in fluid dynamics - generally
spoken of in non-linear systems that show some kind of
self-reference and thus are able to self-organize and build
up fractal order."
Morgellon's Disease is raining down
on us from our skies.
Look up! If you don't believe that the 'chemtrails'
phenomena is a real part of geoengineering, then read the daily
reports in the comments on Dane Wigington's website
Morgellon's Disease has been confirmed
in over 300,000 people. One researcher says that everyone she has
tested has it in their blood now - even those who are not showing
the gruesome symptoms.

Research on Morgellons has been done by the courageous scientist
Clif Carnicom - who says,
"The Morgellons condition may have a
much broader basis and distribution than we might like to admit
or know."
Elana Freeland explains his
"In other words, in Morgellons
victims the filaments are in extremis, but the truth is that all
populations subject to the chemtrails delivery system will
probably experience at least a slow degradation of health as the
immune system is undermined… the 'organism' may be in everyone's
Carnicom found that,
"the blood of his samples is
undergoing a transformation: the cellular structure is changing
to a more fibrous form, and spherical structures like those
inside the fibers are appearing in disturbed blood cells."
Elana Freeland:
"All evidence has pointed to four
major forms and one minor form of the genetically altered
Morgellons pathogen being delivered by,
Clifford E. Carnicom admits that
humanity is facing an imminent health holocaust."
Smart Dust -
self-assembling within the human body
Harald Kautz-Vella describes Morgellon's as fungi that are,
"able to assimilate higher DNA,
multiply it and build up a DNA cluster that creates a
morphogenic field…
The fungus is using a multilayered
hexagonal structure to protect and cover the spore.
These hexagons… are part of
synthetic biology research, called self-assembling large area
photonic plasmonic crystals… within the human body are hollow
fibers that accumulate nanodyes within the fiber and those
hexagonal self-assembling large area photonic-plasmonic
crystals… both are self-assembling nano-bots.
They [the intelligence community]
spray them in components, separated into bioform and nano-dye,
call this mixture smart-dust, and expect the
smart dust to bio-accumulate
and self-assemble itself into working units in the body."
I know this is not easy to grasp at
first. I have to read it over and over.
To continue…
"The fibers and crystals form a
read/write unit. The fibers collect DNA light communication,
i.e. the bi-directional single photon emissions interchanged by
any DNA cluster, and turn it into radio signals."
I feel that Harald Kautz-Vella is
describing the nightmare scenario of AI science implementing a
'mechanical' black-magic technology, meaning melding the darkside
occult that exists in the astral planes into a technology that
utilizes, assimilates and lives within our human body:
AI as a high-tech parasite and the
ultimate solidification of black magic into matter.

Close up of
particulates captured in air sample
over the Pacific
Northwest, US - December 2015
Harald Kautz-Vella says that by extracting light from our DNA,
Morgellon's lowers the scalar potential of
the DNA.
In my words, this off-planet AI is
intended to rob us of our God-given ability to access higher
consciousness in the realms that are now invisible to the five
senses and prevent our return Home and Enlightenment.
"They are flattening us down,
lowering 'our vibration', extracting energy.
Sucking out what one could call the
life force… This could be one aspect of the aluminum-connection
to Alzheimer and dementia… This is far beyond any known concept
of mind control."
But as he also says, this form of energy
extraction is very much in line with the ancient traditions of
the Archons, black magic, and mind
Is this what Ray Kurzweil has in mind when he predicted that
by 2099:
The human brain has been completely
reverse engineered and all aspects of its functioning are
Natural human thinking possesses
no advantages over computer minds.
Machines have attained equal
legal status with humans.
Most conscious beings lack a
permanent physical form.
The vast majority of the Earth's
sentient beings are AI's that exist entirely as thinking
computer programs capable of instantly moving from one
computer to another across the Internet (or whatever
equivalent exists in 2099)
These computer-based beings are capable
of manifesting themselves at will in the physical world by creating
or taking over robotic bodies, with individual AI's also being
capable of controlling multiple bodies at once. [Kurzweil has a
Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Leo.]
This is alien
ET technology
There are many Harald Kautz-Vella online videos to learn from.
In one he says,
"I am hardcore scientist, but I
really appreciate the possibilities that lie in the spiritual
world and I had so many open questions to this [now deceased]
whistle blower" [on 'optimized cluster topology' that lets RNA
DNA sequences carry life-forms/ relates to smart dust] that he
attended a lady who can talk to people who are dead.
The man appeared immediately and talked
through her saying,
"This is
alien technology - it is not
human technology and we have been fooled.
There is no deactivation code. It
doesn't exist. It is just a big scam that they offered to us to
let us think we could control the system, but this is alien
technology and it is not controllable anymore through us."
Harald Kautz-Vella wants the
intelligence community to know they have been fooled.
They believe they are controlling
this, but they are not. Apparently the deceased man
speaking was suffering because of the misuse of this technology and
is very concerned, admitting that the ETs had lied to them.
This is exactly what I have felt and
known for around 30 years now. The
technology that the ETs gave our governments
is a Trojan Horse designed to invade, infest, poison, and conquer
our planet.
Humility is
our greatest sword!
If the story from Harald Kautz-Vella was only one of fear, I would
not write about it - but along with the science, he also understands
that we are now entering the final stages of this cycle of time,
the Kali Yuga.
Harald Kautz-Vella has recently
encountered great Spiritual Beings working in the Invisible Realms,
as he says within "the collective field structure" who have much
higher capabilities and know exactly what they are doing.
Harald Kautz-Vella does not wish to be
focused on as some special leader. He says his information changes
nothing. What the world needs is people changing the things on this
planet, not a 'big guy' Harald.
He notes that as beings involve in
a spiritual war we each have the
responsibility of rescuing ourselves.
"The information is out there, but
it's just fucking information doesn't change a thing.
What does change things is in
Spirit. The only thing left for me [Harald] to do is take on the
quality of change that is possible for me. Our egos are part of
the Matrix system.
Our egos are the thing that is
keeping up the separation. It is keeping us from feeling the
pain we cause. The core problem now is to dissemble our
[small-identity] selves. Every single person on the planet will
have to do this alone, it is nothing to be lectured about.
It is something that needs to be
Every single person needs to do this
out of his own Will, out of his own power, from the Being side,
not from the ego side. The first step is to get ourselves back
into empathy and seeing what we have caused.
Become what we were before… You have
to rescue yourself!"
Binary and
AI is a binary system.
It can self-replicate, but it cannot
create. We humans are a TRINARY system. In Sanskrit this is often
termed the Triadic Heart. What it means is that we have the ability
to reach into our Heart Chakra, connect with our Source, and bring
God-Consciousness into manifestation.
We trinary humans with our
seven chakra system, can create.
AI is binary - binary cannot create, but
only replicate whatever its creators initially programmed them with,
no matter how complex and reconfigured. Binary cannot access
Binary is an inevitable a dead end that
will go on and on, self-replicating ad nauseam into infinite
boredom! Matter without spirit is dull dead, un-inspired.
Those who live in binary, who are
identified only with their thoughts regardless of how brilliant they
may appear to be, living in perhaps a micro-waved mutant-mind, who
believe they are solely their thoughts and not their soul
consciousness - their forms will not survive into the next cycle of
time, the Satya Yuga. Incomplete forms from the Kali Yuga cannot
withstand the higher frequencies of God-Consciousness.
Those of us who merge our consciousness
into the Heart will return to our natural state as we shake off
these demons and their destructive suicidal games, which are here
only to bring an end to this cycle of time.
It's their 'job' so to speak.
On a personal level, I am beyond ready to return Home, to again be a
part of the Woven Universe, dancing across the Galaxies with the
imperishable immutable eternal One. I'm weary of the demonic -
deceitful stupid cowards that they are. I've learned a great deal
from Harald Kautz-Vella.
Even if you don't agree with everything
he says, he has much to teach us and I'm sure I haven't begun to
grok his beautiful non-linear wide mind.
Earth an Alien Enterprise, the
Shocking Truth Behind the Greatest Cover-up in Human History,
by Timothy Good; Pegasus Books, New York, London, 2013.
Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full
Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, by Elana
Freeland; Feral House, Port Townsend WA, 2014.
Angels Don't Play This HAARP, Advances
in Tesla Technology, by Jeane Manning & Dr. Nick
Begich; Earthpulse Press, Anchorage Alaska, 1995, 2002.