by Rosemary Mathis
Vice President of Victim
Support, SANE VAX, INC.
Story by Diego Ignacio Mur,
Journalist Researcher & Media Producer in Argentina
and Leslie Carol Botha, Vice
President Public Relations, SANE Vax Inc.
January 08, 2012
NaturalNews Website
About the author:
THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable,
Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices
through education and information. We believe in
science-based medicine.
Our primary goal is to provide
the information necessary for you to make informed
decisions regarding your health and well-being. We also
provide referrals to helpful resources for those
unfortunate enough to have experienced vaccine-related
Articles on this site are written by Norma Erickson,
President and Leslie Carol Botha, women's health
educator, broadcast journalist and Vice-President Public
Relations for SANE Vax, Inc. We also allow content from
various contributing authors.
Other members
include Rosemary Mathis, mother of a Gardasil-injured
daughter and Vice President Victim Support; Janny
Stokvis, Vice-President Research, Freda Birrell,
Secretary and HPV vaccine lobbyist United Kingdom
/Scotland, and Linda Thompson, Treasurer.
We are demanding the HPV vaccines be taken off the
market until an independent study on their safety and
efficacy has been conducted. Until then, we are
committing our efforts to an educational media campaign
to alert the public about the dangers of the HPV
SANE Vax, Inc. is involved in the ground-breaking
production of the
One More Girl
Documentary which will premier in 2012.
Ryan Richardson,
Producer at
More information at
Last February, Argentinean President Cristina Fernandez
announced the launch of the country's
HPV vaccine program at the
National Institute of Tropical Medicine conference.
In a stunning admission and before an
audience of her countrymen, who did not react to her gaffe,
President Fernandez admits that the HPV vaccine kills girls.
Was she betrayed by her subconscious or
by her criminal unconscious?
"Now we are going to add the HPV
vaccine to the Official Immunization Program of the State and
therefore (this expensive medicine) will be free (the HPV
vaccine), and therefore, with some time, we will get thousands
of women losing their lives" (Spanish: "Vamos a lograr que
miles de mujeres pierdan la vida".)
In fact, the President even seems to
know more than many of us on the lethal effectiveness of the drug
when she says... "with sometime": 1
Of course Argentina is one of many
'middle- and low-income countries' who have struggled to find ways
to introduce the HPV vaccine (Gardasil) in already cash-strapped
health systems that have little experience providing health services
to adolescent girls.' 2
But that is where Merck's Gardasil
Access program steps in with free vaccinations for adolescent girls.
The Gardasil Access Program is making
available at least 3 million doses of Gardasil Human Papillomavirus
Quadrivalent (Types 6, 11, 16, 18 Vaccine Recombinant) to qualifying
organizations and institutions for use in approved HPV vaccine
projects in developing countries.3
Of course, we now know that this vaccine has been found
to be
contaminated with a genetically modified recombinant virus that
makes the vaccine bio hazardous and a threat to the health and
well-being of the population that it is targeted to protect. 4
The official propaganda of the country's HPV vaccine campaign
flagrantly orchestrated by the Argentinean government & financed by
Merck - is an animated cartoon with a girl named Maria who dreams of
becoming a doctor.
The ad blatantly instills fear into the
hearts of adolescents with its message that Maria,
"will only become a doctor in the
future if she is vaccinated against HPV."
The real message is that Maria only will
be able to fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor when she grows up,
if she is vaccinated against HPV.
Eva Peron -
Death by Betrayal Not Cervical Cancer
President Fernandez supported her lies about the need for the HPV
Vaccination Program evoking the death of the legendary Argentinean
politician Eva Peron (wife of Juan Domingo Peron), who died of
cervical cancer.
Using this fear-based reference to Peron
is not only painful and malicious, but victimizes a woman who
changed the country's history by fighting for the rights of women,
including their right to vote. Eva's activities were integral in the
history of Argentina and she became a political symbol.
In fact, Juan Peron's first wife also died of cervical cancer and
the possibility exists that Peron infected both wives with a
particularly aggressive variant of
human papillomavirus
combined with other risk factors may have caused cancer in both, or
that his first wife infected him and he passed the infection along
to Eva.
However, the details and horror around Eva's death are exposed in
this New York Times article, dated June 6, 2000 THE DOCTOR'S WORLD;
From the Life of Evita, a New Chapter on Medical Secrecy.
When Eva Peron, the first lady of Argentina, underwent a
hysterectomy in November 1951, she did not know that her husband,
Juan, had summoned a Manhattan cancer surgeon to perform the
The surgeon, Dr. George T. Pack, flew to Buenos
Aires, entered the operating room after Eva was anesthetized, and
left before she awoke.
A month earlier, using the same secret ritual, Dr. Pack examined an
anesthetized Eva to confirm the cervical cancer that Argentine
doctors had detected.
The deceit was to keep the cancer secret from Eva and the public
during a presidential campaign. Eva's efforts for the poor made a
powerful political figure of a woman whose fame was later
perpetuated as Evita in a Broadway musical and movie. News that she
had a potentially fatal illness could have affected the election's
The childless Eva underwent both procedures in the belief she had
vague female problems.
She never knew she had cancer.
Of the 40 million people in Argentina, 51.3% are women.
It is estimated that 2,000 women will
die from cervical cancer annually in Argentina. That means that only
0.005% of women may die from cervical cancer - and most of those are
due to the lack of gynecological screenings and pap testing.
Do these numbers justify vaccinating 100% of
Ignoring the scientific
evidence of contamination of viral DNA genetic engineering and
international reports on the devastating drug that now has
caused countless deaths and thousands of injuries worldwide,
President Fernandez insisted that "cancer is a contagious
disease," and that all 11 year old girls must receive the
mandated HPV Vaccine.
Gardasil is now is required for
admission to schools, jobs and even the provision of social
services or family allowances.
Blind Media
Cristina Fernandez's Business with the giant Merck (Gardasil) or
the corporation GlaxoSmithKline (Cervarix), two laboratories
with Offices in Argentina, should be foiled when the president
"stepped on itself" or was betrayed by her subconscious.
However nobody seems to have heard
the statement, although the official video is on-line at the
official website of the Argentine government on You Tube. 6
By the way, this is not the first time that Cristina Fernandez
has lied about being compliant with pharmaceutical industry. She
did it before with
swine flu. Even today, today, the flu shot is
mandatory in Argentina.
'We will ensure that thousands of women will
die' - Betrayed by consciousness or unconsciousness?
It is obvious that President
Fernandez was betrayed by her own truth - since it is now
becoming quite clear that the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix
increase the risk for cervical cancer if a woman is exposed to HPV prior to vaccination.
YouTube Cristina Fernandez
admite que la vacuna VPH mata mujeres y niñas -
- You Tube with English subtitles:
Delivering Cervical Cancer
Protection in the Developing World -
Gardasil Access Program
September 2011 Newsletter
SANE Vax Inc. Discovers
Potential Bio-hazard Contaminant in Merck's Gardasil? HPV 4
Vaccine -
New York Times article;
June 6, 2000; THE DOCTOR'S WORLD; From the Life of Evita, a
New Chapter on Medical Secrecy, Lawrence K. Altman, M.D. -
Cristina habló de "historica
y exitosa campaña de vacunacion" contra la gripe A -