January 2003
DrRathFoundation Website
"Compared to the reality of
the drug industry, my book reads like a vacation post
John Le Carre,
The Constant Gardener
On Saturday, June 21st, 1997, Dr.
Rath gave a programmatic speech at the City Hall of Chemnitz,
In this speech, Dr. Rath revealed the
reasons why the German government is spearheading the
Alimentarius” Commission, an effort by an international
pharmaceutical cartel to ban worldwide any health information in
relation to vitamins and other natural therapies.
“Only once in the history of mankind
comes the moment when the breakthrough towards the control of
cardiovascular disease is made. This moment is now.”
This is the beginning of the
proclamation for the worldwide initiative 21st Century Eradicating
Heart Disease.
Today we have come together to make a major stride towards this aim.
Today will be the day when we, the people of Chemnitz, Germany, and
the world begin to liberate ourselves from the yoke of those who
make billions of dollars at the expense of our health. We are
determined to protect our health and lives and to liberate ourselves
from the perils of cardiovascular death and other diseases.
Throughout thousands of years of recorded history, our ancestors
have looked at the night sky and asked themselves about the nature
of the universe and the laws that determine movement of the sun, the
moon, and the stars. For thousands of years their conclusion was
that the earth is the center of the universe, the sun circles around
the earth, and the stars are attached to crystal shells in heaven.
The daily sunrise in the East and the
sunset in the West left no doubt that these were the laws governing
the universe as described by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy.
Everything Changed
It changed with the life of this man Galileo Galilei.
When Galileo was born in 1654, the sun
circled around the earth. After he had died, it was the other way
around - the earth circled around the sun. Of course, the planets
did not change their course during his lifetime. What had changed
was the way mankind learned to look at the universe.
The scientific discoveries of Galileo
Galilei terminated the medieval age in science and inaugurated what
we know today as modern time.
Was this groundbreaking discovery immediately welcomed? Of course
not. Galileo faced life-long opposition by his colleagues, and
the Roman Church banished him for heresy. Now, not even
400 years later, the American spacecraft Voyager has crossed our
entire solar system. Everything Galileo discovered has been
Voyager left our solar system into
the darkness of the universe, it turned around one last time and
provided us with a fascinating view of our solar system and of
Planet Earth. For the first time, a picture was taken that provided
us with a unique look at ourselves and mankind's role in the
Earth is only a small dot. New
perceptions are not confined to the universe.
Of particular importance are these
changes in medicine, because they directly affect millions of lives.
The Greatest
Challenge for Health and Life
Throughout history, many other epidemics including plague, cholera,
and smallpox, were the number one killers.
As recently as 400 years ago, one-third
of the European population fell victim to epidemics. The cause of
these epidemics was well known at the time: epidemics were the curse
of heaven for the sins of mankind.
Everything changed 100 years ago.
The French chemist Louis Pasteur
discovered that infections are not a curse, but are caused by
bacteria and other micro-organisms. Pasteur’s discovery paved the
way for the development of vaccines and antibiotics.
Was this important discovery immediately
welcomed? No, of course not. His colleagues and the medical academy
attacked Pasteur on the grounds that he was not a physician, but
merely a chemist.
When cowpox vaccines were first used to
prevent deadly smallpox infections, this treatment was openly
ridiculed. Nineteenth century caricatures show cows growing out of
the bodies of people who had just been vaccinated with the
lifesaving cowpox vaccine.
The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said:
“New thoughts and new truths go
through three stages. First, they are ridiculed. Next, they are
violently opposed. Then, finally, they are accepted as being
The People
Themselves are the Driving Force
It is important that we understand the following: the driving forces
behind the acceptance of Pasteur’s discoveries were not his academic
People like YOU discovered that these
vaccines could save their own lives and the lives of their children.
They did not care about dogmas. People like you swept away the
medieval times in medicine. Only 100 years later, the World Health
Organization officially declared smallpox as eradicated for mankind.
During the 20th century, heart attacks, strokes, and
other forms of cardiovascular disease replaced infectious diseases
as the leading cause of death. In all industrialized countries,
cardiovascular disease has reached epidemic proportions.
Today, every second woman and man dies
from this epidemic, and it continues to spread on a worldwide scale.
This is even more surprising considering
the fact that the largest study ever conducted on Planet Earth
leaves no doubt: heart attacks and strokes are not actual diseases.
They are, rather, the direct consequence of long term vitamin
deficiency, and they are preventable. Nature itself
conducted the largest study ever, with countless study participants
and over thousands of generations.
One study group in this investigation
comprised the entire animal kingdom, 99.9% of all living beings on
Planet Earth. Animals don't get heart attacks because they produce a
large amount of vitamin C in their own bodies, which stabilizes the
artery walls. The second group in this giant investigation comprises
six thousand million people today.
Among humans, heart attacks and strokes
are rampant because our body cannot produce its own vitamin C and
almost none of us receives enough vitamins through our diet.
The most astonishing fact about this study is that hardly anybody
knows about it.
Don't you think it is high time
that we spread the result of this global study everywhere?
Don't you think these
discoveries are much more relevant to everyone than those
made 400 years ago, saying that the earth circles the sun?
Disease is an Early Form of Scurvy
This is also the reason that my new book is entitled
Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks - But
People Do.
The answer to this question literally
concerns every human being in your town. I urge you to help spread
this lifesaving information.
Why animals don't get heart attacks is summarized in the following
figure: Cardiovascular disease is an early form of scurvy. The left
column shows how the artery walls of animals are stabilized by an
optimum production of elastin and collagen molecules. The more
vitamin C there is, the more stable and resistant the artery walls
are. The right column shows the other extreme: the sailor’s disease,
During long sea journeys sailors of
earlier centuries died within a few months from massive internal and
external bleeding. Their bodies did not produce vitamin C, and diet
contained hardly any vitamins.
The cause of cardiovascular disease lies right in the middle. We all
get a small amount of vitamins in our daily diet, so that open
scurvy is rare. However, the vitamin intake from our diet is not
sufficient to stabilize the artery walls as in the case with the
vitamin C producing animals. Over decades, millions of small cracks
and lesions develop at the inner surface of the artery walls.
When the surface of the artery walls has
become brittle, cholesterol and other repair factors, particularly
the sticky lipoprotein-a, enter the artery walls.
The deposition of cholesterol inside the artery wall is therefore
not the cause of cardiovascular disease, but a reaction to the
underlying problem: vitamin deficiency of the artery wall. With
insufficient vitamin supply over many years, the repair of the wall
continues and leads to the feared atherosclerotic deposit. If these
deposits form inside the coronary arteries of the heart, they lead
to heart attack. If these deposits develop in the arteries of the
brain, they lead to stroke.
Albert Einstein said:
“Truly important discoveries are
generally so simple that they can be understood by everyone.”
The connection between scurvy, vitamin C
deficiency and cardiovascular disease is no exception.
We were able to show our patients that
it is not only possible to prevent the further growth of
atherosclerotic deposits; we also showed that cardiovascular disease
can be reversed without bypass surgery and angioplasty. For this
therapy, the amino acids lysine and proline play a particular role.
They form a Teflon layer for the artery walls and release the
fat particles that are already attached inside the artery walls.
Existing deposits are dissolved
Atherosclerosis at Age 30
Besides fat particles, advanced atherosclerotic deposits also
contain calcium molecules.
These calcium molecules are so
characteristic that they gave the disease athero-“sclerosis” its
name. These calcium molecules can also be released in a natural way,
as documented in our clinical study. The most important vitamin that
optimizes calcium metabolism is vitamin D.
Make sure that your daily diet contains
an optimum amount of vitamin D.
At age 30, every second young person has already developed early
atherosclerosis in their coronary arteries. This disease develops
over many years without our knowing it, and if nothing is done, this
process will sooner or later lead to a heart attack. Our goal was to
develop a natural therapy to stop this dangerous process in its
early stages.
We knew that if we were successful in
halting atherosclerosis, we would ultimately prevent the occurrence
of heart attacks, and the eradication of heart disease would become
reality. The natural health program that we developed is composed of
vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements, and it has
become the world's leading cardiovascular health program. The
following clinical study took us a further step on this way.
We tested our vitamin program in a
clinical study with 55 patients with different grades of coronary
heart disease. To measure the degree of coronary artery deposits we
used the most advanced diagnostic technology in the world, Ultrafast
Computed Tomography, the so-called mammogram of the heart.
The computer automatically measured the size of the deposits within
the arteries by multiplying the area and the density of the
deposits. From these data the coronary sclerosis factor was
obtained. The larger this sclerosis factor was, the more advanced
the coronary artery disease.
Because of its significance for the
health of every human being, I have documented this study in my new
book, Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks. The most important
study results are the following: First, we evaluated how fast the
atherosclerotic deposits develop in coronary heart disease patients
without any vitamin therapy.
Every year the coronary deposits
increase by 44% on average. Thus, without any vitamin therapy, the
deposits increased at an accelerated speed, every year they
increased by half of their previous size. Untreated coronary
atherosclerosis does not develop gradually towards a heart attack,
but at an accelerated speed.
This is the first time that the actual
growth rate of coronary sclerosis has been measured.
Reversal of Atherosclerosis
Subsequently, the patients started with our vitamin program.
Under this therapy the development was
reversed, and the growth rate of coronary deposits substantially
decreased. For patients with early coronary heart disease the
process could be stopped within one year.
In individual cases this vitamin therapy led to the complete
disappearance of coronary artery deposits in a natural way. The
existing deposits, in the picture on the left-hand side, have
totally disappeared after one year of our vitamin program.
The explanation for this picture is logical: the ingredients of the
vitamin program have stimulated a natural healing process of the
artery wall.
This study marks a turning point in medicine and in health awareness
on a worldwide scale. It confirms that heart attack is the direct
consequence of vitamin deficiency. Coronary atherosclerosis, the
cause of heart attacks, can be stopped in its early stages.
This study also confirms that the natural reversal of coronary
sclerosis is possible and that, in the future, bypass surgery and
angioplasty will be the exception. We now also know that the
worldwide cardiovascular epidemic can be controlled at a fraction of
the previous cost. However, the most important fact is, that this
medical breakthrough can be used immediately by millions of people
The application of these findings will
lead to a significant reduction of heart attacks and strokes and, to
their eradication.
This study also confirms that the following statistic is not a
coincidence: vitamin C consumption in the U.S. has in- creased
manifold over the last three decades. Parallel in this frequency of
heart attacks and strokes as the cause of death has been cut in
half. Our study now paves the way for similar successes in Europe
and other parts of the world.
How urgently this development is needed
can be seen from the following statistics:
While heart attacks and strokes have
decreased by 50% in the U.S., people continue to die like flies
from this epidemic in Europe and other parts of the world.
In Western Europe, the frequency of
heart attacks has remained high constantly, while the frequency of
heart attacks and strokes in eastern European countries still
increases. Our study also provides an explanation for this
phenomenon: every second person in America takes vitamins on a
regular basis.
In Europe fewer than 5% do.
Victory Over
Heart Attacks
Once again, mankind is urged to liberate itself from another disease
that has taken the lives of millions of people and brought on
indescribable misery over this planet.
The only obstacle that we still have to
overcome is the resistance by the pharmaceutical corporations. With
the continuation of cardiovascular disease, the pharmaceutical
industry is making billions of dollars every year. With the
eradication of cardiovascular disease, this billion-dollar market is
going to collapse.
To assure the continuation of this billion dollar pharmaceutical
market, the German and international pharmaceutical corporations
have formed a worldwide cartel. They gave this cartel the Latin code
name “Codex Alimentarius.”
The purpose of this Codex Cartel
is to bring about international legislation to ban the distribution
of lifesaving health information in relation to vitamins.
We have to recognize that the pharmaceutical cartel is deliberately
continuing the cardiovascular epidemic in the interests of securing
a worldwide pharmaceutical drug market. We, the people of the world,
can no longer close our eyes to the fact that there is an industry
willing to let millions of people die unnecessarily from preventable
heart attacks and strokes, in order to increase the price of shares.
We have launched the international initiative, 21st
Century Eradicating Heart Disease to counteract these unethical
interest groups. I urge you to support this worldwide initiative
with your signature. Talk about the aims of this initiative wherever
you live and work.
It is clear that to accomplish the goal of eradicating heart disease
we cannot rely on anyone else. We, ourselves, millions of people,
have to liberate mankind from this epidemic. We can accomplish this
goal, because we have a completely new understanding about health
and disease of our human body at our disposal.
The foundation of this new understanding is Cellular Medicine, a
health principle that everyone can understand and use. Health and
disease are determined at the level of millions of body cells. The
most frequent cause of malfunction of these cells is insufficiency
bioenergy. Like the motor of your
car with too little oil, millions of cells in our body are running
dry of essential bioenergy.
The most important energy carriers that
we get from our diet are vitamins, minerals, certain amino acids,
and trace elements. Cardiovascular diseases are particularly
frequent because this organ system is subject to high mechanical
demands due to the continuous pumping function of the heart and
blood circulation.
An optimum daily supplementation of
vitamins and other essential bioenergy compounds can effectively
prevent not only cardiovascular diseases, but also other chronic
In a similar way the causes of the most common diseases, like high
blood pressure, heart failure, and irregular heartbeat are no longer
a secret. They are the immediate results of long-term deficiency of
our body cells of vitamins and other essential nutrients.
During the next decade the competent
application of Cellular Medicine will cut down the most
common diseases to a fraction of their current numbers.
Medicine is the Future
A comparison with conventional medicine underscores why Cellular
Medicine is the medicine of the future:
in the treatment of coronary heart
disease conventional medicine today essentially offers
mechanical solutions which are unable to correct the underlying
The deposits in the coronary arteries
are either squeezed flat by means of a balloon catheter, or detoured
by means of bypass surgery.
In contrast with conventional medicine, Cellular Medicine focuses on
the natural correction of the underlying problem: the reversal of
the deposits themselves. This is accomplished by providing the cells
of the artery walls with vitamins and other bioenergy carriers in
order to stimulate collagen production and natural healing
The earlier picture also shows how important it is to stop the lie
and deception campaign that vitamins and other natural substances
are a way back to medieval times. Quite the opposite is true:
vitamin therapy and Cellular Medicine are the prevention and basic
therapies of the future.
Think about the comparison in this
Isn't it impressive how our thinking has
been manipulated in such a way that we accept expensive and
dangerous repair intervention in our body? At the same time, we
allow the pharmaceutical industry and their PR and lobby groups to
spread lies about alleged side effects of natural substances and
publicly question the documented healing power.
We have to realize that this confusion in public opinion is no
coincidence and that it is deliberately used by the pharmaceutical
industry and other interest groups. The aim of this mass
manipulation is to hide the true causes for health and disease for
the people. By doing so, a false and fatal dependency upon this
industry is created, which leads the people to part with
responsibility for their bodies and their health.
We also have to recognize that this dependency is the precondition
for a billion-dollar business feeding on existing diseases. An
effective health care reform start with us, the people, freeing
ourselves from these dependencies.
Vitamin research and Cellular Medicine
enable everyone to take responsibility for their own health and
lives to an extent unknown up to now.
A further impressive example of why the future of medicine belongs
to Cellular Medicine is heart failure. Everyone knows people with
shortness of breath, edema and chronic fatigue. If you are diagnosed
with heart failure today, your chances of surviving the next five
years are less than 50%! The only hope that conventional medicine
can offer you is that a donor heart for a heart transplant is found
in time, before you die.
Modern Cellular Medicine is a logical and convincing way out of this
deadlock. The main cause of heart failure is a chronic deficiency of
bioenergy in millions of cells of the heart. The purpose of these
cells is to maintain an optimum pumping function for the blood
circulation. If this bioenergy is supplied in the form of vitamins
and other natural energy carriers, heart failure is effectively
treated by preventing the underlying problem.
Heart transplants and drug therapies
which only treat the symptoms of this condition become unnecessary.
When Christian Barnard first transplanted a heart in 1967, this
procedure was built up to a media spectacle, which was only rivaled
by the landing on the moon. This important surgical technique that
might be used in certain exceptional cases has also been abused to
hide the true causes of this disease: chronic vitamin deficiency.
The consequences for human health: in
the last three decades over 100 million people died worldwide from
the consequences of heart failure - a preventable health condition.
At the same time, the pharmaceutical companies made millions of
dollars selling pharmaceutical drugs, which are simply unable to
correct and treat the underlying causes of heart failure.
Do you realize how powerful the interest of the pharmaceutical
industry is to hide the facts and disguise the truth?
Joey, a former stewardess had her first heart transplant at the age
of 20 because of acute heart failure. Five years later her health
condition had deteriorated to the point where a second heart
transplant had become necessary. This is when she started with the
vitamin program we developed.
After a few months her health condition
had improved to an extent that the heart transplant could be
canceled. Joey asked me to tell her story to everyone, and you will
also find it documented in my new book, Why Animals Don’t Get
Heart Attacks.
Of course, there will always be a need for specialists who can
conduct bypass surgery and heart transplants in severe cases. But
this will be the exception.
Bioenergy supply through vitamins will
be the basic prevention and therapy for heart failure in the future.
Solution to
the Puzzle
Today I invite you to join us in our mission to eradicate heart
I am convinced that the truth will
prevail against economically strong, but morally weak, interest
groups. The next part of my presentation will provide you with
insights into the milestones we have already passed in this historic
My 1991 scientific publication, Solution to the Puzzle of
Cardiovascular Disease, laid the foundation of the new understanding
of this health condition. For the first time it became clear that
heart attacks and strokes are not actual diseases, but the direct
consequence of chronic vitamin deficiency. It also became clear that
cardiovascular disease can be eradicated and will be essentially
unknown in future generations.
At that time, I was Director of Cardiovascular Research at the
Linus Pauling Institute in California, and I asked the two-time
Nobel laureate to support these far-reaching conclusions as
Linus Pauling happily agreed,
because he saw his own life’s work confirmed.
This scientific sensation quickly reached the executive offices of
the pharmaceutical companies. It was immediately clear that if this
discovery was understood by millions of people, a multi-billion
dollar pharmaceutical drug market would inevitably collapse.
As a countermeasure, the pharmaceutical
companies decided to form a worldwide cartel in order to prevent by
all means the further distribution of this information.
Reaction of the Pharma-Cartel
To implement these unethical plans,
the Pharma-Cartel maintains a
legion of hired lobbyists.
In Washington, D.C. alone, over 1,000
lobbyists work for the Pharma-Cartel, two lobbyists for each member
of Congress. The figures are comparable for Germany. The mission of
each lobbyist is to influence public opinion and legislation in the
most important industrialized countries. All of this in the interest
of the pharmaceutical cartel; day in, day out.
Many opinion leaders in science and
medicine are also affected by the influence of the pharmaceutical
The U.S. Academy of Science initially promised to publish the
scientific breakthrough towards the “Solution to the Puzzle of
Cardiovascular Disease.” Due to the influence of the Pharma-Cartel
within the Academy of Science, publication was cancelled only weeks
The following argument was given:
“As there is no puzzle in
cardiovascular disease, there can be no solution either.”
That this unsolved puzzle continues to
take every second human life in the U.S. and beyond had apparently
escaped the attention of these gentlemen. We did not hesitate to
publish our important publication in a
Canadian Journal of Nutritional
We left no other stone unturned to guarantee the rapid dissemination
of this lifesaving information. We presented this new therapy about
cardiovascular disease to more than a dozen pharmaceutical companies
in order to improve human health on a worldwide scale, with the help
of a strong partner.
All pharmaceutical companies in 1991
said, “No” with the exception of one,
Hoffmann-LaRoche, the world’s
largest manufacturer of vitamin C.
In November, 1991, I introduced my work
to the heads of research at the headquarters of the Roche Company in
Basel, Switzerland. Roche immediately understood the worldwide
importance of this medical breakthrough. Nevertheless, shortly
thereafter they expressed that they were not interested in any
Hoffmann-LaRoche’s official reason for
declining was that they do not want to finance a medical
breakthrough for its competition! What a remarkable excuse!
Five years later the world learned what had really happened: in
expectation of a worldwide increased demand for vitamin C,
lysine and other natural substances
mentioned in my work, the Roche Corporation used this information
for an artificial increase in the price of the raw materials for
these natural substances. In addition, together with the German
Bayer Corporation and the U.S. firm Archer-Daniels-Midland, Roche
formed a cartel for criminal price fixing of the natural substances
mentioned in our work.
Isn't it remarkable that these
pharmaceutical companies did not want to spend a single dime to
spread the information about the eradication of heart disease?
At the same time, they made sure that
they cannibalized this process by selling the raw material at prices
that have almost doubled the retail price for these vitamin
On January 30th, 1997, the New York Times reported that U.S.
federal prosecutors had uncovered the most comprehensive case of
criminal price fixing in the history of the United States. According
to U.S. prosecutors quoted in the New York Times (January 30,
1997), the dimension of this fraud was so vast that “literally
hundreds of products and almost every consumer” was affected.
A key witness stated that the criminal
acts were designed at the highest level of the Roche, Bayer, and
other corporations, and that the corporate masterminds were “the
masters” whereas the subordinates who had to do the dirty work were
called the “sherpas.”
All three companies were found guilty.
From here on everyone can describe Roche, Bayer, and the other
pharmaceutical companies publicly as what they are: criminals, who
have no scruples to profit at the expense of the health and lives of
millions of people.
The Rath/Pauling
We also decided to inform the general public directly through the
At a press conference on July 2, 1992,
we presented the advances in vitamin research and the possible
eradication of heart disease to the world. If the information about
this medical breakthrough had not been suppressed by special
interest groups for six long years, the entire world would know
today that vitamins prevent heart attacks.
If this information had been promoted
instead of sabotaged, more than 60 million lives could have been
spared from unnecessary, preventable heart attacks and strokes.
At this press conference we also introduced the Rath-Pauling
Manifesto to the world. With his last public appeal, Linus Pauling
supported the medical breakthrough of my scientific publications.
This historic appeal ended with the
“The goal of eliminating heart
disease as the major cause of death and disability is now in
This sentence marks a turning point in
A Historical Success for the People of
The pharmaceutical companies reacted immediately through the
United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A nationwide
campaign was started to prohibit all health claims in relation to
vitamins and other natural substances.
This does not surprise anyone who knows that essentially all
reviewers and advisors of the FDA are paid employees of
pharmaceutical companies. I recommend everyone to read Thomas
Moore’s book,
Deadly Medicine, revealing the fact
that the FDA is essentially controlled by the pharmaceutical
The pharmaceutical companies, realizing
that the information about the eradication through vitamins could
not be stopped any other way, decided to achieve their aims by
simply changing the law. 1993 was also the year that my book,
Eradicating Heart Disease was published in the U.S.A. It summarized
the medical breakthrough in vitamin research and heart disease in
popular language.
Tens of thousands of Americans used this
book and other studies on the health benefits of vitamins to
convince their political representatives not to give in to the
unethical plans of the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA.
Newsweek described this fight for free
access to vitamins as “the largest movement since the Vietnam war”
Again, the interests of the people prevailed over apparently
overwhelming economic interests.
In August, 1994, the US Senate and House of Representatives
unanimously passed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education
Act of 1994 (DSHEA),
a monumental law preserving and guaranteeing free access to vitamins
and other natural health products. This law did not simply maintain
the status quo, it also allows truthful health information in
relation to vitamins to be distributed.
From a historical point of view, a
popular movement of millions of Americans had just inflicted the
worst defeat in their history upon the pharmaceutical companies and
their interest groups.
More importantly, millions of Americans
had won a historic victory from which all of mankind will benefit.
"Codex Alimentarius"
Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical companies did not give in, even
though America, the most powerful country in the world, had started
to liberate itself from the yoke of the pharmaceutical interests.
Led by the German pharmaceutical
companies and under the political auspices of the German government,
the international pharmaceutical consortium started its latest
They activated a so-called expert
commission of
the United Nations with the
mysterious name, “Codex
This commission held a clandestine meeting under German presidency
and guidance in Bonn, Germany, in October 1996. The official
participation of high-level representatives of the German government
(Departments of Health and Human Services and Agriculture) showed
that the aims of this commission have the support of the German
cabinet and Chancellor, a case of highest priority for Chancellor
Against the votes of the United States,
Canada, the Netherlands, and representatives of other countries, the
German delegation pushed the following decisions through:
All health statements in
relation to the preventive and therapeutic effects of
vitamins and other natural substances shall be prohibited
for all member countries of the United Nations, that is,
Only those natural vitamins and
other natural products that meet the much too low so-called
daily allowances of the pharmaceutical cartel, can be sold
in the future.
Countries resisting the
implementation of these decisions as binding laws are to be
punished by international economic sanctions organized under
the United Nations World Trade Organization and other
The German government had taken
precautions in case the activities of this clandestine “Codex”
Cartel were revealed prematurely:
the presidency of this Codex
Commission was assigned to Dr. Somogyi: the head of the German
federal agency for consumer protection.
The politicians in Bonn were well aware
of the explosive power of this commission, and therefore decided to
cover up this enterprise as “ consumer protection” in order to
deceive the public about the true nature of the “Codex” Cartel.
In January 1997 we talked about the goals of the Codex commission to
United States Congressman Peter de Fazio, an advocate for vitamin
Of particular interest was the threat of
economic sanctions against those countries that did not comply with
the “Codex” Cartel. By imposing economic sanctions the Pharma-Cartel
wants to force all other industries at its side.
The motto of the Pharma-Cartel appears
to be,
“If you, Microsoft, Volkswagen, and
Sony, do not support the information boycott for vitamins, we
will make sure that within the framework of the Codex law, you
will not be able to sell your software, cars, and electronic
products in other countries.”
We have to realize that the Pharma-Cartel
and its political accomplices apparently declared war on the health
and life interests of all mankind.
Because the interests of the Pharma-Cartel
are against the health interests of entire mankind, the battle will
be fierce; therefore, the Cartel tries to force other industries
behind its unethical plans by means of laws.
Our answer is clear: these unscrupulous and unethical plans are not
a sign of strength of the pharmaceutical companies, but a sign of
The news that animals don’t get heart
attacks because they manufacture their own vitamin C will bring down
a billion dollar market in cholesterol-lowering drugs, betablockers,
calcium antagonists, and other cardiovascular drugs.
Our determined “No” to these unethical
human plans is summarized in the Petition for Vitamin Freedom. I
encourage you to talk with friends, neighbors, and colleagues about
the Codex Commission, and let them sign the Petition for Vitamin
Together, we will prevent the unethical plans of the Pharma-Cartel.
Why Germany
When looking at the global intrigues of these special interest
groups, one question comes to mind:
why is it that in these plans, which
inevitably will endanger the health and lives of millions of
people, do the German pharmaceutical industry and the
German government play leading roles?
Every visitor to the Frankfurt airport
in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, can guess the worldwide influence of the
German pharmaceutical and chemical industry.
The majority of the signs at the official corporate meeting point at
the airport belong to pharmaceutical companies; a kind of business
card of the German industry. But this is only the surface.
To understand the global key role of the
German government in connection with the Codex Commission, we have
to consider the close entanglement between the German government and
the German chemical and pharmaceutical industry throughout this
The IG Farben - Cartel
The most powerful German
corporate imperium in the first half of this century was
IG Farben, short for
Interessengemeinschaft Farben.
Interessengemeinschaft stands for
association of common interests and was a powerful cartel of BASF,
Bayer, Hoechst, and other chemical and pharmaceutical German
The IG Farben was the single largest
donor to the election campaign of Adolf Hitler.
One year before Hitler seized power in 1933, IG Farben donated
400,000 marks to Hitler and his Nazi party. Accordingly, when the
Nazis came into power the IG Farben was the single largest profiteer
of the Second World War and of the plundering of Europe by the
Nazis. One hundred percent of all explosives and synthetic gasoline
came from the factories of the IG Farben.
Whenever the German Wehrmacht conquered
another country, Bayer, Hoechst and BASF executives followed,
systematically taking over the industries of these countries.
Through this close collaboration with Hitler’s Wehrmacht, IG Farben
participated in the plunder of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland,
Norway, Holland, Belgium, France and all other countries occupied by
the Nazis.
In 1946, the U.S. government
investigation concluded that without the IG Farben the Second World
War would simply not have been possible. We have to realize that it
was not a psychopath named Adof Hitler, nor the innate character of
the German people that brought about the Second World War.
Economic greed by companies like Bayer,
BASF and Hoechst was the key factor in bringing about the Holocaust.
No one who saw Steven Spielberg’s film “Schindler’s List” will
forget the scenes in the concentration camp Auschwitz. Auschwitz was
the largest mass extinction factory in human history, but the
concentration camp was only the appendix. The main project was IG
Auschwitz, a 100% subsidiary of IG Farben, the world’s largest
industrial complex for manufacturing synthetic gasoline and rubber
for the conquest of Europe.
On March 1st, 1941,
Heinrich Himmler, the Reichsführer of the SS, inspected the
construction site.
On April 14th, 1941 Otto
Ambros, the IG Farben board member responsible for the Auschwitz
project, rose to his IG Farben board colleagues in Ludwigshafen and
“our new friendship with the SS is a
blessing. We have determined all measures integrating the
concentration camps to benefit our company.”
The pharmaceutical departments of the IG
Farben cartel used the victims of the concentration camp in their
own way: thousands of them died during human experiments such as the
testing of new and unknown vaccines.
There was no retirement plan for the prisoners of the IG Auschwitz.
Those too weak or too sick to work were selected at the main gate of
the IG Auschwitz factory and sent to the gas chambers. Even
the chemical gas Zyklon-B, used for
the annihilation of millions of people, came from the drawing boards
and factories of the IG Farben.
The Nuremberg War Criminal Tribunal convicted 24 IG Farben board
members and executives for mass murder, slavery and other crimes
against humanity. Amazingly however, by 1951 all of them had been
released and were working for German Corporations again.
The Nuremberg Tribunal divided the IG Farben into Bayer, Hoechst,
and BASF. Today each of the three daughters of the IG Farben is 20
times as big as the IG Farben mother was at its height in 1944, the
last year of the Second World War.
More importantly, the chairmen of the
boards, the highest positions in BASF, Bayer and Hoechst, were
occupied by former members of the Nazi-Party for almost three
decades after the Second World War.
Carl Wurster, chairman of the
board of BASF until 1974, was on the board of manufacturers
of Zyklon-B gas during the war
Carl Winnacker, chairman of the
board of Hoechst until the late 70’s was a member of the
Sturm Abteilung (SA) and was a member of the IG Farben board
Curt Hansen, chairman of the
board of Bayer until the late 70’s, was co-organizer of the
conquest of Europe in the department of “acquisition of
natural resources”
Under this leadership the IG Farben
daughters, BASF, Bayer, and Hoechst, continued to support
politicians representing their interests.
During the 1950’s and 60’s they invested
in the political career of a young representative from a suburb of
the BASF town of Ludwigshafen: Helmut Kohl. From 1957 to 1967 the
young Helmut Kohl was a paid lobbyist of the Verband Chemischen
Industrie, the central lobby organization of the German
pharmaceutical and chemical cartel.
Thus, the German chemical and pharmaceutical industry built up one
of their own as a political representative leaving to the German
people only the choice of approval. The result is well known: Helmut
Kohl has been chancellor of Germany for 16 years and the German
pharmaceutical and chemical industry became the leading exporters in
the world with subsidiaries in over 150 countries, more than the IG
Farben ever had.
Germany is the only country in the entire world in which a former
paid lobbyist for the chemical and pharmaceutical cartel is head of
the government.
In summary the support of German
politics for the global expansion plans of the German pharmaceutical
and chemical companies has a 100-year tradition. It is with this
background that we understand the support of Bonn for the unethical
plans of the Codex Commission.
The U.S. head prosecutor in the Nuremberg War Criminal Tribunal
against the IG Farben anticipated this development when he said:
“These IG Farben criminals, not the
lunatic Nazi fanatics, are the main war criminals. If the crimes
of these criminals are not brought to daylight and if they are
not punished, they will represent a much greater threat to the
future peace of the world than Hitler if he were still alive.”
Twice during this century, indescribable
and worldwide grief originated from German soil.
If, with the help of German politicians,
the Pharma-Cartel prevails, the eradication of heart disease will be
prevented, and in the next generation alone, over 500 million-people
unnecessarily will die from heart attacks.
Learn from
Twice this century the people in Germany have kept their mouths shut
until it was too late. This cannot happen a third time. We, the
people of Germany, now have a chance to prove to the entire world
that we have learned from history.
The next meeting of the Codex Commission will take place in
Bonn in the autumn of 1998. What can we do?
We will keep our political
representatives on their toes until the German government prohibits
any future participation of political or corporate representatives
in the Codex Commission. Those political representatives who do not
listen to us will be voted out of office next year. It’s that easy!
We won't forget that:
“We are the people!”
Chancellor Kohl will receive a letter
dated today in which he is asked to stop any further support of the
Codex Commission by the German government immediately.
If he does not comply with this request
within four weeks, I will publicly demand that he be impeached for
breaking his oath of avoiding any harm to the German people.
Pharmaceutical Industry Deceives the
General Public
The pharmaceutical industry continues to control our society.
Pharmaceutical interests control medical
research, and have entire health professions dependent. To maintain
and secure their position of power, the pharmaceutical companies
manipulate the legislation and the media. In large-scale advertising
campaigns trough all media, the pharmaceutical PR and propaganda
department creates a smoke screen concealing the true interests of
the pharmaceutical industry.
The pharmaceutical companies try to portray themselves in the light
of Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch and other pioneers in
They claim to be interested in the
eradication of diseases in order to serve humanity. The truth,
however, is the exact opposite: the pharmaceutical industry is
interested in keeping diseases alive as a basis for an expanding
pharmaceutical drug market.
The goals of the Codex Cartel
deliberately obstruct the eradication of diseases. Thus, the
pharmaceutical industry does not act in the tradition of the
saviourhood of humanity, but in the tradition of the IG Farben, a
group of organized criminals willing to sacrifice countless human
lives in order to maintain their profits.
In other deceptive advertisements the pharmaceutical industry claims
that the eradication of infectious diseases is their merit. Fact is,
however, that the most important treatments of infectious diseases,
as well as penicillin and other antibiotics, were discovered at
publicly financed universities. The only credit the pharmaceutical
industry deserves is that they immediately tried to use these
discoveries for their own profit.
Millions of people and taxpayers were
defrauded: they not only paid for the research at public
universities, but on top of that, they had to pay for the drugs
developed with public funds but marketed by pharmaceutical
In other deceptive PR campaigns, the pharmaceutical companies claim
that with their help, life expectancy has doubled throughout this
However, the fact is that every medical
textbook documents that this progress is the result of better
hygiene and has nothing to do with antibiotics and other
pharmaceutical drugs. What a lie, considering the fact that the
pharmaceutical cartel is trying to ban health information for
vitamins, fully aware of the fact that by doing so, they shorten the
life expectancy of millions of people by decades.
A further deception of the public is the campaign for
cholesterol-lowering drugs. Millions of hibernating animals have
cholesterol levels of 400 mg to 600 mg per deciliter, yet they don't
get heart attacks because they stabilize their artery walls with
sufficient vitamins which they produce in their own bodies, or take
up in the diet. The connection between cholesterol and heart disease
obviously is another illusion maintained by the manufacturers of
cholesterol-lowering drugs.
The only thing we know for sure about cholesterol-lowering drugs is
that all of them can cause cancer.
In January 1996, the Journal of the
American Medical Association alerted the medical community and
the general public about the fact that cholesterol-lowering drugs
have caused cancer in dosages close to those currently swallowed by
millions of people worldwide. The pharmaceutical companies are not
impressed by these facts.
In large-scale TV spots and advertising
campaigns they continue to sell these cancer time bombs as if they
were lollipops or chewing gum. On June 23rd, 1997, Fortune magazine,
one of the major Wall Street weeklies, carried an article about the
health care system.
It contained an interview with an
investment consultant for pharmaceutical companies who claimed that,
“everyone loses if eradication
therapy catches on.”
With “everyone” he, of course, does not
mean you or millions of patients.
This consultant simply stated what
everyone on Wall Street knows: the research and therapeutic
decisions within the pharmaceutical companies are guided by the
financial interests of the shareholders.
The profits of the pharmaceutical companies during the past 25 years
were on average 500% percent above the average of all industry
branches. In other words the business with ongoing diseases is the
most lucrative business in the world, and millions of people pay the
bill, directly and indirectly.
The exploding health care costs, paid
for by the people and the patients, are nothing but the insatiable
greed of the pharmaceutical companies.
What Do We
Have to Do?
These facts underscore the necessity for an entirely new structure
of the health care system. Every day that we allow these
unscrupulous practices to continue, thousands of people pay with
their lives. What can we do?
In the United States the Attorneys General of 34 states sued the
cigarette manufacturers in order to recover the health care costs
caused by cigarette smoking.
The cigarette giants started to shake in
their boots, and they face an ultimate fine of over $400,000 million
dollars to make up for damages caused by their product. Of course,
they knew all along about the crimes they had committed. If I am not
mistaken, the damage caused by pharmaceutical corporations to
millions of patients and to the public sector of essentially every
country in the world, exceeds the damage done by tobacco several
The most important step to change things is that we not only
denounce abuses, but that we take part in constructing a new health
Once we have liberated ourselves from
the yoke of the pharmaceutical cartel, the prospects for improvement
of human health are breathtaking. Within the next few generations
most common diseases can be controlled and the average life
expectancy can increase by ten years or more. Growing older in full
physical health will be the rule, not the exception.
I have asked myself whether there has ever been a parallel situation
in human history where the people had to liberate themselves from
such an ever-present suffocating grip by a small but powerful
interest group.
Here is this historic parallel...
History Repeats Itself: Liberation from False
Imagine that you live somewhere in Europe 500 years ago.
Eighty percent of the people are farmers
living in the poorest conditions imaginable. You cannot read or
write, and every other one of your children dies before their fifth
year from preventable childhood diseases. Tributes to the earthly
dukes and magnates have already left you penniless.
Now the Roman Church comes along, the only church in Europe at that
time, and declares to millions of believers that the key to heaven
is through Rome.
If you do not pay, says Rome, your soul will go to purgatory or
immediately to hell.
Millions of
the currency of that time, were thus extorted by the Roman church
from their faithful believers, in the form of indulgence payments.
The extorted indulgence money, of course, was used for rather
worldly projects. For example, for the reconstruction and gold
ornamentation of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome.
To secure the constant flow of money,
indulgence sellers regularly visited the villages and towns of
medieval Europe.
Their sales pitch was:
“Only if the Thaler is clinking in
the chest, the soul will spring out of purgatory.”
Here you are, and you don't know whether
you should use your last pennies to feed your children or to buy
entry to heaven for your own soul. But then it happened: on October
31st, 1517, a young monk nailed 35 theses to the castle church of
Martin Luther’s message was simple and clear: neither the church in
Rome nor anybody else can sell the key to heaven because the key to
heaven is within yourself. This simple message released a storm wind
of spiritual liberation. Suddenly millions of people realized that
they had been cheated and abused for decades and for one purpose
only: the boundless enrichment of Rome.
The storm of liberation was so powerful that the existing systems of
the world came tumbling down. On April 18th, 1521, only
four years later, Luther was called in front of the emperor’s Diet
in the city of Worms. In the presence of Emperor Charles V and the
pontifical legates, he was pressed to recant in order to stabilize
the antiquated order of things. Luther did not recant.
This day in Worms is considered the single most important day in
this millennium, because, like no other, it influenced the further
development of this millennium. The liberation of the human mind
from a century-old yoke of spiritual slavery had become
Millions of illiterate farmers learned to read and write with the
help of the German translation of the Bible. During the course of
the 16th century the illiteracy rate in Europe dropped
from 80% to 20%. Commerce and trade began to blossom because now
people could write.
Ulrich von Hutten, a contemporary of Luther, described the
incredible feeling of liberation with the words,
“What a joy it is to live.”
The medieval times had ended once and
for all and the liberation of the human spirit and intellect
released resources in all sectors of society and made Europe the
most influential continent on Planet Earth.
Today, 500 years later, we find ourselves in a similar dependency.
This time it is not the dependency of the mind and the intellect,
but the dependency of our bodies and our health. Just as 500 years
ago, millions of people are being deprived of their last money for
an illusion: health through the pharmaceutical industry.
It is high time that this illusion is ended. Thus, as it was 500
years ago, the message today is simple. Nobody except yourself owns
the key to your health. The liberation of mankind towards health
will liberate similar resources in all sectors of society, like the
intellectual liberation 500 years ago.
We cannot wait another day. Today, here in Chemnitz we hammer the
thesis of liberation for human health to the walls, but these are
more than theses. The results of the clinical studies have already
confirmed this thesis.
Therefore, today we present the Chemnitz
Program, which will become the foundation of a new health care
approach on a worldwide scale.
The Chemnitz
We, the people of this Earth,
are aware that at the end of the 20th Century we
still have completely inadequate knowledge of our bodies and
of the causes of good health and disease. Physical
incapacity is today forcing millions of people into
disastrous physical and financial dependency on interest
groups which profit from the continued existence of disease,
principal among them being the pharmaceutical industry.
The corporate purpose of the
pharmaceutical industry is the trade in disease, not the
prevention or eradication of disease. The pharmaceutical
industry has a direct financial interest in the continued
existence of disease as the prerequisite for the continuing
growth of pharmaceutical markets.
The pharmaceutical industry's
most lucrative business comes from those diseases that are
most widespread. The pharmaceutical industry itself is the
main obstacle to medical breakthrough in the control of
cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, cardiac
insufficiency, cancer, osteoporosis and other endemic public
health scourges.
The trade in disease is one of
the most profitable trades there is. The profits made by the
pharmaceutical industry are several times greater than the
average for other industries. These pharmaceutical industry
profits are the main reason for skyrocketing health-care
costs. The economies of virtually all industrialized
countries in the world are in the stranglehold of the
pharmaceutical industry.
We, the people of this Earth,
are doubly damaged by this state of affairs.
Firstly, we have to meet the
skyrocketing health-care costs either directly or
Secondly, we receive no
return on our money in the form either of good health or
the control of endemic public health problems
In the face of express
resistance from the pharmaceutical industry, a medical
breakthrough has now been achieved which will lead to
cardiovascular diseases being brought under control. Heart
attack and stroke are not true diseases, they are the
consequences of chronic vitamin deficiency - and as such are
Now that humanity has the unique
opportunity to free itself from the scourge of heart
disease, pharmaceutical companies are forming a worldwide
cartel designed to prevent this happening. To achieve their
aims the pharmaceutical companies are willing to accept the
continuing existence of cardiovascular disease and the
premature deaths of millions of people.
These activities have laid bare
the pharmaceutical industry's true agenda for all the world
to see. We, the people of this Earth, are no longer prepared
to subject ourselves to the yoke of this immoral interest
We declare that the
pharmaceutical industry, whose business is founded on the
maintenance of disease, is unethical and incompatible with
the fundamental principles of human rights. We demand
immediate legal steps to ban this industry from conducting
its business.
The intentional maintenance of
disease in order to promote sales of drugs and the
prevention of the eradication of disease have as a
consequence the death of millions of people. In view of the
scale of this crime they must be punished with the most
severe penalty available under prevailing law, and further
laws must be passed by the nations of the world without
delay. At international level these misdeeds must
immediately be pursued as criminal violations of human
Existing pharmaceutical
companies must be subjected to immediate investigation into
the extent to which they have enriched themselves from the
deliberate maintenance of disease and prevention of its
eradication. If the pharmaceutical companies are found
guilty of this crime, their assets must be seized in payment
of damages to affected parties and the community generally.
Politicians and other
accomplices who are guilty of aiding and abetting crimes of
this sort must be called to account before the courts of
Laws preventing free access to
and use of vitamins and other natural therapies must be
Above all, this program lays the
foundations for a new system of health care. As a first
step, the preservation and improvement of health will be
declared an inalienable human right.
The primary goal of the new
health care system will be the prevention and eradication of
disease. Vitamin research and Cellular Medicine constitute a
sound scientific basis for the implementation of effective,
side-effect free and economical health care measures.
We, the people of this Earth,
declare that we will build up this new system of health care
and that we ourselves will form the cornerstones of this new
The foundation of this new
system of health care is the provision of comprehensive
public information and education on health care issues. In
every town and city, information and advice centers will be
set up through which committed lay persons and members of
the healing professions can contribute to the creation of
this new system.
The training of existing health
professionals will be extended and new health professions
will be created with the goal of guaranteeing basic
grass-roots health care.
Health-care education will be
made a compulsory subject in schools and the further
education of the public on health-care issues will be
promoted at all levels.
Medical research and licensing
of drugs will be subjected to a comprehensive system of
public control.
From this meeting here in Chemnitz we
call upon the people of Germany, Europe and the world: support this
program and implement it in your town and your country.
Do it for your own health and for the
health of future generations. We call upon everyone to vote only for
politicians who support this program and help to fulfill it. Do not
trust any politician who functions as a puppet of the Pharma-Cartel.
The audience responded to the Chemnitz
Program with a standing ovation of several minutes. Ladies and
gentlemen, as you leave, take a deep breath and enjoy the feeling
that a new era has begun.
No one can accomplish the mission that
lies before us, but ourselves.