Jim Kirwan
October 2008
The Color Of The Future
- October-01-2008
Are We Finally Coming Back To Life?
- October-04-2008
Anatomy Of The Murder
- October-05-2008
Tomorrow The Coup? -
Seven Days In October
The Long Disputed War Is Over!
- October-12-2008
The Color Of The Future
If you liked the last eight years you're going love the future - in fact you
will experience explosions of ecstasy - because the entire world will be lying
at your feet! Or more likely; unless you are one of the Owners, you will
find yourself among the destitute, the hungry and the lost; writhing among
millions of the disillusioned and the damned!
The reason for this is that after the selection becomes official there will
be no more of this Democratic-Republic stuff; there will only be outbursts
of outrageous promises, continuously shattered, and this new reality will be
enforced by troops and
Homeland Security thugs.
This nightmare hinges on something as fragile as your personal beliefs. This
involves "Trust" at the deepest levels of possibility in what any politician
or figure-head is promising now; in these last few weeks before the doors of
our private prisons are slammed shut:
Against any future possibility of personal freedom!
If we do not now demand that congress stop the creation of this Slush-Fund
for the rich and corrupted, then we shall have given over control of our
lives to a faceless shadow that will control everything we say or think or
which is the definition of 'Slavery.'
The 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division forms the core of Task
Force Operations assigned to NORTHCOM and will be the first US
troops, just back from Iraq, to break with the posse comitatus
provisions of US law, Commencing October 1, 2008. Today the Senate will
illegally vote on their version of legislation; as all laws must originate
in the US House of Representatives: something Bush referred to yesterday
when he claimed that "how legislation gets done does not matter."
Couple this with Speaker Pelosi's declaration of
Martial Law in attempting to pass-without-debate the Slush Fund for the
Corporatocracy and the self-appointed owners of this government (Rep. Michael Burgess "We are under
Martial Law" - video).
Given this, how then does anyone evaluate political leadership?
To attempt to look ahead, for understanding, we
need to look back to previous events and conditions and then review the
real-time results. Any "promise" made to anyone can only be evaluated based
on what is known about similar prior experiences. Before the current
onslaught became an everyday event, promises had to be kept if the person or
institution that had made the promises wanted to have a future.
That is no longer true in the global-marketplace
where corruption, greed and power have come to divide the public from their
lives and property, as well as from having any voice in "what shall come to
pass!" It is not an accident that the 'color' of the illustration above is
the same as the color of money - the question is will this be the color of our
future as well!
The public has seen the writing on the wall but the candidates, the
government and in particular the congress are demanding that the will of the
public be overridden to give their favorite criminals a
multi-trillion-dollar giveaway, with immunity from prosecution, for
everything that has led directly to this crisis.
Either the government of the US represents a nation that enacts the
overwhelming will of its citizens, or we shall have become enslaved to those
that have already stolen our country and are now seeking total control over
what shall become of our wealth. What is at stake now is what will happen to
our right to choose the things that will most directly will affect
everything about the way we shall be 'allowed' to live in what will be our
Freedom's light is not something that can exist unless it clearly includes
the responsibilities that must imbue the entire concept, because otherwise
there is only a "Lord of the Flies" society where power alone determines
every action.
Either the laws of this land are there to be followed or we have embarked
upon a course that can only lead to the total collapse of this
criminal-enterprise that we continue to call The United States of America!
One example of these horribly distorted promises, that gives the public a
clear idea of what we can expect to come from this crisis, are the
unilateral and preemptive wars that we've been aggressively prosecuting
since 2001. When you review what is about to voted on again and again in
D.C. until the traitors can finally get this passed, please remember this
time. Remember all the lies and exaggerations, plus the unbearable costs in
blood and treasure that we were promised would NOT happen!
Look at both Afghanistan and Iraq.
Look at the costs that are utterly staggering,
compared to what we were told to expect.
(From "The
Limits of Power: Andrew Bacevich on the End of American Exceptionalism")
"AMY GOODMAN: Talk about this, the global
war on terror.
ANDREW BACEVICH: Well, I mean, the phrase itself is one that really
ought to cause people to have their heads snap back a little bit,
because President Bush and others around him - Rumsfeld was certainly very
clear on this - it's a war, it's global, and how long is it going to go
on? Well, they said from the outset it's going to go on for decades. In
the Pentagon, there's a phrase that gets used, "generational war," a war
that lasts a generation or more.
Well, we need to ask ourselves whether that
really makes sense? What are the costs entailed by waging war for a
generation? Where does the money come from? What are we not doing because
we're spending all this money on war? And in a very human sense, who
actually pays the cost? I mean, who serves? Who doesn't serve? Whose social
needs are getting met, and whose are not getting met, as a consequence of
having open-ended global war be this national priority?
It seems to me that were we to accurately gauge the actually existing
threat-and there is a threat. I mean, 9/11 happened. There are people out
there who want to kill us. But were we to actually gauge that threat in a
realistic way, we would see that open-ended global war is not only
unnecessary, but it's probably counterproductive, that there are better ways
to go about keeping us secure than to engage in global war."
President Bush exploits that after 9/11. He decides he knows
how it wants to be used.
And, of course, for the first time in our
history, when we go to war, instead of a president turning to the Congress
and turning to the country and say,
"We're going to have to change the way we do
business, because we're at war," President Bush actually says, "Go to
Disney World. Go shopping. Go back to doing what you have been doing for
the last ten years, and I'll take care of everything."
And I have to say, the great majority of the
American people - I don't think listeners of your show - but the great majority
of the American people basically did what Bush said and tuned the war out
and allowed the burden to fall on a very small percentage of the population,
which I find, frankly, morally objectionable."
And there is also the
interview with Bill Moyers (Bacevich:
The Limits of Power).
The public must demand that this charade be stopped dead; and the American
public's views must be used to create a totally new piece of legislation
that meets the concerns of the public. This must be done by-the-book so that
the rules concerning how legislation comes to a vote are not violated!
Either the government of the US represents a nation that enacts the
overwhelming will of its citizens, or we shall have become enslaved to those
that have already stolen our country and are now seeking total control over
what shall become of our wealth.
What is at stake now is what will happen to our
right to choose the things that will most directly affect everything about
the way we shall be 'allowed' to live in what will be our future!
If this
hijacking of the public's treasury and our common sense is allowed to stand
then the Color of our Future will definitely be eternal darkness!
Back to Contents
Are We Finally Coming Back To Life?
For the last nearly eight years. the net has bristled with vehemence and
fire, as writers from all directions have tried to find that mysteriously
missing link between "people" and what is being done to them.
"Where's the Rage!" And maybe more
important, "Where's the Outrage"!
These angry but valid questions have lingered
over each and every new obscenity as this political kaleidoscope of the
World Order has continued to slice and splice the universe into ever darker
slivers of our broken world.
Finally, it begins to appear that the public has begun to find its 'RAGE' in
the current and pending nightmare now focused on the passage or failure of
the "legislation-that-isn't" regarding the SLUSH-FUND that was initially a
BAILOUT, but has now been officially designated "The Rescue Plan."
First, we had the Dictator's three page directive informing us in true
fascist terminology that this will happen, no questions will be tolerated,
and no oversight will be permitted moreover this "legislation" would be
passed without being read because it was too important to waste time reading
this new License-To-Steal, in whatever way the government, the Federal
Reserve and the Treasury had already decided to redistribute the actual
wealth of the nation - yet again!
This project FAILED because members of the House
of Representatives for the very first time in the last eight years actually
listened to the rage coming from their constituents.
Then, in the shock of the aftermath, government decided to again depart from
the constitution and allow the Senate to initiate legislation: which
violates the proscribed necessity for all legislation to originate in the
House of Representatives, because they are actually supposed to represent
the Citizens.
The Senate is our version of The House of Lords,
and has no direct interest in what might be good for the people or the
nation but no matter Bush overrode all that outdated stuff from the
Constitution and cut another deal with the leaders of the Senate to create a
new piece of legislation for the House to vote on.
This time the original
3 pages had grown to what is now a 1,400 page document
(read Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008)!
No one in his or her right mind can read and understand one-thousand, four
hundred pages of legalese, in a single day: in order to cast a yes or no
vote upon what's inside this new pile of garbage.
No serious legislation ought to involve more than one-hundred pages of
anything. Therefore this "legislation" ought to have been divided into
fourteen separate bills; but of course this is an emergency, just as the
Patriot Act and the Declaration of War on Iraq were "emergencies" that not
only both turned out to be nothing of the kind - but were in actually based on
nothing but huge lies and massive amounts of the public's treasure being
stolen to produce end-results that were unnecessary, illegal and
This "emergency" was created by the same people
that have so generously offered themselves to us again, this time as our
saviors, in this time of CRISIS.
This is not a crisis; it is a national and international CATASTROPHE and it
is filled with more lies and deceptions than usual, beginning with the idea
that the public MUST get behind this and contact their congressional reps.
The public did get behind this one, without being told to, and they were and
probably still are OPPOSED to this nightmare that promises to only get
Today, if the "Leaders" have their way, the US
House of Representatives will override the demands of over 70 percent of
their constituents and will vote "YEAH" on this criminal theft of what has
now grown to $850 Billion that we don't actually have for any purpose. If
this happens OUTRAGE will return to the American psyche, and shortly
thereafter probably to the streets and offices of this once proud land.
If this does not happen, and IF the House of Representatives does vote
according to the voices of their constituents: then finally the real
criminals will each and all have to answer for this colossal FAILURE.
From Bush to Paulson, from
Pelosi to Bernanke: All of the congressional leadership, the
entire White House, the Treasury Department, the Securities & Exchange
Commission-the whole corrupt government of the United States will have to
answer for this one: because all of this faux capitalism will begin to
collapse around them.
The country will have a rough time, but it will survive, because we shall be
shedding the skin of that two-headed snake that has for too long completely
dominated the entire country.
I prefer this outcome to the headline today in
the NY Times: Economy Shed 159,000 Jobs in September.
Jobs Report Underlines Economic Decline
"The government is out with more bad
economic news (The
Employment Situation: September 2008) this morning: The job market began to deteriorate even
before the financial crisis reached a more serious stage two weeks ago.
Employers cut 159,000 jobs in September, more than twice as many as in
August or July, the Labor Department reported. It was the biggest
monthly decline since 2003, when the economy was still losing jobs in
the wake of the 2001 recession.
Forecasters had been expecting a loss of about 100,000 jobs in
The new number was especially worrisome because the government conducted
its survey during the week of Sept. 8, before the credit crisis took a
new turn for the worse on Sept. 17."
This, by design, is and has been a global
problem for the whole of the last ten years, while the criminal-elites have
been trying desperately to finalize their Coup to steal the planet.
But a funny thing happened on their way to world
domination: the very basic premise upon which their whole sick idea was
based, has come back to bite them where they live!
' When all laws are routinely violated -
then piracy flourishes! The plus side of this is that this clearly
illustrates what happens when virtually everyone has finally accepted
the fact that there is no longer any "law" that can control anything
when it comes to war or politics: Therefore violence takes its rightful
place on all fronts - which will doom the planet to the basic situation
that turns once powerful nations into islands of chaos and destruction
where only the Lords of the Flies shall reign supreme.
This was planned by various parts of the shadow-governments probably of
several "nations," but nations no longer matter, because only Corporate
States have weight enough now to alter the equations of who shall get
what and when. To date their sole 'claim to power' has been their
willingness to break every law and murder anyone in their way.
But they have over-reached and finally the
victims "get it"! And since billions of us have been trying to live
under what we thought were unifying laws; these obscenities have finally
forced people everywhere to face the truth - and in this case that truth
will lead to blood and possibly to chaos in so many other arena's but at
least these "players" and their true intentions will have finally been
clearly delineated.'
It's fascinating to say the least-that the one
thing they counted on to insure their supremacy over everyone else can turn
out to be the one thing that virtually guarantees that OUTRAGE that is
necessary to a return to sanity, in a thoroughly compromised world of greed
and butchery on a global scale.
Regardless of what happens today in the vote or non-vote: for or against the
hopelessly flawed convolutions of government-speak in the US House of
"America" it appears, has finally begun to awaken.
From now on those that have so freely voted against those that put them in
their jobs as "representatives" shall themselves have to worry about a real
BACKLASH that is both personal and determined by millions of their
GAME-OVER bring on the clean-up of this cancerous parasite that has tried to
steal our lives, our dreams and now our money along with our national
identity! This ought to be something that no American's can ever forget;
regardless of how the "mighty" will continue to try to force their will upon
us all! Resistance it turns out - is NOT futile.
NOTE: Within minutes of submitting this article, word came that the
legislation passed the US House of Representatives. Now we'll see what
actually transpires
and whether or not "We are Finally Coming Back to Life."
Simultaneously, in a message that arrived
immediately after the notification of the passage I received just this
single word: "NORTHCOM"
Not One Dime Mike Whitney -
How to Fix the Wall Street Mess
Michael Moore -
One Nation Under Capitalism: It's Time
for a Crucifixion - http://www.bestcyrano.org/THOMASPAINE/?p=1039
Back to Contents
Anatomy Of The Murder
It is usually said that when anything major dies, it will happen not with a
bang, but with a whimper. Yesterday's TREASON was no exception because with
that "vote" we formally ended the tempting promise of 'Freedom &
Opportunity' in this place that was once called the United States of
In reviewing the Obituary's of this murder it is clear that the entire
episode was planned, and except for the unexpected single moment, in the
last eight years of non-stop wars amid the shadow world of criminal
intrigues: There was just that once, when the congress actually resisted the
machine and 'represented' their constituents' demands-before this mega-plan
continued on without a hitch! Now this American-tragedy can finally begin to
explore the myriad of dark and dirty secrets that have been "yearning to
breathe free," since long before anyone here was born.
US troops have been assigned within our borders to control this population
while we all sit by and watch wide-screen-revised re-runs of the Savings &
Loan giveaway, coupled with ENRON and the Accounting Scandals; compounded by
the war-crimes and crimes- against-humanity that have proven to be so
profitable to all the corporate and political forces that 'really matter!'
But there is a major difference because this time: All of the above will be
amplified a hundred thousand fold! "This time" there will be no 'return to
stability.' Yesterday's vote tore open the awesome Gates of Hell itself. And
now today, thanks to blatant Treason and to cowardice and fear, we begin our
one-way passage beneath an ancient inscription that tends to say it all!
The "Thinker" presides over this collapse while we can only cringe and
"Lay Down All Hope You That Go In By Me"
Many are wondering just exactly what happened yesterday.
For those still unclear, here is what they did
which is being described by Benito Mussolini, everybody's favorite fascist!
"Following a pattern it had set in earlier
bailouts of smaller banks, the government set up a holding company,
which it financed together with the central bank. This company acquired
all the corporate shares held in the portfolios of the banks at the
higher historical, not current prices. Thus, the government not only
provided liquidity to the banking system, but it also absorbed part of
its losses.
It also became the largest shareholder in a number of firms.
Many of the industrial firms thus acquired were themselves on the verge
of failing and benefited not just from the rescue of their banks but
also from the direct infusion of public money"
The cost of the entire bailout was a staggering
10 percent of GDP - the comparable amount in the United States today would
be about $1 trillion.
This little maneuver completed the arduous task of the redistribution of
wealth that has been ferociously under-way since Reagan's Raiders ruled the
Tarnished House and threatened the world with his global fantasies of wealth
and power!
The US has always had a layered society beneath some very inspiring concepts
and hallowed phrases: The Declaration of Independence, the words on the base
of the Statue of Liberty, the Constitution, and thousands of other documents
are only words on paper now in a world that values guns and raw power over
all laws and agreements that were negotiated to improve life.
Underneath the pomp and bunting, the truth has
always been this interminable street fight in the dead of metaphorical
night. This has been going on forever in the back-alleys and the unseen
pages of that unspoken history which defines the facts of how we came to be
here in the first place.
This is how we have divided our world now: look carefully at the 'beautiful'
crowd that actually panders to the ugliest that we have accepted as "leaders"
to take us all toward ever-greater gain and profits.
The military men are reminiscent of General
Betray-us: that esteemed military paragon of ours who got his chest-
full-of- medals without ever seeing combat: because he was a general who
only fought with paper and in cocktail parties, prior to being tapped to
lead in the latest of our criminally-invasive wars. (see below video).
Bob Dylan - Political World
This "nation" was born in the blood of the native population that we
displaced, and it continued with the bloodiest war we ever fought: the US
Civil War that lingers still, in many places that have escaped our national
focus. From that blood-stained start we went on to conquer and to colonize
at will; throughout the hemisphere at first, but then we fell victim to the
forces that now control the whole broken empire that we helped create, with
a savage greed and an insatiable lust for ultimate power-but that's just the
barely mentioned history.
What really happened here of note, was a vast redesign of an entire
population that seems not to have been equaled in the past! It is here where
Americans have broken their ties with other human- beings; and it is here
that we shall be condemned by history for having chosen
The Century of the
Self over all other aspects of daily life.
The considerations for private money in this piece of filth that passed
yesterday, pretty much says it all! How many working people have managed to
squirrel way a quarter of a million dollars?
"Real- jobs" are falling from
our reach like autumn leaves in a Tornado; never to return because the
Economic-Spring that could have fixed this; has been officially banished in
an orgy of free money for the owners and their private contractors!
What this crime has not killed outright will be finished off by inflation
and by the instituted fear and panic that has already to begin to bite off
chunks of what used to be part of any 'Main-street' life. This nation has
been at war now for seven years and there has been no "victory," despite the
fact that we were told this would all be quick and cheap!
Meanwhile more and
more nations continue to be targeted by these same incompetent forces that
initiated these unending wars. Yet despite the fact that these criminal
enterprises have literally drained the country and the economy-the public
remains oblivious!
Nations, just like people are judged by what they 'DO' not what they promise
and we have lied so often that no one can take our word for anything today.
We have become a place without portfolio; a 'state' without a rudder or a
purpose beyond the personal acquisition of stolen goods and other people's
property that is stolen by force in the name of Freedom & Democracy!
All of
which makes us over-ripe for this
Economic 911 Attack upon all our financial
and political structures. (Shock & Awe: Bi-Partisan Beltway Terrorists Launch Economic 9/11)
Our "greatest ally" in everything has been a disgusting little place that's
run by obsessively paranoid-criminals, hell-bent on taking everything from
anyone that does not subscribe to their concept of inherent "special
status." Yet no people can ever be placed above all else simply by the
accident of birth!
Our current crop of politicians are more concerned with the health and
wealth of
the Zionist state than they are for the Americans that pay their
salaries, and fight the wars that the Zionist State decides are a "THREAT"
to the survival of their evil conclave in the Middle-East!
Yet Americans do
not seem to care how many Israeli-Americans there are in this government,
not to mention how perverted our own policies have become, just to pacify
Israel over our real and serious national security interests that remain
Throughout all the gore and slaughter that we've committed in Iraq alone
(over two million murdered, two million more displaced, and yet another two
million damaged or ruined) and yet American's seem to remain unmoved. We
have made enemies for the next fifty years of so many people throughout the
world, and now because we are terrified and intimidated we have surrendered
what we were apparently trying to enhance: our own wealth and prosperity,
not-to- mention the real-world safety of America and Americans in general!
Congratulations America you have lost the one battle that you never saw
coming, and it turns out to be the final curtain that has made itself immune
from oversight or corrections-but it doesn't seem to matter-if too many of
us fail to even care!
Back to Contents
Tomorrow The Coup?
Tomorrow, October 7, will mark the end of our first week into the Coup that
officially began on the first day of this month (October 2008).
This coup actually slipped out from behind the
curtain way back in September of 2002 when Congress officially gave this
'License to Kill' to the president of the United States!
Open letter to Congress September 2002
"Since this man came to office the congress
of the United States has failed in its duties to the public you are
sworn to serve and to the Constitution you have sworn to uphold.
In instance after instance you have entertained and passed a steady
stream of un-American laws and resolutions that are squarely aimed at
undermining the Constitutional provisions of the Bill of Rights and many
of the Amendments to the Constitution, which are matters of existing
What has happened since has shattered any and
all ideas of what the United States may have once been, as well as what
options might remain, "going forward;" because under the terms of this Coup
"illegality" has been made legal. What this has done is to include the
citizens of the United States in those 'states or nations' (above) that
could be seen as enemies of this Coup!
Naomi Wolf has a thirty minute video (see below video), just out today, that summarizes much
of what has happened, as well as what we can do to begin to turn all this
She says in part:
'Military law suspends civilian law, so we
must get our local city councils to reject the Homeland Security money
that is being offered to train local police to make war against US
citizens Homeland Security is funneling money to communities in
advance, to pay off the lawsuits that will come from the actions of
these coup agents. (This happened in both cities where recent
conventions were held).
This was made possible by the 2007 Defense
Authorization Act which made it legal for the president to direct troops
to make war against American citizens.'
Talk by Naomi Wolf - The End of America
It was one thing for soldiers to disobey illegal
orders in his wars, but this action makes the illegal orders of this
president 'legal'!
'Those in government that are complicit in
this Coup must be held responsible and their leaders arrested. There are
District Attorney's (Vincent Bugliosi & others) that want to do this
'Before the Revolutionary War, George the
Third, the English King sent mercenary troops to occupy and police
American streets; doing the same thing that Bush just created by
authorizing three to four thousand troops to police the actions of
American citizens, (in America).'
'We must stand against tyranny and oppression, because our right to
freedom is a universal right:
"When a tyrant looms, the structures of
tyranny loom," and we have to do everything to oppose that tyranny!
are not "entitled" to speak freely; you are obliged to speak freely! You
have to act as an American and Speak Freely! We must see this Coup for
what it is and rise up against it.' (see video
Interview Naomi Wolf Give Me Liberty)
When the
on Terror began, the first casualty was the designed loss of our
inner-freedoms. This is what was really attacked on
9-11, and it is something
that has continued to lose ground ever since that black day.
'We were free because of our practice of the
rule of law.'
Now that Rule of Law has been perverted
and on many occasions shattered; we must rise up now and take back 'the
laws' that were part of our former Republic.
Naomi Wolf continues:
"America has no established god" and this is
so important because these people are (now) seizing power in the name of
Theocracy. They are using (religious) faith as a mobilizing tool,
Sarah Palin would extend this. (The tax-exempt status of the
churches needs to be re-examined, because that status is granted only if
those churches are not political)
The founders wanted to insure that ours was
a country of religious freedom, where people were free in their
conscience (to decide for themselves about their beliefs), because they
knew what happens when religious minorities are prosecuted by the
state.' So, (according to the first Amendment), Americaestablishes
'No god.'
'The idea of America is that freedom is a universal human right so we
must divest ourselves from this empire and become a Republic once
All of this begins psychologically (as a thought-form) that we must take
into our hearts-and each of us is called upon to stand up for freedom!'
'The good news is that historically when millions of people have risen
up in time, they can together move aggressively to arrest those
responsible and most of the Cabal. You have to get warrants, get their
computers, and you have to declare what has taken place. Once these
people are charged they will back-off and begin to turn on one-another.
The time to act is now!'
Robert Fisk on the US Warrior's Creed
However there is another entire dimension to
this takeover, which is the very public yet still very secret, seizure of
financial and monetary powers of the nation and by extension the world. In
case you missed it we have surrendered our control over the purse strings of
this country to a bunch of self-interested and self- appointed members of
the Cabal.
Without control over the printing of our own
money, which we lost with the establishment of the
Federal Reserve Bank: we
are little more than vassals to the owners of the twelve privately owned
Central Banks.
To that criminal act we must now add the
surrender of control over how this fiat money of ours shall be spent-by whom
and for what-without knowing how much this will cost, or even IF this
process will even begin to solve the problems created by the same people
that are now administering the law that was passed last Friday!
To probe these various financial and fascistic shadows behind this latest
outrage, Naomi Klein has an extensive interview today on Democracy
Now (below video).
"NAOMI KLEIN: When Milton Friedman turned
ninety, the Bush White House held a birthday party for him to honor him,
to honor his legacy, in 2002, and everyone made speeches, including
George Bush, but there was a really
good speech that was given by Donald Rumsfeld. I have it on my
My favorite quote in that speech from
Rumsfeld is this:
he said, "Milton is the embodiment of
the truth that ideas have consequences."
So, what I want to argue here is that, among
other things, the economic chaos that we're seeing right now on Wall
Street and on Main Street and in Washington stems from many factors, of
course, but among them are the ideas of Milton Friedman and many
of his colleagues and students from this school. Ideas have
consequences." (see below video)
Naomi Klein on Democracy Now!
This Coup that is only six days old is a very
through entrapment by traitors that was designed to so completely crush
America and Americans in order to prevent us from ever taking back this
nation. This is so important to them; because they know that America is the
one nation that actually had the capacity to shut them down and
Last night on 60 minutes, the real cause behind the most recent collapse was
also unveiled, in a story called "Wall Street's Shadow Market".
This is the story of a $60 TRILLION dollar
fiasco that sought to make gold-plated investments our of those totally
bogus mortgages; which the Slush-Fund was passed to bailout. This failure is
described as 'A full blown financial storm'
in the 60 minutes story: but how far do you think $850 Billion will go
toward solving the reality of a $60 Trillion dollar problem! (Wall Street's Shadow Market).
This Coup was created to take-back everything that Americans once stopped
the ancestors of this Coup from obtaining, back in 1933, when FDR stopped
them from profiting by the first version of this obscenity!
If we could take
back the power of printing and controlling our own money (like every other
self-respecting nation has tried to do): then most of this could never have
happened in the first place.
We need to come out from under our beds and get
this together people or we really will be nothing but slaves to these
tyrants and traitors that dreamed this nightmare into existence - on the
backs of every one of us - who is not one of them!
It's way past-time, but if we get serious it
might still not be too late!
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Seven Days In October
These are the Seven Days in October that will change the World!
Cheney-Bush, Bernanke, Pelosi & Paulson have
successfully destroyed 'trust' and have replaced this universal value with
'fear,' compounded by public paranoia over the chaos they've created; in an
uncertain world where there are no longer any laws that govern governments
or money-changers!
The public is paying for this charade with trillions of dollars that was
their money until this depression was created to bleed us; in direct and
opposite proportion, to the trillions in bailouts that have gone, or will
soon go, into the private pockets of the money-changers at the top.
Welcome to Democracy Now!
What about this latest news?
As Stocks Plummet Across the Globe, Bush to Host
Emergency Finance Meeting at White House
MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, what upsets the
Europeans and the foreigners is that the US plan has done nothing at all
about the debt crisis itself. It's bailed out the creditors, but not a
penny of the actual debts, the subprime mortgage debts, are addressed.
Without any of the media knowing, the Federal Reserve over the last few
months has given $850 billion of cash for trash already.
This is what the $700 billion discussion in
Congress was supposed to be about, but the Fed, without anyone knowing,
has already been exchanging these securities. And the securities
essentially have been swapped by the US bankers to their pals and not
done anything at all to write down the actual subprime debts. There's a
big attempt to blame the victim now.
And if you add up all of the subprime bad
loans and defaults, that's altogether $1 trillion. So far, the
government has given away $6 trillion already to Wall Street. That's
much more than any of the subprime debt. And the volume of derivative
trade has been estimated at $450 trillion, an unbelievable amount. So
nobody has any idea about how much money is at stake.
And what really triggered a lot of this was the way in which Lehman went
bankrupt. The day-and this has not been discussed either in America, but
it's all over the European press. The day before Lehman went bankrupt,
it basically looted all of its foreign offices. For instance, in
England, it emptied out the English account of a few billion dollars,
leaving the English employees only with the money they-the little cards
they had to use in the vending machines.
No salaries were paid.
The London office was closed down
immediately. And the next day, Lehman used the money that it took from
London to pay its closest associates to redeem the derivative trades
that it had done. So the English bankers came out and said, in England,
we have an ethic: it's lend to the person, not against the asset. And
they've come to the conclusion that the American bankers-well, we won't
say "crooks," but let's say they're cronies who deal among themselves
and are willing to screw the foreigner.
And this has created such mistrust abroad that Europeans and Asians and
OPEC country investors are simply pulling their money out of the US,
because they don't have a clue as to the solvency of the banks. We're
seeing the end result of the Alan Greenspan deregulatory revolution,
where he said markets are all self-regulating. Right now, you're seeing
the markets self-regulate themselves. And the result is a wipeout of the
American pyramiding."
Government keeps saying that this is only financial, and that our industries
and businesses are still sound-that is a blatant lie!
This could not be
happening here if the US had a manufacturing or an industrial base of any
kind. But our once formidable American commercial infrastructure has been
outsourced, with the full approval and encouragement of this government;
causing massive loses in American jobs for those American workers that have
now been thrown on the trash-heaps of history.
Any 'Republic' that no longer has a system of checks & balances or anything
remotely resembling 'oversight' of what they create to run the nation, is no
longer a country-it is only a fascist police-state in waiting!
"Senator Chris Dodd, the banking
committee chair has no plans to subject the new Bailout Czar, Neel
Kashkari to conformation hearings. Kashkari is the thirty-five year
old Treasury official, tapped by Henry Paulson, to oversee the
more than 700 billion-dollar bailout. Like Paulson, Kashkari is a former
employee of Goldman-Sachs. Kashkari graduated from business school six
years ago."
Given this fact, it is now clear that we can
forget about the political campaigns because whoever "wins" that farce will
not even come close to having the kind of power that this 35 year old
insider will be able to have, when he begins handing out "450 Trillion
dollars" to the money-changers at the expense of every one of us!
There's a huge difference between the $850
Billion they told us about and the $450 Trillion that is the actual amount
of the problem! That's more money than any economy could ever envision, much
less ever have: and yet that's the payoff that this Depression was designed
to create!
And Senator Dodd does not think that we even ought to have a hearing to see
if this Goldman-Sachs insider is even qualified for anything, much less this
job that will clearly make the US presidency into the standing joke that it
already is!
Americans at all levels of this nightmare are hurting badly, some far more
than others.
The meltdown has cut into 401K's, into
investments, retirement funds, savings accounts, mutual funds, and stock
option plans not to mention the number of homes and jobs that will be lost
in this massive war against the people of the United States, and by
extension the world. Hundreds of Trillions will be doled out before
this is done, but not one cent will be given to real people to protect them
in any way from what has already destroyed over twenty percent of the
retirement savings that had to be earned over many decades!
According to CBS News this morning,
"we have lost $8 Trillion so far this
year, and the markets have fallen 40% from where they were just one year ago
This Depression is not remotely near the end, as
the automotive and airlines and the insurance shortfalls will also be
demanding bailouts notwithstanding the fact that the subprime mortgages
have still not even been addressed. What happened to Impeachment or anything
to do with challenging these people on anything they've done!
This is happening - because we have remained
silent and obedient throughout the last eight years of this completely
criminal regime, in the face of war-crimes by the hundreds, and outrages
that defy all the human sensibilities on which the community of nations was
So much money being paid out-all in secret of course-and nothing to help
real people survive the coming depression. Once more the global
money-changers are being bailed-out with no thought at all to saving the
very people that are being forced to pay off these eternal bandits that have
declared "All out War" upon the global economy and the global- population
who will suffer or die because of this new outrage!
This situation screams for resolutions: yet all we get are platitudes amid
the chaos of failing markets, and no one in authority is even remotely in
any danger of even getting fired! If 'resolutions' fail then the only choice
left to the real people of this world will be a global demand for
Revolution, along with total control over all bankers and politicians of any
If this sounds impossible or implausible then please just think about this
completely other proposal, from
Benjamin Fulford:
"With a brand new financial system built
from scratch, it would be possible to end world poverty and stop
environmental destruction within a month. The reason is simple, we have
been blinded from reality by a hypnotic pyramid scheme known as the
world financial system. The financial system is nothing more than the
process of deciding what humanity will do in the future.
In other words, it is fundamentally nothing
more than mass psychology. Thus, if humanity changed their collective
psychology about how to run the planet, it could decide, within a few
days, to care for the poor and stop destroying nature. It is simply a
matter of making the collective decision to do so. That is all."
And of course there's a lot more to it than just
the above paragraph... (see
How to Rebuild Finances and Save the Planet).
If this Depression is not averted, then we must act, because there's a total
lack of responsibility in the continued fleecing of the public and of
everything we have all worked for all our lives!
This must not be allowed to reach its designed
conclusion not that is if we are planning to have a future of any kind,
for our selves or for any of our descendants!
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The Long Disputed War Is Over!
Take a deep breath and try to wrap your mind around this thought. The Coup
has finally happened and 'We Lost'!
This idea is not nearly as radical as it sounds in fact it is the only thing
that can explain the chaos of the last seven days, as well as the
non-solutions that have been proposed by those who appointed themselves to
solve this international problem. This article will not only attempt to
demystify many of the most confusing components that have made this closing
act of the takeover so dangerous to all of us-but in conclusion I've added
some of the everyday things that we can all do to change the outcome for all
of us.
First the public needs to understand how we came to be in this intolerable
situation, where all of what we need to continue to live has been captured,
by the same forces that we thought we were beginning to resist.
Amid the chaos of the World Markets that continue to fall, several key facts
have finally been revealed.
The first is that the world's governments have
largely blocked public opinion from participation in any of their solutions,
as they try to publicly- short-cut their way through societies in order to
undo what they themselves created: to break the log-jam that has frozen all
access to credit around the world. This is an international problem, but for
the sake of simplicity we ought to focus on what has happened in America,
for now.
This problem is multi-dimensional, because "authority" needs to take actions
now that will resuscitate what they themselves have been laboring to
publicly murder for the last few decades. What did they murder? The
politicians that represent the money-changers have repeatedly attacked,
maimed, raped and have killed-many-times-over; the entire concept of
"The Public's Trust."
Somehow, because of the global meltdown, these same
privatized criminal interests now need to bring 'that public's trust' back
to life. To do this they must continue to circumvent the many government
laws and procedures that were designed to keep exactly this from happening!
But their real problem is that these creatures have finally had to emerge
from the shadows, and it turns out that none of them were elected to
anything. Rather they have been loyal slaves to
the privatized world that
has been preaching de-regulation with the kind of fervor only a lunatic
could embrace. However since the United States has been operating in a
permanent State of National Emergency, virtually since Bush stole his first
election - this effort at privatized control was not a huge leap.
The very real danger to the Cabal lies in their actions that will have to be
taken over this weekend and beyond actions that will run the risk of
letting public in on the truth, which is that their loyalties are not to the
people or the government but to the individual and private organizations
whose profits are and have always been-their only motivation!
The Coup waged this war upon the global population and they have won that
war, outright!
The proof of this lies in the fact that all the government's
rules, regulations and laws have been thrown out - permanently. That is why
we can never go back to the innocence of those times "BEFORE" these vultures
came to power. We must get past the idea that we can recreate what was, and
"return" to a nation of laws and men & women who will "do the right thing,"
just because it needs to be done!
New ways must be found to triumph over the
criminals that now threaten everything we hold dear!
The irony here lies in the fact that after spending seven or eight decades
murdering the public's 'trust' & 'transparency,' in order to further all
their privatized schemes: Now they must somehow revive that rotting-corpse
and recreate the illusion of trust once more: just to finish stealing what
they came to take.
Unless the Cabal can do this.
Then they run the very real risk of exposing
themselves to global criminality on a universal scale.
Look carefully at the collection of privateers that have been trotted out as
spokespeople for this mess. Mostly these creatures were self-appointed, or
fraudulently "selected," but none of them owe anything to the "public" they
say they are there to serve! Bernanke,
The FED Chairman, serves the
privately owned central banks of the world.
These institutions have been
stealing us blind since the FED was created, because for every dollar they
print (supposedly for us) we must pay interest to the owners of the FED.
That is the money that we all pay in Income Taxes - which goes directly to the
owners of the FED, (as interest) and does not fund anything beyond that
payoff. All the other taxes fees and charges that are levied upon us were
created - in order to run the nation.
The income tax is just the price we pay
to the money-changers for the use of what ought to be our own money!
(see below video).
America: From Freedom to Fascism
Then look deeper into Goldman-Sachs, and the career of Paulson who is the
current Secretary of the US Treasury, who has now added one of his own to be
This neophyte criminal has only been out of business
school for six years, yet he has been selected without the need to face a
congressional committee review of his qualifications to distribute a sum of
money that is unimaginably obscene.
That would be the $450 Trillion that
Neel Kashkari will be giving back to the money-changers in every conceivable
way that such a sum could eve even be contemplated.
"There's a huge difference between the $850 Billion they told us about and
the $450 Trillion that is the actual amount of this problem! That's more
money than any economy could ever envision, much less ever have: and yet
that's the payoff that this Depression was designed to create!"
Control over this amount of money represents a power so vast that it
actually dwarfs the "powers" of the presidency or the dictator of the USA.
Yet Senator Dodd has vetoed any congressional hearing on this outrageous
choice for "BAILOUT- CZAR." If you failed to "get it" before this
appointment; then just a few minutes of your time might assist you in
grasping what is really going on at the highest levels of the Coup that now
runs this country, lock, stock and barrel!
In another twist of facts, there is another popular myth that has permeated
the so-called presidential campaigns.
It goes something like this:
must be energy independent from the terrorists that we are forced to buy our
oil from.'
Sounds terrifying yes? Well, the policy under which we are
forced to buy that oil came directly from the desk of Snarl'n Dick Cheney:
the man that hijacked America's National Energy Policy, back in the
beginning of the first GWB-tyranny which they call "the first term."
"terrorists" turn out to be Saudi Arabia, one of Cheney's major supporters,
and a couple of other nations that are also not overtly "terror" driven.
The oil we buy actually comes from American, British, Dutch, and other
national oil interests, that have not been declared "terrorists" by the
Bandits in the Bush administration. These companies were however chosen back
in 2001 to share in this rape of the planet's oil (and water) supplies,
which is why we are still at war inside Iraq, because we have yet to sign
the oil-agreements that we went there to obtain.
You want proof: look at the profits of the international oil cartels and
their individual member companies - then tell me that they are not the real
terrorists when it comes to extorting obscene profits for every gallon of
gasoline or oil that you must buy?
This is a classic case of having used the
poisoned wrapper of "terrorism" to conceal a thoroughly illegal and secret
set of privatized-insider-contracts that were directly given to all of
Cheney's friends in the Oil cartels that control the world.
The lies being
told about this situation may make great campaign slogans: But those
slogans, along with the entirety of both political campaigns, are nothing
but very convenient lies to scare the public into making a choice without a
The exceptions to this crime are in Venezuela, and some of the other central
and South American states that are now reevaluating their sale of oil to the
USA - which is why we reactivated the US 4th Fleet to intimidate those
nations, and to stop them from becoming truly independent from "US national
security interests."
There is a similar move afoot in South America that has
established their own Central Bank, (The Southern Bank) to counter the
efforts of
The World Bank and
the IMF, both of whom have been instrumental
in the financial enslavement of that entire hemisphere, virtually since they
were created after WWII.
This basic shift in the ownership and control of the planet is a major loss
to real people everywhere; especially given that this latest episode
involves the meltdown of huge amounts of personal and corporate assets that
most people cannot afford to lose. That was our money and it is still within
our grasp to stop this carnival side show that has all the earmarks of those
traveling salesmen that we used to call Grifters.
But nothing will happen to
turn this around until the public begins to grasp the extent of this global
On the Plus-Side: the extremes which this crisis has produced have
inadvertently shown the pubic some of the many ways that they we can
effectively begin to hurt these creatures where they live-in their
oh-so-sacred treasure-troves of profit!
We can cut down everywhere, on everything that is non-essential. When we
must purchase something do it at a local store, boycott every corporate
chain without exception, and do whatever you can to keep your purchases
within the local economy. When traveling, try walking or take a bike, if
distance is involved use public transportation.
This is already what has
brought down the price of gasoline. You might have noticed that there is no
effect on the prices at the pump that can be related to the price of a
barrel of oil. The oil companies have a lot of double-talk that they use to
explain this: but the fact is whenever people voluntarily use less gasoline
the price at the pumps will come down.
This is not some crackpot suggestion
it has already been at work, and prices have come down, because people do
NOT have the money "to burn" that they once thought they did.
Another thing that is easy and productive is that people need to begin to
talk "to" and "with" each other.
Get to know those around you at home and at
work, or just wherever you happen to be. Turn off that i-pod now and then
and look around, the changes in the world today might actually surprise you!
People are by nature social-animals, and the reason that so much of what
these privateers have done to us, has worked so well against us all, has
been because, we do not talk to or with each other any more!
We could fix
this with just a little effort; but again you might be surprised by what you
can discover about others, as well as about what has happened to this nation
and the world.
When Hitler was about to be captured he was inside his bunker, some generals
approached him and asked him to "save the German people" "the innocent
victims of war."
The Fuhrer shot back:
"In war there are no innocent people,
and besides no one put a gun to the heads of those people, (the German
citizens) they were not forced to follow me now let them pay for their
The same could be said today of us. In fact Naomi Wolf discovered this
parallel which led her to write a book about the whole German nightmare, in
the beginning, back in the 1930's before the world became a spectator to
what became the bloodbath of that century! (see
The Fascist Blueprint It can happen here).
What shall be said about "The Americans" when and if there is a history that
survives us?
Will we have learned from that sophisticated German citizenry,
before their war became obscene - or will we emulate the "good Germans" and go
down with this new crop of Dictators and Privateers that want to do to the
world much more than Hitler was able to do to those he targeted?
We still have choices, but we are running out of time.
"The Long Disputed War" may be over, but they must now metaphorically go
house to house, and they cannot clinch this "victory" unless we fail to
resist this tyranny in whatever ways that each of us might be qualified to
do this!
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