by Cliff Harris
Local and National News - Kootenai
County, Idaho
May 10, 2009
CDAPress Website
This past week, I received a literally
astounding report from Yakutat, Alaska's city manager, Skip Ryman,
forwarded to me by Kerri Thoreson, concerning the rapid
advancement of the Hubbard Glacier towards Gilbert Point near
Yakutat at the astonishing rate of two meters (seven feet) per day!
Skip gave me the Army Corp of Engineers special Web site for the
Hubbard Glacier, (www.glacierresearch.com).
On Tuesday, we pulled up some absolutely amazing photos of the
advancing glacier in color. One can easily see the expanding wall of
ice. It's HUGE!
Since the Corp of Engineers ordinarily protects and maintains
possession of the scientific information they generate, it's
certainly unusual for them to 'open up' like this. But, as Randy
Mann and I have often said, these are days of Wide Weather
But, even the dedicated global warmists need to know the
truth about the recent extended period of global cooling caused by
our 'SILENT SUN.' So, if our readers try to access the site and
fail, keep trying. It's perfectly legal and the Corp has set it up
for public access.
As Skip says in his e-mail,
"ignore the admonishment and
continue to the site. The Corp can't 'turn off' the warning as
it is part of their system. There will be no 'men in black' in
black helicopters to spirit you away for just looking at this
incredible site. I was literally 'blown away!'"
The Corp is involved because 'when' and
'if' the Hubbard Glacier eventually closes the Russell Fjord, the
fjord will fill with fresh water, becoming a 30-mile-long lake
creating a new 40,000-cubic-feet-per-second river system.
This will have an extremely 'negative'
economic impact on Yakutat and the surrounding regions. It's
possible that at the shocking rate of seven feet per day in
its advancement, the Hubbard Glacier could close the fjord by later
this summer, or even prior to that time, if the current rate of
advancement speeds up, say to perhaps 10 or 12 feet per day.
By carefully monitoring the Army Corp of Engineers Web site,
we residents of North Idaho can be alerted to these type of events
in 'real time' data presentations, not mere heresy.
It looks like an interesting summer ahead, weatherwise and
otherwise. I'll have more glacial updates as they occur.
Remember, we have THE RIGHT TO KNOW!
Not only has
almost completely devoid of sunspots, been at least partially
responsible for the expanding glaciers in Alaska, Norway and
elsewhere, but 'Ole Sol' is likewise, in my not-so-humble
climatological opinion, to blame for our recent colder, snowier and
wetter spring seasons in North Idaho and the surrounding Inland
There were a few snowflakes mixed in with the rain showers this
Thursday morning, May 7, as temperatures fell into the chilly 30s
early in the day as I wrote this weekly update.
Heavier snows - up to six inches or more above 5,000 feet - have
accumulated in the nearby mountains on a daily basis since early
May. It may be mid June or later before Glacier Park's
'Going-to-the-Sun Highway' opens. (Next week, we'll take a look at
what's happening to the glaciers in the park. Are they also
beginning to expand? Find out the truth in just seven days.)
As far as the local weather scene is concerned for the rest of May,
I don't see any really warm weather developing for at least another
10 days despite a bit less shower activity across the Inland
It's possible, however, that more typical afternoon highs in the 70s
and lower 80s may arrive just in time for Memorial Day celebrations
during the weekend of May 23-25. (It's early this year.) But, I
don't see any readings locally in the summery 90s until at least
early to mid June or later. Again, blame the 'Silent Sun.'
Longer-term, I'm still predicting a rather short but VERY HOT and
DRY summer of 2009 in North Idaho.
The warmest weather should be sometime around the July 7-15 'full
moon' cycle. It's possible that we will see an afternoon or two
during this week with readings 'flirting' with the century mark,
well above 'Sholeh' territory.
The weather for this August's North Idaho Fair and Rodeo looks great
as long as the protective high pressure ridge over the region
remains in place into the fourth week of the month as expected.
The fall of 2009 will be both WETTER and COOLER than in the past few
years, hence a bit shorter summer season overall.
I'll have more details next week.