by Marco Torres
January 7, 2013
PreventDisease Website
Spanish version
Marco Torres is a research
specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He
holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a
professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention,
environmental toxins and health policy. |
The general definitions and terminology for illiteracy vary depending on
their orientation to specific subject areas.
Most people assume illiteracy pertains solely to
those with the inability to read or write simple sentences in any language.
However, those suffering from learning, cultural and scientific illiteracy
are a different group all together.
The coming generation of illiterate adults will
be those who cannot unlearn, deschool or deprogram themselves from
conventional thinking.
It will be those who cannot free themselves from
mainstream opinions and thought processes that require individuals to think
outside the box or get rid of the box entirely.
Conventional thinkers have many problems letting go of the perceived reality
they've set up for themselves to understand the world, regardless of its
harm to themselves or others.
We can no longer cast blame on controlling
mechanisms in institutions or corporate culture which dictate our behavior
on a daily basis. At some point, we must realize that every person is
responsible for their own awareness regardless of what they have been taught
by others.
...only accounts for about 20% of a person's success and that percentage is
only decreasing every year.
By far the majority of a person's success is
attributable to,
emotional intelligence
ability to foster
Trumping general intelligence, previous academic
achievement and personality, hope "uniquely predicts objective academic
achievement," showed a three-year longitudinal study out of the University
of Manchester.

Those with higher degrees of emotional intelligence have strong filters to
the everyday brainwashing which is designed to indoctrinate weak minds.
are not as susceptible to,
They have a greater capacity to think for
themselves because they think more with their hearts and not their minds.
The True Meaning of
Education is not just the means of making you a degree holder; it is the
gateway to the art of living.
You can be culturally and socially illiterate
about the world with the inability to think for yourself, yet still have a
degree. Real education enables you to think, to discover the principles of
life, and to correctly evaluate your experiences.
Education gives you the ability to know the
difference between the achievable for the good of humanity as opposed to the
achievable for malevolent masters whose only desire is power and greed.
Education empowers your strengths and allows you to excel in all the right
areas that embrace your uniqueness.
Illiteracy in the coming decades will be restricted to those who have
confined, robotic minds.
To those who:
cannot detach from the medical mindset
which insists on injecting infants with vaccines or prescribing
medications for every problem labeled as a disease
feel they must obey every law issued by
government no matter how ridiculous or contrary to logical reasoning
or destructive to human nature
feel a federally or centrally governed
nation maintains or advances human societies
think government intrusion in our
natural world is normal
think our elected leaders always have
our best interests at heart
think voting is actually part of the
effective democratic process of an elected leader
feel it's ok for our politicians to
legislate to ban all weapons from the public, yet feel it's
perfectly fine to bomb other countries into oblivion
still believe that the safety of a
nation trumps free will and the freedom of choice
see genetically modified foods and our
toxic food industry as a reasonable element in sustainable health
see limitations everywhere, from earth's
resources to the potential and strength of humanity
These are the confined minds who can't think
outside the box they are in.
They are so stuck in that box, that it takes a
profound event to shake their reality so that they can at least see they're
inside a box.
They will be the illiterate who we must help reprogram if they are to ever
survive the coming age. The visionaries and game changers of our world don't
even think inside or outside the box... they simply throw out the box and
revolutionize the way we think about ourselves and our planet.
In 2011, a brilliant comment from an elementary school student hit home just
as facilitators were gathering opinions and impressions about education.
Commenting on what she thought about education
and how it could be modified to teach children better, 11 year-old Julia
Williams from a Grade 6 class said:
"I don't like school because they take
everything I'm good at and tell me I can't do it anymore. I just want to
once be able to do the things I'm good at like drawing and writing
I want to do it all day because I can think
better than when I do stuff like math. Shouldn't I be able to really
like or even love what I do when I come here. They should help kids do
what they know how to do best and I think the rest...
I mean all the other subjects will just work
out, and if they don't, well... then they're just not that important."
Deprogramming and
Deschooling Children
For future generations to learn what society has become, why we have the
problems we do in the world, and why adults never progress beyond many of
their mistakes, it will be necessary to move out of the current educational
paradigm and into a new one.
This will involve a systematic
deprogramming and deschooling of all
children in developed nations.
In a sense children are psychologically conditioned to fail and lose hope.
Fear of failure breeds inaction and hopelessness. It's a vicious cycle. When
children lack hope, they will fear failure. When they fear failure, they
will never act. They then take this formula with them and apply it in all
instances of their lives.
The result is that they never develop a positive
mindset to hope for the best and that determines their reality.
Only the strongest children who are empowered by
their parents can break free from this slave mindset so prevalent in
educational institutions.
Deschooling takes children out of
schools, but, unlike a lot of home-school approaches, it doesn't
import the classroom into the home. It does away altogether with
educational clutter such as curricula and grades.
Deschoolers maintain that a child's
learning should be curiosity-driven rather than dictated by teachers
and textbooks, and that forcing kids to adhere to curricula quashes
their natural inclination to explore and ask questions.
Deschooled children can organize their
knowledge in free and better ways. They never need to feel they are
through learning, or past the point that they can begin something
new. Each thing they discover can be useful eventually.
If we help provide them with
ever-changing opportunities to see, hear, smell, taste, feel, move
and discuss, what they know will exceed in breadth and depth what
any school's curriculum would have covered.
It won't be the same set of materials -
it will be clearer and larger but different.
It is the deschooled generation who will have
the least chances of illiteracy in the future.
They will have expanded minds, embracing
concepts that are impossible for limited minds to comprehend. They are our
future leaders and visionaries who will pave the path for a new species of
humans and a home which we will call the new earth.
And it's coming soon...