Orwellian Doublespeak Terms #1: War on Terror, Terrorism,
Terrorist, Enemy Combatant
'war on terror' is
an utterly fake and fraudulent
It has largely been invented and
hyped to provide an excuse for
the NWO (New World Order)
manipulators to override things like human rights, natural law
and the Constitution domestically, as well as invade, infiltrate
and overthrow other nations abroad.
The U.S. has struggled to define the
term "terror" ever since it declared the war on terror. Funnily
enough, the U.S. can't even reach a consensus on what terrorism
exactly is; so we have another nebulous war on a concept that
is different to everyone.
Here is the core of the FBI's
definition of terrorism,
whether it be domestic or international:
"Involve acts dangerous to human
life that violate federal or state law;
Appear intended,
to intimidate or coerce
a civilian population
to influence the policy
of a government by intimidation or coercion
to affect the conduct of
a government by mass destruction, assassination. or
By its own definition, the
U.S. is the
biggest terrorist in the world, since it frequently,
dangerously to human life (bombs, missiles, drones, war)
influences foreign governments (when it is not
outright overthrowing them - Iraq, Libya, Ukraine)
has been
assassinating foreign governmental officials since at least 1953
via the CIA
Politicians use the term
terrorist or
enemy combatant to
essentially describe a foreign militia member or soldier that
has been designated as the enemy and whom they want to destroy
or kill.
Islamic terrorism
is just the latest flavor, although a better term may be
Zio-Islamic terrorism,
since Zionist Israel is behind the creation, funding and
operation of radical Islam
(or as I call it radical Zio-Islam)
as well as many of the so-called "Islamic" false flag attacks
9/11 and

Look at the DHS list of
Orwellian Doublespeak Terms #2: Extremism, Extremist
The would-be word controllers have
gone one step further than terrorism by adopting the term extremism.
Extremism is the new terrorism, because it's more broad and
can be used to marginalize or criminalize dissidents. After all,
ANYONE could be accused of being extreme in some way, right? Who
is exactly in the middle of the spectrum on every single issue?
As the DHS manual in the image
above states, an extremist
could be a patriot, veteran, alternative media journalist,
border control advocate, animal rights advocate, gun control
advocate and a host of other people - just about anyone who
questions the "official" version of reality.
Are you an extremist?
Orwellian Doublespeak Terms #3: Freedom Fighter, Moderate
On the other side of the coin, of
course, are those mercenaries, soldiers, military men and other
guns for hire who are branded as our "allies" and not our enemy.
In essence, someone we are paying to
do our dirty work. Those guys are not terrorists; they are
freedom fighters
or moderate rebels!
As George Carlin said:
"Israeli terrorists are called commandoes;
Arab commandoes are called terrorists. Contra killers are
called freedom fighters; if crime fighters fight crime, and
fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?"
Orwellian Doublespeak Term #4: Ethnic Cleansing
Ethnic cleansing
is another horrific example of doublespeak.
The word genocide is too direct and
confrontational, so the controllers have felt the need to tone
it down with the horrible choice of the word "cleansing".
when did mass murder have anything to do cleaning or cleansing?
This is a total inversion of reality.
Orwellian Doublespeak Term #5: Enhanced Interrogation
Enhanced interrogation is
a fancy way of saying something far more brutal and
honest: torture.
It's another lie. In normal English,
to interrogate is to ask, not to push someone face's down in
water with the intent of scaring them almost to the point of
death, nor to shove food up their rectum.
Yet we know from
U.S. government documents that
rectal feeding
and a host of other atrocities were in fact performed at places like Guantanamo Bay.

Doublespeak term:
extrajudicial killing (assassination).
Orwellian Doublespeak Term #6: Extrajudicial Killing
Just like the above 2 terms,
extrajudicial killing
is another attempt at adding more words and syllables to a term
in the hope of hiding the raw, brutal truth behind it.
We all know it means assassination.
It's another deceptive euphemism to
conceal and downplay the truth. In a free, fair and open
world, no one would have the right to take another's life, let
alone outside of some kind of justice process.
Orwellian Doublespeak Terms #7: Humanitarian Intervention,
Responsibility to Protect (R2P)
Rockefeller-created United
Nations is the intended vehicle to usher in the One
World Government of
the NWO.
It is no surprise, then, that they
would foster the use of doublespeak terms and policies such as
humanitarian intervention
(a blatant oxymoron) and the
responsibility to protect (R2P).
An intervention is an invasion or pre-emptive attack, and is
obviously illegal and unjust - period...
There's nothing "humanitarian" about
militarily invading another sovereign nation.
The U.S., UK and other powers have
gotten away with this kind of mass murder by controlling the
narrative through
the mainstream media and drumming up pretexts,
such as the fake story of WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction)
and the fake story of rescuing a nation's people from a
supposedly dangerous leader.
The latter trick seems to work
almost every time.
Orwellian Doublespeak Term #8: Collateral Damage, Useless
A hallmark of these kind of military
doublespeak terms is dehumanization - turning other people and
other lives into something sub-human or non-human.
How often have we heard that people
killed in a raid, strike, incursion, invasion or battle are just
collateral damage? It
sounds like a financial asset or a lowly piece of possession.
Perhaps the only way hardened
military men with a deadened conscience and ability to feel or
empathize can function is to make their victims into things.
War criminal and big-time NWO
insider Henry Kissinger is reported to have called Africans
"useless eaters", which makes sense given the fact he
scripted the
NSSM 200 during his time in the Nixon Administration
- the
official U.S. policy of
depopulation towards the 3rd world.

Orwellian Doublespeak Term #9: Eliminate, Neutralize,
Speaking of
depopulation, there
are a lot of euphemistic and doublespeak terms for killing and
murder. As well as to
depopulate, we also hear to
eliminate, to
neutralize, to bump
off and to take out.
More dehumanization and the further
attempt to sugar coat killing and make murder more palatable.
Orwellian Doublespeak Term #10: Department of Defense,
Department of Homeland Security, Intelligence
Government is the seat of control,
so of course we can expect its name to reflect doublespeak
Isn't it funny how nations like the
U.S. and UK (and others) have some version of the Ministry or
Department of Defense, when they are usually the aggressors and
I suppose Department of Attack is
not PR-friendly enough. The DHS (Department of Homeland
Security) is a joke; it does nothing to make the average person
more secure, but only the 1% of 1% of the controllers whom it
Intelligence is information about a
potential enemy gained through spying, but is it really smart or
wise to go around making enemies, first in your mind and then in
the world?
Military intelligence is another oxymoron. Is spying
real intelligence? What about
emotional intelligence?
The heart is bigger and more
powerful than the brain …

More doublespeak:
the U.S., UK and
Israel have plenty more
weapons of mass
destruction than Iraq ever did.
Orwellian Doublespeak Term #11: WMD (Weapons of Mass
Why talk about
WMDs (Weapons of Mass
Destruction) instead of just saying, in a more
straightforward manner, chemical weapons or nuclear weapons?
The U.S. has more WMDs than anyone.
The UK has a lot too, and
Israel its sitting on what some think is a 300-400 strong
undeclared nuclear
arsenal in the volatile Middle East.
Why don't enough people talk about
the WMDs these nations hold, and either use as threats or in
reality to achieve their imperialistic and terroristic goals?
Orwellian Doublespeak Term #12: Anti-Semitism
Sooner or later, all researchers
exposing the worldwide conspiracy have to face the fact that
Israel is a rogue nation (owned
the Rothschilds) that
exerts an inordinate and disproportionate influence on the
world, while committing daily genocide (sorry, "ethnic
cleansing") against the Palestinians.
We need to
rise above the stigma of
which is clearly a term thrown around to divert attention and
criticism away from Israel. It's a cunning trick to try to
equate the recipient with intolerance and to falsely paint the
recipient as racist.
Here's what an Israeli official
(former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni) said about it:
Well, it's a trick. We always use it. When from Europe
someone criticizes Israel, then we
bring out the Holocaust.
When in this country (USA) they criticize Israel, they
are anti-semitic… it's very easy to blame people who
criticize certain acts of the Israeli Government… that
justifies everything we do to the Palestinians.

Anti-semitism has
been a false smear label
to stop genuine
investigation of the truth.
Orwellian Doublespeak Term #13: Conspiracy Theorist
As covered in the article 7
Massive Misconceptions Many Never Question, most people
are unaware that the term
conspiracy theorist originated with the CIA who was
trying to cover up genuine examination into the JFK
As I wrote there:
"[Conspiracy theory and conspiracy theorist] are weaponized
terms which represent a cunning method to discredit truthseekers,
truthtellers and investigators.
This diversionary scheme has worked well - people often shut
down once they hear this phrase and stop thinking
critically. These terms have become falsely associated, in
popular culture, with madness, craziness and deluded
Of course, the corollary to the idea of so-called deluded
conspiracy theories is that things just happen by chance.
Thus, those who deride conspiracy theories, often with
little or no investigation, can be labeled coincidence
They adhere to coincidence theory which
blindly believes there is no New World Order agenda; events
just occur randomly."
Labeling a truthseeker or
truthteller as a conspiracy theorist has been a great way to
hide the truth, but is usefulness is running out.

Helicopter Ben
Bernanke and his quantitative easing.
Orwellian Doublespeak Term #14: Quantitative Easing
Ben Bernanke, former chairman
of the Illuminati-owned
Federal Reserve, earned the name
Helicopter Ben with his suggestion that the Government throw
paper currency out of a helicopter to the people below.
Quantitative easing was another intellectual and
deceitful doublespeak term to hide
devaluation and
The basic laws of economics dictate
that the mass printing of paper money (with no real growth in
wealth to back it) will inevitably lead to inflation and a
devaluation of the existing money in circulation.
Orwellian Doublespeak Term #15: Bulk Collection
Remember when
Obama and the U.S.
Government tried to take the heat off the whole
NSA surveillance
They deliberately changed the
widely-used term mass
surveillance to bulk
collection. This was more subtle PR doublespeak, but
those who closely watch the government know it was another
attempt at obfuscation and denial.
Orwellian Doublespeak Term #16: Negative Cash Flow, Negative
Patient Care Outcome
These 2 doublespeak terms come from
George Carlin.
Again, we have to ask ourselves,
Orwellian Doublespeak Term #17: Reasonable Suspicion
Remember when then-NSA chief
Michael Hayden
tried to convince reporters and the world
that there was a new benchmark in the privacy and surveillance
It was no longer the benchmark of
probable cause as
spelled out in the 4th Amendment. It was now
This is called
making-it-up-as-you-go-along, and represents a clear sign that
the previous benchmarks, rights and limitations upon centralized
power (that our ancestors fought so hard for) are being eroded.
Orwellian Doublespeak Term #18: Climate Change Denier
global warming or AGW
(Anthropogenic Global Warming) is another giant scam designed to
bring in a world carbon tax, world currency and world
If you aren't with the program,
you'll be labeled a climate
change denier. The word "denier" carries inherent
negative connotations with it, which is why it has been chosen
to try to corral the unbelievers into the fold.
Unfortunately for the NWO
manipulators, there are
many scientists refuting AGW and many who have seen through
the propaganda and realized that the
environmental movement has been hijacked.

Agenda 21
is the
blueprint for a global communist dictatorship,
tying together
many aspects of the NWO:
smart meters, surveillance,
transhumanism and microchipping.
Image credit:
David Dees.
Orwellian Doublespeak Term #19: Sustainable Development
There are so many examples of
doublespeak in the hijacked environmental movement that it would
be a full-time job just to list them all.
However, they can all be summarized
by the dangerously deceptive term sustainable
development, a catch cry of the UN and ICLEI-controlled green movement,
which promises the world and cloaks its agenda of control under
a green veneer.
For more on this, take a close look
at Agenda
21 and its newly updated cousin,
Agenda 2030.
Orwellian Doublespeak Term #20: Globalism
Finally, the term
globalism itself
is another umbrella term of modern doublespeak.
challenging the
globe earth model assert that
globalism is
an attempt to trick people into unconsciously assuming the Earth
is a globe.
Regardless of whether that turns out
to be true or not, we can say for sure that globalism has become
a cover for the growing
centralization of power in the push towards a NWO
World Government.
To the NWO manipulators, their
doublespeak PR term globalism means free trade deals like
the TTP, unfettered access to 3rd world nations to exploit new
markets with no protections, and a one world army, currency and
government all under their control.