by Brian Shilhavy
September 10, 2024
HealthImpactNews Website

One medical "fact" that the majority of people living in western
countries today accept as "true", is that smoking cigarettes
leads to lung "cancer", and that tobacco is a "toxic"
But is it true?
Can we trust our government when it comes to
health advice?
Have they "ever" lied to us in the past about
health or diseases...?
First, think about it logically...
People have smoked tobacco for hundreds, if not
thousands of years.
U.S. Government "experts" figured out only in 1964 that cigarettes
caused cancer and were bad for health, as the Surgeon General
put out a warning declaring that cigarettes were bad for one's
Was there actually any evidence
or credible science to back this up, or were other interests in
play behind this warning?
Fortunately, if one decides to search out
the evidence themselves, there is plenty of evidence and research to
show the opposite, that,
tobacco does not cause cancer
that as a natural plant, it actually has
some therapeutic properties, which at one time
seemed to be well-known...
I want to state up front that I do not smoke
cigarettes, and never have (I never enjoyed them, even when I was in
high school and most of my friends smoked them), and that I have no
economic ties at all to the tobacco industry.
Neither am I recommending that anyone should either start smoking
tobacco, or quit smoking tobacco.
That is an individual choice, and my sole interest is in publishing
the truth, and giving further reasons why,
it is unwise to trust our
current medical system and the government alphabet agencies
that protect them,
...rather than protecting the health of the
American public.
If there are indeed therapeutic properties to
tobacco, such as
relieving neurological disorders like Parkinson's Disease,
Big Pharma would have plenty of motivation to suppress that
information in favor of their pharmaceutical patented drugs.
cancer has always been
the largest money-maker in the pharmaceutical industry, and
there is plenty of evidence that,
cancer is a modern disease caused by
pharmaceutical products, especially most recently as a
known side-effect of the experimental
COVID shots,
...so they need alternative products to blame for
the ever-increasing cancer rates that bring in $billions to
Big Pharma, while continuing to
propagate the lie that,
"there are no cures for cancer",
...when in fact there are
many, but all of them are
banned by
the FDA.
Unapproved but Effective
Cancer Cures
Fortunately, others have already published quite
a bit of information on the subject of tobacco and the U.S.
Government's war against it.
One book that I read in preparation for this
article is "In
Defense of Smokers" by Lauren A. Colby, and
originally published in 1996.
Lauren Colby is an attorney, and I want to quote
one section from
Chapter 2 - The Burden of Proof:
There is an Internet News Group devoted to
smoking (alt.smokers).
Recently, a participant called the Office of
Smoking or Health, in an effort to find out how the government
arrives at its estimate of 450,000 annual smoking related
After repeated calls to different individuals
within the government, it turned out that nobody really knew how
the figures are compiled.
Some bureaucrat said he thought the
calculations might come from a book, "Foundations of Modern
Epidemiology", by David Lilienfeld.
They don't. I'll discuss this and other
interesting statistical manipulations, later.
Before leaving this subject, however, a
recent (04/19/95) letter to the editor of the San Jose, Ca.,
Mercury News sheds some light on the methods used by the
anti-smoking lobby to generate false reports of "smoking
related" deaths.
The author of the letter, Mary Ellen Haley,
reported that a loved one died of adenocarcinoma.
Only 17 days elapsed from the deceased's
first visit to the doctor to the day of his death. The letter
writer was provided with the information for the death
certificate, which she took to the attending physician for
On the death certificate there was a line for
the doctor to insert the immediate cause of death, and then
three lines for "due to".
The doctor inserted "cigarette smoking" under
"due to".
The letter writer questioned the doctor:
was he sure the tumor was caused by
cigarette smoking?
The doctor said he wasn't sure about that,
but there were guidelines issued by the American Cancer Society,
and that when a person dies of certain conditions and has
smoked, the doctor is instructed to list the "due to" as
In this instance, Ms. Haley persuaded the
doctor to omit the usual "due to cigarette smoking", but
obviously, this was a rare occurrence.
willingness of the medical profession to blindly observe "guidelines",
issued by the Cancer Society generates a continuous
stream of death certificates, validating the official line that
cigarette smoking causes everything from heart disease to
uterine cancer.
Yet, there is no shred of scientific evidence
to validate any of the certificates; they are based on nothing
more than official instructions to put down smoking as the cause
of death!