by John Stokes
AgoraCosmopolitan Website

World Trade Center.
Reliable sources suggest that it is
apparent that fascistic "pseudo-Christian" cult group(s), and not
apparent Muslim scapegoats, were responsible for the 9-11 attack on
the World Trade Center.
America is popularly acknowledged as the world's only Superpower,
with by far the world's best intelligence capability. That is
further supported by a vast network of corresponding intelligence,
and police investigative capability including INTERPOL, from its
No Muslim rogue group or Islamist government had any chance of the
Herculean bringing down the World Trade Center, undetected from
these agencies. Furthermore, the World Trade Center was also built
to withstand aeroplanes being crashed into it, and other similar
terrorist schemes.
The aeroplane Hijackers associated with 9-11 could be viewed to be
little more than employees hired for their apparent Muslim cultural
heritage, who were being manipulated by a much more technologically
sophisticated plot, than could ever be executed by any 'Muslim
radical' group.
Having dismissed the credibility of the official claim that Muslim
extremists could ever have launched a scheme to bring down the World
Trade Center undetected, then what kind of group would seek to bring
down the World Trade Center? The psychological profile of the
mastermind of the World Trade Center, and the corresponding
Washington D.C. attacks suggests a well-financed pseudo-Christian
cult, with Neo-Nazi affiliations.
Apocalyptical "pseudo-Christian" cult groups apparently applauded
the destruction of WTC. In their apparent view, the World Trade
Center was a modern day "polyglot" version of 'Tower of Babel' in a
city of "mongrel races" and "sinfulness", reminiscent of Babylon in
the Bible.
The World Trade Center (WTC) was a symbol of the financial success
of New York City, as America's financial capital. Jews were
persecuted in Nazi Germany for being an "inferior race" that
presided over a "Conspiracy" to take-over the world using their
financial power, in part, to create "morally degenerative cultural
products" symbolized by today's film industry which is attacked by
The WTC would therefore make a prime
target for any Neo-Nazi-inspired group, which sought to begin a
racial "purification" against "Jewry", and its "permissive"
institutions expressed in NYC, and that were viewed to have led to
the weakening of America. These despised institutions include human
rights, peace, and environmental groups led by Jews, and which in
turn support the activities of other "inferior races".
"Grassroots" U.S.-based Neo-Nazi groups
applauded the destruction of the WTC in the aftermath of 9-11.

Tower of Babel
(Artist representation).
Goro Adachi remarks in
"How fitting is it that it was the
twin towers -- by far the tallest in the city -- of the "modern
Babylon", i.e. NYC, that were destroyed in the recent terrorist
He further stipulates that,
"NYC is the ultimate melting pot of
all peoples of this planet where they interact in harmony
(well-exemplified by New York City being the home of
the United
Nations) and produce something -- just like the builders of the
Tower of Babel."
And even the designation of 'whore',
Adachi indicates,
"is quite applicable as at the
entrance of that city is found a welcoming Statue of Liberty, a
"sinful" woman symbolizing the city."
Adachi also indicates that,
"Esoterically, Sirius is represented
by a five-pointed star, i.e. a pentagonal form -- thus ending up
strongly resonating with the fact that the '9-11' terrorist
attacks hit not just the WTC towers but also the Pentagon (whose
construction, by the way, began on 9-11)."
Adachi further indicates that,
"Sirius, moreover, may be considered
a 'stargate' par excellence for in ancient Egypt 'star' was
interchangeable with 'doorway'. Sirius being the brightest star
in the night sky, it can thusly be viewed as the ultimate 'gate
of heaven', or 'gate of the gods' - which just happens to be the
very meaning of the name 'Babylon'. Similarly, the name given to
the historical Tower of Babel, Etemenanki, meant 'the house of
the foundation of heaven and earth', i.e. a gate to heaven."
Adachi further observes that,
"This link is then further enhanced
by the fact that the name 'Magdalene' (as Magdala) the alleged
lover of Jesus, can mean 'tower' as in the Tower of Babel and
the [former and now destroyed] WTC twin towers."
These "pseudo-Christian" confederates
are apparently ideologically linked with groups seeking a "New World
Order". These groups apparently view the destruction of the WTC as
only the first "salvo" for their apparently contemplated destruction
of the whole of New York City as a "city of sinners", in a scheme
that can be blamed against "Muslim extremists".
The first "salvo"
was apparently, to create a context of fear among the populace
against an identified "enemy" in the form of oil-possessing Muslims,
which could legitimate the destruction of rights in a democracy of
"mongrel races".
The criminal profile of the mastermind associated with 9-11 shows a
calculated tactician which will "return to the scene of
crime" in order to inflict much more destruction, like a
megalomaniacal serial criminal.
Once the Muslim extremists can be blamed (in a similar manner that
Adolf Hitler's Nazis blamed the Jews), for the destruction of New
York City, and other targets, under the contrived pre-text of a "War
against Terrorism" then a sought "Race War" can escalate.
Apocalyptical groups seek to galvanize a
"Race War" against inferior Muslims races, involving nuclear
strikes, toward a "racial cleansing". Various openly practicing and
underground racist organizations in the U.S., some of which are very
well-financed, have had a long history of viewing the inevitability
of "race war".
Apocalyptical groups apparently seek the destruction of New York
City because it embraces the spirit of American liberty that has
been "misplaced" in the hands of its "sinful mongrel races". The
destruction of Toronto is similarly sought by Apocalyptical groups
because of its mongrel races associated with the world's most
"multicultural city", that "must" be destroyed to give way
a "god
fearing" Aryan "North American Union".
Within this context of the apparent prism of the Apocalyptical
mastermind associated with 9-11; once Toronto is simultaneously
attacked, along with other targets like Montreal and Ottawa, the
Harper government will then be in a position to "invite" U.S. troops
under pre-text of Security Agreements signed by the Martin
government with the Bush regime in 1995.
In a "North American Union" which is sought by 2007, the
Constitutions of the U.S. and Canada are to be replaced by a
military-political-complex guided by religiously fascist values mis-attributed
to the Bible's Book of Revelation. The "North American Union" is to
be a further strategic step toward joining with Europe in a "New
World Order", as Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the U.S. in
the mid-1980's had inspired "Globalization".
Apocalyptical groups seek to fulfill
Adolf Hitler's sought goal of the "unification of the white race",
and the subjugation of other "inferior" groups which include "coloured"
Muslim groups, in labour camps. Some groups like 'Prison Planet'
allege that labour and concentration camps, in fact, have already
been built in preparation of a state of anarchy caused by the
anticipated destruction of cities like New York in U.S. and Toronto
in Canada, ensuing nuclear strikes against "Islamist" targets, and a
sought "race war".
Apocalyptical groups seek a "New World
Order" presided by a ruling elite of Aryan descendants of great
"European warriors" who will "fulfill the Book of Revelation" by
ushering in 'Judgement Day' against inferior races that are
"destined" to serve the "master race".