by Suzie Halewood
May 03,
Off-Guardian Website

Dr. Frances Kelsey
receiving the President's Award
for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service
from President Kennedy in 1962,
for successfully preventing Thalidomide
being approved for use in the USA...
In 1956 German pharmaceutical company Chemie Grünenthal GmbH,
licensed a new experimental drug designed to treat colds, flu,
nausea and morning sickness.
Known as Distaval
in the UK, Distillers Biochemicals Ltd declared the drug could 'be
given with complete safety to pregnant women and nursing mothers
without adverse effect on mother or child' - a basic pre-requisite
for licensing a drug.
While forty-nine countries licensed the drug under multiple
different names, the then head of the FDA Dr. Frances Kelsey,
a physician-pharmacologist with a profound interest in fetal
development, refused authorization for use in the US market due to
her concerns about the lack of evidence regarding the drug's safety.
The drug was also known as
Sixty-five years on and the stringent safety measures brought in to
avoid another scandal on the scale of Thalidomide have been swept
aside in order to fast track the approval of
experimental mRNA vaccines.
This is in spite of
concerns voiced by (among others) Dr.
Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr.
Michael Yeadon,
who petitioned the
European Medical Agency (EMA) with a
Administrative/Regulatory Stay Of Action in regard to the
BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b - not just in regard to
concerns about pregnant women, the foetus and infertility - but
also in regard to the effect of the mRNA vaccines on those with
prior immunity, for whom immunization could lead to a
hyperinflammatory response, a cytokine storm, and a generally
dysregulation of the immune system that allows the virus to
cause more damage to their lungs and other organs of their
No previous research into
treating illness or disease with messenger RNA or mRNA vaccines has
been successful and this is the first time mRNA vaccines have been
used on humans.
The concerns of Yeadon, Wodarg and others appear to be borne out by
data from the King's College Zoe app that records adverse events
from the mRNA vaccines.
Taken from a pool of
700,000, data reveals that 12.2% of those vaccinated with the Pfizer
jab experienced adverse events or side effects, a number which
tripled to 35.7% for those with prior immunity.
Adverse events from the
Oxford/AstraZeneca jab were already high at 31.9% but increased to
52.7% for people with immunity.
Ellie Barnes, professor of hepatology and immunology at
Oxford University and a member of the UK Coronavirus Immunology
Consortium referred to the discovery - that when you've had a
COVID-19 infection your T-cells
become activated and become memory T cells - as 'emerging' as though
this was something revelatory.
Yet the dangers of
over-immunization had been flagged up multiple times and well before
vaccine rollout.
It gets worse...
In spite of additional research from New York's Mount Sinai
Hospital and the University of Maryland which indicated
that those who had previously developed Covid-19 were effectively
already immune and wouldn't need a second dose (arguably they didn't
need the first dose if they already had immunity), Eleanor Riley,
professor of infectious diseases at Edinburgh University said that,
'Incorporating this
into a mass vaccination program, may be logistically complex',
adding 'it may be safer overall to ensure everyone gets two
May be safer...?
Many in the study group
had already had an adverse event from the first dose, so how could
it be 'safer' when second doses have been shown to increase the
adversity of an event.
And how is it
logistically complex to notify those who have already
experienced an adverse event?
The medical data of the
700,000 patients has already been logged into the
Zoe App system, otherwise the Zoe
App wouldn't be able to differentiate between those with or without
prior immunity.
Therefore, those with
prior immunity from having had Covid-19 - or those for whom an
adverse event would perhaps indicate prior immunity - can be
notified that there is no need for a second dose.
why on earth aren't
people tested for prior immunity before taking any vaccination
considering the concerns associated with over-immunization?
Alarming data is also
emerging from the Yellow Card Scheme.
Set up following
the Thalidomide scandal, it allows both doctors and patients to
record adverse medical events from drugs and vaccines circulating in
the UK market.
Up to and including
29 April 2021, the MHRA via
Yellow Card Reporting received,
suspected reactions from the
COVID-19 mRNA Pfizer/BioNTech
vaccine (from Dec 9 onwards).
suspected reactions from the COVID-19 Oxford
University/AstraZeneca (from Jan 4 onwards).
As of 29/4/21,
the death toll from both vaccines stands at 1045.
With 685 of
those deaths from the AstraZeneca vaccine since Jan 4, that
equates to 5.9 deaths per day for AstraZeneca alone.
Deaths from
COVID-19 on Monday 26th April stood at 6.
And the data
doesn't cover all those vaccinated.
Only 3-5 cards per
1,000 of doses (0.3-0.6%) administered have been filed (10% reported
side effects during trials) which may indicate that many people are
unaware of the existence of the Yellow Card Scheme and that
therefore adverse events are being underreported.
The current
mRNA vaccine take-up suggests many believe the vaccines will
prevent transmission and that the 90-95% vaccine efficacy
reported by the BBC equates to a high chance of prevention.
These figures
are taken from the FDA's report on the efficacy of the mRNA
Pfizer vaccine, which itself refers to the potential of
reduction of the viral load - i.e. symptomatic COVID-19 - not
It does not
mean that 95% of people vaccinated are protected from
contracting the virus, something The Lancet refers to as
'a misconception'.
Even the 90-95%
claim of reduction in viral load is questioned by a
BMJ report (and others), which estimates the mRNA vaccine's
efficacy in the reduction of COVID-19 symptoms to be more within
the 19-29% range - less than the 35% efficacy of
dexamethasone used by the NHS.
This appears to
be backed up by
further reporting from Shahriar Zehtabchi MD, who
explains why 'suspected but unconfirmed' COVID-19 cases cannot
clarify which study patients had the disease in any group.
It would be hard to
see therefore how vaccine efficacy could be determined if those
taking the vaccine had not been tested for prior immunity or if
those on trials were only 'suspected' of having had the disease,
without having had a test to confirm it.
The mRNA vaccines
are also predominantly for those with high risk of complications
from COVID-19 which - judging by ONS statistics - is a
According to ONS
the number of
those under sixty-five with no serious underlying health issues
who died 'due' to Covid-19 in 2020 was 1,549.
For the healthy
30-year-old age group (i.e. those with no serious underlying
health issues), taking the experimental mRNA vaccine would be
the statistical equivalent of 164,125 people jumping off a cliff
because a hungry bear was approaching.
The bear only
wants one meal and he's going to get the slowest runner.
If you are fit, you
have little to no chance of the bear getting you. Jumping off the
cliff however can lead to injury or death. It is a leap into the
As are the mRNA
Yet there are still
those who believe they need a vaccination in order to travel. Not
the first to announce,
they will
accept proof of antibodies and/or a negative COVID-19 test in
order to visit...
Furthermore, the
vaccinated will also need to show proof of a COVID-19 negative test,
presumably because there are still doubts from these countries and
others as to the efficacy levels of the vaccines in regard to
Not even British
Airways demands proof of vaccination.
The airline was
quick off the blocks to offer a subsidized Ł33 online Covid-test for
those planning to travel. After the financial losses of lockdown,
most airlines and countries will no doubt follow suit. Demand is
what fuels the market.
Not that any of the
above will slow down the UK Government's manic roll out of the
vaccine drive to the next 40-49-year-old target range of
Do the majority
of these 40-49-year-olds need the mRNA vaccine?
Not according
to WHO and ONS data.
For a healthy 40-49
year old, the chances of dying from COVID-19 is 1 in 46,242.
Will this next
target range group be put off by the fact so many doctors and
healthcare workers are refusing to take the vaccine? They should be.
It took five
years after the initial licensing of Thalidomide before
anyone realized Thalidomide crossed the placental barrier
and caused serious birth defects, a discovery hampered by the
fact the drug had been marketed under multiple different names
across 49 countries.
It took a
further five years to mount a legal challenge...
Nobody was
found guilty.
Not until the
mid-seventies following a fierce moral crusade by the late,
great investigative journalist and editor Harold Evans
(who referred to investigative journalism as 'attacking the
devil') did the families of those children who died or who were
born with limb, eye and heart problems receive commensurate
Fifty years
Chemie Grünenthal GmbH
Evans believed
the Thalidomide scandal was a lesson in how a government can
betray its duty.
They're still doing
Chief Executive of
the MHRA Dr. June Raine was 'delighted' to approve the
AstraZeneca vaccine for use on the citizens of the UK.
'No stone is
left unturned when it comes to our assessments' she said.
That there had
'a robust and
thorough assessment of all the available data' and that her
staff had 'worked tirelessly to ensure we continue to make safe
vaccines available to people across the UK'.
I doubt Dr. Frances
Kelsey would see it that way. Or Harold Evans...