by Benjamin Fulford
May 28, 2012
EClinik Website
Deutsch version
The final showdown in the ongoing financial war
is appearing imminent.
The 140 nation
BRICS alliance is preparing to
offer to buy up all cash US dollars and replace them with a new currency
backed by a basket of commodities, including precious metals, according to
multiple sources. After that move, any money printed by the US
Federal Reserve
Board crime syndicate would not be accepted as currency by the 140
nation group.
This would force an end game for the criminal
cabal that illegally seized power in the United States. Before that move,
though, there will be a 5-day bank holiday in Europe followed by the end of
the Euro and the re-introduction of old national currencies like the
Deutschemark and the Drachma,
Rothschild family sources say.
The situation, however, remains highly volatile and there are signs of
dangerous end-game maneuvers by the cabal.
In Japan, the attempt by the cabal controlled media to create panic over the
nuclear terrorism
at Fukushima, is being accompanied by
renewed threats of nuclear terror. The deep sea drilling ship
Chikyu Maru has been spotted off the shore
of the Rokkasho Mura nuclear complex in Aomori Prefecture Japan, according
to Japanese military intelligence.
The ship is crewed by Americans and brainwashed
Japanese slaves.
Rokkasho Mura is the location of a giant plutonium processing complex that
has already produced enough plutonium to manufacture 5000 nuclear weapons.
Sending the Chikyu Maru to drill tactical nuclear warheads into the seabed
off the shore of Rokkasho Mura is a cabal attempt to blackmail the planet
with a nuclear holocaust.
Shoichiro Kobayashi, adviser to Kansai Electric Power, and Yoshiyasu
Sato, adviser to Tokyo Electric Power and both members of the Rothschild
crime syndicate’s
Trilateral Commission will be taken in for
vigorous questioning about their knowledge of this renewed terror threat.
They are expected to sing like canaries and
point their fingers directly at the Rockefeller gangsters behind these
latest terror threats.
Message to
the Rockefeller family:
Remove David, David Junior, Nicholas and J.
from all responsibility and hand over control of the Rockefeller
syndicate to the female members of that family. If you do not, every
single descendant of John Rockefeller will be hunted down and eliminated
from all levels of existence forever.
While we are at it, we would also like to
kindly request that
the DuPont family remove all carcinogens
and infertility causing chemicals from their product lines in Japan and
Sources in the Japanese underworld are also now reporting that the Inagawa
Kai and Yamaguchi Gumi yakuza gangs are split between those who are still
working for the
Committee of 300 and those who want to
restore Japanese independence.
The talk is that top Committee of 300 traitor
slaves Yasuhiro Nakasone and Junichiro Koizumi are headed for
punishment from heaven.
Question for Nakasone:
“What was in all those blue boxes your
people loaded into a submarine and sent to your North Korean homeland?”
Was it documentary evidence of your crimes or
were you sending Japanese plutonium to North Korea?
The other people on the crime list in Japan are Hisashi Owada from
the International Court of Justice and Eiji Katsu from the Ministry
of Finance. Owada’s daughter, Princess Masako, recently tried to poison the
Japanese Emperor, according to families inside the Royal Household Agency.
The Emperor recently returned from England where he discussed the White
Dragon Society, among other subjects, with the Queen. A representative of
the emperor asked for a meeting with a representative of the White Dragon
Society on May 26th, but the between was abruptly postponed by
the Emperor’s side. We do not know why.
We trust the Emperor and the Queen agreed to purge the Satanists from the
Committee of 300 and support a massive campaign to end poverty and stop
environmental destruction. Hand written letters will be delivered to both
parties requesting support for such a campaign and requesting their
voluntary appearance before a truth and reconciliation committee.
Returning to the situation in Europe, we notice most of the reporting about
the “financial crisis,” there leaves out the elephant in the living room,
i.e. the 140 nation BRICS alliance.
The link to the following map explains the real reason for the crisis:

Cumulative Current Account
Balance 1980–2008 (US$ Billions)
based on the
International Monetary Fund data
Basically, Europe has maxed out its credit card
with the rest of the world.
The region as a whole needs to negotiate a
restructuring of its debt to the rest of the world. The rest of the world is
asking for an end to ceaseless warmongering in return. The only European
country other than Germany that has enough money to solve the crisis without
reference of the rest of the world is Russia. Give Putin a call.
Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, the longest serving Finance
Minister in the G8 and a direct participant in the financial negotiations of
the past few years,
explains the situation very clearly.
Basically, he is saying the Europeans need to take their medicine just like
all other countries that went to the IMF for money in the past had to.
firing of the head of the Vatican bank last
week and the turmoil in
the Vatican are more signs of the end of an
era in Europe. The situation in the US is also coming to a head.
A very
senior US agency source asked that the following information be spread far
and wide:
President Obama’s social security number 042-68-4425 belonged to a
Paul Ludwig born in 1890. Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham,
worked in a probate office in Hawaii where she had access to social security
numbers of deceased individuals.
Because Ludwig never received Social Security
Benefits, there were no benefits to stop, therefore no questions were ever
Dunham, knowing her grandson was not a US citizen, because he was born in
Kenya and became a citizen of Indonesia upon his adoption, she scoured the
probate records until she found someone who died who was not getting
benefits and selected Mr. Ludwig’s for Obama, the agency official explained.
Detailed, indictable criminal evidence against
Kissinger was also provided by sources in Indonesia.
Basically, Kissinger was involved in the murder
of 14,000 Indonesians in Papua New Guinea to facilitate gold mining by
Freeport, a company Kissinger advises. Kissinger gets $500,000 a year from
them as a board member and gets another $500,000 in consulting fees.
In any case once the corporate government of the US is put out of business,
the Renminbi will become the currency of the world.
The date given by two
insiders for this event is September 16th. We again remind readers that
dates have come and gone without predictions turning true so please remain
skeptical and only believe 100% when you actually see it happen.
However, it is true that China has been systematically buying up all natural
products like trees, copper, farmland or anything tangible to back a reality
based currency.
The Eurozone Should Sort Out...
Its Own Mess
by Jim Flaherty
May 3, 2012
DepartmentOfFinanceCanada Website
The International Monetary Fund
is not there to give special treatment to
which is now endangering the world.
Jim Flaherty is Canada’s
minister of finance and the longest-serving finance minister in the
The following guest column by the
Honorable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, first appeared in the
May 1 online edition of The Daily Telegraph.
In it, Minister Flaherty calls on
Eurozone nations to act quickly and decisively to address the
European debt crisis, and urges IMF resources to be used fairly. |
At the meeting of the
International Monetary Fund recently, Canada decided
against contributing more resources to support the Eurozone.
We also argued that all countries borrowing from
the IMF should be treated equally. We took these positions because we
believe they are in the best interests of the Eurozone, of the IMF, and of
the international community.
We have always supported the IMF’s important systemic role in promoting
economic stability by providing loans to countries that have exhausted their
domestic options, and placing these countries on a path to sustainability
through time-limited interventions. But it is not the IMF’s role to
substitute for national governments.
In order for any IMF action in Europe to be successful, a sense of direction
and a comprehensive blueprint to return to sustainability are necessary.
The question of sustainability cannot be
separated from that of the future of the European monetary union. As such,
its members should take the lead in defining a comprehensive and credible
This requires more than incrementalism and
wishful thinking.
Europe has taken important steps in this
direction with the fiscal compact, with economic and fiscal reforms in Italy
and Spain, with an enhanced firewall, and with the recent actions of the
European Central Bank to provide liquidity support. However, more is needed
to return the Eurozone to sustainability and to address the systemic
internal imbalances that threaten the monetary union.
Since 2008, and throughout the European debt crisis, I have been telling my
international counterparts that it is important to overwhelm the problem and
get ahead of the markets. This is what the United States did in 2008, and it
is what Canada did in 2009 by deploying a fiscal stimulus of roughly 4 per
cent of GDP over two years in response to a crisis originating outside our
These bold actions paid off.
Rating agencies
have reaffirmed Canada’s strong AAA credit rating, and we are now on track
to return to balanced budgets over the medium term. By contrast, actions
taken by the Eurozone have fallen short of overwhelming the problem.
The “muddle through” approach has led to an
erosion of confidence in public leadership and too many missed
Ultimately, the adequacy of the actions taken will be judged by the markets.
Repeated expressions of confidence by politicians are futile if the markets
continue to cast their vote of non-confidence. The markets’ confidence in
political leadership will only be restored when it is clear that politicians
are willing to see the full scope of the problem, to focus on the key issues
instead of pursuing sideshows such as the financial transactions tax, and to
set out and implement a plan for tackling these issues.
The European debt crisis also raises a question of resources. The Eurozone
has sufficient resources to tackle its sovereign debt crisis, but there is
an unwillingness to commit them to tackle the problem. In these
circumstances, IMF loans are not an adequate substitute for a serious
commitment by Eurozone countries to resolve this crisis.
We cannot avoid the question of fairness. Eurozone members benefit from
increased exports and price stability. Spreading the risks of the Eurozone
around the world, while its benefits accrue primarily to its members, is not
the way to resolve this crisis. We cannot expect non-European countries,
whose citizens in many cases have a much lower standard of living, to save
the Eurozone.
Further, the IMF, with roughly $400 billion,
already has adequate resources to deal with imminent needs.
The manner in which the IMF provides support must also be fair. It has been
very successful at resolving crises using its trusted model of time-limited
lending agreements, with strict conditions imposed on the borrowing country.
This is why I believe that all countries
borrowing from the IMF should be treated the same. Canada’s position is that
conditionality should be determined exclusively by the IMF, and not by the
“Troika” of the IMF plus the European Central Bank and the European
If the Eurozone is seeking assistance, it should
not be setting the terms under which this assistance is provided.
Further, Europe controls 34 per cent of votes at the IMF. In that context,
the simple majority required for the fund to make an investment is a
relatively low threshold. Emerging markets play an increasingly important
role in global economic issues. Canada has been a leader in recognizing
changing international dynamics and advocating greater representation of
emerging markets at the IMF.
In this context, we believe that measures should
be taken to ensure that major decisions about resources dedicated to Europe
require more than a simple majority.
Canada believes in the Eurozone’s ability to solve this crisis. We also
believe in a strong and fair IMF where emerging economies can take their
appropriate seat at the table.
This is why we have decided not to provide
additional resources to the IMF for the Eurozone.