by James Divine
November 08, 2013
GlobalResearch Website
James Divine is a
well-traveled transdisciplinary who believes
freethinking is essential to the well-being of human
innovation. His maverick personality confidently
resonates with holistic medicine, investigative
literature and spiritual empowerment. |
The purpose of this work is to provide an investigation into the
ideology of anthropogenic (human caused) climate change.
It has been written with the confidence that further research within
the public, as well as the academic realm is required. Furthermore,
the investigative strategy incorporated in this paper serves to
provide a starting place for additional investigation.
Therefore, the foundational reason for
this work is to empower the understanding of the readership.
"We decided long ago that the
dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent
facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it…
And there is very grave danger that
an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by
those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of
official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to
permit to the extent that it is in my control."
John F. Kennedy
To initiate an evidentiary inquiry into
geopolitical decision making, one must first understand the causal
relations that frame how a scientific issue is presented, addressed
and subsequently dismissed.
Of importance, is the distinction
between sound science and methods motivated by political self
interest. In the case of the former, the observer maintains a
qualitative standard founded upon the premise that such an
investigation will enhance the comprehensive intelligence within
their respective discipline. In the case of the latter, the observer
upholds a personal standard founded upon the ideology that this
method will satisfy their self-interest and accelerate their
ascendance to academic prominence.
Thus, to value the integrity of the
former method, the current directive must be to inspire a holistic
understanding within the readership, as well as to identify the
inconsistencies that arise within the discourse pertaining to
anthropogenic climate change.
To further clarify, the guiding principals and intent of this work
is to transform power. Since the prevailing dominant discourse
derives its influence through maintaining ignorance, a praxis
grounded upon intellectual empowerment is the most effective use of
this knowledge.
This investigation begins with an
analysis of inconsistencies documented by official sources.
First to be examined is the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration. It is the prerogative of NASA to research and
identify causal forces within Earth’s solar system. NASA identifies
multivariate concerns over uncertainties pertaining to potential
causal forces influencing climate change.
"There’s a great deal that we don’t
know about the future of Earth’s climate and how climate change
will affect humans", including the impacts of solar irradiance,
aerosols/dust/smoke, clouds, the carbon cycle, ocean
circulation, precipitation and sea level rise.
(NASA 2013)
As illustrated by researcher Victor
Herrera of the Institute of Geophysics at the National
Autonomous University of Mexico, this statement by NASA is critical
"the models and forecasts of the UN
IPCC are incorrect because they only are based on mathematical
models and presented results at scenarios that do not include,
for example, solar activity".
(Morano 2008, pg 4)
To omit such an influential contributor
to climate change as the sun would inherently bias statistical
models in favor of anthropogenic theorizing. NASA’s admission is
important for it sets the groundwork for a genuine understanding on
climate change.
A secondary piece of pertinent evidence is a report issued in 2012
by the United Kingdom’s National Weather Service.
In this report, Colin Morice et al.
"this model cannot take into account
structural uncertainties arising from data set construction
methodologies. It is clear that a full description of
uncertainties in near-surface temperature, including those
uncertainties arising from differing methodologies, requires
that independent studies of near-surface temperatures should be
(Morice, 2012, pg 5)
This is important for the scientists
involved clearly state the limitations of their chosen methodology,
the HADCRUT4 data set, and recommend that independent research
be conducted to affirm their findings.
David Rose, reporting for the UK’s Daily Mail, incorporated
the graphs from this study into an article he wrote entitled Global
Warming Stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report. Rose also
interviews a number of climate scientists who express uncertainty
regarding the accuracy of climate modeling.
These interviews include,
"Professor Phil Jones, [former]
director of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East
Anglia…[who] admitted that he and his colleagues did not
understand the impact of ‘natural variability’ – factors such as
long-term ocean temperature cycles and changes in the output of
the sun".
(Rose 2012)
Professor Phil Jones is the same
"who found himself the centre of the
‘Climategate’ scandal over leaked emails.."
(Rose 2012)
In these emails, Jones, in association
with Michael Mann and other collaborators, communicate their
intention to censor academic papers via intervening in the IPCC peer
review process, as well as manipulate statistical data to conform to
inaccurate climate forecast models.
In a 2009 email correspondence between
Kevin Trenberth and Michael Mann, Trenberth states:
"the fact is that we can’t account
for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that
we can’t… Our observing system is inadequate".
(Global Research 2009)
As identified in the introduction, the
actions of Jones and Mann perfectly illustrate the ideal of
scientists working for academic self interest and not for the
benefit of scientific understanding.
Arising from this case of intellectual manipulation is collateral
The scientific
discipline of climate
change and the severe ways upon which human beings are impacted by
it, are dismissed in favor of the expert management of human
populations. In the dominant discourse, additional issues such as
globalization, corporatism, effective waste management, public
health impacts, fresh water scarcity and natural resource
privatization are often conveniently omitted.
This practice of academic self interest
attempts to discredit legitimate science while effectively
empowering an environment of division, disinformation and
subsequently, ignorance.
It is within such an environment that
opportunists thrive, pseudo-scientists whose rhetorical machinations
frame the discourse of public opinion.
"[Thus it has become the case that]
our government’s science and technology policy is now guided by
uniformed and emotion-driven public opinion rather than by sound
scientific advice.
Unfortunately, this public opinion
is controlled by the media, a group of scientific illiterates
drunk with power, heavily influenced by irrelevant political
ideologies, and so misguided as to believe that they are more
capable than the scientific community of making scientific
(Cohen 1984, pg 59)
A classic example, is Nobel Peace Prize
recipient and former United States vice president Al Gore. A
proponent of anthropogenic climate change,
Gore also happens to be a major benefactor (The
According to the Capital Research
Centre’s publication Foundation Watch,
"along with Gore, the co-founder of
GIM [Generation Investment Management] is former Goldman Sachs
CEO Hank Paulson…
[In September 2006] Goldman Sachs
bought 10% of CCX [Chicago Climate Exchange] shares for $23
million. CCX owns half of the European Climate Exchange (ECX),
Europe’s largest carbon trading company…"
(Barnes 2007, pg 4)
This sale occurred the same year Al Gore
released the film
An Inconvenient Truth,
which claims both,
a 'scientific' consensus on anthropogenic climate
change, as well as pushing the need to offset carbon emissions via
green investments.
(Freeman 2007, pg 29).
In fact, the Executive Intelligence
Review reports that,
"Al Gore spoke at the May 2005 INCR
[Investors Network on Climate Risk] Investors Summit at the
United Nations, in his capacity as Chairman of his Generation
Investment Management.
He called for following the model of the
European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, which started up in
2005. Monetize emissions; trade them; reduce them, was Gore’s
(Freeman 2007, pg 29)
Upon further analysis, Foundation Watch
affirms that,
"like CCX, the European Climate
Exchange has about 80 member companies, including Barclays, BP,
Calyon, E.ON UK, Endesa, Fortis, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley
and Shell, and ECX has contracted with the European Union to
further develop a future market in carbon trading".
(Barnes 2007, pg 4)
It is apparent that several significant
benefactors are among the most powerful captains
of banking,
business and industry.
The benefits they incur via the
successful management of government policy and mainstream
environmental activism is enormous and therein is the real
inconvenient truth.
Therefore it is evident that the intentional manipulation of a
scientific subject, can be designed to both generate a public
reaction, as well as to benefit private interests. However, the real
danger is when rhetorical mechanisms infiltrate the common sense of
a particular population and influences that populations’ moral
When rhetoric, and those who employ it,
can establish a jurisdiction of unquestionable authority, then it
becomes a god, which through its own machinations, is capable of
empowering its skillful technicians and silencing logical inquiry.
The population, unaware of an
intellectual coup d'état, become willful participants in
their own subjugation. Through their acquiescence to a society that
abandons formative critical analysis and evidentiary investigation,
the population voluntarily reinforces this invisible intellectual
What develops next, is a form of group mentality.
When robbed of the proper utilization of
the reasoning faculty, a person surrenders to a set of prevailing
assumptions, which in this case are reinforced by the rhetorical
mechanisms operating in that society.
"In fact, people can be so attached
to ‘consensus reality’ that its assumptions and predictions
override contradictory evidence.
When speakers encounter a situation
in which people or events do not fit the categories provided by
their model of reality, they are more likely to describe those
people or event to make them "fit" the model rather than change
or revise the model itself."
(Penelope 1990, pg 37)
What this means is that even when a
circumstance arises which exposes that person to an alternative
perspective on reality, no matter how grounded in evidentiary logic,
that individual will instinctively re-frame or reject that
Knowledge, and its effective application, is power.
Thus, the willful ignorance of the
public creates the opportunity for technocratic domination, i.e.,
those with superior knowledge make unquestionable decisions that
affirm their own superiority.
(Carson 2002, pg 12-13)
This form of
expert management arises and is attributed to the demand for it.
This is a causal relationship.
First, the public generates an expressed
need for governance. Second, this need influences the nature and
direction of the outcome. Without the demand, governance would not
be delivered.
Consequently, an important inquiry to
raise at this juncture would be:
Is the current public’s expressed
need also managed to support the prevailing political/economic
status quo?
In pursuit of this answer, the following
analysis is offered.
It would seem that men and women
need a common motivation, namely a common adversary against whom
they can organize themselves and act together…[to] bring the
divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either a real
one, or else one invented for the purpose.
(Schneider 1991, pg 70)
In searching for a common enemy
against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that
pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine
and the like, would fit the bill…
All these dangers are caused
by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only
through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be
The real enemy then is humanity itself.
(Schneider 1991, pg 75)
This report entitled
The First Global
Revolution, was published by
the Club of Rome in 1991.
According to their website,
"the Club of Rome is a non-profit
organization, independent of any political, ideological or
religious interests.
Its essential mission is to act as a global
catalyst for change through the identification and analysis of
the crucial problems facing humanity and the communication of
such problems to the most important public and private decision
makers as well as to the general public".
(Club of Rome)
It appears, that one of these most
important private decision makers, is none other than Al Gore,
who holds a membership with the Club of Rome (ABC News 2007):
'Club of Rome' Member Warns Against
Council Amalgamations
5 June 2007
ABC Website
A member of the world's
most prestigious global think tank,
the Club of Rome, has
warned the Queensland Government
to be cautious when
the amalgamation of
regional councils.
Keith Suter shares Club of Rome
membership with 100 other people including
Bill Gates,
Al Gore and Jimmy Carter and he
yesterday visited a number of Longreach schools and was guests
at a public dinner in Barcaldine.
Dr Suter says the formation of "super shires" is not the answer,
particularly in areas such as western Queensland.
"There's been amalgamations in
Victoria and there's been a bit of a chequered history to
that," he said.
"The Queensland Government will just need to be very
flexible rather than having shotgun marriages between areas
that are as big as Tasmania in their own right."
Throughout this evidentiary inquiry into anthropogenic climate
change, the following connections have been witnessed:
the statistical manipulation and
censorship of data by leading anthropogenic climate
scientists [Phil Jones, Michael Mann]
the intrinsic bias towards
anthropogenic causal forces inherent in Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change forecast models [Herrera, detailing
omission of solar activity]
the admission of systemic
uncertainties inherent in climate forecast methodologies [UK
National Weather Service]
the widespread unknown variables
identified by NASA [solar irradiance, aerosols/dust/smoke,
clouds, the carbon cycle, ocean circulation, precipitation
and sea level rise]
the corporate, industrial and
banking interests behind major proponents of anthropogenic
climate change [Barclays, BP, Endesa, Fortis, Goldman Sachs,
Morgan Stanley et al]
the calculated ideological
premise that human beings are the source of all
environmental problems and thus an enemy to humanity itself
[Club of Rome].
Subsequently, the consequences of this
prevailing worldview must be addressed.
In doing so, it is important to
understand that this prevailing discourse arises primarily from a
position of advanced financial capital and influence.
Hence, its intentional dissemination by
public, private and corporate actors serve to further promulgate its
sphere of influence (Schneider 1991, pg 157). The major tenets of
this worldview propose limitations on human energy consumption, as
well as restrictions on activities that generate carbon output.
The expressed bias inherent in how
anthropogenic climate change is presented to the public is that of a
blaming the victim modality, i.e., that the public must bear the
responsibility of the corporate/military/industrial sector.
According to Professor Delgado Domingos of the Numerical
Weather Forecast group,
"creating an ideology pegged to
carbon dioxide is a dangerous nonsense… The present alarm on
climate change is an instrument of social control, a pretext for
major businesses and political battle. It became an ideology,
which is concerning".
(Morano 2012, pg 5)
Thus, when driving at the heart of this
manipulation, it becomes clear that its overarching purpose is not
to manifest a global environmental equilibrium, but in fact to
re-enforce the predominant political/economic status quo.
This is further illustrated by the aforementioned report by the Club
of Rome.
Authors Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider state:
"the global nature as well as the
seriousness of the environmental crisis, especially that of
earth-warming, indicates the need for a coherent and
comprehensive attack at the international level and at the level
of the United Nations".
(Schneider 1991, pg 99)
They continue:
"in addition, we propose the
organization, possibly under the auspices of the Environmental
Security Council, of regular meetings of industrial leaders,
bankers and government officials from the five continents.
These Global Development Rounds,
envisaged as being somewhat similar to the Tariff Rounds of GATT
[General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; a precursor to the
World Trade Organization], would discuss the need to harmonize
competition and cooperation in the light of environmental
(Schneider 1991, pg 100)
Essentially, the authors are calling for
an agreement among prominent political, economic and financial
institutions, to facilitate the centralization of collaborative
decision making.
This citation is also an example of the
"administrative rationalism [which]
may be defined as the problem-solving discourse which emphasizes
the role of the expert rather than the citizen or
producer/consumer in social problem solving, and which stresses
social relationships of hierarchy rather than equality or
(Dryzek 2005, pg 75)
Hence, the prevailing dominion of
international economic powers is strengthened via this form of
environmentalism, and anthropogenic climatology, in the manner it
has been presented to the public, inculcates an environment of
A major mechanism by which this form of expert management is being
implemented around the world is the International Council for Local
Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), also known as
ICLEI: Local Governments
for Sustainability.
As previously identified, there is a causal
relationship between the public’s demand for governance and its
Subsequently, an important question to
consider is: can an international secretariat that identifies itself
"…a powerful movement of 12
mega-cities, 100 super-cities and urban regions, 450 large
cities as well as 450 medium-sized cities and towns in 84
countries…[that] have built a global sustainability network of
more than 1,000 local governments…", influence the public’s
demand for this form of governance (ICLEI 2013)?
According to the Capital Research Centre
report ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, the answer is
an affirmative.
The author David Libardoni states:
"…the group [ICLEI] is the product
of a United Nations conference: the U.N. World Congress of Local
Governments for a Sustainable Future…[Bolstered by ICLEI's
delivery system,] ambitious local politicians around the world
are using ICLEI as an international platform that allows them to
build their careers and quickly network with one another on
environmental issues".
(Libardoni 2008, pg 2)
It appears that politicians willing to
become proponents of anthropogenic climate change, as well as ICLEI
itself, stand to benefit both financially and politically through
the collaborative success of this ideology.
For in addition to the sliding-scale
membership fees charged to local municipalities (calculated by
population size),
"over the past 11 years [2008
statistic], ICLEI has received between $250,000 and $1,500,000
annually in EPA grants to fund its CCP [Cities for Climate
Protection] Campaign and emissions analysis software.
In 2006, it reported $904,000 in
governmental grants (out of $3.3 million in total revenue) on
its IRS 990 tax form…"
(Libardoni 2008, pg 3)
In addition to these grants,
"in 1997, the Open Society gave
ICLEI a $2,147,415 grant to support its Local
Agenda 21 Project, also
sometimes known as Communities 21…
More recently, ICLEI has
received major contributions from,
the left-leaning Rockefeller
Brothers Fund ($650,000 in March 2008, $525,000 in 2006)
the Surdna Foundation
($200,000 in 2006)
the Kendall Foundation
($150,000 in 2007)
the Richard and Rhoda
Goldman Foundation ($100,000 in 2007)".
(Libardoni 2008, pg 3)
Thus, in light of this evidence gathered
concerning the European Climate Exchange, as well as the financial
benefits accrued by ICLEI, it becomes readily apparent that the
discipline of anthropogenic climatology in concert with private
self-interest can in praxis become an ideology of corporatism,
advanced financial capital and multinational industry.
It is precisely this ideology that is demonstrated by the New
Brunswick provincial government and in particular, the Department of
Environment and Local Government.
By way of illustration, the following
select objectives from the chapter Action Plan Milestones derived
from the department’s publication Action Plan for a New Local
Governance System in New Brunswick, are identified:
"Transfer the cost of service
administration for Local Service Districts to those who receive
the service, effective January 2012, by introducing amendments
to the Municipalities Act" [Fall 2011] (New Brunswick 2011, pg
"Create a new community funding arrangement, replacing the
Unconditional Grant, by introducing amendments to the Municipal
Assistance Act" [Fall 2012] (New Brunswick 2011, pg 17).
"Engage stakeholders in the development of community
sustainability criteria and a self- assessment tool" [Spring
2013] (New Brunswick 2011, pg 18).
"Implement community and municipal sustainability targets for
the establishment and restructuring of Municipalities and Rural
Communities" [Fall 2013] (New Brunswick 2011, pg 18).
"Seek input from stakeholders on a framework for a new Local
Governance Act as part of the policy development process"
[Summer 2013] (New Brunswick 2011, pg 18).
Regardless of the purpose, direction or
intended result of the above provisions, the action plan milestones
that the New Brunswick government is committing to are consistent
with the discourse of administrative rationalism, as well as the
designed sustainability criteria of ICLEI.
To ground this proposition in
evidentiary logic, the following comparison is provided by way of a
citation from ICLEI Canada’s publication Changing Climate,
Changing Communities: Guide and Workbook for Municipal Climate
Adaptation (ICLEI Canada, pg 8):
To further clarify this evident
congruence between ICLEI’s Milestone Framework and New
Brunswick’s Action Plan Milestones,
"as outlined earlier, Canadian
local governments should be familiar with the Milestone
process, as it is also central to the Partners for Climate
Protection (PCP) program offered in partnership by the
Federation of Canadian Municipalities and ICLEI".
(ICLEI Canada, pg 6)
Remarkably, this corresponds to the
objectives outlined in the previously cited Club of Rome
publication, The First Global Revolution:
"it would be appropriate that
the scheme [energy efficiency] be launched by the United
Nations in association with the United Nations Environment
Program (UNEP), the World Meterological Organization and
Unesco [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
A corollary would be the setting up in each country of an
Energy Efficiency Council to supervise the operation on the
national scale".
(Schneider 1991, pg 99)
In accord with this proposal ICLEI’s
World Secretariat recently announced,
"ICLEI and the United Nations
Environment Program (UNEP) are joining efforts in
conducting a global survey on resource efficiency in cities
with an objective to get a wide range of city level
perspectives and understandings of local needs on resource
The global survey will run between March and May 2013 and
will result in a final report planned for August 2013. The
survey is conducted by a team of experts led by ICLEI’s
World Secretariat in close collaboration with UNEP’s Built
Environment Unit. The results will inform the Global
Initiative for Resource Efficient Cities (GI-REC)".
(ICLEI World Secretariat
Indeed, it is evident, that in the
dominions of finance, politics and industry, multivariate
international powers have aligned their objectives.
This method of harmonization between
international powers, by which prominence is consolidated and
agreements are constituted, is known as globalization.
According to the Oxford English
globalization is defined as,
"the process by which businesses or
other organizations develop international influence or start
operating on an international scale [e.g. ICLEI]".
(Oxford Dictionaries Online 2013)
The concept of sustainability,
disseminated and affirmed by previously identified proponents and
benefactors of anthropogenic climate change, is,
"[a subject or practice being] able
to be maintained at a certain rate or level: sustainable
economic growth, [as well as] conserving an ecological balance
by avoiding depletion of natural resources (Oxford Dictionaries
Online 2013).
These goals are consistent with the
operational capacities of corporations active in the natural
resource extraction industry, with several currently accruing a
substantial profit via the European Climate Exchange [BP, Endesa,
Shell, Goldman Sachs, Barclays]"
(Barnes 2007, pg 4)
In addition, the previously cited ICLEI
Canada publication,
Changing Climate, Changing Communities - Guide and
Workbook for Municipal Climate Adaptation,
"..was made possible with the
generous support of Natural Resources Canada: Climate Change
Impacts and Adaptation Division".
(ICLEI Canada, pg 3)
Now that ICLEI’s employed methodology
(i.e. globalization) has been established, the next question of this
evidentiary inquiry is the following:
in relation to the intentional
manipulation of the scientific discipline of anthropogenic
climate change, are there additional methods that further the
personal and/or private interests of another organization?
To be addressed is the military
industrial complex.
A high-risk, high-reward endeavor, weather-modification offers a
dilemma not unlike the splitting of the atom. While some segments of
society will always be reluctant to examine controversial issues
such as weather-modification, the tremendous military capabilities
that could result from this field are ignored at our own peril.
From enhancing friendly operations or
disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural
weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and
counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a
wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary (Celentano
1996, pg vi).
In this 1996 United States Department of Defense research paper,
as A Force Multiplier - Owning The Weather in 2025,
authors Major Ronald J. Celentano et al. promulgate the
importance, as well as (in their view) the opportunities intrinsic
to the integration of weather modification technologies into
conventional warfare.
As noted in this report’s Executive
"in 2025, US aerospace forces can
‘own the weather’ by capitalizing on emerging technologies and
focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting
Such a capability offers the war fighter tools to
shape the battlespace in ways never before possible. It provides
opportunities to impact operations across the full spectrum of
conflict and is pertinent to all possible futures".
(Celentano 1996, pg vi)
To accurately illustrate these proposed
capabilities, Celentano et al chronologically incorporate Table 1:
Operational Capabilities Matrix on the next page of their research
The following citation is this identical
table, copied verbatim from this publication (SEE Celentano 1996, pg
Subsequently it becomes readily
apparent that the United States Air Force, as well as the US
Department of Defense, have an expressed interest in
anthropogenic climate change. Their interest, is largely
dependent on their ability to strategically profit from it.
To affirm this analysis, Professor
Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on
Globalization states,
"rarely acknowledged in the
debate on global climate change, the world’s weather can now
be modified as part of a new generation of sophisticated
electromagnetic weapons. Both the US and Russia have
developed capabilities to manipulate the climate for
military use".
(Chossudovsky 2004)
This ideology of self-interest is
consistent among all of the exclusive proponents of anthropogenic
climate change identified in this investigation.
Evident, within the operating
methodology of each proponent, is a calculated benefit directly
attributed to the successful dissemination of this incomplete and
‘debate settled’ ideology of anthropogenic climate change. Several
of the prominent organizations cited are actively involved in the
indoctrination of citizens, as well as strategically influencing
government policy.
Therefore, any remedy offered via this
evidentiary inquiry must maintain, as its foundation, a qualitative
standard pursued for the purpose of empowering public consciousness.
It is integrity, not manipulation,
deception, or disinformation that will achieve both an accurate
understanding of climate causal forces as well as create an
inclusive participatory process for affecting positive environmental
Fortunately, there is a growing opposition to the claimed consensus
regarding anthropogenic climate change as well as considerable
numbers of scientists seeking to accurately understand climate
causal forces.
Reported by the United States Senate
Committee on Environment and Public Works, in 2008 over six hundred
fifty scientists expressed opposition to the claimed scientific
consensus on anthropogenic climate change (Morano 2008, pg 1).
[According to this report:] "the
following developments further secured 2008 as the year the
‘consensus’ collapsed.
Russian scientists,
‘rejected the very
idea that carbon dioxide may be responsible for global warming’.
An American Physical Society editor conceded that a
‘considerable presence’ of scientific skeptics exists. An International team of scientists
countered the UN IPCC, declaring:
‘Nature, Not Human Activity,
Rules the Climate’.
India issued a report challenging
global warming fears. International Scientists demanded the UN
‘be called to account and cease its deceptive practices,’
and a canvass of more than 51, 000 Canadian scientists revealed
68% disagree that global warming science is ‘settled’".
(Morano 2008, pg 2)
Upon evaluation of this Senate
Committee’s report, in additional to the aforementioned statements
by scientific sources, it can be surmised that any entity,
scientific or otherwise, claiming a global consensus on
anthropogenic climate change is doing so:
to further their own
ideological agenda
The following lecture citation, by Dr.
Taylor Gray, concurs with this open minded analysis of
anthropogenic climate change:
"the occurrence of ecosystems
maintaining a state of dynamic equilibrium stipulates that the
phenomena of climate change is a naturally occurring process.
To identify climate change as a
problem is exclusively the prerogative of human beings and their
unwillingness to accept environmental factors that are beyond
their control".
(Gray 2013)
With this understanding, morality when
taken from a practical standpoint, is largely founded upon the
availability of the essential ingredients required for life.
According to Dr. Gray,
"as a naturally occurring
biogeochemical cycle, as well as playing the role of an
important atmospheric component, carbon is essential for the
fats, proteins, and carbohydrates that constitute life. Thus,
limiting carbon would place a limiting factor upon the potential
for life".
(Gray 2013)
What is within the power of human
beings, are the ways upon which we build an authentic global
community; one founded upon compassion and awareness of the growing
needs of environmentally disadvantaged peoples.
For example, liberating immigration
restrictions to Canada, would allow this country’s comparatively
minor population-to-landmass representation (approximately thirty
five million, out of a global population of over seven billion) to
become proportional through the vitalization by peoples in need of a
more hospitable environment.
International solidarity based upon
localized commodity/agricultural markets would decrease the
privatization of arable land in developing countries, which in turn
would advance international food security.
The creation of empowered generations
skilled in,
...would limit international economic dependency
and encourage healthy, inclusive and self-sufficient communities.
However, before this can happen, the
prevailing untruths within society must be addressed.
The effective application of knowledge is powerful. And to provide a
remedy to a public that willfully embraces convenient untruths is
two-fold. To begin, the inculcation and transmission of ignorance
must be replaced with a social/economic paradigm that supports
continuous learning. To be clear, this would take the form of
encouraging independent thought, critical analysis and informed
This instrument of social advancement
must have one and only one primary objective. That being the
cooperative evolution of human consciousness.
To achieve such a social mechanism the first remedy must be
manifested in concert with the second, i.e., the systemic
replacement of the conditions upon which material benefit is derived
from intellectual manipulation. Effectively, this would mean
organizing around a political/economic paradigm that did not foster
an environment of exploitation.
Conversely, the praxis of this new
paradigm would be the encouragement of an informed and
intellectually adept body politic.
The success of this naturopathic remedy would arise organically from
a psychologically healthy population. Upon this foundation
intellectual creative power could create a holistic and inclusive
political/economic paradigm. A public effectively self-immunized
against ignorance brings with it the opportunity for unheralded
philosophical and scientific evolution.
In relation to governance and
geopolitical decision making, the expressed public demand for it
would end making psychological domination effectively irrelevant.
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surround the human family, the only problem that remains is choice.
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the question, is it expedient? And then expedience comes along
and asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question,
is it popular? Conscience asks the question, is it right?
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