by A. True Ott, PhD, ND
September 26,
Amadon606 Website
According to the Los Angeles Sunday Times newspaper dated May
24, 2009, a meeting of some of the world's richest billionaires took
place in Manhattan on May 5, 2009. (See Addendum #1 far below).
These "elite" reached a
uniform consensus during this meeting that OVERPOPULATION is the
single greatest threat facing Planet Earth.
George Soros, international
banker and
agent of the Rothschild family, was also in attendance,
and actually led much of the discussion, it was reported. For a
biography and curriculum vitae of this warped individual and his
vision for mass sterilization/depopulation of the planet. (See
Addendum #2 far below).
The elite's agenda of mass depopulation is no longer covert. It is
no longer the realm of "National Secret Memorandums" (see
NSSM-200 authored by Henry
Kissinger and
Zbignew Brezinsky back in 1974)
It is today public knowledge.
It is indeed their top "agenda" item
for immediate implementation this year - 2009.
I would submit that these billionaires are men and women of action.
When they come to a joint consensus, a detailed plan is quickly and
decisively put into action especially if they perceive that their
"plan" is literally going to "save the planet". There should be
little doubt that they would have a brilliant plan of action that
they are most definitely implementing as you are reading this.
These individuals did
not get to be billionaires by being stupid, or by merely discussing
ideas and concepts over dinner. They, of course, would also know how
to keep their depopulation activities camouflaged and hidden from
public scrutiny.
After all, they reason that
only THEY know what is
best for the planet.
Let's look at the
elite's depopulation plan from a standpoint of
logic and common sense. Of course they realize that only a very
small fraction of the world's population (especially in the Western
1st World nations) would eagerly and willingly step forward and
volunteer that their lineage and bloodlines would be severed by
means of a permanent sterilization "vaccination".
It is obvious,
therefore, that such a "sterilization vaccine" would need to be
disguised as something else, a truly global false-flag program
fueled by their controlled media propaganda and fear-mongering. I
would submit that a worldwide faux "influenza pandemic" would be an
absolutely perfect cover.
Prior to the year 1998, the available depopulation tools that could
be utilized by such "global elitists" were fairly limited; diseases,
famine, wars and even natural disasters could each be developed and
actually implemented by a designed plan. These depopulation tools
are rather messy, however, and often hard to completely control.
However, thanks to the
work of Dr. Richard A. FayrerHosken at the University of
Georgia, a new and completely effective depopulation tool is
now available indeed, a simple little VACCINE SHOT can today cause
permanent sterility. (See Addendum 3 far below.)
Fayrer-Hosken's invention has been successfully tested and found to
be effective on all mammals, including the African elephant,
although the potential long-term side effects are still being
What exactly is the active ingredients of this
sterilization vaccine? Primarily the sterilization vaccine contains
antigens from PORCINE (pig) glyco-proteins (viruses are a form of
glyco-proteins) bonded with a powerful oil-in-water "adjuvant"
Is it just a coincidence that Novartis' master patent for the "swine
flu" vaccine utilizes swine (porcine) glycol-proteins bonded with a
powerful oil-in-water "adjuvant" called squalene?
Is it just a coincidence that Novartis' "swine flu" vaccine product
information circular, section 8.1, includes this warning paragraph:
It would also seem
highly logical that a sterilization vaccine disguised as a
influenza vaccine would require a complete blanket shield against
liability lawsuits and litigation as well for such claims would
undoubtedly number in the hundreds of millions. (Oops, sorry the
vaccine made you sterile Mrs. Jones we had absolutely no idea, you
Of course, such
immunity from lawsuits is exactly what has been given to the "swine
flu" vaccine manufacturers and promoters by our corrupt federal
It is clear that the "swine flu" pandemic is no more serious than
the common cold but it is also increasingly clear that the VACCINE
is the real danger. If the squalene adjuvant cripples and even kills
the victim in addition to making him/her permanently stable, then I
am confident that is perfectly ok with
George Soros and his breed.
Make no mistake,
however, the entire agenda behind this pandemic vaccine hype is very
likely the covert "immuno-sterilization" of the human herd!
Billionaire Club Meets to Curb Population
by John Harlow
The Sunday Times
May 24, 2009
America's richest people meet to discuss ways of tackling a
'disastrous' environmental, social and industrial threat
SOME of America's leading billionaires have met secretly to
consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of
the world's population and speed up improvements in health and
The philanthropists who attended a summit convened on the
initiative of Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder,
discussed joining forces to overcome political and religious
obstacles to change.
Continue reading
Updated with the link for the streaming archive of
The Awakening,
tonight. Read about Soros, the man who is making the Marxofascist
insurrection happen, with America being destroyed, in it’s path. And
listen to the author of this piece. Jim O’Neill was a special guest
The Awakening, this Monday night, 9/21, in the second hour
(10-11pm ET). Obama eligibility plaintiff, Markham Robinson
(Barnett, et. al. v. Obama) was our guest for the first hour (9-10pm
ET). Mr. Robinson explained why he fired Orly Taitz and how Gary
Kreep has saved the case… so far.
George Soros – Republic Enemy #1
by Jim O’Neill
September 21, 2009
Born in June of 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Jim O’Neill
proudly served in the U.S. Navy from 1970-1974 in both UDT-21
(Underwater Demolition Team) and SEAL Team Two. A member of MENSA,
he worked as a commercial diver in the waters off Scotland, India,
and the United States. In 1998 while attending the University of
South Florida as a journalism student, O’Neill won “First Place” in
the “Carol Burnett/University of Hawaii AEJMC Research in Journalism
Ethics Award. The annual contest was set up by Carol Burnett with
the money she won from successfully suing the National Enquirer for
libel. |
“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United
- George Soros
“George Soros is an evil man. He’s anti-God, anti-family,
anti-American, and anti-good.”
- Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
Is it possible to lay the global financial meltdown, the
radicalizing of the Democratic Party, and America’s moral decline,
at the feet of one man?
It is indeed possible.
If George Soros isn’t the world’s preeminent “malignant messianic
narcissist,” he’ll do until the real thing comes along. Move over,
Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. There’s a new kid on the block.
What we have in Soros, is a multi-billionaire atheist, with skewed
moral values, and a sociopath’s lack of conscience. He considers
himself to be a world class philosopher, despises capitalism, and
just loves social engineering.
Uh oh. Can you say “trouble,” boys and girls?
Soros is a real life version of Dr. Evil - with Obama in the role of
Mini-Me. Which is not as humorous as it might at first sound. In
fact, it’s bone-deep chilling.
Continue reading
Wipo Website
“The vaccine is administered in a manner and an amount effective to
cause the desired infertility in the mammalian subject. For example,
to immunosterilize a dog or a cat, the vaccine is preferably
administered in the form of a plurality of doses (typically about
1.0 mL for a dog, 0.5 mL for a cat), each dose containing zona
pellucida glycoprotein, or an antigenic fragment thereof, in an
amount of about 100 g to about 2 mg, more preferably about 200 ug to
about 400 u. g.
An immunostimulant such as STDCM is typically
present in a per dose amount of about 50 Hg to about 5 mg,
preferably in an amount of about 1 mg to about 3.5 mg, more
preferably in an amount of about 2 mg to about 3 mg. The animal is
given an initial dose, usually via intramuscular injection although
subcutaneous injection can also be used.
The initial injection is
followed by two or more booster injections at two to four week
intervals, although the boosters can be administered from about 9
days to about twelve months following the previous vaccination. The
body’s immunological response to the vaccine at this dosing regimen
appears to render the ovaries permanently inactive as a result of,
for example, follicle disruption or destruction, as evidenced by immunocytochemical analysis and histological evaluation of the
ovarian tissue of vaccinated subjects.
Sterility is permanent and
irreversible. Immunosterilization of carnivores in accordance with
the present method typically does not cause abnormal estrus cycles
or other significant undesirable side effects in the vaccinated
Pub. No.: WO/1999/034825 International Application No.:
Publication Date: 15.07.1999 International Filing Date: 30.12.1998
Chapter 2 Demand Filed: 02.08.1999
IPC: A61K 39/00 (2006.01), C07K 14/705 (2006.01)
Graduate Studies Research Center Athens, GA 30602-7411
(US) (All Except US)
FAYRER-HOSKEN, Richard, A. [US/US]; (US) (US Only).
Richard, A.; (US)
Agent: SANDBERG, Victoria,
A.; Mueting, Raasch & Gebhardt P.O. Box 581415 Minneapolis, MN
55458-1415 (US).
Priority Data:
60/070,375 02.01.1998 US
60/071,406 15.01.1998 US
60/076,368 27.02.1998 US
Title: Fertility Impairing
Vaccine and Method of Use
A vaccine comprising an antigen derived from a zona
pellucida glycoprotein is effective to impair fertility in animals,
preferably carnivores. The vaccine can be used as an immunosterilant
or an immunocontraceptive.
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