by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
August 04, 2011
NaturalNews Website
One of the most astounding elements of yesterday's SWAT-style armed raid on
Rawesome Foods in Venice, California is the simple fact that both California
and the U.S. government are completely and utterly bankrupt.
They're running
on financial fumes, and at the federal level, a total debt default was just
narrowly avoided (and it will come back again in a few months).
But even
though these government entities are fiscally and morally bankrupt, when it
comes to making decisions about how to spend the money they're confiscated
from taxpayers, they prioritize things like
terrorizing health food buyer's
clubs such as Rawesome Foods.
On the scale of harm to the public, the actions of the FDA and the
pharmaceutical industry are legendary.
Over 100,000 Americans are killed
each year by FDA-approved drugs, and yet there's absolutely no action
whatsoever being taken to arrest the CEOs of the drug companies who
knowingly sell dangerous drugs that kill people.
Where are the arrests of
the CDC officials who pushed
useless flu vaccines,
knowing that they, too, would cause neurological destruction and even death
in some children?
Where are the arrests of the food company executives who knowingly lace
their products with MSG,
aspartame, sodium nitrite, hydrogenated oils and
other poisons that promote degenerative disease?
How about the crackdowns on the evil
GMO corporations that have unleashed
genetic pollution across our planet in their greedy quest for profit at the
expense of life on Earth?
No, the great police state government that now runs America doesn't bother
the real criminals who get away with murder every single day by poisoning
the food, the medicine and the crops.
They all have legal immunity because
the system won't bother dealing with their large-scale crimes.
Instead, the
power of the corrupt police state is exercised against small, local farms
and food businesses which remain the only option through which everyday
people can find real food that isn't artificially modified or contaminated
with chemical additives.
What we
witnessed at Rawesome Foods yesterday was an act of
government-sponsored terrorism leveled against a health food buyer's club
with the sole intent of destroying food.
It's as if we're all watching an
Except they weren't burning books; they were pouring raw milk down the drain
and destroying up to $50,000 worth of wholesome, organic, farm-fresh food.
Keep in mind this is happening at a time when starvation is on the rise in
America - and our own government is running around DESTROYING FOOD!
Government thugs are the real terrorists today
These people are terrorists, folks.
The California Dept. of Agriculture, the
LA County Sheriff's office, the FDA, the CDC... these people are outright
terrorists who represent a clear and present danger to the lives and safety
of the American people.
They should be arrested at gunpoint by the citizens
and charged with the crimes they have committed:
more (see below).
Even Bin Laden did not terrorize everyday people the way that these
government criminals have done.
The California government and U.S. feds have
outdone Osama Bin Laden! They've out-terrorized the terrorists! They have
targeted innocent citizens at gunpoint and thrown them in jail, destroyed
their businesses, confiscated their computers and charged them with felony
This is government-inspired insanity, folks. And just so you know, this is
also the upshot of the new
Food Safety Modernization Act which will only see
even MORE armed raids on health food stores and farms.
So all those people
who ignorantly supported the Food Safety Bill have ultimately supported acts
of terrorism against the American people.
(Told ya so! This is what happens
when you give MORE power to a corrupt government that respects no law and no
Denying access to live-saving foods
Even more, those members of the Rawesome Foods buying club who depend on the
facility for their farm-fresh food products are now left without that
The food they had once planned to buy has now been poured down the
drain by California state authorities and federal thugs working for the FDA
and CDC (both of which are criminal organizations which respect no law and
have long abandoned science).
Remember: They are destroying this raw milk because they don't want you to
be able to drink it!
Meanwhile, all the things that admittedly cause disease
and kill you - MSG, aspartame, chemotherapy, contaminated flu vaccines,
etc. - are all perfectly legal to keep on consuming.
Big Government, you see, isn't really interested in protecting your health.
But it's extremely interested in protecting Big Business and reminding the
commoners that they are total slaves and must do what they're told or be
arrested at gunpoint.
America devolves into lawless anarchy, courtesy of the government itself
With these raids, we are witnessing the collapse of the rule of law in
America and the rise of Big Government tyranny against innocent citizens and
honest small businesses.
The anarchy being unleashed today originates with
the government itself which respects no law.
Obama launches wars in Libya in
total violation of the law
runs guns into Mexico in complete
violation of the law
routinely violates law by knowingly allowing deadly pharmaceuticals to
remain on the market
The DEA routinely conducts illegal raids
against legal
medical marijuana clinics...
Need I go on?
We are living under lawless government tyranny where state and federal thugs
commit any crimes they wish - right out in the open! - and they don't even
care when they're caught because they know the zombie-brained public is too
droned out on daytime television and fluoridated water to do anything about
Resist or lose your freedom forever
If we do not take immediate action to resist this, we will all become slaves
of the state, and we will be forced to eat dead foods, take CDC-recommended
vaccine shots and survive on FDA-enforced pharmaceutical medications.
the government plan for you, and that's why they are engaged in a full-on
assault against home gardening, organic farms, raw milk producers and food
freedom organizations.
These are acts of war being waged against farmers and small business owners.
What these government thugs are doing to Rawesome Foods is exactly what the
occupying British soldiers did to the original colonists who suffered under
decades of government oppression before finally revolting and fighting for
their freedom.
Out-of-control oppressive governments, of course, do everything they can to
destroy freedom, oppress free thinking and enslave the people. And they take
special measures to silence those who challenge their false authority.
No doubt they are trying to plot some way to raid NaturalNews as well, given
that we are one of the few honest news organizations left that's actually
covering these important stories about runaway government tyranny against
the People. Don't be surprised if government thugs attempt to seize our
servers and concoct some fictional charges against me personally in their
desire to silence what is now becoming one of the strongest voices of
commonsense rebellion across the internet.
We serve the interests of the People, and we respect law, liberty and the
natural law rights to individually choose our own food, our own medicine and
the pursuit of happiness.
That commitment to principle, it seems, makes us
an enemy of the corrupt thug-infested government which has zero tolerance
for free speech or informed members of the public who can still manage to
think for themselves.
I'm in good company, of course. If I wind up in front of a firing squad with
Paul Craig Roberts on one side and Ron Paul on the other, I'll know we
ultimately won. Because freedom is an infectious idea, and once the flame of
freedom has been ignited in new minds, it cannot be so easily extinguished
with mere bullets - no matter who they're aimed at.
I don't expect the USA to last very much longer, folks.
The acceleration of
the economic implosion combined with the rapid erosion of the rule of law is
thrusting us into an irreversible path toward total collapse. No matter what
happens, I will hold fast to the principles of freedom, liberty and limited
government upon which our nation was founded. I can only pray that enough of
us will survive the coming collapse long enough to help erect a new Republic
that restores the freedoms and liberties which once made this nation the
greatest in the world.
And for God's sake, let us all remember to write in sections about food
freedom and freedom for natural medicine in whatever future Bill of Rights
we may collectively create (which, hopefully, will be based on
the original
Bill of Rights, but simply expanded to protect even MORE rights of the
We who respect law are the real patriots. Those in Washington who brazenly
ignore the law are the real terrorists.
As things move forward in this crazy
world, keep that in mind.