by Benjamin Fulford
August 2, 2011
Kauilapele Website
Power is an elusive thing.
It is ultimately a fine balance of mass
psychology built up through the momentum of the past.
Changing the very top of
world’s power structure involves a shift in the psychology of
the people who rule the planet. That change is then followed by a change in
public announcements and actions. People watching the collapse of the
current world regime are getting impatient because it seems to be taking so
much time.
They need to understand that changing a system
that has existed for thousands of years needs to be handled with great care
in order to avoid chaos, starvation and war. Nonetheless, the signs of
global regime change are everywhere.
Let us look at some of the signs in both the corporate propaganda media and
behind the scenes.
The case of
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the former head
the IMF, is one. On the surface, he was
arrested and deposed for allegedly raping a maid. Under the surface, DSK has
been released because he has begun to cooperate with the White Dragon
Society and reveal the secrets of the criminal cabal that illegally seized
control of global finance.
Another case is
Rupert Murdoch. On the surface, Murdoch
is under attack for a scandal involving listening in on mobile phone calls.
This is simply a pretext because such mobile listening scandals have emerged
in the past and never had such repercussions. The truth is that Murdoch is
breaking away from the five person cabal that controlled the
corporate media information flow. He is
threatening to reveal a lot more if he continues to be persecuted.
The White Dragon Society offers him protection
if he is willing to start using his media empire to report the unvarnished
truth about things like
9-11 without worrying about any power
group, including the WDS.
The other big split that is obvious is that between the British and Roman
empires. When
George Bush Jr.
and Tony Blair went to
the Vatican offering to convert to
Catholicism, they were seeking the protection of a Roman Godfather.
This did not stop the British powers from
revealing Blair was complicit in agreeing to the criminal invasion of Iraq
and the mass murder of its citizens. Retaliation came a while later with
wide publicity in such propaganda organs as the Association Press about
the alleged murder of Princess Diana by the
British Royal family.
There will be many more revelations as the old power cabal continues to
unravel and competing factions begin to reveal each other’s scandals.
A lot of people were paying close attention to the fake debate over the US
budget but those with inside knowledge ignored this annual farce because
they knew it was irrelevant. The fact of the matter is the US corporation
needs to borrow close to $2 trillion every year from
foreigners to keep going and they are not getting it.
They are only getting to kick the can down the
road a bit longer while the new system gets ready.
Last week a group linked to Dick Cheney,
Kissinger and fellow cabalists tried to cash some megabonds
through the White Dragon society. They were told no. They issued threats,
they received counter-threats.
Their flunkies in Japan, meanwhile, are in deep trouble. Former Prime
Minister and Bush slave Junichiro Koizumi has gone into hiding in
North Korea for the past month. The Inagawa crime syndicate, which displays
a picture of their boss meeting Bush Senior at their headquarters, has
finally realized they were being fooled and used.
Some police officials who work for the Washington criminal cabal are still
trying to make mischief but they have lost any public pretense of being on
the side of justice and their days are numbered.
Former Prime Minister Nakasone has begun to keep a low profile.
The Rockefeller crime syndicate is no
longer welcome in Japan.
Despite all of these changes under the surface, the fact remains the public
news being given to the brainwashed Western world is still mostly cabal
propaganda. A visit to Canada revealed that brainwashed intellectuals were
confused about contradictions in the official propaganda line about places
like Afghanistan and Libya but they were still far from understanding the
truth about the criminal nature of their government.
In the “news,” UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon was given a new term
as head of the UN despite the fact that the people of the planet did not
choose him for the job.
As a result,
the general theme and direction of the
planet remains one of unrestrained corporate profiteering
huge income gaps between the rich and
the poor
endless criminal wars and a daily deluge
of corporate lies being fed to the people
When will the
White Dragon Society take action? many
continue to ask.
The answer to this remains that painful though
the situation is; some secret negotiations are still needed to prevent a
nuclear holocaust. In specific, the Israeli government and its 200 or so
nukes needs to be dealt with.
The Jewish people need to renounce the gangsters
who have seized power in Israel. The criminal cabal
in Washington D.C.
also needs to understand the inevitable.
Big changes on these fronts are expected this