Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
March 28, 2011
Examiner Website
Independent scientist
Leuren Moret in an exclusive
March 27, 2011 interview has stated that the west
coasts of the United States and Canada, Mexico, and Hawaii are being
intentionally targeted by dangerous radiation from the March 11,
2011 tectonic warfare earthquake and nuclear meltdown events at
Fukushima, Japan.
The west coasts of the United States and Canada, and Mexico, Ms.
Moret indicates, are the major food producing areas for North
Radiation from the Japan quake/nuclear meltdown events at
Fukushima is intentionally being steered into these areas in order
to dose the land and the food with radiation.
Weather warfare capabilities used to steer radiation fallout
Ms. Moret indicates that the weather warfare capabilities of the
HAARP-aerosol/chemtrails plasma weapons systems are being used to
steer the radiation against these geographic targets. In the case of
Hawaii, the HAARP radiation steering pattern is extremely unusual
and visible.
Ms. Moret indicates that although the west coasts of Canada and the
U.S. appear to be targeted, the
weather warfare capabilities of the HAARP-aerosol/chemtrails plasma weapon appear to be creating a
high-pressure system that is protecting the highly populated eastern
portions of Canada and the U.S. around Toronto, New York and
Washington from the Japan radiation fallout.
Ms. Moret indicates that the Hawaiian Islands are already suffering
the effects of nuclear radiation from the use of U.S.
uranium (DU) weapons at bases there and from fall-out from U.S.
atmospheric nuclear bomb testing.
U.S. and Canadian Health authorities are misleading the public about
radiation danger
Independent scientist Leuren Moret states,
“California Govt. Health
Depts. warned Medical Doctors since the earthquake disaster began
NOT to give Iodine tablets to patients concerned about radiation
exposure. Iodine 131, Cesium 134, 137, and Tellurium 132, Xenon have
been reported from the entire N. American coastline.”
Ms. Moret continues,
“Dr. Chris Busby said the Environmental
Protection Agency in the U.S. (refused to release any rad numbers to
the public) has lied and said that ‘no elevated radiation levels
have been detected at RADNET sensors’ - 124 across the U.S. and 24 are
‘broken’. U.S. reporting is not in agreement with European agencies.”
Ms. Moret states,
“My Geiger counter is taped to my printer at eye
level here in Berkeley, California. The rad levels have
doubled/tripled here since March 11. There is nowhere to hide.”
Depopulation as the ultimate purpose of global radiation war
Ms. Moret states that the the purpose of this nuclear war is to
attack the health and genome of the North American the population is
attacked with radiation, to depopulate North America, and to make
future humans less healthy and less resistant to takeover by a
global new world order.
The ultimate culpability for the tectonic/nuke bombing of Japan and
the targeting of Japan, the west coasts of Canada and the U.S.,
Mexico and Hawaii lies with an
international war crimes racketeering
led by bloodlines in the City of London financial
complex (including the
Rothschild Family), the
British monarchy and
other specific noble bloodlines.
interests control the world uranium industry, are major landowners
of the planet, and have espoused
global depopulation programs for at
least 100 years.
The specific agencies in nation-states carrying out these tectonic
attacks and radiation programs do so as part of
Agenda 21, a
depopulation program enunciated when
Henry Kissinger was U.S.
Secretary of State, and a deep cover operative of this war crimes
racketeering organization.
View exclusive interview with Leuren Moret on nuclear war against
U.S., Canada, Mexico and Hawaii:
Leuren Moret
Japan Nuclear War Targets U.S., Canada, Mexico
and Hawaii
March 27, 2011
YouTube Website
U.S. Navy and HAARP facility at Gakona, Alaska triggered Japan
Ms. Moret indicated that the tectonic attack that triggered the
March 11, 2011 Fukushima earthquake appeared to have come from the
HAARP facility at Gakona, Alaska, operated by the U.S. Navy.
There are at least 17 HAARP and
aerosol/chemtrails weapons systems
ground stations worldwide.
In an
earlier March 20, 2011 interview, Ms. Moret had established
the multiple reasons why the Japan earthquake was most plausibly
conditioned and triggered by a HAARP-aerosol/chemtrails plasma
weapon, to cause Chernobyl-like nuclear radiation mega leaks that,
according to a report by the Swedish government, will be distributed
over the entire Northern hemisphere of the planet.
Among the various aspects of the Japan earthquake discussed by Ms.
Moret that fit the profile of a HAARP-triggered earthquake system
The earthquake intensity and
The deliberate confusion by the
U.S. around the scale of the earthquake
The foreshadowing sale of Japan
Westinghouse (controlled by Rockefeller interests) in 2006
to Hitachi and other interests
The use of the
Stuxnet virus in the
Fukushima plant to cause the malfunctions of the cooling
pumps and valves, thereby creating the dangerous radiation
The creation of HAARP-related
vortex clouds over the San
Francisco, CA Bay Area on March 18, 2011 to trigger a heavy rain out
of the radiation from the first Fukushima plant explosion onto the
population, food and ecology of the Bay area
HAARP Magnetometer data shows Japan earthquake was induced
source states,
“The United States Air Force and Navy has
provided a visual insight into what caused the 9.0 magnitude off of
Japan on March 11, 2011 at 05:46:23 UTC. The image above was
downloaded from the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)
website. It is a time-frequency spectrogram, which shows the
frequency content of signals recorded by the HAARP Induction
This instrument, provided by the University of Tokyo,
measures temporal variations in the geomagnetic field (Earth’s
magnetosphere) in the ULF (ultra-low frequency) range of 0-5 Hz.
Notions have been added to the image to show you what was happening
the day the Japan earthquake and tsunami struck.

“By looking at the accompanying HAARP spectrum chart above you can
see when the 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck - red line drawn
vertically - and what was happening before and after the earthquake.
What you can also see is a constant ULF frequency of 2.5 Hz being
recorded by the magnetometer.
The ULF 2.5 Hz frequency is evidence
of an induced earthquake. The chart recorded this constant before,
during and after the 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck. On March 11,
2011 the 2.5 Hz ULF frequency was being emitted and recorded from
0:00 hours to about 10:00 hours - or for 10 hours.
We know for a
fact that the Japan earthquake lasted only a few minutes so why was
the earthquake signature frequency (2.5 Hz) being recorded for 10
hours on the morning of March 11, 2011?
Because a HAARP phased array
antenna system was broadcasting (transmitting) the 2.5Hz ULF
frequency and it triggered the Japan earthquake and ensuing
Japan Earthquake and Nuclear "Accidents" are Tectonic Nuclear
Warfare Land Grabs
In her March 27, 2011 interview, independent scientist Leuren Moret
“The U.S., Mexico and Hawaii are the targeted regions for
another Rockefeller/Rothschild nuclear war from Japan.”
Ms. Moret
“The reactors at Fukushima were in meltdown 90
minutes after cooling was stopped by the earthquake. In reality,
those reactors have been in greater and greater stages of meltdown
since 90 minutes after the earthquake on March 11, and should have
been encapsulated like Chernobyl immediately because there was no
other option from the start."
Leuren Moret continues,
“When the desired "dose" has been delivered
to N. America, Mexico, Hawaii, the Japanese military will suddenly
pile on the boron, sand and cement to bury the waste forever. Until
then the slow poisoning of the oceans, atmosphere and western N.
America will continue.”
Radiation clouds progression above the Pacific Ocean
Leuren Moret states,
“The release of 1300 radioactive fission
products from 600,000 spent fuel rods began with the hydrogen
explosions and have been constant since. Unit 3 with
the MOX fuel is
the source of 23,800 pounds of Plutonium that has the possibility of
global Plutonium pollution. Very fresh fission products in the
contaminated water in Unit 2 indicates that criticality is now a
Ms. Moret continues,
“The EURAD organization in Cologne Univ. has
excellent animated maps (below images) to show the progression of the poison clouds
across the Pacific at different altitudes."
Potential dispersion of the radioactive cloud over The Northern

Figure A above, displays a potential dispersion of the radioactive
cloud (Cesium 137 Isotope) after a nuclear accident in reactor
Fukushima I.
The continuous release rate is very uncertain, thus the
calculations have to be interpreted qualitatively.
dispersion in the
near surface level (Level 1 - below image)
in approximately 2500 meters height
(Level 12 - far below image)
in approximately 5000 meters height (Level 16
- above image)
These maps are from
EuRad, European Union at the University of Köln
(Rheinisches Institut für Umweltforschung an der
Universität zu Köln.)

Tracing the path of
the radioactivity
Ms. Moret states,
“Find Los Angeles in the map (above), then look down to
the left and you will see Mexico City.”
Ms. Moret continues,
“It looks like they are taking out the west and
Mexico and the Hawaiian Islands. Study the way that they 'hooked'
the nano-particle clouds back to hit Hawaii.”
Ms. Moret states,
“These nano-particles are highly charged... and
when moisture collects on them, they turn into a rain drop and fall
from the sky. Snow scavenges 95% of the particles out of the
atmosphere. This happens in the troposphere... (from the surface to
about 60 miles high) where all the storms, hurricanes, rain... etc.
“The radiation from nuclear bomb tests was injected high into the
atmosphere... 85% is still there, “ Ms. Moret states.
Weather modification delivers nuclear war to targets
Ms. Moret states,
“This map (Figure A far above) shows how absolutely tailored
they can make weather modification to deliver their nuclear war to
specific targets and depopulate their land grabs.”
Independent scientist Leuren Moret states,
“The U.S. Navy gets
Hawaii where they are moving 95% of the ships and personnel.
Rockefellers are getting North America.
The Rothschilds are getting
the western North America food basket... Washington, Oregon and
California... and getting rid of the liberals and progressives.”
Goals of the covert nuclear war
Ms. Moret continues,
“And the
New World Order, also known as Dope
INC. will get North American Unification, the
North American Union
and their new drug delivery route.
The NAFTA highway is their drug
route from Mexico through the U.S. to Canada. Waco is on the NAFTA
highway. Waco is the Texas Headquarters for the Scottish Rite
Masons. Waco, Texas, a key spot on the NAFTA highway is a big drug
depot for Dope INC.”
Editorial note - The book
DOPE Inc. describes an international drug
cartel that controls “God” - Gold, Oil, and Drugs - on planet
Earth, operated by bloodlines of the U.K. monarchy and the City of
London (Rothschilds). Dope Inc. has operated international drugs
since the reign of King George III and the opium wars against China
that involved smuggling opium from India into China to subvert it.
Ms. Moret continues,
“In Arkansas the Masonic Headquarters is very
close to the NAFTA freeway. The bridge collapse in Minneapolis was
because they needed to build a bigger bridge for the NAFTA Hwy. They
used imminent domain for the land grab to build the bigger bridge.
The NAFTA Highway ends at Winnipeg, Manitoba, whose Provincial
Legislature is a Masonic capital of Canada.”
Ms. Moret states,
“The result of the radiation war against the
United States, Canada, Mexico and Hawaii and the weakening of the
population here is that Dope Inc., also known as the New World Order
gets the North American Unification of Canada, the United States and
Mexico. This provides more efficient drug delivery routes,
destruction of democracy, and enslavement of the North American
Ms. Moret states,
“The covert nuclear war has already hit... if you
didn't prepare... sorry. The people who will be most impacted by the
radiation exposure are the children, the unborn, the old and the
immune compromised.”
Ms. Moret states,
“The effect is to poison the oceans using the
Japanese current. In this dynamic environment the large amount of
radiation released from Fukushima will be mixed in the global
atmosphere in one year. Radiation respects no borders, no
socio-economic class and no religion. It is an equal opportunity
What the public can do to protect themselves
In the interview, Ms. Moret urged individuals in the affected areas
in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Hawaii to use reverse osmosis
filters on their drinking water, to take iodine tablets or use
iodine topically on the skin near the thyroid gland to protect the
thyroid, to watch their diets and get regular exercise.
Updates from Leuren Moret
This reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre will be broadcasting regular
interviews and articles from independent scientist Leuren Moret on
the Japan tectonic/nuclear attack radiation situation.
Leuren Moret
indicated that
her website will be online shortly with updates as
"With the tragedy in Japan raising fears of radioactive
contamination, there's been a massive run on potassium iodide. The
experts are telling everyone that this combination will protect them
from nuclear fallout. They're wrong!
"Potassium iodide is a good product. The potassium is supposed to
protect you from the radioactive cesium. And the iodide protects
against radioactive iodine. However, there are a couple problems
with it.
"First, there's not nearly enough potassium in this combination to
protect you against the radioactive cesium. In the body, cesium acts
like potassium. So having enough potassium in your body is supposed
to prevent your body from absorbing the cesium. But most people are
so deficient in potassium, that the small amount in potassium iodide
won't protect you. You need to take a separate potassium supplement
to protect yourself.
"Second, you have to protect a lot more than your thyroid from
radiation. Yes, the iodide in potassium iodide will protect your
thyroid. However, it won't be as efficient at protecting your
breasts and other organs. Here's why:
"Iodide is a form of iodine. Iodine is essential for your thyroid
and several other tissues and organs. Your thyroid needs it most.
So, your body has a heavy concentration there. If you're deficient,
as most Americans are, your thyroid will pick up any iodine your
body ingests. This includes radioactive iodine, which can poison
your thyroid.
"On the other hand, if your thyroid is sufficient (full) of iodine,
it will ignore any other iodine passing by — including radioactive
iodine. Iodide and iodine serve slightly different roles in your
body. They each protect different organs in different ways. So in
the event of nuclear fallout, it's vital you protect your body with
both nutrients. Potassium iodide doesn't provide iodine.
"There are two products that provide ample amounts of both iodide
and iodine. I've written a lot about
Iodoral in past issues
(available on my website). I think most people should take one
capsule daily, just for general nutritional purposes. I do. After a
few weeks, your thyroid should be sufficient in iodine and iodide,
making your organs more resistant to radioactive iodine.
"A good alternative is Lugol's solution, which is the liquid form of
Iodoral. Two drops of this iodine/iodide product is equivalent to
one Iodoral. If you know there's a significant risk of radioactive
iodine exposure, you can double or triple the dose in the short run.
Regardless of whether radiation from Japan's nuclear facilities
comes this way or not, these are great products to take on a regular
basis. Both are readily available on the Internet.
"Finally, potassium iodide can't protect you against the radioactive
heavy metals. Normally,
chelation is the ideal way to deal with
heavy metals. But there's a problem. Uranium atoms may be too large
for conventional chelators to grab. So I recommend a totally natural
supplement from decaying organic matter instead. It's my favorite
for super heavy metals. This includes uranium, which is the heaviest
naturally occurring metal. The product is
Metal Magnet, which
contains humic/fulvic acids. These are complex large organic
molecules containing lots of carboxylic acid chemical groups. These
attract metals like a giant catcher's mitt. All metals will fit in.
And it is especially good at capturing toxic metals (see Second
Opinion from June and July 2006). You can find Metal Magnet on the
"Strontium 90, a radioactive mineral, is a more difficult issue. It
is chemically similar to calcium and can wind up in your bones.
Since EDTA can chelate calcium, it would make sense that it would
also grab strontium. And studies suggest it does. For strontium 90,
consider both oral and rectal EDTA, which may offer limited
protection. If you are exposed to radiation, I'd go directly to
intravenous EDTA under the care of a trained chelation doctor.
"I also recommend taking Chlorella regularly (take 15 tablets
daily). It is an excellent metal detoxifier and all around superfood.
"When Chernobyl melted down, researchers found that brown seaweed
greatly reduced radiation poisoning. There are two products that
offer brown seaweed, also known as alginate. The first is
(available on the Internet). The other is Pectasol Chelation
Complex. Both products are rich in alginates.
"Another fantastic product I've used for years is
Advanced Detox
Formula. I use this formulation to help cancer patients undergoing
radiation therapy. The formula greatly reduces the amount of
radiation your body absorbs. It also protects you with its
sulfur-bearing detoxification nutrients, which also help regenerate
glutathione. Be sure to take it along with supplemental vitamin C
(2-8 grams daily) and vitamin E (1,200 IU daily) when exposed to
radiation. My favorite vitamin E is Unique E, Carlson's E, and
Delta-Fraction Tocotrienols (take one softgel, twice a day). You can
order King Chlorella, Pectasol Chelation Complex, Advanced Detox
Formula, and Delta-Fraction Tocotrienols from
Advanced Bionutritionals.
"Finally, there are certain foods that can protect you. Start by
eating as many Living Foods as possible. Remember, plant chemicals
protect plants from solar radiation. They can help protect you as
"For general radiation exposure, whether nuclear, or even medical
gamma ray exposure, you might be surprised to know that
miso can
protect you. I read years ago of a hospital right under ground zero
in Japan, which survived the bombing. (Directly under the explosion,
it was spared the destruction of the blast, which went out more than
down.) The doctor walked out of the hospital, saw the total
destruction, walked back in and told everyone to eat miso. Those who
did were spared radiation sickness. Many studies have confirmed the
protective effects of fermented soy!
"With nuclear radiation, potassium iodide can help. But, as you can
see, it's not nearly enough.
"Yours for better health and medical freedom,
"Robert J. Rowen, MD
"Ref: Hiroshima J Med Sci., 2001 Dec; 50(4): 83-6; Archives of
Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, volume 18, number 4,
612-616, DOI: 10.1007/BF01055029."