by Greg Ciola
October 8, 2005
NationalHealthFederation Website
It wasn’t until I went to my local Publix grocery store recently
that I realized how low pharmaceutical companies would stoop to
propagandize the public with lies. While I was at the checkout
counter a young woman bagging my groceries looked at me, smiled, and
“Have you had the
flu shot yet.”
My mouth almost hit the
floor. She couldn’t have asked a bigger opponent of pharmaceutical
drugs this question.
I looked at her and asked:
“Is Publix
management instructing you to ask everyone this?”
She said ‘no’ but since
all the Publix stores were working together in partnership with
Maxim Healthcare Services to administer the flu shot, employees
were encouraged to ask customers if they were interested in
receiving the shot. I looked at this young woman with pity in my
eyes and said:
“There’s no way I
would put that poison into my body.”
With curiosity about why
someone would make such a bold statement, we engaged in conversation
and I spent the next ten minutes giving her an earful. I asked her
if she had any information on the shot and she graciously went over
to the front desk to get a flyer outlining the reasons for getting
the shot along with the locations and times I could get it.
In big bold letters
across the top were the words:
In addition to the flu
shot, they were also promoting pneumonia shots and
tetanus/diphtheria shots. It was then and there that I realized I
had to speak out against this insanity. According to the flyer, the
flu is now a “DISEASE”.
Can you imagine this? A
disease implies something that needs medical intervention. I guess a
cold, headache, upset stomach or diarrhea could all potentially be
classified as diseases too.
I remember vividly when they first started pushing the flu shot. It
was originally marketed to the elderly and those with weakened
immunity. Long gone are those days. There wasn’t enough money to be
made (or enough people to poison) by selling to this select market.
Now the shot is being promoted to virtually everyone as some sort of
flu panacea. North American parents are the target of most of the
For example, they are
told that their children could die if they are not vaccinated. How
so many can throw common sense out the window and buy into this scam
is very disturbing.
Before you, your friends, or anyone in your family are conned into
taking the flu shot, here are some of the risks you need to know
Flu Shots
Contain Toxic Agents
Like sheep being led to slaughter, people are following the advice
of medical pundits as though they are gods with divine intellect.
Why is it that
so few dare even question what’s in the flu shot, or all
other vaccines for that matter, before allowing a doctor to
jab you with a needle?
Did you know
that the flu shot could contain anything from aluminum,
formaldehyde, dangerous microorganisms, thimerosal
(mercury), ethylene glycol, and other toxic adjuvants?
In addition to these
substances, the flu vaccine is prepared from the fluids of chicken
embryos inoculated with the specific type (s) of influenza virus
that supposedly protects against the strains federal health
officials believe are most likely to be prevalent during the flu
season. The effectiveness in preventing influenza often ranges from
Not very encouraging
considering the potential health dangers you may be opening yourself
up to down the road from the toxic agents in the vaccine.
How is the human body supposed to build immunity by being exposed to
neurotoxic poisons like mercury and formaldehyde?
Mercury is the second
most toxic material on the planet. The first is radioactive
plutonium. To make thimerosal, they start with elemental
mercury. Then, they hop it up 1,000 times by converting it to ethyl
mercury. Then, they add aluminum to the vaccine that has a
synergistic effect with the mercury, causing it to be 10,000 more
toxic than elemental mercury. Mercury is used to sterilize the flu
Consider this insanity; they tell us that it’s unsafe to touch or
swallow the mercury from a broken thermometer yet it’s perfectly
acceptable to inject the same poison directly into your bloodstream
through a vaccine. Don’t worry! Your doctor knows what’s best for
Now let’s look at formaldehyde.
Formaldehyde is
classified as a toxic, colorless, water-soluble gas having a
suffocating odor. It’s used predominantly in embalming fluid and
vaccines as a disinfectant and preservative. There are no long-term
safety studies that vaccine manufacturers can draw from to validate
the effectiveness of the flu shot.
Those that take the shot
are the safety studies and only 10% of the side effects associated
with vaccines are ever reported to federal agencies. In fact, a
simple search on the internet will lead you to literally thousands
of websites and stories that report on vaccine injuries, including
the flu shot. What you find will not put you at ease if you’ve
bought into this myth.
If the public were fully informed and aware of all the ingredients
that went into the flu shot, there would be a mass exodus away from
your doctor won’t tell you anything about this
the news media
will not report the truth about these contaminants
the CDC won’t
address the issue
companies don’t properly warn consumers
mass retailers
pushing the shots don’t seem to care even after being warned
about the potential dangers of administering vaccines
Do Flu Shots Help
Spread The Flu?
It’s rather ironic that what the flu shot is supposed to prevent
actually seems to have an opposite effect on the population. In
recent years, flu season seems to be programmed into society. When
October rolls around, all of the sudden there’s a massive outbreak
of the cold and flu. Is it just coincidence that this happens to
coincide with the exact time that millions of people receive the flu
Health officials would
like us to believe that this is why we should all be vaccinated.
Another deception perpetuated by the vaccine cartel is that the flu
shot contains inactive or dead viruses. If these viruses were
completely inactive, then the shot would never stimulate an immune
response. The flu shot contains “attenuated” virus.
In the book,
The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination Is
Not Immunization, Tim O’Shea, a highly recognized
authority on the dangers of vaccines, sums up what attenuated really
“Attenuated means
half-killed. The infectious agent is weakened so that it is just
below the threshold of being able to trigger an inflammatory
response in 99% of people. By allowing the implantation of an
attenuated virus or bacteria into the body, we have done
something nature would never permit.
We have violated the
sanctity of the bloodstream. We have tricked the immune system
into not mounting an all-out response to a foreign agent. If the
vaccine’s microorganisms were not attenuated, the powers of the
natural immune system would join together to repel and attack
the invader.”
Recent evidence suggests
that those that receive the flu shot could be contagious for weeks
and spread germs to the general public.
For example, it’s rather
interesting to see how unvaccinated people exposed to those recently
given the flu shot tend to be much more susceptible to getting the
flu. Not only does the shot manipulate the immune system, it
contains foreign microorganisms that have the potential to breed in
the body.
It is ridiculous for the
CDC to say that none of these germs can be contagious.
There are many
well-respected health experts who believe that the number of people
coming down with the flu would be drastically reduced if flu shots
weren’t administered. One of the best ways to avoid the flu is to
stay away from people who have it.
This includes staying
away from those who have recently received a shot.
Flu Shots Do
Not Guarantee Immunity
Doctors and pharmaceutical companies ignore the statistics of those
who get the flu shot and still get the flu. Instead, we’re bombarded
with propaganda about how the shot helps prevent the flu.
Numerous news reports
during the summer of 2004 reported that the flu shots administered
during 2003 were not even capable of protecting people against the
influenza strains that we were around last year. In good faith,
millions of people took the shot thinking that it would buy them
immunity when in reality all it bought them was a vial of toxins to
suppress their immune system.
Many of you may have heard stories similar to this one: In 2003, a
Canadian nursing home sent out a memo that stated all employees
had to take the flu shot.
Those that refused would
be put on a leave of absence and possibly face the loss of their
job. Not believing the hype, one employee (a personal friend of this
writer) stood on her principles and refused the shot while her
entire staff went along with the order. Much to her amazement,
everyone that took the shot came down with the flu except for her.
Does this surprise you?
It should.
Surprisingly, however,
there are reports like this all over North America but there’s a
virtual media blackout on this truth because there’s an agenda
behind the promotion of the flu shot.
Trying to predict what influenza strains will be most prevalent
during flu season is a crap shoot. The flu shot does not protect
against all throat, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and ear
infections. It does not protect you against SARS. The flu vaccine
only gives temporary immunity at best. What we’re NOT told,
however, is that the flu shot actually weakens the immune system
in the long run.
Nobody knows for sure
what negative effects the mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, and other
adjuvants will have on the immune system. Some of these agents are
known to interfere with your DNA.
How do we know
that the DNA won’t miscode genetic information to the cells?
And even if you
don’t come down with the flu after getting a shot, your body
may be much more susceptible to getting sick from other
viruses and bacteria that it would normally be able to fend
off. Is it all worth the risks?
That’s the decision you
have to make...
Author Tim O’Shea made some very noteworthy statements in his
book regarding the flu shot:
“A vaccine
supposedly contains some version of the causative agent, in a
weakened form. With influenza, by the time the virus is
isolated, cultured for manufacture, and distributed to the
population, the virus that is causing the current incidence of
influenza has usually changed to a form completely unaffected by
the vaccine.
Michael Decker,
MD of Aventis, the flu vaccine manufacturer admits:
‘By the time you
know what’s the right strain, you can’t do anything about
“This doesn’t even
take into account the unique form influenza virus takes within
each person. Yet with flu shots, it’s One Size Fits All –
everyone gets the same vaccine. If it really worked, you
wouldn’t have to come back next year. Natural immunity is for
“Ever notice that people who get flu shots all the time keep
getting the flu? Think that could have anything to do with not
giving the body a chance to put immunity together itself?”
If They
Contaminated Our Food Supply, How Can We Trust Their Vaccine?
At present, there are two major pharmaceutical firms that supply the
flu shot. One is Chiron Corp., based out of Britain and the
other is Aventis, based out of France. Several years ago, a major
problem arose from a genetically engineered variety of corn that
hadn’t been approved for human consumption.
It was called
StarLink corn.
The manufacturer was
Aventis, the same company supplying almost half of the U.S. flu
vaccine this year.
StarLink corn had only been approved as animal feed. In
rather mysterious fashion, StarLink corn was found in
hundreds of food products on the market containing corn and corn
by-products. The contamination led to a massive recall that turned
out to be the biggest fiasco the biotech industry has ever had to
One Midwest farmer has gone on record claiming that StarLink corn
made all his males in his herd sterile, putting him out of business.
He has also stated that there are at least 25 other farmers in the
State of Iowa alone that he knows of that have blamed StarLink
corn for sterility problems in their herd (See the book
GMOs: Beware of the Coming Food Apocalypse,
page 91, second edition). On top of this, numerous complaints were
filed with the FDA because of allergic reactions people had to
products that contained StarLink corn.
What relevance does this have with the flu shot? If this derelict
company acted so recklessly with StarLink corn, how could we trust
them with their flu vaccine?
When one considers that
Population Council based out of New
York has been working on sterility vaccines to help
reduce world population levels, and
there are reports of sterility in certain herds that consumed
StarLink corn, it certainly doesn’t put one at ease knowing the
flu shot is being supplied and heavily promoted by Aventis. While
there is no evidence and no known links to sterility problems with
the flu shot, nobody knows what kind of long-term ramifications the
vaccine will have.
Again, it’s a crap shoot
with your health. You’d have better odds in Vegas.
Chiron’s Flu
Vaccine Shipments Suspended
If we can’t trust the vaccine made by Aventis, certainly we
can’t trust the vaccine manufactured by Chiron. On October 5,
2004 British health authorities blocked shipments of Chiron’s
vaccine because of manufacturing problems.
Chiron had planned to
provide the U.S. between 46 and 48 million flu shots this year,
almost half the nation’s supply. In a strange twist of fate the
shortfall has created panic in the U.S. population fueled by massive
media attention that is causing millions to rush out and get their
shot before supplies run out. Oh, how gullible can people be?
What’s sad is that an
estimated 6-8 million doses of Chiron’s vaccine were already in the
U.S. market prior to the ban.
It’s very likely that
some people were given this shot and if there were side effects you
can be sure the statistics will be buried.
There are many very effective, natural products available to help
boost your immune system and keep you well during flu season without
needing to inject neurotoxic poisons and blood contaminants
into your body. Your immune system is the only thing that prevents
you from being riddled with opportunistic infections and a host of
other chronic illnesses. You can’t build immunity and shield the
immune system with vaccines and poisonous pharmaceutical drugs.
You can only modulate
the immune system through natural methods.
Enhancing the immune system means you don’t just boost one or two
components. There are 22 different instruments or components to the
immune system including T-cells, B-cells, Natural Killer cells (NK
cells), macrophages, lymphocytes, leukocytes, monocytes, interferon,
gamma globulin, interleukin 1,2,3,4, and other white blood cells.
All 22 components must
be orchestrated simultaneously like a symphony, in order to maintain
optimum immunity.
While there are an
extensive number of natural alternatives to help boost your immune
system, here is a short, but effective list of some of the most
powerful immune enhancers being used in alternative medicine:
Oregano Oil:
This natural wonder has been used for thousands of years as
an antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiseptic
agent. Many people have reported that regular use of this
product during the cold and flu season has prevented them
from getting sick.
This is the first fluid secreted by the mammary glands of
mammalian mothers in the first days after giving birth.
Colostrum contains high levels of protein and growth
factors, as well as immune factors. It’s used around the
world as one of the most powerful immune boosters known to
man. The best colostrum on the market comes from New Zealand
cows. Outside of New Zealand it’s very hard to guarantee
that the cows were grass fed and free of antibiotics, growth
hormones, and steroids.
Olive Leaf
Extract: Fights all types of bacteria, viruses, fungi,
and parasites and is good for virtually any infectious
Resinous substance that bees derive from trees and mix with
beeswax. Used as a health shield for the beehive, propolis
has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiseptic
properties. Propolis has been used for thousands of years as
an immune system booster.
Silver: This wonder product has been around for
centuries and is reported to be one of the few things that
helped protect people during the height of Bubonic plague.
Royal Jelly:
Fed only to queen bees. Contains over 100 nutritional
properties and has long been known to strengthen the immune
Bee Pollen:
Plant pollen that bees harvest and pre-digest. Excellent for
people with allergies and also strengthens the immune
Aloe Vera:
Contains high amounts of mucopolysaccharides which kick in
the immune modulators to fight off disease.
Remedies: There are some excellent homeopathic remedies
that help build immunity and ward off the cold and flu. You
can find many good homeopathic formulas at your local health
food store or you can seek out a homeopathic specialist in
your area that can custom blend formulas specifically
targeted for your immune system.
Extracts (Shiitake, Reishi, D-Fraction Maitake):
Have excellent immune-boosting properties. Shiitake
increases T-cell function, Reishi has anti-tumor properties,
and Maitake enhances the activity of key immune cells known
as T-helper cells or CD4 cells.
Excellent herb for the immune system and the lymphatic
system. Echinacea has been shown to be very effective when
it is cycled for 1-2 week periods throughout the cold and
flu season. Early use of Echinacea at the onset of a cold or
flu could help drastically diminish the duration and
severity of illness.
Vitamin C:
Helps prevent free radical damage and has antifungal and
astringent properties. High doses of vitamin C throughout
the cold and flu season can help tremendously to ward off
Has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiseptic
properties and has long been used to fight off and prevent
colds and infections. Use 3-4 cloves on salad or crushed
onto bread when your immune system is in a weakened state.
Pepper: Is used for a litany of health problems. Cayenne
Pepper heats the body up, improves circulation, and helps
ward off colds, sinus infections, and sore throats. This
magical substance should be used on a daily basis during the
cold and flu season.
Help to maintain and rebuild intestinal flora. Flora plays a
key role in keeping the immune system functioning optimally.
Fatty Acids: Good fats like Omega 3’s and Omega 6’s play
a major role in cellular health. Good fats also help to
bring nutrients into the cell and discard waste. EFA’s also
contain high amounts of antioxidants which help to protect
your immune system.
Supplements: Virtually all microorganisms are anaerobic,
meaning they survive predominantly in the absence of oxygen.
When the body’s blood oxygen is normal and the cells have
adequate oxygen it’s nearly impossible to get sick. There
are many good products to choose from that can be added as
drops to your water.
Oils: There are many essential oils like Frankincense,
Myrrh, Spikenard, Rose Oil, Thieves, and others that provide
tremendous immune system protection. Essential oils have
been used for thousands of years and have much Biblical
support to back up their use. They can be diffused through
aromatherapy or applied to your skin and feet.
Zinc: An
essential mineral that promotes a healthy immune system and
fights free radicals. Zinc lozenges have been reported to be
effective in relieving symptoms of the common cold and
reducing duration of colds.
Water: It’s very important to keep your body properly
hydrated and your pH in balance. Make sure you consume at
least half your bodyweight a day of water to adequately
flush out toxins and hydrate your cells.
It’s especially important during the cold and flu season to
keep from getting run down. Make sure you get at least 6-8
hours of quality sleep a night.
While all of these
natural immune boosters can help you tremendously, nothing can
replace what a good diet and exercise can do for you.
You can’t feed your body
garbage and turn to these natural alternatives as a last resort.
Keep in mind that it costs nothing to remove all processed food from
the diet. Processed foods can diminish your immune system.
The more man touches a
food, the less you should consume it. Replacing processed foods with
whole foods will also boost your immune system. Sugar and sweets
should also be avoided at all costs, especially during the cold and
flu season.
Sugar severely weakens
the immune system and is the fuel that foreign invaders feed on.
End Notes
1. O’Shea, Tim,
The Sanctity Of Human Blood: Vaccination Is Not
Immunization, eighth edition, pages 40, 41, 90, 91, Two
Trees, San Jose, CA, 2004.
2. Tunsky, Gary, The Battle For Health Is Over pH, Crusador
Enterprises, Orlando, FL, 2004.
3. Ciola, Greg, GMOs: Beware of the Coming Food Apocalypse,
Crusador Enterprises, Orlando, FL, 2004.
4. The Book of Jasher, Artisan Publishers, Muskogee, OK.
5. Balch, Phyllis A., CNC, Prescription For Nutritional
Healing, The A-Z Guide To Supplements, Avery, New York, NY,
6. Balch, Phyllis A., CNC, Prescription For Nutritional
Healing, Third Edition, Avery, New York, NY, 2000.
7. Balch, Phyllis A., CNC, Prescription For Herbal Healing,
An Easy-to-Use A-to-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common
Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies, Avery, New York, NY,
8. Goldberg, Burton, Alternative Medicine, The Definitive
Guide, Celestial Arts, Berkeley, CA, 2002.
9. www.vaccinetruth.org
10. www.vaclib.org
11. www.truth.info