by Dr. Mercola
29, 2013
Mercola Website
As recently reported, a hardier than normal type of flu has spread
around the US, and much earlier than normal, causing some states to
declare public health emergencies.
To speed up flu vaccine production, the US FDA has approved a new
insect-based, genetically engineered flu vaccine, as well as
vaccines grown in cultures of dog kidney cells rather than eggs.
And while mainstream media claims the flu vaccine is working well
this year, a recent review of published research shows flu vaccines
are ineffective at best, and produce neurological complications at
worst, while having no effect at all on hospitalizations or working
days lost.
Flu Outbreak
Showing Signs of Waning
In response to the flu outbreak, New York State Governor Andrew M.
Cuomo issued an executive order allowing pharmacists to give flu
vaccine injections to minors.
If you believe this is a good thing,
you’re still in the dark about the side effects of flu vaccines -
some of which can be fatal - which makes getting it at a
neighborhood pharmacy risky business.
Besides, all vaccinations should be carefully recorded in your
child’s medical file, which will not happen when you pop into a
pharmacy. They’re also unlikely to be properly trained to ascertain
and/or address any acute side effects that may occur.
On January 11, media outlets such as ABC News 1 reported the outbreak
was waning in some parts of the nation, claiming the flu shots
appeared to be doing a good job in curbing the outbreak. However, in
the same article, CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden points out that
the flu tends to ebb and flow throughout the season.
Furthermore, this year’s flu vaccine contains a very good match to
the circulating strains, yet the reported efficacy of the vaccine is
still only slightly over 60 percent - a point made by Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research
and Policy at the University of Minnesota.2
According to Osterholm:
"A match doesn't tell us how well a vaccine is going to work. It's
almost meaningless."
Perhaps the headlines are best explained as counter-propaganda to
the latest scientific review that, yet again, found that the flu
vaccine offers minimal, if any, protection against the flu, and that
it comes at some risk.
One of the most recent examples is the
devastating side effects of the 2009-2010 flu vaccine, which caused
some 800+ cases of narcolepsy in Sweden and other European
Flu Vaccine
Doesn’t Work, According to Recent Research Review
If you’re thinking about vaccinating yourself or your infant against
the flu, I highly recommend reading the independent study review
from the Cochrane Collaboration first.
As Tom Jefferson, a
researcher with the Cochrane Collaboration, recently told
“The [Center for Disease Control] is making policy based on weak
evidence and it is refusing to answer questions. There is no
evidence that vaccines can prevent deaths or prevent
person-to-person spread of infection.”
According to these independent research reviewers:5
“At best, vaccines might be effective against only influenza A and
B, which represent about 10 percent of all circulating viruses.
Authors of this review assessed all trials that compared vaccinated
people with unvaccinated people. The combined results of these
trials showed that under ideal conditions (vaccine completely
matching circulating viral configuration) 33 healthy adults need to
be vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms. In average
conditions (partially matching vaccine) 100 people need to be
vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms.
Vaccine use did not affect the number of people hospitalized or
working days lost but caused one case of Guillain-Barré syndrome (a
major neurological condition leading to paralysis) for every one
million vaccinations.
Fifteen of the 36 trials were funded by vaccine companies and four
had no funding declaration.
Our results may be an optimistic
estimate because company-sponsored influenza vaccines trials tend to
produce results favorable to their products and some of the evidence
comes from trials carried out in ideal viral circulation and
matching conditions and because the harms evidence base is limited.”
As you may recall, Piers Morgan recently got the flu vaccine on the
air on the Dr. Oz show,
within 10 days I've been struck down,"
he now reports.
"Don't ever take a flu shot again," Yoakam tells
him, in this January 23 interview.
Good advice, I'd say.
health agencies deny the possibility of getting the flu from the flu
vaccine, many still do experience flu-like symptoms and/or get ill
to some degree or another after getting the vaccine.
Approve New Genetically Engineered Insect-Based Flu Vaccine
Despite evidence to the contrary, the conventional view is that
getting inoculated is the best way to protect yourself against the
flu, and to make more flu vaccines available faster, the FDA
recently approved a number of novel flu vaccines.
The first, Flublok, is produced by programming insect cells to
produce hemagglutinin, a flu virus protein essential for entry of
the virus into your body’s cells. Flublok is,
“the first the first
trivalent influenza vaccine made using an insect virus (baculovirus)
expression system and recombinant DNA technology,” 6
...and is approved
for use in adults only, ages 18-49.
This kind of genetically
engineered vaccine technology, while you may never have heard of it
before, has already been used in the production of vaccines against
other infectious diseases.
According to CNN:7
“This method allows for more rapid production, making more of the
vaccine available more quickly in the event of a pandemic...
will be available in limited supply this winter and widely available
during the next flu season, said Protein Sciences, which is based in
Meriden, Connecticut.
Flublok contains the elements necessary to help fend off three
different flu strains, including H1N1 and H3N2, the regulator said.
And it proved 44.6% effective against all influenza strains in
circulation, not just those that matched the strains included in the
vaccine, according to the FDA.”
Other Novel
Flu Vaccines Being Unleashed
Last November, the FDA also approved a new flu vaccine by Novartis
called Flucelvax, which is grown in cultures of dog kidney cells
rather than chicken eggs. 8
This too allows for speedier vaccine
production, should another pandemic erupt. But does speedier
production equate to safer products? If history offers any clues,
the answer is no. But, as demand for vaccines of all kinds
increases, the relationship between the US government and Big Pharma
keeps getting cozier.
As reported by Reuters:9
“In 2006, HHS [US Department of Health and Human Services] provided
more than $1 billion in contracts to six manufacturers to develop
cell-based flu vaccine technology in the United States...
In 2009,
spurred by difficulties in growing vaccine for the H1N1 swine flu
pandemic, HHS provided Novartis with nearly $500 million to build
the first U.S. facility capable of producing cell-based vaccine for
seasonal and pandemic flu in the United States.”
The newly approved Flublok vaccine also received financial backing
from the US government.
The HHS bailed out the small manufacturer,
Protein Sciences, with a $147million investment, allowing it to
create the first gene-based flu vaccine to win FDA approval. It
certainly won’t be the last however. Two other genetically
engineered flu vaccines are under development.
According to Reuters,
one of them, created by Novavax, will use,
“bits of genetic material
grown in caterpillar cells called 'virus-like particles' that mimic
a flu virus.”
I for one am not looking forward to finding out what the side
effects might be from this new generation of genetically engineered
flu vaccines...
Even worse, the HHS also has its eye on a
“universal” flu vaccine that would cover any and all flu strains,
and only require one dose every five to 10 years.
As reported by
“Work by Fauci and Dr. Gary Nabel, former head of NIH's Vaccine
Research Center who just joined Sanofi as chief science officer,
showed that a portion of the flu virus that is usually hidden from
the immune system may be the key.
Fauci describes the hemagluttinin part of the flu virus as
bulb-shaped with a stem on one end, sort of like a dandelion that
has gone to seed or a lollipop on a stick.
Most vaccines target
proteins on the bulb portion of the virus, which mutates from year
to year, but Fauci says the stem contains proteins that don't change
much from virus to virus. The problem is that when the flu virus is
presented to the body, these stem proteins are structurally hidden
from the immune system.
A genetically engineered vaccine could
overcome that by only presenting these stem proteins to the immune
According to Robin Robinson, director of the U.S. Biomedical
Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), a part of the
HHS, it’s “a good hypothesis” that will hopefully work.
The HHS is
“keeping fingers crossed.”
What could possibly go wrong by making
your body attack genetically engineered virus structures that are
normally hidden from immune system detection, right?
Flu Vaccine Recommendations Reach a New Low
In related news, while a new breed of genetically engineered flu
vaccines are hitting the market, some experts are now actually
proclaiming the conventional egg-based flu vaccine safe for those
with severe egg allergies.
According to a recent
article in the New York Times:10
“Amid an unusually
widespread outbreak of the flu, a medical association of allergy
specialists said Friday that even children with severe egg
allergies should get flu shots.
Because the vaccine
is grown in chicken eggs, manufacturers recommend that the
roughly 2 percent of all children who have egg allergies not get
them. But flu hospitalizes 21,000 young children a year, said
Dr. James L. Sublett, chair of the public relations committee of
the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
Because only trace amounts of egg protein remain in the vaccine,
“we now know
administration is safe,” he said. “'The benefits of the flu
vaccination far outweigh the risks.'
Even children who
have gone into anaphylactic shock from eating eggs should get
flu shots, but from an allergist trained to handle emergencies,
the association recommended.”
I really cannot believe
how far they will go to endanger your health - especially when you
consider that, for an industry that claims to be science-based, flu
vaccine recommendations go AGAINST the hard evidence.
Worse yet, while studies
show flu vaccination is ineffective, when it comes to safety, which
is the other and more important factor (especially for infants), the
evidence is basically non-existent!
According to an
independent study review from the Cochrane Collaboration11 published
August 15, 2012, the efficacy of inactivated vaccine is similar to
placebo in children under the age of two.
“Influenza vaccines
were associated with serious harms such as narcolepsy and
febrile convulsions [in children]. It was surprising to find
only one study of inactivated vaccine in children under two
years, given current recommendations to vaccinate healthy
children from six months of age.”
Damaged Child Awarded $1 Million
A lot of people still believe vaccines are safe, not realizing that
children are being permanently harmed each and every day by mandated
childhood vaccinations. Sadly, once that happens, the family is left
‘holding the bag,’ with no recourse.
In December last year, a family won a nearly $1 million settlement
from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, but this is a
rarity. Severe flaws in the system results in the majority of
vaccine injured children not receiving any compensation at all for
the harm inflicted on them.
According to the court’s decision:13
“Petitioners alleged that as a result of “all the vaccinations
administered to [Ryan] from March 25, 2003, through February 22,
2005, and more specifically, measles-mumps-rubella (MMR)
vaccinations administered to him on December 19, 2003 and May 10,
2004,” Ryan suffered “a severe and debilitating injury to his brain,
described as Autism Spectrum Disorder (‘ASD’)...
Petitioners specifically asserted that Ryan “suffered a Vaccine
Table Injury, namely, an encephalopathy” as a result of his receipt
of the MMR vaccination on December 19, 2003. Id.
In the alternative,
petitioners asserted that “as a cumulative result of his receipt
of each and every vaccination between March 25, 2003 and
February 22, 2005, Ryan has suffered... neuroimmunologically mediated
dysfunctions in the form of asthma and ASD.”
In this case, while the MMR vaccine was indicated as a possible
culprit, the primary cause was believed to be the sheer number of
The cumulative effect of multiple vaccinations simply
cannot be underestimated, and now they’re asking you to vaccinate
your children against the seasonal flu, each and every year,
starting from the age of six months! And they’re recommending this
without ANY proof whatsoever that this is indeed safe.
Safety is
“assumed.” Not tested and verified. Please do remember this.
One way to evaluate your child’s potential for vaccine damage is to
get his or her gut flora checked prior to getting any vaccine.
more information about this novel but promising way to prevent
vaccine damage, please see my interview with Dr. Natasha
Campbell-McBride (below video):
ABC News January 11, 2013
NPR January 13, 2013
Reuters January 22, 2013
Northwestern.edu January
16, 2013
Cochrane Summaries August
15, 2012, Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy
FDA.gov January 2013
CNN January 17, 2013
Reuters January 19, 2013
See ref 5
New York Times January
11, 2013
Cochrane Summaries August
15, 2012, Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy
US Court of Federal
Claims, No. 06-227V December 13, 2012 (PDF)
See ref 9