by Isaac Davis
27, 2017
ActivistPost Website

Americans have been programmed to fight amongst themselves along
partisan political lines, always pointing the finger at the other
side of the phony left-right paradigm.
Divide and conquer
is the broad tactic being used to keep people from recognizing,
focusing on, and targeting the truly diabolical agents in our world
who hold real power over all of us at once.
We are not ruled by Republicans or Democrats, but rather by the
not-so-hidden hands of institutions which have consolidated a
tremendous amount of power.
Our world is deeply
colored by these cartels, and they impact every area of our lives,
constantly maneuvering to make more and more dependent on them for
our needs.
In short, these are the organizations which rule over us.
These are the great
forces in our world which prevent positive change and ensure that we
continually slide downward into tyranny and self-destruction.
1. The
International Banking Cartel
The geopolitical financial elite have for centuries been organizing
to consolidate the mechanisms of wealth into the hands of a very
Rothschilds are the popular face of this cartel, but
banking and financial corruption goes far, far beyond their
The few who
understand the system, will either be so interested from its
profits or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no
opposition from that class.
Rothschild Brothers of London
Banks are in a unique
position of power in our world, and can generate extraordinary
profits without actually producing anything.
Through the issuance of
currency and credit, they can control the amount of money available
to the economy and create economic booms and busts, seizing titles
to land, homes, businesses, and property.
They hold extraordinary
influence over government for their role as financiers of everything
from public works to war, and enjoy extraordinary pecuniary
advantage and privilege.
Combine this with the new influence of supra-national organizations
like the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
and the
World Bank, and you realize that
the world is on the cusp of falling into the greatest trap of all
The banking cartel is the primary
source of war, destabilization and military grade destruction in our
world today.
2. The
Medical Establishment
Human health has been hijacked by
the medical establishment which
forces people into an extraordinarily expensive program of
dependence on insurance companies,
pharmaceutical companies, and other
health services providers.
Interestingly, the medical industry is also a major cause of
premature death for Americans as malpractice, drug overdoses,
botched procedures and poor patient care contribute to these
Medical errors alone are the third
leading cause of death in the U.S.
Additionally, the government deliberately serves these corporate
interests by limiting and preventing information and access to
services and healing modalities which may produce positive results
without dependence on hospitals and physicians.
Furthermore, this cartel actually contributes knowingly to human
misery by pumping deadly drugs like opioids into our world,
scheming to get as many people as addicted as possible in order to
cut a greater profit.
3. The
Energy Industry
The raping of the planet for
fossil fuel energy is something
that has been going on for decades, but is finally now beginning to
create substantial blowback as environmental destruction is proving
to be something that cannot be ignored any longer.
nuclear industry is perfectly
content to continue the pursuit of nuclear power even in the face of
like Fukushima which demonstrate
that nuclear energy simply cannot be contained and is a threat to
all life on planet earth.
We are witnessing major growth in the sectors of
renewable energy, but the
traditional energy industry has a long history of interfering with
the release of alternative technologies, even going so far as to
actively suppress technologies.
This cartel has shaped our world in dramatic ways, most notably by
creating near universal dependence on the automobile as the primary
form of transportation, which has shaped both our cities and our
The never-ending push for
oil exploration is killing the most precious environmental resources
we have left, but the influence of the energy cartel is so great
that it can practically buy entire nations, such as Ecuador, where
foreign oil ventures are allowed to press ever further into the
Agricultural Chemical Producers
The industrial agro chemical giants have completely changed the face
of farming on planet earth within the last 75 years or so.
Family farms continue to
go under at a record-setting pace, and it is clear that the endgame
of companies
like Monsanto is to own the patents
to all food seed, lording over a planet where people are prosecuted
for planting food crops.
This is quite startling, and when couple with the fact that seed
biodiversity is collapsing around us, it may only be another ten
years before this endgame is realized.
In addition to seed, these companies are polluting the world in
incredible ways by pressing for the overuse of
toxic chemicals like glyphosate and
other herbicides which are
killing pollinator insects,
destroying the soil and causing horrible health problems for people
living near farms.
5. The Information
Industrial Complex
This institution is the newest in our world, consisting of what is
now commonly referred to as 'Big Data,' meaning the corporations and
government agencies which collect data points on everything in our
world and use this information strategically for their interests.
James Corbett of the Corbett Report remarks:
Half a century ago,
outgoing President Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the term
"military-industrial complex" to describe the fascistic
collusion between the Pentagon and America's burgeoning
armaments industry.
But in our day and
age we are witnessing the rise of a new collusion, one between
the Pentagon and the tech industry that it helped to seed, that
is committed to waging a covert war against people the world
Now, in the 21st
century, it is time to give this new threat a name: the
information-industrial complex.
Corbett's recent video
explains the rise of this all powerful institution in the following
Final Thoughts
There are very few, if any, honest politicians or organizations
working in earnest to spread the benefit of industry, technology and
prosperity in such a way that actually eliminates the great problems
humanity faces such as,
...and more.

These are the cartels
which represent the greatest threats to our collective well-being
and the prosperity of future generations.