by Ethan A. Huff
November 18, 2012
NaturalNews Website
Forget spirulina,
pomegranates, blueberries, and the host of other natural "superfoods"
with incredible nutritive and healing powers - the biotechnology
industry has developed a new purple "Frankentomato" that it
claims can single-handedly halt inflammation, stop plaque buildup in
arteries, and even cure cancer!

An outrageous new
propaganda campaign currently making the rounds in the mainstream
media, and headed by researchers with a vested interest in seeing
the new mutant tomato succeed, claims that
genetically-modified (GM)
tomatoes are key to eliminating heart disease globally, even though
there are already plenty of nature-made fruits and vegetables,
including other varieties of tomatoes, that naturally perform this
and many other medicinal functions.
This latest affront to natural food comes out of the
David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where Dr.
Alan Fogelman, Executive Chair of the Department of Medicine and Director of the Atherosclerosis Research Unit, recently led a team of researchers in conducting a shoddy, deceptive study that just so happened to arrive at glowing conclusions concerning the team's prized GM tomato.
According to the study, which was presented at the annual
American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions, adding a little bit of GM tomato extract to rats' diets, which were said to be mostly composed of "Western-style, high-fat, calorie-packed" foods, helped them to experience,
"significantly lower blood levels of inflammation."
But the trial, as pointed out by
GMWatch.org, was small, poorly conducted, and was neither peer-reviewed nor published in an actual scientific journal.
And yet
mainstream media coverage of the study has been relentlessly forgiving of these blatant flaws, with popular news sources parading around ridiculous headlines like "Purple tomato can beat cancer," and "How my purple tomato could save your life," which falsely imply that this untested mutant food is somehow a proven cure for whatever heart condition or disease that might be ailing you
- snake oil anyone?
"A mice trial like this cannot necessarily be extrapolated to the choices that human beings make, in terms of the foods that they eat," noted Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, a preventive cardiologist at
Lenox Hill Hospital, about the study's laughable findings.
"Based on this trial alone in mice, 'medicinal' genetically-engineered foods are not the do-it-yourself pharmacies of the future. A smarter, old-fashioned choice would be simply to
eat more healthily."
There are already plenty of non-GMO crops with enhanced nutrient profiles
But how would the biotechnology industry, whose mascot and ringleader is the infamous
Monsanto, make any money from Dr. Steinbaum's common sense dietary approach?
Since companies cannot patent natural tomatoes, including the non-GMO enhanced purple tomato that has already been created by researchers at Oregon State University (OSU), which
received little media attention, they are having to pull all sorts of political strings in an attempt to build public support for their own genetically-tampered tomatoes.
If enhanced nutrient profiles in foods are what the biotechnology industry is going after these days, there are already a wide variety of non-GMO, enhanced "superfood" crops
already being cultivated, none of which have had their genes artificially spliced.
As you will notice, these non-GMO varieties include foods like,
...and, yes, even tomatoes.
So when it really comes down to it, there is no legitimate need for GM purple tomatoes, or any other GM foods for that matter.
This latest media stunt with the GM purple tomato is nothing more than a pathetic marketing ploy hatched by the biotechnology industry to persuade people that GMOs are needed to promote public health and cure disease.
But the moral of the story remains the same
- nature has already manifested the medicinal answers to life's illnesses in the form of natural fruits, vegetables, and superfoods, none of which require genetic modifications of any kind.
spirulina, pomegranates, blueberries, and the host of other
natural "superfoods" with incredible nutritive and healing
powers - the biotechnology industry has developed a new purple "Frankentomato"
that it claims can single-handedly halt inflammation, stop
plaque buildup in arteries, and even cure cancer! An outrageous
new propaganda campaign currently making the rounds in the
mainstream media, and headed by researchers with a vested
interest in seeing the new mutant tomato succeed, claims that
genetically-modified (GM) tomatoes are key to eliminating heart
disease globally, even though there are already plenty of
nature-made fruits and vegetables, including other varieties of
tomatoes, that naturally perform this and many other medicinal
This latest affront to natural food comes out of the David
Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California,
Los Angeles (UCLA), where Dr. Alan Fogelman, Executive Chair
of the Department of Medicine and Director of the
Atherosclerosis Research Unit, recently led a team of
researchers in conducting a shoddy, deceptive study that just so
happened to arrive at glowing conclusions concerning the team's
prized GM tomato. According to the study, which was presented at
the annual American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific
Sessions, adding a little bit of GM tomato extract to rats'
diets, which were said to be mostly composed of "Western-style,
high-fat, calorie-packed" foods, helped them to experience
"significantly lower blood levels of inflammation."
But the trial, as pointed out by GMWatch.org, was small,
poorly conducted, and was neither peer-reviewed nor published in
an actual scientific journal. And yet mainstream media coverage
of the study has been relentlessly forgiving of these blatant
flaws, with popular news sources parading around ridiculous
headlines like "Purple tomato can beat
and "How my purple tomato could save your life," which falsely
imply that this untested mutant food is somehow a proven cure
for whatever heart condition or disease that might be ailing you
- snake oil anyone?
"A mice trial like this cannot necessarily be extrapolated to
the choices that human beings make, in terms of the
that they eat," noted Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, a preventive
cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital, about the study's
laughable findings. "Based on this trial alone in mice,
'medicinal' genetically-engineered foods are not the
do-it-yourself pharmacies of the future. A smarter,
old-fashioned choice would be simply to eat more healthily."
There are already plenty of non-GMO
crops with enhanced nutrient profiles
But how
would the biotechnology industry, whose mascot and ringleader is
the infamous Monsanto, make any money from Dr. Steinbaum's
common sense dietary approach? Since companies cannot patent
natural tomatoes, including the non-GMO enhanced purple tomato
that has already been created by researchers at Oregon State
University (OSU), which received little media attention (http://extension.oregonstate.edu),
they are having to pull all sorts of political strings in an
attempt to build public support for their own
genetically-tampered tomatoes.
If enhanced nutrient profiles in foods are what the
biotechnology industry is going after these days, there are
already a wide variety of non-GMO, enhanced "superfood" crops
already being cultivated (http://gmwatch.org),
none of which have had their genes artificially spliced. As you
will notice, these non-GMO varieties include foods like corn,
millet, broccoli, peanuts, potatoes, rice, and, yes, even
So when it really comes down to it, there is no legitimate need
for GM purple
or any other GM foods for that matter. This latest media stunt
with the GM purple tomato is nothing more than a pathetic
marketing ploy hatched by the biotechnology industry to persuade
people that GMOs are needed to promote public health and cure
disease. But the moral of the story remains the same - nature
has already manifested the
answers to life's illnesses in the form of natural fruits,
vegetables, and superfoods, none of which require genetic
modifications of any kind.
Sources for this article include:
Learn more:
spirulina, pomegranates, blueberries, and the host of other
natural "superfoods" with incredible nutritive and healing
powers - the biotechnology industry has developed a new purple "Frankentomato"
that it claims can single-handedly halt inflammation, stop
plaque buildup in arteries, and even cure cancer! An outrageous
new propaganda campaign currently making the rounds in the
mainstream media, and headed by researchers with a vested
interest in seeing the new mutant tomato succeed, claims that
genetically-modified (GM) tomatoes are key to eliminating heart
disease globally, even though there are already plenty of
nature-made fruits and vegetables, including other varieties of
tomatoes, that naturally perform this and many other medicinal
This latest affront to natural food comes out of the David
Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California,
Los Angeles (UCLA), where Dr. Alan Fogelman, Executive Chair
of the Department of Medicine and Director of the
Atherosclerosis Research Unit, recently led a team of
researchers in conducting a shoddy, deceptive study that just so
happened to arrive at glowing conclusions concerning the team's
prized GM tomato. According to the study, which was presented at
the annual American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific
Sessions, adding a little bit of GM tomato extract to rats'
diets, which were said to be mostly composed of "Western-style,
high-fat, calorie-packed" foods, helped them to experience
"significantly lower blood levels of inflammation."
But the trial, as pointed out by GMWatch.org, was small,
poorly conducted, and was neither peer-reviewed nor published in
an actual scientific journal. And yet mainstream media coverage
of the study has been relentlessly forgiving of these blatant
flaws, with popular news sources parading around ridiculous
headlines like "Purple tomato can beat
and "How my purple tomato could save your life," which falsely
imply that this untested mutant food is somehow a proven cure
for whatever heart condition or disease that might be ailing you
- snake oil anyone?
"A mice trial like this cannot necessarily be extrapolated to
the choices that human beings make, in terms of the
that they eat," noted Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, a preventive
cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital, about the study's
laughable findings. "Based on this trial alone in mice,
'medicinal' genetically-engineered foods are not the
do-it-yourself pharmacies of the future. A smarter,
old-fashioned choice would be simply to eat more healthily."
There are already plenty of non-GMO
crops with enhanced nutrient profiles
But how
would the biotechnology industry, whose mascot and ringleader is
the infamous Monsanto, make any money from Dr. Steinbaum's
common sense dietary approach? Since companies cannot patent
natural tomatoes, including the non-GMO enhanced purple tomato
that has already been created by researchers at Oregon State
University (OSU), which received little media attention (http://extension.oregonstate.edu),
they are having to pull all sorts of political strings in an
attempt to build public support for their own
genetically-tampered tomatoes.
If enhanced nutrient profiles in foods are what the
biotechnology industry is going after these days, there are
already a wide variety of non-GMO, enhanced "superfood" crops
already being cultivated (http://gmwatch.org),
none of which have had their genes artificially spliced. As you
will notice, these non-GMO varieties include foods like corn,
millet, broccoli, peanuts, potatoes, rice, and, yes, even
So when it really comes down to it, there is no legitimate need
for GM purple
or any other GM foods for that matter. This latest media stunt
with the GM purple tomato is nothing more than a pathetic
marketing ploy hatched by the biotechnology industry to persuade
people that GMOs are needed to promote public health and cure
disease. But the moral of the story remains the same - nature
has already manifested the
answers to life's illnesses in the form of natural fruits,
vegetables, and superfoods, none of which require genetic
modifications of any kind.
Sources for this article include:
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