4 Marzo 2010

del Sitio Web TrinityATierra




Bill Gates, fundador de Microsoft dice en una conferencia del TED, una organización para la difusión de “nuevas ideas” esponsorizada por uno de los contaminadores más grandes y tóxicos del planeta, que las vacunas necesitan ser empleadas para reducir la población mundial, y controlar el calentamiento global y reducir así las emisiones de CO2.

Asegurando que la población se dirige peligrosamente a los 9 mil millones de personas, Gates dijo:

“si hacemos un trabajo realmente bueno con las nuevas vacunas, la Sanidad y los Servicios de Salud reproductivos (Nota Trinity: es decir, la industria abortera), podríamos reducir la población en un 10 o 15%, quizás”.

Fijaos cuánto se asemeja el escenario que pisa Gates al de los clubes de la comedia.

Esta es la fórmula que los nazis enemigos de la humanidad disfrazados de comediantes multimillonarios se han sacado de la chistera para calcular la cantidad de CO2 contaminante que se emite a la atmósfera:

CO2 = P veces S veces E veces C

Donde P es el número de habitantes del planeta, S el número medio de servicios por persona, E la cantidad media de unidades de energía por servicio y C las unidades medias de CO2 emitidas por unidad de servicios; CO2 es la cantidad de dióxido de carbono emitida por la totalidad del planeta en un año.

Escuchad su frase mencionada arriba en el minuto 2.10

Por supuesto el “comediante” Gates no hace mención a la PRUEBA irrefutable de que toda la teoría entorno al aumento de CO2 en el planeta y su relación con el calentamiento global es una farsa y una patraña peligrosa, como quedó evidenciado tras la publicación de los correos electrónicos hackeados en el llamado “Climategate”.

Tampoco debe acordarse de que gran cantidad de esos diminutos e insignificantes “pes” que quieren eliminar de la fórmula, compran anualmente grandes sumas de los programas de porquería fabricados por Microsoft.

Pero a lo mejor algunos no lo olvidamos.



Bill Gates Admits...

Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation
by grinreaperdutchphil
February 28, 2010

from YouTube Website




Next are two short excerpts from a recently filmed TED presentation (Feb 2010) by none other than Bill "Microsoft" Gates.

At the heart of Gates' address lies the central Global Warming dogma, which dictates that CO2 emitted by human beings are the primary culprit for the unwanted heating of the globe.


Since this artificial alleged human-induced heating effect allegedly stands to devastate the planet if left unabated, Global Warming dogma proponents therefore argue that human CO2 emissions must be drastically reduced.


As Gates casually addresses the issue, he goes on to state that one way to accomplish this goal is to reduce the global human population.




To be completely fair and accurate, I should have stated that Gates seeks to reduce the anticipated growth of the human population rather than that he seeks to reduce the current population.


I admit that the latter slogan, that is contained in the video, is a bit misleading and I do not want to insinuate that Gates seeks to kill off currently living people. He rather seeks to lower the projected population growth.

He postulates the central equation, giving an estimation of the humanly emitted CO2 load per year, to be:

CO2 = P times S times E times C

Where P stands for the population number, S the average number of services per person, E the average amount of energy units per service, and C the average CO2 emitted load per unit of service, per year; CO2 stands for the projected total humanly emitted carbon-dioxide load by the entire population per year.

In the first clip you will hear him state in plain language that he considers VACCINES to be desirable to bring down the future population number P and so reduce CO2.


You will also casually hear him promoting HEALTH CARE and REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES, to accomplish that same CO2 reducing goal.

Here are Bill Gates' verbatim words [square parentheses additions for clarification purposes are mine though]:

"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion.


Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [number of 9 billion] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.


But there we see an increase of about 1.3 [billion]."

Let's focus on the vaccines.


Gates is stating that he considers vaccines to be useful in contributing to bring the projected population growth of 2.2 billion down to 1.3 billion, roughly one billion.


What kind of properties can thus reasonably be deduced that vaccines are to have according to Gates? Well, basically all the properties that impede people to either have children, or successfully rear them.


In other words, Gates implicitly advocates the definition of his favorite kind of vaccine to be one that fosters,

  • infertility

  • sterility

  • (early onset) senility (autism) alike

Note that Gates does not mention a word on the much touted purported intention of vaccines:

to offer protection against relevant diseases and therefore as such, precisely prolong life.

Given the abundance of toxins in vaccines, the position that vaccines contribute to decrease mortality rates, is kind of hard to maintain.

So Gates proves to be quite the humanitarian there huh?

In the second excerpt you hear Gates explain what he considers to be the single most important thing that he would choose to see become a reality in the future time span of 50 years.


He again confirms his "love" for the vaccine.





Additional Information








Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation
28 February 2010




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