by Jonathan Benson
January 24, 2013
NaturalNews Website
A team of researchers from Washington state had a giant "Oops!"
moment recently when it accidentally uncovered the deadly truth
about chemotherapy while investigating why prostate cancer cells are
so difficult to eradicate using conventional treatment methods.
As it turns out,
chemotherapy does not actually treat or cure cancer at all,
according to the study's findings, but rather fuels the growth and
spread of cancer cells, making them much harder to stamp out once
chemotherapy has already been initiated.
You might call it the "smoking gun" that proves, once and for all,
the complete fraud of the conventional cancer industry. Not only is
chemotherapy, the standard method of cancer treatment today, a
complete flop, based on the findings, but it is actually detrimental
for patients with cancer.
Published in the journal
Nature Medicine, the shock findings which, not surprisingly, are
being ignored by the mainstream scientific community, highlight in
full detail how chemotherapy causes healthy cells to release a
protein that actually feeds cancer cells and causes them to thrive
and proliferate.
According to the study, chemotherapy induces healthy cells to
release WNT16B, a protein that helps promote cancer cell survival
and growth.
Chemotherapy also
definitively damages the DNA of healthy cells, a long-term
detriment that persists long after chemotherapy treatment is
This combined action of
healthy cell destruction and cancer cell promotion technically makes
chemotherapy more of a cancer-causing protocol than a
cancer-treatment protocol, by definition, a fact that should grab
the attention of anyone personally familiar with having, or knowing
someone else who has cancer.
when secreted, would interact with nearby tumor cells and cause
them to grow, invade, and importantly, resist subsequent
therapy," explained study co-author Peter Nelson from the Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington, about
the findings, which he dubbed "completely unexpected."
"Our results
indicate that damage responses in benign cells ... may directly
contribute to enhanced tumor growth kinetics," added the entire
team about what they observed.
Avoiding chemotherapy
improves health outcomes, suggests research
What this means, for all intents and purposes, is that the entire
process of chemotherapy is completely worthless, and is actually
highly detrimental for cancer patients.
Anyone searching for a
real cure will want to avoid chemotherapy, in other words, and
pursue an alternate route. This may include investigating
alternative treatments like
the Gerson Therapy, or evaluating
anti-cancer foods and nutrients like,
manipulations we're doing to tumors can inadvertently do
something to increase the tumor numbers to become more
metastatic, which is what kills patients at the end of the day,"
admitted Dr. Raghu Kalluri, author of a similar study published
last year in the journal Cancer Cell.
This particular study
found that cancer drugs, which are typically pushed alongside
chemotherapy, cause tumors to metastasize.