by Richard Enos from Collective-Evolution Website
Just know that such efforts have not - and will never - contribute to finding a cure for cancer.
That Western cancer
research is organized as a business whose fundamental
motivation is profit is the subject of numerous
excellent books and documentaries, among them Forest Gamble's
Thrive and Ty Bollinger's
The Truth About Cancer.
As we can see, this
definition only defines the symptoms of the disease - one or
more cells dividing uncontrollably - and does not attempt to
identify the root causes of such aberrant cell division nor an
overall 'character' that would more properly justify grouping a
collection of diseases under the broad moniker 'cancer'.
Cells that show early
signs of abnormal growth trigger mechanisms to repair those cells,
suspend their growth, or fully kill them off.
And even if this occurs,
a number of larger-scale mechanisms under the purview of the immune
system would need to be rendered ineffective in order for a
cancerous cell to grow into a tumor large enough to be detected.
Random Genetics
This put an individual's environment, mental/emotional state and lifestyle choices completely out of the cancer treatment conversation. Of course this was by design.
Cancer sufferers were
forced to put the entire business of curing their cancer in the
hands of the professional, their 'trusted' oncologist.
A person can quit smoking, for example, or avoid foods that have been labeled carcinogens, but if a cancerous tumor is detected, then the individual is still pressured into succumbing to the oncologist's recommendations for surgical excision and/or the delivery of toxins.
The individual still has no 'role' in their own treatment.
The dis-ease of the
entire organism over a long period of time suppresses the immune
system and gives rise to the kinds of genetic mutations that
eventually lead to the development of immortal cells.
Stress, fear, and other negative thoughts and emotions play a part in interfering with and weakening the body's natural defenses.
Hence if the oncologist
removes all visible signs of cancerous tumors then the public should
conclude that they have done the right thing and they have done all
they can.
The cancer 'survivor' -
if they actually manage to survive the treatment - is no closer to
finding out about or even understanding the underlying causes of
their cancer in the first place.
The ultimate objective is
to empower the organism itself to use its natural defenses to erode
and eventually eliminate the tumors.
For Western doctors, identical tumors yield the same treatment recommendations, because they are only focused on the tumor itself.
Even their research into
the genetic mutations that give rise to tumors does not look for a
cause beyond material processes.
The Western researcher is cast as the tireless hero who will eventually find the 'silver bullet' that will cure cancer.
But this is complete fantasy. A cancerous cell is the native product of an organism that is no longer functioning according to its original blueprint.
The way a cancerous cell
develops exhibits a complex intelligence about its host organism, as
though it was actually the organism's attempt to give attention to
its own diseased state.
For those of us wanting
to actually help find a cure for cancer, we might consider
supporting research that is actually seeking to identify its root