About Facebook
Acclaimed Journalist and Author
explains what Social Media is Doing to Society
Activists Claim Purge of Facebook
A Look into
Facebook's Potential
to Recognize Anybody's Face
Another Facebook Executive issues
Warning about its Disastrous Effect on Psychology and
As Facebook becomes TikTok, a new
'Feeds' tab ditches the Algorithm
of Facebook Use with Compromised Well-Being - A Longitudinal Study
Big Tech Companies agree to Work
together in 'Internet Freedom Crackdown'
Big Tech Giants want to Prove they
are 'American Gods' - Anyone watching 'the Watchers'...?
Big Tech 'Indenture entire
Populations into Servitude' to Corporations and
Governments - Snowden
Bulgarian Privacy Activist Buys A
Million Facebook IDs For A Sandwich, Essentially
Español |
Capitalismo de Vigilancia -
Algoritmos para Manipular la Opinión Pública y la Caída
de Facebook
Español |
Causa del Apagón Global de
Facebook y Servicios - Experto explica cómo se puede
"Desconectar una parte..."
CIA Gets in Your Face(Book)
CIA's "Vengeful Librarians" Track
Español |
Razones para No Dejarse Atrapar por Facebook
Italiano |
Come Facebook diventa TikTok, una
nuova scheda "Feed" elimina l'Algoritmo
Español |
Cómo Facebook se convirtió en un
Cómplice de la Censura y de las Agencias de Inteligencia
de EE.UU.
Español |
Cómo Facebook y Google Financian
Masivamente el Periodismo en Todo el Mundo
Italiano |
Con la Censura Unilaterale di un
Presidente in Carica Big Tech ha Dimostrato che è più
Potente di qualsiasi Gov.
Conservative Lawyers file Major
Lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, Zuckerberg and Dorsey
Italiano |
Cosa Succederà se
Facebook e
Google si Impossessano del Mondo?
Español |
Dejar Facebook antes de que nos
deje a Nosotrxs
Español |
Día Mundial Sin Facebook - 28 de
Digital Addiction increases
Loneliness, Anxiety and Depression
Italiano |
Di quale Stimolo in più Avete
Bisogno per Abbandonare le Reti Sociali?
Doctors Warn About 'Facebook
Depression' in Teens
Español |
Documentos revelan 'Portal Secreto
de Twitter' que el Gobierno usó para Censurar contenidos
sobre COVID-19
Does Posting Facebook Status
Updates Increase or Decrease Loneliness? An Online
Social Networking...
Don't Replace
Facebook - Disrupt
Edward Snowden Exposes Unsettling
Truth about What Facebook Really Is
Español |
El Duopolio de Facebook y Google
está Acabando con Todos los otros Medios Digitales
Español |
El Experimento de
Facebook y Sus
Raíces con La CIA
Español |
El Imperativo de Reemplazar Google
y Facebook
Español |
El Matrimonio de Big Data con Big
Brother - China crea Sistema para Evaluar Conducta de
sus Ciudadanos
Español |
El Nocivo Efecto de 'Confesar'
nuestros Problemas Personales en Redes Sociales
Español |
El Poder Político de Facebook
Español |
El Riesgo
que Corremos Abandonando al Mundo a Google y Facebook
- Monopolios Peligrosos
Envy on Facebook - A Hidden Threat to Users' Life Satisfaction?
Español |
- ¿Es
Facebook una 'Máquina de Destrucción Masiva'?
Español |
Espionaje en La Red - 'Facebook'
Es de La CIA
Español |
Este Inquietante Documental en
Netflix exhibe 'El Lado Oscuro' de Facebook, Twitter y
otras Redes Sociales
Even Bigger Big Brother - Facebook Purchases Israeli Facial Recognition Company Face.com
Español |
Ex-Empleados de Facebook y Google
Luchan contra la Tecnología que Construyeron
Ex-Facebook Chief Sean Parker
warns Site Was Built to Exploit People's Weaknesses
Italiano |
Ex-Impiegati di Facebook e Google
Lottano contro la Tecnologia che hanno Costruito
Facebook and Global Warming -
Extending its Legacy of Science Denial
Facebook and the
Electroencephalography Dictionary
Facebook as the Ultimate
Government Surveillance Tool?
Facebook at 517 Million Users
Suppresses ET/UFO Disclosure With Cointelpro Spying,
Facebook Bans Pages Calling for
Palestinian Uprising
Facebook becomes Godzilla News
Outlet for Disinformation
Facebook Buys Face.com... At What
Privacy Cost?
Facebook Causes 'Psychotic Episodes and Delusions',
Claims Study
Censors Prominent Political Critics
Facebook Dangerous Individuals and
Organizations List
Facebook DC Connection - CIA
Español |
Facebook descubre un Peligro
Imprevisto en el desarrollo de la Inteligencia
Español |
Facebook - ¿Es de La CIA?
Facebook, Google and YouTube
Censorship at an All Time High - What Ever Happened to
Free Speech?
Facebook is A Giant Data Mining
Operation with Numerous Government Connections
Facebook is Tracking Your Every
Move on the Web - Here's How to Stop It
Facebook is Working on a
Smartphone that Can Read Thoughts
Facebook Knows More about You than
the CIA
Español |
Facebook, la CIA y los Clinton
Español |
Facebook - La Normalización de lo
que Nunca debió ser Normal
Español |
Facebook, las Redes Sociales y el
Simulacro del Empoderamiento
Facebook Mind Control Experiment
was Nothing Compared to the Deliberate Manipulations of
The Mass...
Español |
Facebook o la Devaluación de la
Privacidad y la Normalización de la Vigilancia
Español |
o La Inocencia de La Tecnología IV
Facebook Partners with Globalist
Atlantic Council to Interfere in Elections around the
Español |
Facebook - ¿Red Social o Agencia
de Espionaje?
Italiano |
Facebook - Rete Sociale o Agenzia
di Spionaggio?
Facebook says its 'Rules Apply to
All' - Company Documents reveal a Secret Elite that's
Facebook's Emotional Consequences - Why
Facebook causes a
Decrease in Mood and
why People still...
History of Tracking You - It's
Facebook's 'Secret Blacklist'
Exposed - Hitler, Hamas and... Hillbilly Militia Squad?
Facebook's War on Cognitive
Facebook, the CIA and the Clintons
Facebook Tracks You Even After
Logging Out
Facebook Unlike - Users Flee,
Sales Drop, Scramble for Relevance
Facebook Using Deep Data
Mining to Destroy Privacy
Español |
y el Diccionario de Electroencefalografía
Facebook - You Don't Own Your
Face, We Do...
Español |
Facebook y Redes Sociales - Medio Conveniente Para Espionaje
Firefox's new Privacy Feature
stops Facebook Seeing what Else you Do Online
Five of the Darkest Facebook
Haugen isn't a Whistleblower
Google and Facebook Accused of
Bypassing iPhone's Privacy Settings to Spy on Owners to
Build Ad...
Google and
Facebook - Alliances
With Intelligence to Make Privacy Obsolete
Harvard Professor Exposes Google
and Facebook
Español |
Hegel, Filósofo de la Conciencia
Absoluta, da Buena Razón para dejar de Perder Tiempo en
Redes Sociales
How Facebook and Google provide
Massive Funding to Journalism around the World
Google, Facebook, Skype, Yahoo and AOL are All Blatantly
Lying to Their Own Users in Denying NSA...
I Asked a Privacy Lawyer What
Facebook's New Terms and Conditions Mean for You
Italiano |
Il Duopolio Facebook e Google sta
Distruggendo Tutti gli altri Media Digitali
Español |
India Rechaza Plan de
para Explotar a los Más Pobres del Mundo con Internet
India Rejects
Facebook Plan to
Exploit World's Poorest with Private Internet
Is Big Tech merging with Big
Facebook Envy Making You Miserable?
Israelis Call Off Operation After Facebook Fiasco
It's Official - Facebook Is the
Department of PreCrime
Español |
La Agenda de Facebook - Una Matrix
dentro de otra Matrix
Italiano |
La Empia Trinità - Facebook come
Dato di Fatto, Governo come Verità, Big Pharma come Dio
Español |
La Fortuna de Zuckerberg creció 6
Veces por esta razón...
Español |
La Sobrecarga de Información es un
Arma de Control
Español |
- ¿Las
Redes Sociales nos están Convirtiendo en Idiotas?
Italiano |
Le Spie Sempre di Più Usano
Facebook e Twitter per Prendere Dati
Italiano |
L'Imperativo di Sostituire Google
e Facebook
Italiano |
L'India Rifiuta il Piano
di Facebook per Sfruttare i Più Poveri al Mondo con
Internet Privato
Español |
Los Orígenes Militares de Facebook
Español |
Los Secretos de Silicon Valley -
Lo que el Big Tech No Quiere que Sepas
Español |
Los Secretos Servicios de Facebook - Espionaje en La Red
Man Buys 1 Million
Facebook Users’ Personal Information
for $5
Mark Zuckerberg Awarded CIA
Surveillance Medal - Facebook
Español |
Medios de Comunicación en Línea - La Promesa y el Peligro
Español |
Elimine su Cuenta antes que Publicar esto en Facebook
Español |
Non Continuare a
Permettere che Facebook Controlli le Tue Notizie
- Dice Snowden al Mondo
Español |
No sigas Permitiendo que
Facebook Controle tus Noticias
- Dice Snowden al Mundo
Not all Speech is "Created Equal"
says Facebook Security Officer
Español |
No todo Lenguaje es "Creado Igual"
dice Oficial de Seguridad de Facebook
Online Media - The Promise and the
Passive Facebook usage Undermines
Affective Well-Being - Experimental and Longitudinal
People are Horrified After
Downloading their Facebook Data - They Keep Texts, Phone
Calls and More...
People who like Embarrassing or
Angering Others find Social Media more Addictive - Study
Español |
- ¿Porqué
estamos Todavía utilizando Facebook?
Español |
- ¿Porqué
me Vigilan, si no soy Nadie?
Is a Casualty' of Google and Facebook's Success - Senator Al Franken
Privacy Lawyers Sell Out Facebook
Users for $10 Million
Español |
Profesor de Harvard Expone a
Google y Facebook
Español |
- ¿Qué
más Estímulos Necesitas para Abandonar las Redes
Español |
- ¿Qué
Pasará si Facebook y Google se Apoderan del Mundo?
Español |
- ¿Quiere
Ser Feliz en 2017...? - ¡Sálgase de Facebook!
Secrets of Silicon Valley - What
Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know
Everyone Else's Highlight Reels - How Facebook Usage is Linked to
Depressive Symptoms
Banning' is Just the Tip of the Iceberg - We're All
Digital Ghosts Now
Showdown in Europe - Tech Giants
Brace for Sweeping EU Privacy Law
Snapchat vs. Facebook -
Differences in Problematic use, Behavior change
attempts, and Trait social reward...
Soros-funded "Media Matters" caught Secretly Plotting
with Facebook to Stop Alternative Media
Spies Increasingly Using
Facebook-Twitter to Gather Data
Stop Letting
Control Your News - Says Snowden to the World
Study Shows that Reducing Use of
Social Media Can Reduce Depression and Loneliness
Surprising Numbers of Teens Refuse
to Use Social Media
The Battle for Facebook
Creepy Line' - A New Documentary on the Power of Tech
The Enormous Implications of
Facebook Indexing 1 Trillion of Our Posts
The Facebook Agenda - A Matrix
within a Matrix
The 'Facebook' Catch - With Friends Like These...
Facebook Experiment - Quitting Facebook Leads to Higher Levels of
Facebook Experiment -
The Happiness Research Institute, 2015
The Facebook Files - Show 'Brazen
and Aggressive' Censorship
The Founding of Facebook - The Accidental Billionaires - A Tale of Sex, Money,
Genius and Betrayal
The Imperative of Replacing Google
and Facebook
The Interplay between Facebook
use, Social Comparison, Envy, and Depression
The Last Days of Facebook?
The Military Origins of Facebook
The New Gatekeepers - How
proprietary Algorithms increasingly Determine the News
We See
Threats to belonging on Facebook -
Lurking and Ostracism
Toward an Integrated and
Differential Approach to the Relationships Between
Loneliness, Different Types...
Trilateral Commission Technocrat
Served as Director of Facebook
Español |
Una Filtración revela que Facebook
exime de sus Reglas a una 'Élite Secreta'
Trinity - Facebook as Fact, Government as Truth, Big Pharma
as God
Want to be
Happy in 2017? - Get Off Facebook!
We made Facebook as 'Addictive as
Cigarettes' on Purpose - Says former Employee
What I Can Say and What I Cannot
Who Created Facebook to be the
Ultimate Surveillance Tool?
Why Are We Still Using Facebook?
Why doesn't Facebook just Buy Your
Data if it's so Valuable?
Why we should Reject Mark
Zuckerberg's Dehumanizing Vision of a "Metaverse"
With Unilateral Censorship of a
sitting US President, Big Tech has proven it's more
Powerful than any Govern... |
You May Have Been a Lab Rat in a
Huge Facebook Experiment
Zuckerberg warns that AI Companies
'Trying to Create God'... but he will "Save Us"...
Additional Information |
Are My "Friends" Even Real People? - Revealed That Air Force Ordered Software to Manage
Army of Fake Virtual People
Billionaire Tech Moguls intend to
Remake America's Schools
Español |
- "Celebrities"
Compare the NSA's Facebook Malware Denial to its Own
Secret Documents
Español |
Conozca la Nueva Red Social
Cifrada 'Anti-Facebook' Respaldada por Anonymous
Español |
El Futuro de la Humanidad depende
de un Código de Ética para el Diseño de la Tecnología
Español |
Esta Mujer Predijo en 1994 el Lado
Oscuro de las Redes Sociales de forma Increíblemente
Exposed The Covert, Real-Time Spying on Youtube,
Facebook and Blogs
Español |
Facebook Sufre Histórico Retroceso - ¿El Principio Del Fin o
Una Mala Temporada?
Have 'Tall Gray Alien Leaders'
just been Captured by the Galactic Federation?
How to Break Archon Programming
Italiano |
Il Giappone rende ufficiale il
Sistema che forgia Elites di Esseri Umani - Nuovo
Sistema Educativo
Invasive Surveillance Technology Awaits - Have You Posted Your
Pictures on The Internet?
Español |
Japón formaliza el Sistema
forjando Seres Humanos Élites - Nuevo Sistema Educativo
Español |
Religión del Dataísmo y el Posible Fin del Homo Sapiens
Docs Show Financial Ties Between NSA and Internet
- Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Facebook
Facebook and the NSA - They’re All in it
NSA, GCHQ Using Data from 'Leaky'
Smartphone Apps to Spy
Prism Program Taps into User Data of Apple, Google and
Russia to Pass Fake News Law that
would Fine Social Networks $793,000
Social Media is Driving a Global
Epidemic of Loneliness among Millennials
Social Media, Smartphones and
Police Create a Stasi Web of Surveillance
Study Shows Mass
Government Surveillance Silences Unpopular Opinions
The Age of Tyrannical Surveillance
- We're Being Branded, Bought and Sold for Our Data
The Jewish Hand Behind Internet - Google,
Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay...
The Oligarch Takeover of U.S.
The Pentagon is Building
a 'Self-Aware' Killer Robot Army Fueled by Social Media
The Rise of 'Corporate Nations'
The Tortured Case for Deleting
U.S. Government Software Creates 'Fake People' on Social
Networks to Promote Propaganda
Italiano |
Vladimir Putin avverte sul Dominio
"Big Tech" degli USA - Davos
Vladimir Putin warns of US 'Big
Tech' Dominance - Davos
Were Facebook and Social Media
Blackouts due to Capture of Tall Gray Aliens?
When Capitalism Meets Civic Tech
Why Facebook Lost 6 Million U.S.
Español |
Wikipedia creará una Red Social
para Combatir la Ignorancia que Facebook Fomenta
Consumers are Rejecting 'The Great
Enter the Bizarre World of Mark
Zuckerburg's 'Metaverse' - 'Blurring the Lines' of
Reality with NWO Transhuman
Español |
Facebook Construirá el Metaverso
- Una Plataforma de
Realidad Virtual Corporativa
Lawless Frontier - Crime and
Punishment in the Metaverse
Meta-Facebook-Instagram slapped
with 8 Lawsuits over Algorithms that hook Youth and Ruin
their Lives
Español |
Meta Facebook - Metaverso
Italiano |
- 'Meta'
- Il Distacco Finale dalla Realtà?
- 'Meta'
- The Final Disconnect from Reality?
Italiano |
Metaverse è la 'Libertà' inflitta
dai Tiranni Tecnologici
Metaverse - Augmented Reality
Pioneer warns 'It could make Reality Disappear'
is 'Freedom' Meted Out by Technological Tyrants
The Continued Unraveling of Mark
Zuckerberg's 'Malicious Metaverse'
The Metaverse - Reality Occulted
WhatsApp |
Italiano |
Facebook 'Spia' le Vostre
Conversazioni su WhatsApp - "Il Grande Fratello"
Español |
Facebook 'Espía' tus Conversaciones de WhatsApp - 'El Gran Hermano'
Español |
El Cofundador de 'Telegram' revela
el "Secreto" por el que hay una Fuga de Usuarios de
WhatsApp a su...
Forget WhatsApp - CIA has Tools to
Hack almost All Social Media Platforms
Español |
Fundador de Telegram advierte de
'El Peligro de WhatsApp' en duro Comunicado - 'Deberías
borrar WhatsApp'
It's Time to Break-up Facebook -
'Start by breaking off WhatsApp and Instagram'
Español |
Lucha de Titanes - Skype
se Blinda ante la Nueva Amenaza de WhatsApp
Español |
Tus Datos Personales que WhatsApp
comparte con EE.UU. - ¿Estabas al tanto?
Book- Treatises |
Behind the Mask of Facebook - A
Whistleblower's Shocking Story of Big Tech Bias and
Censorship - by R. Hartwig
Controligarchs -
Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the
Globalist Plot to... - by Seamus Bruner
Experimental Evidence of
Massive-scale Emotional Contagion through Social
False, Misleading, Clickbait-y,
and/or Satirical 'News' Sources
Leveraging Billions of Faces to
Overcome Performance Barriers in Unconstrained Face
Lobbying Report - Facebook, Inc.
Mediterranean Council for
Intelligence Studies - Yearbook 2012
No More FOMO - Limiting Social
Media Decreases Loneliness and Depression
Pandora's Vox - On Community in
Persona Management Software
Team Themis - Corporate Information Reconnaissance Cell - November
3, 2010
Under Surveillance - Examining
Facebook's Spiral of Silence Effects in the Wake of NSA
Internet Monitoring
Multimedia |
Español |
en Facebook!
Sifts Social Media Sites
Español |
Cómo 'Nos dejamos Manipular' por
las Redes Sociales
Español |
Dilema de las Redes Sociales' - Un Documental que nos
Afecta a Todos |
Facebook, Google, Yahoo are Spying
Tools - Julian Assange |
Facebook Killed the Private Life
Facebook Parenting - For The
Troubled Teen
Is the Internet Being Used to
Shape Our Reality?
Español |
La Cara Oculta de Facebook
Monsters Inc. - Amazon, Google and
Español |
- ¿Porqué
me Vigilan, si Soy Nadie?
Stare Into the Lights My Pretties
The Creepy Line - Social Media's
Manipulation of Society
The Face Behind Facebook
The Truth About Facebook
- A CIA Profile Database
Zuckerberg's Virtual
Reality Photo - Our Future in the Matrix |
Related Reports |
Google and The Internet
- Main File
The NSA - The Super Secret
National Security Agency
- Main File
Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates
- Main File