by Jay Syrmopoulos
January 04,
TheFreeThoughtProject Website

Washington, D.C.
WikiLeaks has dropped yet
another bomb on the credibility of the
Obama administration, as the
transparency organization released the full leaked audio of U.S.
Secretary of State John Kerry's meeting with Syrian Opposition
members at the Dutch Mission of the United Nations on September 22,
The leaked audio exposes a 35-minute conversation that reveals the
U.S. intentionally allowed the rise of ISIS as a means of forcing
Assad out of power, which was
omitted by CNN and the New York Times
in their reporting when the audio was originally leaked to the Times
in late September of 2016.
According to a report by
the NY Times:
The meeting took
place at the Dutch Mission to the United Nations on Sept. 22.
There were perhaps 20
people around a table: representatives of four Syrian groups
that provide education, rescue and medical services in
rebel-held areas; diplomats from three or four countries; and
Mr. Kerry's chief of staff and special envoy for Syria.
The recording was
made by a non-Syrian attendee, and several other participants
confirmed its authenticity…
Several of the Syrian participants said afterward that they had
left the meeting demoralized, convinced that no further help
would come from the Obama administration.
Highlighting exactly why
WikiLeaks is the gold standard of journalism, both the NY Times and
CNN chose to only report on certain aspects of the recording and
omitting the most damning comments made by Kerry.
Essentially, they
attempted to hide from public view the statements that would allow
Americans to understand what has actually taken place in Syria - a
regime change operation.
The NY Times never published the full audio, only publishing
selected snippets, and
CNN removed the audio altogether,
with an editor's note stating that they took down the audio
recording at the request of some of the participants out of concern
for their personal safety.
During the conversation, John Kerry admitted that he pushed for
intervention in Syria, but eventually lost the argument.
"I lost the argument
for use of force in Syria," John Kerry told the members of the
Syrian Opposition.
"The audio gives a glimpse into what goes on outside official
meetings. Note that it represents the US narrative and not
necessarily the entire true narrative," according to WikiLeaks.
The leaked recording
confirms three clear and important facts that thoroughly destroy the
official U.S. stance on Syria the past 5 years, and highlights the
convoluted U.S. support of Islamist insurgents in Syria.
These facts are likely
the reason for this story being buried by the mainstream media.
Secretary of
State John Kerry admits and outlines the Obama
administration's primary goal in Syria was regime change and
the removal of Bahar al-Assad.
In order to
accomplish the primary goal of regime change, the White
House allowed the rise of ISIS. The administration hoped
that ISIS' growing power in Syria would force Syrian
President Bashir Assad into a diplomatic solution, on U.S.
terms, forcing him to cede power.
As a means of
accomplishing these two objectives, the U.S. intentionally
armed ISIS and even, arguably, attacked a Syrian government
military convoy to stop a strategic attack upon the Islamic
extremists killing 80 Syrian soldiers.
While many of these facts
have been previously exposed through disparate research, the audio
recording provides specific evidence that conclusively supports the
regime change narrative being embarked upon by the Obama
Below is a quick video
summary of how events have transpired over the years of conflict in
Essentially, the U.S. allowed ISIS to rise in Syria as a means of
forcing Assad out of power.
The White House discerned
that using an Islamist proxy force would save American lives, and at
the same time allow for U.S. objectives to be reached in terms of
regime change.
As ISIS gained strength and grew into a fierce fighting force in
Syria, the White House grew optimistic that their covert strategy of
regime change was within reach. It was at this tipping point, that
instead of succumbing to the regime change operation, Syria, being a
client state of Russia, reached out to Vladimir Putin for military
assistance and aid.
Once Russia became involved in the Syrian theater of war it pushed
the White House plan of regime change by proxy into turmoil.
overwhelming success against ISIS, al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra, and
various other Islamist extremist elements in Syria essentially
negated the regime change operation by proxy.
When Russia came to aid Bashir Assad, the Syrian Government
began being able to defeat ISIS and the Islamic Extremist elements
within Syria.
For the hidden plan of
Obama/Kerry (and also McCain, Graham, et al), Russia defeating ISIS,
al-Qaeda and al-Nusra, upended their objective.
The fact is, that while claiming to be at 'global war with ISIS', the
U.S. allowed the group to grow in strength and numbers with the
intent of using them as a weapon to destabilize and topple a
legitimately recognized government.
The revelations contained
within this leaked audio are simply astounding:
Audio only...