by Benjamin Fulford
October 11, 2011
Kauilapele Website
When the Asians decided to wage financial war against the criminal cabal
that has taken over the West and was plotting unprecedented genocide, the
cabalists were warned that it would just be a matter of time before they
faced lynch mobs in their own countries.
That time is fast approaching.
The non-stop protests against the cabalists in
the U.S. and the impending doom of the Euro are just the visible part of a
global movement to remove these parasitic scum from the body politic of the
West. The invisible part involves control of codes and high tech “black
screens,” that are used to manage the international financial system.
Here multiple sources say that bank accounts
meant for the use of humanity as a whole but taken over by private interests
will be seized. As a part of this move, the control of the U.S. dollar will
be taken away from the privately owned
Washington D.C. Corporation and moved to
Switzerland. There it will be managed by the nations of the earth.
Given these circumstances, the United States
would be well advised to create a new greenback for their own use.
The latest twist in this financial war is the news that David Eisenhower,
the son of president Eisenhower, has been a key front man for the cabal
within the Bank of International Settlements.
Eisenhower has illegally placed 10 Kennedy bonds he does not own into
something known as a “trading program.”
“Trading programs” are an esoteric financial
scam set up by
Henry Kissinger. They basically are
fake “mirror accounts” of real funds that are used to recycle public money
into private hands. The private individuals accessing money this way have no
legal right to it. Thus Eisenhower is using bonds issued in the name of the
U.S. government for private purposes even though he has no legal right to do
Another word for such activity is fraud.
Through these “programs,” money that was meant to be used for humanity as a
whole was thus instead hijacked by private interests such as the Rothschilds,
the Bushes etc.
The people in on this scam include
the Clintons,
Obamas, Alan Greenspan and the other usual suspects.
The nations of the world have now been notified about this scam. One
consequence of this is that the government of Ireland has been asking
bankers who are trying to force the Irish to pay huge amounts of “debt,” to
prove the bankers had the legal right to create this debt in the first
place. They do not.
Greece is now contemplating a similar move. This same legal maneuver would
eliminate much of the U.S. private and public debt as well.
Legal action against these high level fraudsters may begin late this week or
early next week. At stake in one lawsuit is control of funds worth $371
trillion. This money was pooled after World War 2 by the non-aligned nations
and meant to be spent on the development of Africa and Asia but was instead
hijacked by the above-mentioned gangsters.
The Rothschilds have already contacted the
White Dragon Society and are suing for peace. A WDS representative has been
repeatedly invited to Geneva to meet with Rothschild family leaders to work
out a deal. So far, no meeting has been agreed to.
Japanese power brokers under Rockefeller/Bush proxy former Prime Minister
Yasuhiro Nakasone have also contacted the WDS and are trying to make a
deal via the head of one of Japan’s public security agencies.
The White Dragon Society is no longer in a position to make a deal with
these people. The situation is now being handled by various national police
and security agencies. That means a lot of people who might have earlier
been able to get away with appearing before a South African style truth and
reconciliation committee will instead end up in jail. That is unless the
mobs get them first.
The exposure of this high level financial crime will fundamentally change
how the planet is run. The flow of money will used for the development of
the planet instead of the enrichment of oligarchs.
The IMF no longer has money because they no longer have permission to access
the pooled funds of the nations of the world. In fact, any treaty rights
they had expired in 1994 and were not renewed.
Since the IMF no longer has access to most of the world’s pooled money, they
will no longer be able to subject nations to their brutal and destructive
“structural adjustment programs.”
Instead, existing global agencies like,
...will either be abolished or revamped. Some
new agencies may also appear.
A Russian contact has told the WDS they now support their proposal for an
international economic planning agency. The U.S. agency and pentagon
patriots have also given qualified support to this proposal. So have the
Japanese and other national authorities.
This yet to be created agency is now expected to get initial funding of $11
trillion to use to finance a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental
destruction. It will be meritocratically staffed and open to full media
Victory for humanity is close at hand.