by Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH
Prepared for
co-exclusive publication in
Prevailing Winds: The
Journal of Current Events, Politics, History and Health
and by
Tetrahedron Website
Release: No.00-EV/12
Date Mailed: August16, 2000
For Immediate Release
Contact: Contessa Morton-208/265-2575; 800/336-9266
Public Health Expert Charges West Nile Virus
Sprayings are Bogus and Potentially Deadly
Sandpoint, ID - Urban sprayings of malathion, a
suspected human chemical carcinogen and known immune
system blocker, as a means to control mosquito
populations - efforts aimed at stemming outbreaks of the
West Nile Virus (WNV) - has not been
scientifically proven to be either safe or effective.
According to a group of concerned physicians and
scientists led by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, a Harvard
graduate and internationally known authority in public
health, the sprayings of Northeast U.S. populations
violates a basic tenant of public health practice
requiring known risk and proven benefits of the policy,
in this case aerosolizing a chemical compound linked to
cancer development and genetic damage in various species
throughout the food chain.
Even the alleged origin of the "West Nile Virus," should
be questioned, according to Dr. Horowitz. Prior to
calling it WNV, it was known as Eastern Equine
Encephalitis (EEE). However, U.S. Government
documents reprinted in,
Emerging Viruses: AIDS &
Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional?,
cite the name "Dawson's encephalitis," among a group of
viral agents being studied in the West Nile district of
Northwest Uganda by the Army's sixth leading biological
weapons contracting firm called Bionetics - a medical
subsidiary of the global military weapons developer,
Litton Industries.
"I can
think of lots of examples [where] wiping [out] one
problem caused a worse one to pop up," complained
Henry A. Wallace of the Institute for Alternative
Agriculture regarding malathion sprayings. "I would
think people, by now, would know that heavy
applications of pesticide have not been the right
way to go. Spraying people with pesticide that do
not want to be sprayed must be morally wrong."
As the
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) currently
oversees public health agencies including the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for threats
to national security posed by viral agents such as
HIV/AIDS, Dr. Horowitz said,
investigation into the intelligence of spraying
American civilians with a documented chemical
carcinogen that, at minimum, wrecks havoc with our
children's immune systems, is urgently indicated."
-end -
NOTE TO JOURNALISTS: For an interview or article
on the area of Dr. Horowitz's research, or a list of
authorities who support the position(s) stated above,
please call Contessa Morton at 208-265-2575. |
What New
Viruses' Vaccines and 'Chemtrails' Have in Common
There is a three letter common denominator underlying:
the West Nile
Virus (WNV) outbreak in New England, the controversial spraying of
ablation known human chemical carcinogen related to agent
orange-over American cities, the growing threat of anthrax or other
biological weapons attacks, vaccination policies that are risky and
questionable, if not downright deadly, the mysterious "chemtrails"
overcastting previously blue skies across North America, and an
avalanche of sophisticated counterintelligence propaganda concerning
vaccinations and bioterrorist threats emanating from our nation’s
primary news sources.
The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is implicated in every
As a principle perpetrator of all these threats, and a
primary purveyor of propaganda in these domains, America’s leading
military intelligence and "corporate espionage" agency is suspect in
what amounts to global genocide being carried out in the name of "public health" and
"national security."
As an investigative journalist who routinely travels across the
western hemisphere, I get my "homework" assignments from airport
newsstands. Since ‘990, I’ve been tracking U.S. government cover-ups
in the health science domain. My special interests lie in "emerging
viruses," bioterrorism, and "media propaganda."
As a graduate of
Harvard School of Public, and post-doctoral researcher in media
persuasion technologies, I have, for the past five years, conducted
highly controversial investigations, published stunningly
incriminating documents, and exposed the purveyors of propaganda
surrounding today’s deadliest microbes, along with the agents and
agencies directly responsible for bioengineering and transmitting
designer viruses and bacteria to grossly unwitting populations.
job has been to raise public awareness regarding these "covert
operations," to help a tiny intelligent minority survive the current
and coming plagues.
Having spent most of my adult life residing in Boston, the news of
massive malathione spraying for "disease and mosquito control" in
Massachusetts and Rhode Island, as was done months earlier in
Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey, grabbed my attention.(1)
Sketchy reports, issued by
The Massachusetts Department of Public
Health, alleged the discovery of the WNV "in an adult dead crow
found July " "in a wooded area near Willow Pond in Jamaica Plain
(adjacent Roxbury), Massachusetts" - a predominantly African American
Boston suburb and home to one of America’s largest Nation of Islam
"Odd," I thought,
"of all the places in Massachusetts it could have landed, the
dead crow dropped on a Black community."
The official press notice cited the alleged need to deliver
or aerial larvacide and ground adulticide treatments around positive
WNV findings." Thus, the extensive lethal spraying of immune system
ravaging malathione began.
That same week, with heightened fear of a biological apocalypse at
hand, on Friday, July 8, 2000, the Reuters news agency in
Washington announced that the U.S. military’s use of anthrax vaccine
had come under intense scrutiny and additional fire.(2)
Dr. David A.
Ashford, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
was quoted as stating,
"we do not have any
specific information on the efficacy of the existing vaccine for
the prevention of inhalational anthrax and we probably never
The article
suspiciously recalled the largely ignored report of findings by Dan
Burton’s congressional investigating committee issued six months
The February 2000 report by the House of Representatives’
Committee on Government Reforms called for the suspension of the
anthrax vaccine program. Not only was the vaccine’s inefficacy
determined by the committee, but the risk of side effects was found
to be ‘75 times greater than defense department officials initially
assured the FDA and military personnel receiving the vaccine.
Suddenly, this Reuters report previewed the likelihood that the FDA
would approve an obscure antibiotic, ciprofloxacin, over better
known penicillins and doxycyclines to prevent deaths from anthrax
inhalations. These standard antimicrobials, the article speculated,
might be less effective than ciprofloxacin, due to the development
of antibiotic resistant strains of anthrax.
According to the
Physician’s Desk Reference, the risks of ciprofloxacin
administration are numerous and severe.
The very next day, Saturday, July 29, 2000, the nation’s principle
news agency, the Associated Press (AP), announced the
move by the FDA to legislate ciprofloxacin as the drug of choice
against anthrax. This synchronous announcement was said to help the
Bayer Corporation of West Haven Connecticut market its product.
Conveniently, for the corporation, the FDA’s action was said to be,
"part of an
organized effort by federal agencies to prepare the nation to
respond to biological attack."
FDA committee chairman, Dr.
L. Barth Reller of Duke University, said
"the unanimous vote of the
committee ‘is clearly linked’ to the unusual circumstances of
preparing for a possible terrorist attack... The CDC also is
poised to stockpile the drug," AP reported.
Background on
the CIA, the "West Nile Virus," and "Industrial Espionage"
Hints of CIA involvement, and a darker side to this virus’s
evolution, came less than a year earlier with the publication of
Richard Preston’s New Yorker feature on the "West Nile [Virus]
Mystery: How did it get here? The CIA would like to know."(4)
the alleged outbreak of WNV, more commonly termed Eastern Equine
Encephalitis (EEE) virus, provided an excuse to spray millions of
mostly Jewish, Black, and Hispanic "mosquitos" in the tri-state
region with malathion.
Preston, whose propagandist nature and
associations I exposed in,
Emerging Viruses:
AIDS & Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional?,(5) is the author of the New York Times
The Hot Zone.(6)
This work catapulted him to national
acclaim and his current status as the chief voice in mainstream
media bent on broadcasting "immanent" biological attacks by "terrorists," primarily depicted as Arabs, Blacks, and/or Muslims.
It should be realized, however, that the word "bioterrorism,"
reflects a broader sense of the word, including the frightening of
Americans into accepting virtually any official bioactive
prescription, including experimental and risky vaccinations. In the
case of malatione spraying, this carcinogenic and lethal
intoxication is deemed appropriate to allegedly protect citizens
against hypothetical biological attacks, man-made or natural. For
the propagandist purpose of fear induction, Preston’s prose is best
I first linked Richard Preston to CIA counterintelligence activities
through my independent investigation into the origin of the Ebola
Ebola, the ideal biological weapon that kills nine-out-of-ten
humans within three weeks of infection, emerged first in three
European vaccine production laboratories virtually simultaneously in
‘967. Then named the "Marburg virus" (after one of the vaccine
maker’s Marburg, Germany, address), consensus held that this virus
arrived in Europe in a shipment of nearly 500 African monkeys.
scientific literature, mainstream media, and Richard Preston, never
once disclosed the name of the infamous monkey supplier-Litton Bionetics.
Bionetics is cited in the US Congressional Record as a
leading biological weapons contractor and nonhuman primate supplier
for the US military. Rather than reporting the obvious association
between the ideal biological weapon and a top biological weapons
contractor, Preston instead advanced a theory on Ebola’s origin
totally void of scientific evidence, support, or merit.
Ebola, he
claimed came from the deep dark Kitum Cave near the West Nile region
of Central Africa. Kitum Cave, according to repressed National
Cancer Institute (NCI) documents, is Preston’s metaphor for Litton Bionetics’s research lab.
Here, in the West Nile region of Central
Africa, currently the heart of the African AIDS belt, Bionetics
collaborated, during the early 1960s through mid 1970s, with the
International Association for Research in Cancer (IARC).
(Suspiciously, given the history of the cancer industry, the IARC
was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, but centered
in France!)
Near the actual Kitum Cave, and the West Nile Valley of
Northwest Uganda, Litton Bionetics and NCI scientists experimented on
non-human primates and apparently African villagers too, according
to eyewitness testimony.(7)
Bionetics was a medical subsidiary of the mega-military
weapons contractor, Litton Industries. Their president, Roy Ash,
oversaw all of American industry during the first Nixon
administration beginning in 1969. That year, Henry Kissinger
received the post Nixon also considered for Roy Ash - National
Security Advisor overseeing CIA, FBI, and foreign policy.
George Bush, at that time, was a Texas congressman. He, along side
his father’s friend, William Draper III, warned legislators about
the imminent national security threat of burgeoning Third World
populations particularly in Africa.
This and other warnings prompted
Henry Kissinger to begin writing the infamous "National Security
Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S.
Security and Overseas Interests" submitted before he left his NSA
advisor post in 1974. The document, declassified December 21, 1980,
called for massive Third World depopulation and related activities.
While NSM "00 was being prepared,
George Bush was appointed to serve
as CIA director.
According to two other CIA directors - Richard Helms and William
Colby - as published in US Congressional Records, Dr. Kissinger
oversaw the development of biological weapons for covert operations
and depopulation programs.
Additionally incriminating is past CIA director James Woolsey’s
testimony before a congressional investigating committee in 199"
concerning the agency’s French operations.
He stated,
"With the end of the
Cold War, the CIA must enter the era of economic espionage."
In the language of espionage, a French columnist explained, this
meant that,
"the CIA will
henceforth do many services for American enterprises which take
the trouble to ask it for ‘help’ in both counterespionage and
espionage itself."
Obviously, then, considering these powerful people and their
positions, it is not unreasonable to suspect a conspiracy to direct,
at minimum, propaganda, if not global genocide in the name of
"population control."
This later consideration might seem unconscionable were it not for
the definitive links between Litton, the CIA, and the Nazi-linked
I.G. Farben Company - the global chemical and pharmaceutical cartel
that came to prominence in the early 1900s.(5)
The building that
housed Germany’s leading industrial organization prior to World War
II, and for all practical purposes the Third Reich during the war,
became CIA European headquarters immediately following the war.
marble decorated I.G. Farben building was intentionally spared from
allied bombing runs. It was largely built by the "Bayer
Pharmaceutical " consortium that included the distributors of
aspirin and heroin to U.S. markets by the "Farbenfabriken of
Elberfeld Co., 40 Stone Street, New York" according to a 1906
Medical Observer advertisement.(5,8)
It is no secret that the CIA,
with involvement by the Bush family in America, has been very active
in illicit drug running operations for the last several decades.(9)
Origin of the
West Nile Virus?
In his pre-Halloween "DISPATCH" in The New Yorker , Richard Preston
treated us to another trick. Concerning at least five people who
died in the New York City vicinity from WNV, Preston reported the
CIA’s concern was that the outbreak might have been a bioterrorist
"How else did it get" to America, he asked. Then he
explained, "The West Nile virus was first identified by virologists
in 1977 in the West Nile district of Uganda."
Reading between the lines, Preston neglected to explain where these
pioneering virologists came from and who funded them. The answer is
very easily found in a review of the scientific and historic
Beginning in the 1960s, the fields cancer, virology, and "public
health" were virtually entirely funded by
the Rockefeller family in
cooperation with Alfred P. Sloan, chief benefactors and directors of
the later developed Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Research Center.
By 1970, John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company, had "married"
the German chemical/pharmaceutical cartel known as I.G. Farben.
Farben, Germany’s leading industrial organization, managed Hilter’s
rise from ruin to riches as leader of the Nazi party. Farben’s
directors - the cream of the SS and Third Reich - decided that Jewish
people would best serve as slave labor in their corporate
"concentration camps."
Hitler’s "racial hygiene program," historic
documents proved, evolved from the "scientific eugenics" efforts of
the Rockefeller family, the British Royal Family, and other powerful
political notables including Prescott Bush, George Bush’s father!
that time, primarily Rockefeller money built the Kaiser Wilhelm
Institute for Eugenics, Anthropology and Human Heredity in pre-Nazi
Then, Rockefellers and friends instilled
Ernst Rudin, as
the institute’s director. He later became Hitler’s chief racial
hygienist. Margaret Sanger, the grand matriarch of "family
planning," and "world population control," worked vigorously, at
that time, to herald the necessary elimination of "dysgenic"
people-mainly Blacks.
Erich Traub, a world class virologist who became Hitler’s
biological weapons chief, and following World War II came to work
for the US Navy under the top secret CIA "Project Paperclip," likely received
Rockefeller support before, as well as after, the war.
A covert
operation, "Paperclip" was largely administered by Henry Kissinger
with full knowledge and support from the Rockefellers and their
business managers, John Foster and Allen Dulles of the OSS/CIA.
Thus, Erich Traub’s early work was likely being funded by the
Rockefeller-Sloan cancer directorship by 1977. Subsequent efforts
in the West Nile district of Uganda by "virologists" working for
this cancer consortium also included the testing of the first cancer
chemotherapeutic. A derivative of mustard gas used during World War
I, the chemical toxin, Sloan investigators claimed, was highly
effective in stopping the growth of cancer (as well as dysgenic
Furthermore, a Litton Bionetics report to the NCI in 1971 listed
virtually every virus, viral recombinant, and infectious agent under
study by the world’s leading cancer researchers, vaccine developers,
and biological weapons contractors. It lacked mention of WNV.
Instead, the only encephalitis virus cited was called
encephalitis" virus, likely deriving its name not from the West Nile
district of Uganda, but from a Rockefeller-linked cancer
investigator by the name of Dawson who was clearly affiliated, by
NCI contract, with Litton, the IARC laboratory, and by association
to the CIA.
Unfortunately, Preston did not relay this politically incorrect
background in The New Yorker-Rockefeller home turf.
Intelligence Between Propaganda Lines
Throughout his article, Preston weaved a web of paranoia-inciting
intrigue regarding the mysterious New York outbreak.
People are
bystanders, he claimed, caught in the crossfire-bitten by chance by
an infected mosquito.
Ironically, in 1975, according to the Congressional Record, during
Frank Church's investigation of the CIA for illegally storing and
testing biological weapons, CIA officials testified that they had
development a weapon to administer toxins, including infectious biologicals, that fired a micro-dart. It felt like a mosquito bite
when it hit.
Later, in the article, Preston advanced an alternative bioterrorist
hypothesis by articulating the suspicions of Ken Alibek, a
Russian biological weapons ace. Alibek had conveniently defected to
America just in time to join Preston and a cadre of CIA bioterror
propagandists currently at the forefront of what amounts to a
full-fledged attack on the public's mind, as well as U.S. National
After all, Preston quoted Secretary of the Navy, Richard
Danzig (a good German name) as saying bioterrorists could easily get
away with an outbreak that appears natural.
He then relayed what a
top scientist who advises the FBI, had told him. This person who has
been deeply involved with bioterror planning explained, If I was
planning a bioterror event, I'd do things with subtle finesse, to
make it look like a natural outbreak. That would delay the response
and lock up the decision-making process. Interesting that Preston's
prose is unique in American journalism and US military history, if
not treasonous-delivering attack strategies to potential enemies.
Preston, in a previous New Yorker article (Mar. 9, 1999), bragged
about getting insider information regarding biological warfare and
bioterrorism even before CIA chiefs. He said CIA officials have
relied on him for information! Regarding the West Nile story,
however, Preston risked losing even lay reader credibility by
providing an inane argument amid more of the steady stream of
anti-Iraqi propaganda familiar to intelligence observers.
An alleged Iraqi
dissident author in hiding, Mikhael Ramadan, a Saddam Hussein
look-alike, Preston wrote, had predicted that Saddam would unleash
a virus just months before the same one broke out unexpectedly in
New York... It was enough to make any bioweapons analyst at the CIA
feel uneasy.
Citing Saddam's alleged
interest in a West Nile virus strain, and conveniently omitting
American contractors' more voluminous contribution to Iraqi
biological weapons arsenals, after a lengthy and frightening
discussion, he admitted that this prospect of using the West Nile
encephalitis virus in New York for bioterrorism was absolutely
The fact is, it only
killed five people and a lot of crows. He did not rule out, however,
the great likelihood that this was a CIA brokered event,
orchestrated for propaganda purposes to prepare the public's mind to
willingly accept malathione sprayings.
Veteran observers will recall such propaganda tactics successfully
used in recent years concerning such threats of bioterrorism aimed
at Muslim's or Iraqi nationals. Two years ago, a man claiming to be
a CIA microbiologist set the internet abuzz with claims that Muslim
women were bringing vials full of anthrax into the United States in
their crotches.
Weeks later, the man, Larry Wayne Harris, was
observed at a national Preparedness Expo demonstrating microbial
incubators and spraying devices that, he said, could be used for
Further investigation by this author, including interviews with some
of Harris's intimates, revealed that he had most likely been
mind-manipulated by CIA controllers for counterintelligence
purposes. Even without this knowledge, I was able to predict, six
months in advance, Mr. Harris's use in bioterroristic
counterintelligence at a critical time-on the eve of the Clinton
administration's announcement threatening renewed war with Iraq.
As United Nations
Secretary Kofi Anan was making a final bid with Hussein to
avert further conflict, Harris was being set up for arrest in Las
Vegas on possession of what was thought to be anthrax. His arrest
made front page news as did the CIA's message that bioterrorists are
everywhere, particularly in the Arab world.
(For more information
see Larry Wayne Harris articles posted on the internet in the FTP
archives at
Dr. Alibek later stated that he had informed people on Capitol Hill
that the West Nile outbreak was suspicious. I told them, 'It will
not be possible to say whether or not it is terrorism unless we have
a thorough study.'
We need to take these situations with a high
degree of seriousness, he cautioned.
Indeed, further study by congressional investigators is indicated.
In fact, when Congressman Dan Burton's (R-Indiana) Government
Reforms Committee met later that month to examine suspicious ties
between biological weapons contractors, defense department
contracts, and vaccine industry practices, they decided not to
examine the documents I was officially requested to send Beth Clay,
the hearings coordinator.
The reprinted contracts
in Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola linking Litton Bionetics
to the first Ebola virus, and the Merck pharmaceutical company
contract in which hepatitis B vaccines were administered to gay men
in New York City and Blacks in Central Africa, apparently tainted
with HIV, were too controversial for their focus.
Burton's committee
was apparently unwilling to air the facts in light of the fiction
regarding ongoing biological assaults on American taxpayers, Third
World populations, and global genocide.
As Secretary of the Navy, Richard Danzig, admitted in Preston's
spoof, Even if you suspect biological terrorism, it's hard to prove.
It's equally hard to disprove. This is more illuminating of my
prediction that we won't necessarily know when bioterror has
occurred than it is illuminating of... potential bioterrorists.
Thus, congressional investigators need not risk their careers
unearthing fundamentally objectionable truths about covert US
military biological warriors like Secretary Danzig. Forget that his
department has been at the forefront of biological weapons research
and development since Erich Traub, Hitler's top biological
weapons developer was drafted into the Navy by Henry Kissinger
during the late 1940s.
Since then, the Navy has
been at the helm of research and development in ways to disseminate
lethal biologicals for the CIA and British MI6 black
Chemtrail Technology and the Rise of the Forth Reich
Revolting as it may seem, the CIA and US Navy, working in tandem
with the Army, haven't spared military, or civilian populations,
from germ warfare experiments or outright biological attacks.
Church's investigating committee learned, for instance, that the USS
Coral Sea anchored in Kampton Roads, and the USS F.D. Bailey at sea
off [the] entrance to Kampton... had been sprayed at least seventeen
times with biological agents ranging from strains of Bacillus
(physically similar to anthrax) to E. coli.
(Mutant strains of E.
coli had been prepared possibly leading to the development of
severely lethal varieties of bioweapons including strain 157
responsible for dozens of deaths and the suspicious takeover of the
Hudson Beef Company by Clinton family friend, Don Tyson, and his
Springdale, Arkansas-based Tyson Foods Company.)(10)
Civilians in the New
York subway system, under the skies of San Francisco, and in the
tunnels of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, had been sprayed likewise with
biological inhalants.
Similarly, U.S. legislators learned in 1999
the little reported fact that Gulf War troops, as many as 200,000,
were unwittingly used in AIDS vaccine experiments wherein portions
of the AIDS virus, HIV, were recombined with a pathogenic mycoplasma,
isolated, tested, and then patented by Dr. Shyh-Ching Lo of
the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology for the American Registry of
Pathology in Washington, D.C.
The patent is reprinted
and discussed in this authors book,
Healing Codes for the Biological
Apocalypse (1999).
Therefore, it is no wonder, regarding the 1999 West Nile virus
outbreak, Richard Preston concluded,
This valley in New Jersey
reminded me in a strange way of Kitum Cave... a haunting place I'd
seen some years ago.
Much like the chemtrails
containing ethylene dibromide - another human chemical carcinogen
and immune system destroyer - being sprayed by high flying military
aircraft in recent months, such outbreaks are hauntingly reminiscent
of a litany of crimes against humanity, violations of the Nuremberg
Code, by secret agents effecting depopulation for global
colonialists, (often called the oligarchy or
illuminati) that many
fear is the rising Forth Reich.
Summary and
It is known, in military circles, as the Russian biological
I suppose it's so named by the Americans who invented it.
This method of choice of incapacitating and eliminating excess or
targeted populations calls for the delivery of combinations of
biological and chemical agents-so called co-factors. This makes
diagnosis and treatment of these multiple simultaneous
exposures/intoxications/infections difficult, if not impossible.
Thus waged, biochemical
warfare cannot be traced to its source, and affords the ability to
deliver economic and non-lethal substitutes for traditional warfare,
while creating a dependence among those attacked on the stealth
aggressors for their ameliorative products and services. The full
benefits of this military option are discussed at length
Given this background, it is absurd to believe, as many foolish
internet surfers apparently do, that
chemtrail sprayings represent an
earnest effort to immunize mass populations against anthrax attack.
Such deceptive reasoning and communications merely serve a
Hegelian dialectic - to confuse the issues and shield the
perpetrators of ongoing atrocities.
In short, what is being conducted in the name of public health, and
national security, are biological and chemical weapons applications
reminiscent of Nazi atrocities, and the propaganda mechanisms used
to disguise them.
These are apparently
ongoing to fulfill economic, political, and ideological objectives.
Who, in essence,
makes more money by waging war and delivering disease and
death to Americans than the Rockefeller family?
Who, in the US
has recognized the urgent need to reduce native and world
populations, and has put their money to this task, more than
the Rockefellers?
Finally, who believes
more firmly that useless eaters, including dysgenic races of humans,
should be shepparded to extinction more than those who initiated the
eugenics movement - the world's first racial hygiene program-on
American soil. Indeed, no one embraces these concerns more
vigorously than the
Rockefeller family, the
Royal Family of England, and
America's royalty -
the Bush family.
As media outlets herald
the completion of the
Human Genome Project, - the
contemporary name substitute for eugenics-those that initiated
global efforts to control populations and human evolution almost a
century ago, are on the verge of achieving in Past President George
Bush's words, a kinder and friendlier...
New World Order.
1) The Commonwealth
of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services,
Department of Public Health. West Nile Virus Detected in
Massachusetts. Press release issued by MDPH on July 26, 2000.
Available from
2) Bussey E and Stern P. U.S. military use of anthrax vaccine
under fire. Reuters news service. Friday, July 28, 2000.
Available from Associated Press.
3) FDA advisory panel urges
approval of anthrax drug. Las Vegas Review-Journal. Saturday,
July 29, 2000 p. 6A.
4) Preston R. West Nile [Virus] Mystery: How did it get here?
The C.I.A. would like to know. The New Yorker, Oct. 18 & 25,
1999. pp. 90-108.
5) Horowitz L and Martin J. Emerging Viruses: AIDS &
Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional? Rockport, Massachusetts:
Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 1997.
6) Preston R. The Hot Zone. New York: Random House, 1994.
7) Eye witness testimony that African villagers were used in
lethal vaccine experiments during the 1950s to early 1960s in
this precise area, home to an American medical research
laboratory, was provided by C. Sally, M.D., an African physician
and post-doctoral laboratory assistant who worked there at that
time. According to Dr. Sally, mosquitoes were blamed, then as
well, for spreading Burkitt1s lymphoma to Black children,
though, he said, his colleagues new better. The truth was that
experimental vaccines had delivered the cancer virus through the
mothers to their infants. Dr. Sally1s audiotaped testimony is
included in: Horowitz 'On Vaccines1 from Tetrahedron Publishing
Group (1-888-508-4787), 1998, by this author.
8) Horowitz L and Emory D. The Nazi-American Biomedical
Biowarfare Connection. Sandpoint, Idaho: Tetrahedron Publishing
Group (1-888-508-4787), 1998.
9) Blum W. The CIA & Drugs. Prevailing Winds: The Journal of
Current Events, Politics, History and Health, Number Six,
January-April, 2000.
10) Horowitz L and Puleo J. Healing Codes for the Biological
Apocalypse. Sandpoint, Idaho: Tetrahedron Publishing Group,
1999. pp. 251-253.