2023 is a Year of 'Record Cold
Temperatures' - Media Blackout
Arctic Ice Coverage is Up
Substantially - So Media Ignores It
Are we Headed into Another Ice Age?
A Story of Extreme Cold and Snow
A Winter that 'Will Not Quit'
A Year Without Summer...
Barren Surface of the Sun
Explains Rapid Cooling of Climate
Begging for Global Warming as
Global Cooling Becomes Obvious
Brutal Shifts for Modern
Español |
Cambio Climático - Traición Contra
la Humanidad
Español |
y Efectos de un Gran Mínimo Solar
Español |
Científicos Chinos advierten sobre
Enfriamiento Global - Nuevo Estudio
Español |
Clima Extremo Global - ¿Es Causado
por el Hombre o se debe a Otra Cosa?
Climate Change - Treason Against
Climate Cooling? -
Weakest Solar Cycle in Over 100 Years says Otherwise
Climate Madness and Keeping Warm
as the World Cools
Climate Panic - Cooling or Warming?
- "Climate
- The Movie" - The Cold Truth
Climate Shock - 'Greatest Two-Year
Cooling Event in a Century'
Climatologist warns 'Next 20-30
Years will be Cold' - Sun much less Active
CO² Levels are So High Plants will
start Having Orgasms...
Cold is Wreaking Havoc Globally -
From the Alps to Australia to Europe and More...
Confirmed! - Geomagnetic Reversals
can Trigger Glaciation
Cosmic Rays up 12% in just 3 Years
- Implications
Defeated by Mother Nature - Global
Despite the Lies, the Spin, and
the Propaganda, Antarctic Sea Ice is Growing
Don't let Anyone tell you North
America's 'Historic Shift to September Snow' is due to
"Global Warming"...
Don't tell Anyone but its Still
Dozens of Scientists reveal 'Most
of the Planet is Colder Today' than most of Past 8000
Italiano |
Dozzine di Scienziati rivelano "La
Maggior parte del Pianeta Oggi è Più Freddo" di quanto
lo fosse 8000 anni fa
Earth Cooling Dramatically
Eastern Antarctica's Ice Growth - The
Story You Haven't Heard
Español |
El Calentamiento del Ártico llevó
a la Tierra a la 'Pequeña Edad de Hielo' - Seguimiento
Español |
Día Después de Mañana' - Una Ola de Frío azota EE.UU. y
Español |
El Dryas Reciente - Rebobinar y Repetir
Español |
El Frío del Mínimo Solar
Español |
El Volumen de Hielo Marino en El
Ártico Crece un 50% en Un Año
Engineered Ice Age - Congress
funds NOAA Project to Cool the Earth by Artificially
dimming the Sun
Experts Predict a Long and Deep
Solar Minimum
Extreme Antarctic Cold of Late
Winter 2023
Feels like Global Warming, right?
- Smashing Cold and Snow Records...
Geoengineering Adds to Global
Glacier Hubbard in Alaska is
Advancing at the Rate of Seven Feet Per Day!
Glaciers Are Growing All Over The
Global Cooling and the New World
Global Cooling and the Political
Suicide of the 'New Green Deal'
Global Cooling - Defeated by
Mother Nature...
Global Cooling in 2009
Global Cooling is Coming - And Beware The Big Chill, Scientist Warns
Global Cooling linked to Increased
Glacial Carbon Storage via changes in Antarctic Sea Ice
Global Cooling Straight
Ahead - Says Solar Physicist
Global Cooling - The Lowest Solar
Activity in over 200 Years
Global Cooling vs. Global Warming
Global Freezing? - Arctic Ice
Levels reach 30-year High
Global Temperature drops Below
30-Year Baseline - Earth is Cooling - says UAH
(Univ. of Alabama Huntsville)
Global Warming Disorder is a
Serious Mental Disease
Global Warming on Ice
Global Warming vs. Solar Cooling -
The Showdown Begins in 2020
Grand Solar Minimum and the Swing Between
Greenland Gained '349 Billion Tonnes of
Ice' over the Past Year and Record October SMB Gains
Growing Number of Climate Scientists say
that Warming is Out and Cooling is In
Here Comes Global Cooling
Historic Summer Cold in 2020
Italiano |
Il Rallentamento della Corrente
del Golfo non ha precedenti nel 20° Secolo - Avremo
Inverni più Freddi
Incredible 'North America Snow
Extent' - Grand Solar Minimum
Español |
La Antártida registra la
Temperatura Más Baja jamás observada
Lack of Sunspots to Bring Record
Cold - NASA Scientists
Español |
La Tierra está a punto de entrar en una 'Mini Edad de Hielo'
de 30 años al Hibernar el Sol - Advierte Científico
Leading Arctic Scientist says
Climate Crisis a 'Globalist Scam' - Global Cooling on
Let's Not Be Stupid about Climate
Low Solar Activity to cause
'Temperatures to Plummet' - Say Scientists
Met Office Admits the 'UK is Now
Mini Ice Age Coming? -
Life-threatening Cold
Mother Nature Speaks Out about
Climate Change
NASA predicts Next Solar Cycle
will be Lowest in 200 Years - Dalton Minimum Levels and
the Implications...
Italiano |
Niente Riscaldamento Globale per
Otto Anni - È Ufficiale
NOAA Caught (Again) adjusting Big
Freeze out of Existence
Northern Hemisphere Snow Mass
above Average - Greenland Ice Sheet's astonishing Gains
Continue - Oct.2020
No Global Warming for Eight Years
- It's Official
Español |
No Seamos Estúpidos sobre el
Cambio Climático
Our Glaciers Are Growing, Not
- More Falsehoods From Al Gore
Our Planet is Cooling - Climate
Rapid Global Cooling
Alert could Trigger Freeze-Up of Warming 'Science'
Reality Defies the Doomsday
Climate Narrative
Real Science vs. Climate Fraud
Record-Challenging Low
Temperatures Everywhere
Record Cold Caused by 'Global Warming'
Español |
Record de Frío causado por el 'Calentamiento Global'
Revisiting Global Cooling
Español |
por el Calentamiento Global a medida que el Enfriamiento
Global se Vuelve Obvio
Russian Astrophysicist Predicts
Global Cooling - New Study
Sahara Desert Covered in 15 inches
of Snow as Freak Weather Blankets Sand Dunes
Scientists warn of Freezing
Weather, Famine and Earthquakes as Sun goes into
Italiano |
Scienziati Cinesi ci avvertono sul
Raffreddamento Globale - Nuovo Studio
Español |
Se Viene un Enfriamiento
Global - Dice Físico Solar
Shock Study Shows Himalayas and
Nearby Peaks Have Lost No Ice Over the Last Decade
Español |
Si "Groenlandia se está
Derritiendo..." ¿Cómo explican los Alarmistas el
Creciente Glaciar de Groenlandia...?
Solar Activity just reached a 'New
Space Age Low'
Temperatures in Northern
Hemisphere Due to Fall over next 25 Years - According to
Six Top Int. Scientists
- "The
Arctic is on Fire, and we should all be Terrified" -
Fact Check: It's currently Snowing in Verkhoyansk
The Big Chill - Early Winter
The Changing Jet Stream and Global
The Chill of Solar Minimum
The Cold is Getting Colder
The Fantasy of Global Warming is
Over - All hands Prepare for the Cold and Lack of Food
The Four Known Scientific Ways CO²
Cools Earth's Climate
The Himalayas and Nearby Peaks
Have Lost No Ice in Past 10 Years
The "Ice is Melting" Scam
The Link Between Sunspots, Global
Cooling and Agenda 21
- NASA Admits Solar Cycle is The Weakest...
The Many Signs that "Global
Warming" was a Lie - We Have now Entered a Period
of Global Cooling
The Month of May 2020 brings
'Record sometimes Historic Cold' to both Hemispheres
The Next Grand Solar Minimum,
Cosmic Rays and Earth Changes
The Real 'Climate Health Crisis'
The Sun is Asleep - Deep 'Solar
Minimum' feared as 2020 sees Record-Setting 100-Day
The Sun is the Biggest Player in Climate Change
Times Atlas Publishers Apologize for 'Incorrect'
Greenland Ice Statement
To the Horror of Global
Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling is Here
Español |
Una 'Mini Edad de Hielo' Llegará
dentro los Próximos 15 Años
Italiano |
Una Mini Era Glaciale? - Perché il
Sole perderà il 7% del suo Potere in circa 30 anni
Español |
Un Científico Ruso anunció el
Comienzo de una Era Glacial
Español |
Un Frío Desastre Climático viene
Hacia Nosotros
We Overlooked 193,000 Square Miles
of Ice
- The Ice Is Melting! The Ice Is Melting!... Or is it?
What Climate Crisis...?
What Global Warming? - Global
Cooling is Already Here...!
What would a Mini-Iceage Look and
Feel Like?
When Sun Cools, So Does Earth's
Temperature - Scientists say
Why Asia's Glaciers are
'Mysteriously' Expanding and Not Melting
Winter Monsoons became Stronger
during Geomagnetic Reversal
Wishing for Global Warming
World's Climate is Rapidly Cooling
Younger Dryas - Rewind and Repeat
Additional Information |
A CBS News Report from over 40
Years Ago proves 'Global Warming is the Ultimate Hoax'
Albert Einstein - "CO² Can't Store
Antarctica is Growing, Not
Shrinking - NASA Shock Study
Antarctica posts 'Coldest Winter'
since Records Began - Warming Shock...
Antarctic Ice is Growing, Not
Melting Away
Antarctic Sea Ice hit 35-year Record High
Antarctic Sea Ice hits New Record
2.1 Million Square Miles More than is Usual for Time of
Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Remained
Constant During the 1990s
Big Drop in June (2016)
- According to UAH (University of Alabama in Huntsville)
Bill Gates' Climate Fantasies
Climate Change Hoax Collapses -
New Science finds Human Activity virtually Zero Impact
on Global Temps
Confirming CO²'s
Non-involvement in Global Warming
Confirmation! - Getting Colder and
The Weather Is Getting Worse
Español |
Determinan la Causa del
Enfriamiento Global que Acabó con los Dinosaurios
Dramatic Cooling and recent Ice
Shelf Advance over Antarctic Peninsula
Drivers of Vegetative Dormancy
across Herbaceous Perennial Plant Species
- 'End
Times Villain' Bill Gates going forward with Plan to
'Block Out the Sun'
Extreme Antarctic Cold of Late
Winter 2023
Global Warming-Cooling mimic Solar
Variations (150-year delay), absolving CO², portending
50 Cooler Years...
Global Warming - Predictions
Versus Reality
I Keep Telling You It's Getting
Impact of Climate Change on the
Transition of Neanderthals to Modern Humans in Europe
Is There Global Cooling? - The
Antitheses of Global Warming
Español |
La NASA confirma que la Tierra es
Más Verde que hace 20 Años
Español |
La Ralentización de la Corriente
Atlántica que Helará Europa
changes of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets and Shelves and
Contributions to Sea-level Rise
Gains of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Exceed Losses
Measuring Ice Mass from Space... - Satellite Data shows
Antarctica continues Adding It
Español |
Nuestro Sol es menos Pesado que
Nunca - Y el Problema se está poniendo Peor
Our Sun is Lighter than Ever - And
the Problem is Getting Worse
- "Planetary
Emergency Plan 2.0" Declared - Club of Rome
Plants Find a New Way to Fight
Climate Change - Nap...
Probability of Sudden Global Cooling
the Global Biodiversity of Proterozoic eukaryotes
Record Antarctic Sea Ice Chills
Climate-Change Projections
Shrinkage of East Asia Winter
Monsoon Associated with Increased ENSO Events since the
Aerosol Geoengineering
Warms and Cools The Earth - Opinion Piece by Dr. Zbigniew Jaworowski
Systematic Climate Model biases in
the Large-scale Pattern of recent Sea-surface
Temperature and Sea-level...
The Maunder Minimum
This 'Global Warming Question' can
change People's Minds
Flux Decrease Under a Grand Minimum from IUE Short-wavelength
Observation of Solar Analogs
Español |
Una Investigación sugiere un
Vínculo entre la Extinción de los Neandertales y Ciclos
Italiano |
Una Ricerca suggerisce un Vincolo
tra l'Estinzione degli Uomini di Neanderthal e i Cicli
di Gelo
Warming Slowdown = Its Getting
West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Is The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Growing or
What Happened to Global Cooling?
Will "Global Warming" cause the
'End of Civilization'?
Ice Age -
Edad de Hielo |
A 1200-year Mini Ice Age was
Caused by Global Warming
A 'Mini Ice Age' is Coming in the
Next 15 Years
A 'Mini Ice Age' is Coming Soon -
Math Professor's says Solar Cycle Model 97% Accurate
Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery
surprises Scientists - Media Silent...
Are We on the Brink of a New
Little Ice Age?
Asymmetric Solar Maximum Suggests Sun Headed for
- Possible Ice Age
Earth is about to Enter a 30-Year
'Mini Ice Age' as the Sun Hibernates - Scientist Warns...
Climate is 'Cyclical' as new study Claims an Ice Age is
Eating Good and Keeping Warm in
the Next Ice Age
Global Freezing - 15-year
Ice Age to hit in Just 4 Years as the Sun Prepares to
Antarctic Ice Sheets May Have Sparked Ice Age
Ice Age Winter
Is Nature Warning Us of a New Ice
Español |
La Caza de Brujas impulsada por el
Cambio Climático - Antes y Ahora...
Español |
Las Edades de Hielo aceleraron la
Evolución de las Especies después de "1000 millones de
Años aburridos"
Español |
La Tierra tuvo un Anillo como los
de Saturno durante Millones de Años - Su Sombra provocó
una Edad de Hielo
Ice Age abruptly triggered by intrusion of Atlantic waters into the
Nordic Seas
Little Ice Age has Begun
and will Bring 'Deep Cooling' - Says Astrophysicist
Massive Sea Ice Growth in Antarctic
portends New Ice Age
Mini Ice Age? - Why the Sun will
Lose 7% of its Power in about 30 Years
New Ice Age 'To Begin in 2014'
- Russian Scientist to Alarmists: 'Sun Heats Earth!'
New Studies show Warming and
Drought were as severe before 1900 with CO2 under 300
Not by Fire But by Ice
- The Next Ice Age - Now!
Circulation - More Evidence of an Approaching Mini-Ice Age
Ocean Fertilization - Polluting
Our Waters Will Cause Another Ice Age
of the baseline of solar magnetic field and solar irradiance on a
millennial timescale - by Zharkova
Researchers Predict that a "Mini
Ice Age" is Coming Very Soon
Russian Scientists
Predict Ice Age within 15 Years Because Sun is 'Cooling'
Solar Cycles, Not CO²,
Determine Climate
- The Ice Age Is Coming!
- "The
Approaching Grand Solar Minimum and Little Ice Age
Conditions" - Prof. Nils-Axel Mörner
The Approaching New Grand Solar Minimum and
Little Ice Age Climate Conditions
The Beginning of a New Ice Age
The Coming (or Present) Ice Age
- A Long-Term Perspective on The Current Global Warming
The Ice Age - One of History's
Biggest Mystery
The "Little Ice Age" Argument
makes a Comeback - Abrupt Climate Change Goes Both Ways, Warns...
The Little Ice Age which has
Already Started - The Sun drives the Climate Change -
Valentina Zharkova
New Little Ice Age Has Started
Variations in The Earth's Orbit -
Pacemaker of The Ice Ages
Causes an Ice Age to End?
Multimedia |
Climate, the Movie - The Cold
Eastern Pacific Ocean is Cooling,
Not Warming! - Are Climate Models Wrong?
Glaciers in Norway Growing Again
Ice Age Meltdown
- Earth Investigated
Russian Climate Scientist Predicts
New Ice Age
Sea Ice Growing at Fastest Pace on
The Gulf Stream and The Next Ice
Unstoppable Solar Cycles
- The Real Story of Greenland
Related Reports |
Antarctica Rediscovered
- Main File
Chemtrails and Geoengineering
- Main File
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide - Dióxido de
- Main File
Global Warming - An Official
- Main File
Weather Warfare
- Main File