Are the People Who 'Really Run The World' Meeting This
by Adam Abrams
14 May, 2009
Haaretz Website
Adam Abrams is a British-American
currently working as an intern at Haaretz.com |
The Bilderberg group, the topic of many conspiracy theories, is now meeting
behind closed doors in Greece.
From today until May 17, approximately 150 of the most influential members
of the world's elite will be meeting behind closed doors at a hotel in
Greece. They are called the Bilderberg Group or the "Bilderbergers," and you
have probably never heard of them.
The group, co-founded by Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, has been meeting
in secret every year since 1954. This year, says the British broadsheet The
Times, they are meeting at the
Nafsika Astir Palace in Vouliagmeni.
The individuals at the meeting come from such power houses as Google and the
Wall Street Journal, the U.S. Senate and European royalty. Governments, the
banking industry, big oil, media and even the world of academia are amongst
the Bilderberg ranks.
Those reportedly in attendance at last year's conference in Virginia
former U.S. senator Tom Daschle
Secretary of the Treasury Timothy
Geithner and his predecessor Henry M. Paulson
former U.S. secretaries of state Henry
Kissinger and Condoleezza Rice
Microsoft executive Craig Mundie
senior Wall Street Journal editor Paul
World Bank President Robert Zoellick
Google CEO Eric Schmidt
There is no official list of who's who in
Bilderberg and there are no press conferences about the meetings. This is
because the group operates under the "Chatham
House Rule," and no details of what goes on inside are released
to the press.
This secrecy has led to many claims that the Bilderberg Group are the
world's real "kingmakers," and, some even suggest, behind the global
financial crisis.
There are also rumors concerning Bilderberg's 2008 conference in Virginia,
claiming that the recent U.S. presidential election was decided upon in a
meeting between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, courtesy of
Those involved in Bilderberg reject such claims outright, arguing that the
forum offers a chance for world leaders to discuss international affairs
openly and honestly.
Former British cabinet minister, Lord Denis Healey, who was one of
the founders of the group, branded assumptions of world domination as
"crap!" and said that the group's aims were much purer.
In an interview to journalist Jon Ronson of the Guardian, Healey
"Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't
go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and
rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community
throughout the world would be a good thing."
Veteran Bilderberg-watcher
Daniel Estulin says that the big topic
on the agenda for this year is the
Estulin quotes sources connected to the group as saying that the group is
looking at two options,
"either a prolonged, agonizing depression
that dooms the world to decades of stagnation, decline, and poverty...
or an intense-but-shorter depression that paves the way for a new
sustainable economic world order, with less sovereignty but more
As the BBC's Jonathan Duffy noted in
2004, the air of mystery has fueled the increasingly popular conspiracy
theory that the Bilderberg meetings are where decisions affecting the entire
world are made.
"No reporters are invited in and while
confidential minutes of meetings are taken, names are not noted," Duffy
wrote. "In the void created by such aloofness, an extraordinary
conspiracy theory has grown up around the group that alleges the fate
of the world is largely decided by Bilderberg."
Recently, mainstream press coverage of the
Bilderberg meeting has grown, largely due to the internet.
This year's conference may have been covered by
British broadsheets, but don't expect to see any coverage from U.S. news
outlets such as The Wall Street Journal or the Washington Post
- they will most likely be at the conference.
Our Man at Bilderberg - I'm Ready to Lose
Control, But They're Not
Charlie Skelton
15 May 2009
TheGuardian Website
Charlie Skelton feels a sudden need to
apologize for the trouble he's caused, swiftly followed by a rush of
revolutionary rage against the powers that be being so, well,
powerful |
I want to talk about Bilderberg 2009.
But beyond
a simple "yes, it's happening, it's real, the leaders of the world are
hanging out here for the weekend", what can I say?
It's a private meeting.
I don't know if they're discussing global financial unification or the
season finale of Grey's Anatomy over their prawn cocktails. I don't even
know what the vegetarian option is for starters. Butternut squash?
You're going to have to forgive me for speculating, but that's all I can do.
I'm not a proper reporter. I don't have the foggiest of my rights (if any)
to stand on public footpaths and point cameras. I don't even have a proper
camera. But what I do have is this: a sense of something rotten in the state
Greece. To my nose, there's not a healthy
smell wafting down from the Astir Palace. Or maybe that was the egg and
pepper roll I had for breakfast.
Sorry if some of these speculations are wrongheaded, but I'm doing a lot of
this thinking for the first time and I've only just shaken off my police
escort. Sorry if I sound shrill or petulant, self-righteous or precious,
sorry if my perceptions have been tilted by anger … sorry, sorry, sorry,
sorry. Sorry for bothering you Mr Bilderberg. I've spent the last three days
apologizing to everyone.
Sorry to the staff at my hotel for having
plainclothes officers loafing around in their lobby. Sorry to the
plainclothes officers themselves for having to drag them around Vougliameni
on a wild goose chase (I bought them some chilled water, and took it to them
while they shuffled awkwardly behind a tree).
Sorry then to the desk sergeant for bothering
her with my predicament:
"I'm being followed around like a criminal,
I wonder if you wouldn't mind asking them to stop? I'm not doing
anything wrong, and it's getting … well … a bit annoying."
I'm going to stop apologizing now.
I'm going to try and make sense of my
experiences. It's not easy; I don't want to sound feeble-minded, but this
has been a lot to take in. I feel a bit like I've driven down the wrong
alley and suddenly don't recognize anything, and people are staring at me
and not simply to admire my hair. I'm jumpy. I think someone has been in my
room and moved my laptop. I know this sounds bonkers, I know it does, but I
took a photo of it before I left the room and it wasn't where I left it.
Listen to me. I sound like a fruitcake. Three days and I've been turned into
a suspect, a troublemaker, unwanted, ill at ease, tired and a bit afraid.
And I haven't even walked up the road to the Bilderberg hotel since
the whole "get in the car!" incident. I've
been trying to stay out of trouble, but trouble has followed me down the
So – to make sense of it. I'm going to begin here: with the face of the
first Bilderberg delegate I saw in the flesh. I was trying, lamely, to get a
snap of some delegates as they swooshed through Vougliameni in their
mirrored limos with their plainclothes motorcycle outriders and police
escorts. And one of them had their window open. I was so excited I forgot to
bring the camera to my face and took a photo of the hubcap. What I saw I
won't forget.
It was a 40-something man with his head thrown
back, laughing and laughing, the perfect photograph that only my retina will
ever see.
And you know what: no wonder he was happy. It must be WAY COOL to be sirened
through Greek streets in the back of bulletproof limo on your way to the
COOLEST party in the world. You've been invited by the coolest of the cool
kids to hang out for the weekend.
Your cool cousin's über-cool older brother and
his way cool friends have got a keg of beer and a pool in the yard, and
their parents are away and you think Jessica might be going. THIS IS THE
BEST PARTY EVER! Turn on the sirens! We're coming through! Woohoo!
And your life is already pretty cool. You already own a newspaper or head a
thinktank, or you're the UK secretary of state for business, enterprise and
regulatory reform, or you run Fiat, or you're chairman of the Federal
Reserve or Queen of the Netherlands, or president of Shell Oil. You run
stuff. You have big ideas. You're in control, and control is fun.
Bilderberg is all about control. It's about "what shall we do next?"
We run lots of stuff already, how about we run
some more? How about we make it easier to run stuff? More efficient.
Efficiency is good. It would be so much easier with a single bank, a single
currency, a single market, a single government. How about a single army?
That would be pretty cool. We wouldn't have any wars then. This prawn
cocktail is GOOD.
How about a single way of thinking? How about a
controlled internet?
How about not.
I am so unbelievably back-teeth sick of power being flexed by the few. I've
had it flexed in my face for three days, and it's up my nose like a wasp. I
don't care whether the Bilderberg Group is planning to save the world or
shove it in a blender and drink the juice, I don't think politics should be
done like this. This might be a facile point, but if they were organizing a
charity snooker league, they could do it upstairs at Starbucks. If they were
trying to cure cancer they could do it with the lights on. Innocent thoughts
can be minuted.
Or maybe they're simply swingers. Maybe that's why the curtains are drawn.
Imagine chucking your key in the tub and pulling out Ken Clarke. Sorry
Timothy Geithner, that's the cost of doing business.
I have a confession. (I'm not a swinger, that's not it.) My confession is
that being tailed today by Greek special branch, and doubling back through a
cafe and catching them out, and buying them chilled water on a hot day like
in Beverley Hills Cop, when Eddie Murphy has room service sent to their car
– all this was pretty exciting. It's was my own little episode of the
Equaliser. (The Greequaliser? No, really no, I'm tired).
Being tailed was exciting and funny and absurd
and confusing and terrifying and utterly, utterly wrong. And I know this
sounds pathetic but I got a bit teary in the police station when I was
telling the nice desk sergeant lady that I'm not a bad person and not a
threat to anyone, and it would be nice if someone could call off the goons.
I don't like to be made to feel like this.
I've been "put" in this position, and I haven't
deserved it.
Bilderberg is about positions of control. I get within half a mile of it,
and suddenly I'm one of the controlled. I'm followed, watched, logged,
detained, detained again. I'd been put in that position by the "power" that
was up the road.
Likewise, the Bilderberg delegates occupy a position of power over the
bobbing ignorance of the people patting beach balls in the sea, and me with
my crappy little camera and my curiosity and my ill-formed sense of
citizenship. I may not be very good at bearing witness here, but I'm doing
my best. I haven't shinned over the fence and shoved a camera in David
Rockefeller's face but I don't want to be shot in the forehead.
A final thought for the day. In the fable, the men may have been blind but
they did at least get to grope the elephant before trying to describe it.
Now shove that elephant in the back of a blacked-out Mercedes S600, whisk it
off into a luxury Greek resort, circle it with heavily armed guards and
helicopters, hand it a Martini, and pay the local police to harass, detain
and follow anyone showing even the slightest interest of grabbing a flank.
That, my friend, is the beast that is Bilderberg
Shadowy Bilderberg Group Meet in Greece - And
Here’s Their Address
May 14, 2009
TheTimes Website

Bavarian illuminati
Roger Boyes and John Carr in Athens
Don’t tell anyone, don’t breathe a word, but the
world’s most powerful men are meeting secretly again to save the planet from
economic catastrophe.
Oh, and their address, should you want to send them
your opinions, is:
c/o Nafsika Astir Palace Hotel
Apollonos Avenue 40
16671 Vouliagmeni
Bed space is a bit tight there for the next two days while the Bilderberg
illuminati hold their private conclave in the five-star Greek hotel.
year since 1954 a club of about 130 senior or up-and-coming politicians
gather at the fireside of a secluded hotel with top bankers and a sprinkling
of royalty to discuss burning issues, to trade confidences and just stay
abreast of the I-know-something-you-don’t-know circuit. No lists of
participants are disclosed, no press conferences are held; spill the beans
and you’re out of the magic circle.
For those of us standing outside the locked gates all that is left is to
hope that they will sleep well, avoid jet ski injury and solve our problems
for us.
For the Bilderbergers it is a little like that recent MI5
recruitment ad:
“See all your best work go unnoticed!”
Each country delegates two people to the steering committee that is the
intellectual hub of Bilderberg. In the past Kenneth Clarke, the Shadow
Business Secretary, and Martin Taylor, formerly head of Barclays Bank, have
had their hand on the British tiller.
This year the club is going to talk about depression.
“According to the
pre-meeting booklet sent out to attendees, Bilderberg is looking at two
options,” says the Bilderberg-watcher
Daniel Estulin - “either a prolonged,
agonizing depression that dooms the world to decades of stagnation, decline
and poverty - or an intense but shorter depression that paves the way for a
new sustainable economic world order, with less sovereignty but more
Since Bilderberg does not officially exist, it cannot deny anything and is
therefore manna from heaven for the conspiracy theorist.
Euro-skeptics are convinced that the future
development of the European Union was plotted here - EU commissioners have always been welcomed into the coven, with Peter “We
are intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich” Mandelson a
particular favorite.
Margaret Thatcher, it is said, was a shy debutante at
a Bilderberg meeting in 1975.
Jim Tucker, veteran stalker of the Bilderberg club meetings, claims that Mrs
Thatcher was ordered,
“to dismantle British sovereignty, but she said, ‘no
way’, so they had her sacked”.
Left-wing conspiracy theorists believe that Bilderbergers form a capitalist nucleus, and there is a germ of truth in
The meetings were started in the Netherlands, in the
Hotel de Bilderberg, near Arnhem, by the Polish exile Joseph Retinger. He was worried
about growing anti-Americanism and the advance of Communism in Western
Europe. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands agreed to sponsor the idea, the
head of the Central Intelligence Agency, Walter Bedell Smith, threw his
weight behind it and so did the White House.
The Bilderberg consensus is that national problems are best solved by an
internationally oriented elite, that a global network of decision-makers
should have a common language and that the boundaries are fluid between the
monied and the political classes.
And so there has been a natural bias towards inviting conservatives and
market liberals. The only socialists invited are those who “understand
Ed Balls has taken part and the most indiscreet Bilderberger of all time was
Denis Healey, the former Labour Chancellor and fierce Atlanticist.
“To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not
wholly unfair,” Lord Healey told the author Jon Ronson for his book Them:
Adventures with Extremists.
“Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go
on for ever fighting one another for nothing. So we felt that a single
community throughout the world would be a good thing.”
Another way of viewing the club is that of Metropolitan Seraphim, the bishop
of Piraeus, who said that the Bilderbergers represented a,
“criminal cabal of
world Zionism and its efforts to set up a cruel world dictatorship under the
headship of Lucifer”.
This line is quite common on the blogosphere, where
the club’s secrecy is taken as evidence of evil intentions.
Whether Lucifer will be down there on the sun-loungers remains to be seen.
But what we have been able to establish from a World Bank spokesman, Alexis
O’Brien, is that the organization's president, Robert Zoellick, will be in
Athens on unspecified business on May 14.
And that US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s public schedule is mysteriously empty for the next two days.
Ackermann, head of Deutsche Bank, will be traveling “somewhere in Europe”.
Jean-Claude Trichet, head of the European Central Bank, will not be around
until the end of the week.
You get the drift. Something is going on.
If only somebody would let us in
on the secret.
Bilderberg Attendees - Vouliagmeni, Greece,
14-17 May 2009
May 23, 2009
ConspiracyArchive Website
Via the
Bilderberg.org forum: a
Bilderberg fax
sent from Maja Banck-Polderman in the Netherlands, the Bilderberg Executive Secretary
Note: The table is sortable on the Country and Name
Country |
Name |
(Present) Occupation |
Davignon, Etienne F. |
Honorary Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings; Vice
Chairman, Suez Tractebel |
Ackermann, Josef |
Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive
Committee, Deutsche Bank AG |
Alexander, Keith B. |
Director, National Security Agency |
Alogoskoufis, George |
Member of Parliament |
Altman, Roger C. |
Chairman and CEO, Evercore Partners, Inc. |
Arapoglou, Takis |
Chairman and CEO, National Bank of Greece |
Babacan, Ali |
Minister of State and Deputy Prime Minister |
Bakoyannis, Dora |
Minister of Foreign Affairs |
Baksaas, Jon Fredrik |
President and CEO, Telenor Group |
Balsemão, Francisco Pinto |
Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister |
Baverez, Nicolas |
Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP |
Bernabè, Franco |
CEO Telecom Italia SpA |
Bildt, Carl |
Minister of Foreign Affairs |
Björklund, Jan |
Minister for Education; Leader of the Lìberal Party |
Blocher, Christoph |
Former Swiss Counselor; Former Chairman and CEO, EMS Group |
Bompard, Alexandre |
CEO, Europe 1 |
Boot, Max |
Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow for National Security
Studies, Council on Foreign Relations |
Bronner, Oscar |
Publisher and Editor, Der Standard |
Castries, Henri de |
Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA |
Cebrián, Juan Luis |
CEO, Grupo PRISA |
Coene, Luc |
Vice Governor, National Bank of Belgium |
Collins, Timothy C. |
Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC |
David, George A. |
Chairman, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Co. (H.B.C.) S.A. |
Diamantopoulou, Anna |
Member of Parliament |
Draghi, Mario |
Governor, Banca d'Italia |
Eberstadt, Nicholas N. |
Henry Wendt Scholar in Political Economy, American Enterprise
Institute for Public Policy Research |
Eldrup, Anders |
President, DONG Energy A/S |
Elkann, John |
Chairman, EXOR S.p.A.; Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A. |
Enders, Thomas |
CEO, Airbus SAS |
Entrecanales, José Manuel |
Chairman, Acciona |
Faymann, Werner |
Federal Chancellor |
Ferguson, Niall |
Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University |
Gleeson, Dermot |
Chairman, AIB Group |
Graham, Donald E. |
Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company |
Halberstadt, Victor |
Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary
Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings |
Hirsch Ballin, Ernst M.H. |
Minister of Justice |
Holbrooke, Richard C. |
US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan |
Hommen, Jan H.M. |
Chairman, ING N.V. |
Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de |
Secretary General, NATO |
Johnson, James A. |
Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC |
Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. |
Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co.
Katainen, Jyrki |
Minister of Finance |
Keane, John M. |
Senior Partner, SCP Partners; General, US Army, Retired |
Kent, Muhtar |
President and CEO, The Coca-Cola Company |
Kerr, John |
Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell
plc |
Klaeden, Eckart von |
Foreign Policy Spokesman, CDU/CSU |
Kleinfeld, Klaus |
President and CEO, Alcoa Inc. |
Koç, Mustafa V. |
Chairman, Koç Holding A.S. |
Koch, Roland |
Prime Minister of Hessen |
Kohen, Sami |
Senior Foreign Affairs Columnist, Milliyet |
Kravis, Henry R. |
Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc. |
Kroes, Neelie |
Commissioner, European Commission |
Kyriacopoulos, Ulysses |
Chairman and Board member of subsidiary companies of the
S&B Group |
Lagarde, Christine |
Minister for the Economy, Industry and Employment |
Lamy, Pascal |
Director General, World Trade Organization |
Leite, Manuela Ferreira |
Leader, PSD |
León Gross, Bernardino |
General Director of the Presidency of the Spanish
Government |
Löscher, Peter |
CEO, Siemens AG |
Mandelson, Peter |
Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory
Reform |
Maystadt, Philippe |
President, European Investment Bank |
McKenna, Frank |
Former Ambassador to the US |
Micklethwait, John |
Editor-in-Chief, The Economist |
Montbrial, Thierry de |
President, French Institute for International Relations |
Monti, Mario |
President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi |
Moratinos Cuyaubé, Miguel A. |
Minister of Foreign Affairs |
Mundie, Craig J. |
Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation |
Munroe-Blum, Heather |
Principal and Vice Chancellor, McGill University |
Myklebust, Egil |
Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro
Nass, Matthias |
Deputy Editor, Die Zeit |
Beatrix, H.M. the Queen of the Netherlands |
Nin Génova, Juan Maria |
President and CEO, La Caixa |
Olivennes, Denis |
CEO and Editor in Chief, Le Nouvel Observateur |
Ollila, Jorma |
Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc |
Osborne, George |
Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer |
Oudéa, Frédéric |
CEO, Société Générale |
Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso |
Former Minister of Finance; President of Notre Europe |
Papahelas, Alexis |
Journalist, Kathimerini |
Papalexopoulos, Dimitris |
Managing Director, Titan Cement Co. S.A. |
Papathanasiou, Yannis |
Minister of Economy and Finance |
Perle, Richard N. |
Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public
Policy Research |
Philippe, H.R.H. Prince |
Pinho, Manuel |
Minister of Economy and Innovation |
Pisani-Ferry, Jean |
Director, Bruegel |
Prichard, J. Robert S. |
President and CEO, Metrolinx |
Prodi, Romano |
Chairman, Foundation for Worldwide Cooperation |
Rajalahti, Hanna |
Managing Editor, Talouselämä |
Reisman, Heather M. |
Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. |
Reiten, Eivind |
President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA |
Ringier, Michael |
Chairman, Ringier AG |
Rockefeller, David |
Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank |
Rubin, Barnett R. |
Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center for International
Cooperation, New York University |
Sabanci Dinçer, Suzan |
Chairman, Akbank |
Samarasekera, Indira V. |
President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Alberta |
Scholten, Rudolf |
Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische
Kontrollbank AG |
Sheeran, Josette |
Executive Director, UN World Food Programme |
Siniscalco, Domenico |
Vice Chairman, Morgan Stanley International |
Solbes, Pedro |
Vice-President of Spanish Government; Minister of Economy and
Finance |
Sophia, H.M. the Queen of Spain |
Steinberg, James B. |
Deputy Secretary of State |
Stigson, Bjorn |
President, World Business Council for Sustainable
Development |
Stournaras, Yannis |
Research Director, Foundation for Economic and Industrial
Research (IOBE) |
Sutherland, Peter D. |
Chairman, BP plc and Chairman, Goldman Sachs International |
Tanaka, Nobuo |
Executive Director, IEA |
Taylor, J. Martin |
Chairman, Syngenta International AG |
Thiel, Peter A. |
President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC |
Thorning-Schmidt, Helle |
Leader ofThe Social Democratic Party |
Thune Andersen, Thomas |
Partner and CEO, Maersk Oil |
Treichl, Andreas |
Chairman and CEO, Erste Group Bank AG |
Trichet, Jean-Claude |
President, European Central Bank |
Tsoukalis, Loukas |
President of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign
Policy (ELlAMEP) |
Ugur, Agah |
CEO, Borusan Holding |
Vanhanen, Matti |
Prime Minister |
Vasella, Daniel L. |
Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG |
Veer, Jeroen van der |
Chief Executive, Royal Dutch Shell plc |
Volcker, Paul A. |
Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board |
Wallenberg, Jacob |
Chairman, Investor AB |
Wallenberg, Marcus |
Chairman, SEB |
Wellink, Nout |
President, De Nederlandsche Bank |
Wijers, Hans |
Chairman, AkzoNobel NV |
Wolf, Martin H. |
Associate Editor & Chief Economics Commentator, The
Financial Times |
Wolfensohn, James D. |
Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC |
Wolfowitz, Paul |
Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute for Public
Policy Research |
Zoellick, Robert B. |
President, The World Bank Group |
Bredow, Vendeline von |
Business Correspondent, The Economist
(Rapporteur) |
McBride, Edward |
Business Editor, The Economist
(Rapporteur) |
AUT Austria
BEL Belgium
CHE Switzerland
CAN Canada
DEU Germany
DNK Denmark
ESP Spain
FRA France
FIN Finland
GBR Great Britain
In Grecia il Conclave Dei Potenti
di Enrico Piovesana
18 Maggio, 2009
dal Sito Web

In riva all’Egeo la riunione annuale del Bilderberg Group
E' iniziato ieri in Grecia, in un'esclusiva località balneare alle porte di
Atene, l'annuale conclave dell'élite politico-economia-militare occidentale
riunita nel Bilderberg Group: il più potente e riservato organo decisionale
del pianeta che dal 1954 si riunisce ogni anno a porte chiuse per concertare
le linee guida a cui tutti i governi, le banche centrali e gli organismi
internazionali devono poi attenersi.
I lavori si concluderanno domenica.
Si parla di crisi economica
Centotrenta tra capi di Stato e di governo,
ministri economici, banchieri centrali, economisti, amministratori delegati
delle principali multinazionali, capi di Stato Maggiore, responsabili delle
agenzie d'intelligence e direttori dei grandi netowork televisivi ed
editoriali di Europa e Nord America sono arrivati nel lussuoso di
Vouliagmeni, una ventina di chilometri a sud di Atene, in un susseguirsi di
limousine blindate con vetri oscurati.
Giornalisti e curiosi sono tenuti a debita distanza dalla polizia greca e da
guardie private e agenti servizi segreti di diversi Paesi.
Non sono previste
conferenze stampa o comunicati ufficiali per sapere gli argomenti in
discussione (solo nel 2006 gli organizzatori diramarono un documento in cui
si rendeva noto che si sarebbe parlato di guerra al terrorismo, fonti
energetiche, finanza e immigrazione).

Ma quest'anno lo scrittore russo
Daniel Estulin (che da anni indaga e pubblica libri sul Bilderberg Group) ha
dichiarato di essere riuscito a ottenere per vie traverse una copia
dell'ordine del giorno dei lavori del summit greco, che sarebbe:
Massimo riserbo anche sui partecipanti.
Secondo le informazioni raccolte dal
quotidiano londinese Times, è certa la presenza,
del presidente della Banca
Mondiale, Robert Zoellick
del segretario al Tesoro
USA, Tim Geithner
direttore della Banca Centrale Europea, Claude Trichet
di quello della
Banca Centrale Tedesca, Jo Ackermann
Una classe dirigente globale
Per avere un'idea degli altri partecipanti
bisogna rifarsi alle foto ‘rubate' dai teleobiettivi dei paparazzi ai
precedenti incontri, alle informazioni trapelate in passato su singoli
partecipazioni e soprattutto all'unica lista resa pubblica dal Bilderberg
Group nel 2006 (immagine destra).
Il risultato è un elenco che comprende sempre:
i vertici
dell'amministrazione Usa (in passato Henry Kissinger, Donald
Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz)
il grande banchiere
David Rockefeller
i dirigenti:
della Federal Reserve
di Credit Suisse
Rothschild Europe (il vice presidente Franco Bernabè)
delle compagnie
petrolifere Shell, Bp e Eni (Paolo Scaroni)
della Coca Cola
della Philips
della Unilever
di Time Warner
di AoL
della Tyssen-Krupp
della Fiat (il
vicepresidente John Elkann
direttori e corrispondenti,
economisti (tra cui
Giulio Tremonti e Mario Monti)
molti ministri dei governi occidentali (Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa)
Altri partecipanti italiani a precedenti meeting del Bilderberg sono stati: