3 April 2010
The United States is lifting a 70-year-old ban
on letting pilots fly while on antidepressants, citing improvements in the
drugs and an unforeseen side effect of the restriction.
Pilots who take one of four antidepressants -
Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa or Lexapro - or their generic equivalents will be
allowed to fly if they have been successfully treated by those medications
for a year without side effects that could pose a safety hazard in the

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that about 9.5 percent of
people 18 and older suffer from a mood disorder.
A 2009 study by Columbia
University showed that as many as 10 percent of Americans was taking
antidepressants. FAA officials assume the percentage is about the same among
pilots. In 2003, somewhere between 28 and 30 million Americans had already
taken Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil or some similar SSRI antidepressant. These drugs
are currently being prescribed for everything from depression or anxiety to
PMS to smoking cessation to ADD.
A few years ago actor Tom Cruise brought to light one of the most dangerous
problems we face today:
An epidemic of legal mind altering drug use is now
taking to the skies despite the known fact that a wide array of psychotropic
drugs have been shown to increase suicide risks and potentially cause
extreme violence in the users of these drugs.
We have seen in the news experts saying that psychiatric drugs like
Paxil and
Zoloft are dangerous with psychiatrists going as far as declaring,
“Clinical evidence does not justify the use
of antidepressants” and “The bottom line is that we really don’t have
any good evidence that these drugs work.”
On June 19, 2003, the FDA, following the lead of
the British MCA, ruled that Paxil should not be given to kids 18 or under,
because of the increased risk of suicidal impulses.
With 50,000+ suicides in
America each year, and the growing phenomena of mass murders and
murder/suicide, this is clearly an issue that demands more honest
investigation, something that obviously was not done before allowing pilots
to fly while under the influence of these drugs.
Years ago an article in the Washington Times Insight Magazine included a
chart of some of these cases.
Here are just a few of the really famous
cases, just to give you an idea of the types of reactions we’re talking
Andrea Yates drowned her five children in a bathtub. She was on two of these
SSRI antidepressants, at maximum dose. There had been an adjustment in the
medication two days before this tragedy happened. That adjustment alone was
enough to cause this tragedy.
Del Shannon, the singer from the sixties, who had the hit song, “Run Away”,
committed suicide after three weeks on Prozac. The pharmaceutical company
has settled his case.
Joseph Westbecker went on a shooting rampage in Kentucky, killing eight
people - seven coworkers, and then himself. That case has also been settled,
for what looks like $50M.
Officer Steven Christian, a Dallas police officer, dressed in plain clothes,
ran into a police station shooting. The pharmaceutical company has settled
his case.
Donald Shell of Gillette, WY, shot his wife, daughter, baby granddaughter,
and then himself, after taking only two doses of Paxil. This last summer, a
jury ruled that the Paxil was the cause for this, and awarded his family
In the Lacuzong case, a man with no prior history of violence, drowned his
two children and then himself in the same bathtub. The makers of Paxil
settled that case.
Phil Hartman, the comedian, was shot by his wife, who then shot herself.
That case has been settled for their children.
Luvox is the drug that Erik Harris was on the day that he went psychotic,
and went on the shooting spree with his friend Dillon.
The Salt Lake Family History Library shooting, that killed a good friend of
mine. A 70-year-old man, from a good family, went on that shooting rampage.
Mark Barton, the Atlanta day-trader, went on the shooting spree in Atlanta.
He killed his family, and then he went to an office and killed several other
people, and then himself.
Dr. Peter Breggin, a court certified psychiatric expert and author of
numerous books on psychiatric drugs, reveals how GSK not only concealed
negative studies, but also manipulated data about Paxil-induced suicidality
so that actual suicide attempts in clinical trials were underreported, while
attempts by subjects taking a placebo were inflated.
According to Dr. Breggin, drug companies settle
almost all lawsuits out of court in order to seal incriminating scientific
“This deprives the FDA, medical profession
and public of critical information on drug safety and efficacy,” he

There were 39,000 adverse event reports
submitted to the FDA’s Medwatch, according to award-winning investigative
reporter, Robert Whitaker.
And that number is said to represent only about
1% of the actual number of adverse events.
“So, if we get 39,000 adverse event reports
about Prozac,” Mr. Whitaker said in an interview for Street Spirit in
August 2005, “the number of people who have actually suffered such
problems is estimated to be 100 times as many, or roughly four million
Whitaker exposes the massive lies and cover-ups
that have corrupted the Food and Drug Administration’s drug review process,
and co-opted research trials in order to spin the results of drug tests and
conceal the serious hazards and even deadly side-effects of brand-name drugs
like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil and Zyprexa.
Terry Messman, who interviewed Whitaker said,
“The story becomes even more frightening
when we look at the aggressive tactics these giant drug companies have
used to silence prominent critics by defaming them in the press, and by
using their money and power to have widely respected scientists and
eminent medical researchers fired for daring to point out the hazards
and risks of suicide and premature death caused by these drugs. These
researchers who have tried to warn us of the perils of these drugs have
been silenced, intimidated and defamed.”
The media have heralded the arrival of so-called
designer drugs like Prozac, Paxil and Zyprexa and millions of Americans have
believed this story but the tragic cases of disease, suffering and early
deaths caused by these drugs shows us dangers that medical officials and
pharmaceutical companies would prefer to remain hidden.
So next time you fly your captain might be on drugs that are only safe in
the minds of the FDA, and we know we cannot trust this institution. They who
believe that it’s even safe to inject neural toxins like mercury in children
in vaccines and plant tons of the metal in peoples’ mouths really cannot be
trusted. Now even flying is going to be more dangerous thanks to them.
When on the ground one will sometimes be subjected to full body scans.
It’s not a pleasant thought to remember that
there is no safe dose of radiation, even your lowly simple dental x-ray will
statistically bump up your chances of contracting cancer.
No doubt though,
flying will continue to be much safer than being in a car, and much safer
than going into a hospital, doctor’s or dental office for in these places
instead of the doctor, nurses and dentists being on the drugs they will be
making sure you are.
To Gold Bugs
I found out last night that
they only have one hundredth of
the gold they are selling. Meaning most gold is paper (not gold) meaning the
gold market is selling 100 times more gold than is available if you wanted
it in your hands.
So this shows tremendous and I mean tremendous upward
potential in terms of price and value of gold. Just thought you might want
to know. Despite the best efforts of mice and men – even elite men –
reality, which is truth, is born back into the world. Truth can not be
denied forever though it can be hidden and disguised obviously for longer
than any of us generally imagine.
We probably can assume this proportion with
vaccines. They are probably 100
times if not a thousand times more dangerous than advertised.
Rare is a much abused word by modern medicine as
is low level toxicity, which is always a lot higher then officialdom will
admit. Personally I think saying 100 to 1,000 times more dangerous does not
really cover it. If you look at any one family that has seen their child die
directly after receiving their vaccinations or another family where autism
has torpedoed their lives no number makes sense.
Since health and medical officials will not
admit any connection between vaccines and autism we can only use official
numbers from the vaccine injury data base.
Imagine the mainstream press communicating the truth each morning. Today a
child will die from a vaccine in the United States. I don’t have the numbers
at my fingertips but it’s probably several children a day fall.
The headline reads:
Medicated in The Cockpit
FAA Says Pilots on Psych Drugs Can Fly Commercial
by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
April 05, 2010
NaturalNews Website
What would happen if the Columbine high school
rampage shooters who were psyched out on mind-altering antidepressant drugs
had been piloting a jet airliner instead?
On Friday, the FAA issued a new rule that says
pilots taking psychiatric medications are now allowed to pilot passenger
airliners while medicated!
This "permission to fly while medicated" decision by the FAA covers pilots
taking the antidepressant psychiatric drugs Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa and
Lexapro. Not coincidentally, these are the same drugs that, in the minds of
many industry observers, are linked to acts of aggression, suicide and mass
murder. People on these drugs may simply lose touch with reality and feel
like they're playing out a video game rather than acting out in the real
It begs the question:
Why is the FAA putting medicated pilots in control of
jet airliners?
What happens if a psych drug medicated pilot suddenly thinks
he's in a video game and aims his Boeing 767 at a civilian target "just for
the fun of it?"
Or what if he goes raving mad, strangles the copilot and
then crashes the jet airliner nose-first into the ground?
While this kind of scenario may seem remote, you have to remember: It only
takes one such event to cost the lives of hundreds of air passengers (and
perhaps thousands of people on the ground).
Today, air travel is remarkably safe in terms of the number of fatalities
per miles traveled. It's far safer than traveling in your car, in fact, and
a fair amount of the credit for that safety belongs with
the FAA.
So why is the FAA now making a decision that
seems, on its surface, to endanger the lives of air passengers by allowing
psychiatric patients to pilot airplanes?
According to the FAA, the answer is because modern psychiatric drugs have
fewer side effects. That seems like a political statement, not a medical
conclusion, because the side effects that are experienced by a very small
number of psychiatric medication users can be so whacked out that they can
pose a very real danger to the lives of those around them.
The majority of
U.S. school shootings that we've seen over the last 15 years have been
carried out by shooters taking psychiatric medications.
Antidepressants work
no better than placebo
The other part of this story that the FAA seems to be missing is that for
all but the most extreme cases of depression, antidepressant drugs have been
scientifically proven - through multiple clinical trials - to work no better
than placebo.
These pilots would do just as well taking
capsules filled with olive oil as they do on patented, monopoly-priced SSRI
Yet despite the scientific reality that antidepressants are no better
than placebo for the vast majority of patients, doctors continue to
prescribe them and now the FAA has allowed these drugs into the cockpit. Er,
excuse me, the "Flight Deck."
And this makes me wonder whether those pilot-narrated fly-over descriptions
- "On the left you can see Mt. St. Helens" - will start to include
hallucinogenic elements, too.
"On the right, I see Santa Claus and his ten
reindeer, about to pass under engine number four. Please fasten your
seat belts while we take evasive action..."
Depression is a sign
of another health problem
If a pilot suffers from depression, that's an indication that there's some
other health problem they're dealing with: Usually cardiovascular disease of
some kind.
Depression can also be brought on by
vitamin D deficiencies or a diet
lacking in omega-3 oils. Depression isn't simply an isolated "chemical
imbalance in the brain," as the drug companies would like you to believe:
It's a symptom of a much larger health challenge that almost always includes
a cardiovascular component.
So if a pilot suffers from depression, shouldn't
that mean they need to reform their own personal health from the inside out
rather than relying on a chemical agent to mask their symptoms?
I actually know a senior pilot for a major U.S. airline; a guy who flies the
largest and most technical Boeing aircraft around. He's a member of the Life
Extension Foundation and takes care of his health through exercise, fasting
and daily nutritional supplementation. He's the kind of pilot I want behind
the yoke because I believe that pilots have a special responsibility to be
healthy and alert.
I would not want to be a passenger on any airplane being
piloted by a psychiatric patient medicated on
Big Pharma's dangerous
mind-altering drugs.
The difficulty, of course, is that you just don't know which pilot you're
going to get on any given flight, nor what medications that person may be
on. We've all seen the dangers of people who drive on the roads while
medicated - they are responsible for as many as one-third of all traffic
accidents today!
There's no question in my mind that allowing medicated
pilots to fly commercial airliners is increasing the risk of an accident
that could harm or kill the crew and passengers.
So I'm going to lay out a prediction here, and even though it may take years
for this to come true, there's little doubt it's coming unless the FAA
reverses its rules:
There will be an airplane crash one of these days where
the cause is not merely "pilot error" but actually medication-induced pilot
Some pilot who is psyched out on antidepressant drugs might fly his
plane into a building, mountain, ocean or other landscape feature, and the NTSB will recover the black boxes only to find that the pilot had gone stark
raving mad minutes before impact.
A little more investigation will reveal he was
on psychiatric prescription medications.
Keep psych drugs out
of the flight deck (and out of Congress)
It seems an obvious point: Mind-altering psychotropic drugs should have no
place on the flight deck. Most people who do not have ties to the
pharmaceutical industry would agree with that.
At the same time, it's not just pilots who have responsibility for the lives
of the people, is it?
Members of the U.S. Congress are also making decisions
that impact the lives (and livelihoods) of a far greater number of people
than airline pilots. So why are most members of Congress doped up, psyched
out and mass-medicated with dangerous pharmaceuticals, too?
In a recent video that has become an overnight YouTube sensation, U.S.
Congressman Hank Johnson from the 4th district of Georgia actually claimed
that putting too many people on the island of Guam would cause the island to
tip over and capsize:
Yes, you read that right: This former court judge who somehow got elected to
Congress by Georgian voters, said flatly and without joking:
"My fear is
that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over
and capsize."
To which the steadfast Admiral Willard paused in disbelief and
then replied, without even a hint of sarcasm,
"We don't anticipate that."
Congressman Hank Johnson is not a stupid person.
His bizarre on-camera
behavior can best be explained by medication side effects. Watch the video
and you can see for yourself how he's barely able to stumble through an
attempted description of the geography of the island of Guam.
He is
displaying classic symptoms of an overly-medicated Congressman!
Now you know how the recent health care reform bill got passed. Many of
those who voted for it were so over-medicated with Big Pharma's
mind-altering drugs that they had no concept of what they were voting for.
This is especially ironic, given that they were voting for enforcing a
monopoly medical system that would ensure even more mind-altering drugs
being prescribed for the American people!
This is why I have publicly called for health standards for all members of
Congress. Medicated members of Congress should not be allowed to vote! And
that would throw out virtually all the bastards, wouldn't it?
I was thinking we could take all those Congress-people who no longer meet
the health standards and ship them off to Guam to see if it actually does
tip over.
In fact, why not make a new reality TV show featuring former U.S.
Congressmen running wild on the beaches of Guam - and call it "The Tipping