23 Marzo
del Sitio Web
El cineasta y
locutor de radio norteamericano Alex Jones cubre a fondo el controvertido y
desconocido tema para muchos del "Nuevo Orden Mundial".
La creación de un
gobierno mundial bajo control de las "élites" solo sería el primer paso. Una
vez alcanzado esto, desplegarían la 2da fase de su plan, el exterminio de
aproximadamente el 80% de la población mundial, mientras "la élite" viviría
en un mundo de ensueño con la ayuda de la tecnología avanzada que durante
años ha sido ocultada y suprimida manteniendo a una población diezmada y
esclavizada a su servicio.
Por primera vez, Alex Jones
revela los verdaderos planes para el exterminio de la humanidad.
The Blueprint For Global Enslavement
The Master Plan of The Elite is No Longer a Secret
InfoWars Website
"Countless people will hate the new
world order and will die protesting against it."
H.G. Wells, The New World Order,
Alex Jones' newest film Endgame is an
exploration into the dark history of the global elite and an expose of their
now public aspiration to follow a program of dehumanization in order to
secure a brutal monopoly over the planet's future.
Almost a year and a half in production and filmed on location in Istanbul
Turkey, Ottawa Canada, New York and Texas, Endgame was shot in High
Definition and runs at 2hours and 20 minutes long.
The elite have made no bones over the fact that the only sustainable future
in which their power can remain unchecked is one where the world's
population is reduced by over 80%.
Their endgame ensures that they will never have to struggle with a middle
class, face a new renaissance or a rising new elite class that could
overthrow them and displace them.
Just as the Romans salted the earth at Carthage, ensuring that for hundreds
of years crops would not grow, when Hannibal and his people resisted their
brutal empire during the Punic Wars,
modern day elite oppressors have set
about a program to stifle and degrade human progress solely for the benefit
of their own power and control.
Endgame exposes this Movement by charting the history of the elite's new
world order going back some 250 years. The film focuses on the Napoleonic
the Rothschilds and the rise of
the central banks and the takeover of
the United States by elite institutions such as the
Council on Foreign
The film maps out the British model of hidden empire and the forms of social
control carefully studied and adapted by the Anglo-American establishment,
headed by groups such as
Bilderberg, who have been instrumental in
centralizing elite control via the formation of the European Union and the
continued progression towards an American Union.
The history of
Eugenics is traced from its origins, through it's hijacking
for evil by power hungry elites to a dangerous future under the social
Malthusians, psychologists and anthropologists that continue to push the
dehumanization agenda.
Endgame reveals a truth that we must face up to in order to secure our own
continued existence as a free race on this planet.
Video Subtitulado en Español