Bill Gates: Math = 'White
Bill Gates tacitly Admits his
'Common Core Experiment' was a Failure
Billionaires Unite!... Against
Public Education and Teachers
Billionaire Tech Moguls intend to
Remake America's Schools
College Conspiracy
Common Core and United Nations
Agenda 21
- Mass Producing Green
Global Serfs
Common Core - A Scheme to Rewrite
Español |
- ¿De
Que Sirve La Educación?
Education and the Dismantling of
the Mind
Education in The New Age
- Interview With Benjamin Creme
Español |
El Colegio como Castración Mental
- Los Nefastos Efectos de la Escolarización en el
Desarrollo de los Niños
Español |
El Elemento
Español |
El Sistema Educativo como
Herramienta de Control del Pensamiento
Español |
Esta Educación le está Robando a
la Gente su Conciencia, su Tiempo y su Vida
Global Censorship - United Nations
Education Agency launches War on 'Conspiracy Theories' |
Global Education 2000 - from "Trans-Formation
Of America"
Global Schooling - The Reeducation Of
Español |
Historia de la Educación
Obligatoria - Sistema de Adoctrinamiento
Corporations Like Monsanto Have Hijacked Higher
How The Order Controls Education
- from "America's Secret Establishment - An Introduction
to The Order...
Italiano |
Il Sistema Educativo come
Strumento di Controllo del Pensiero
Español |
La "Crisis de la Democracia" y el
Ataque a la Educación
Español |
La Deliberada
Estupidización del Mundo
- Entrevista a Charlotte Iserbyt
Español |
La Extensión Artificial de la
Infancia - La Educación Escolar
Italiano |
Español |
Los Horrores de la Educación
Mainstream Media Finally
Acknowledging College Bubble
National Socialism and The
Globalization of Education
- "Object
Based Education" Promotes NWO in The Schools
Español |
Porqué Millones de Niños ya No Ven
ningún Propósito en ir a la Escuela
Research Suggests that We are All
Geniuses until We enter the School System
Seven Things they Never Told Me at
School - But Could Have
Facts that Prove that College Education in America is A
Giant Money Making Scam
Español |
Sistema de Adoctrinamiento -
Historia de la Educación Obligatoria
Español |
Sobre el Embrutecimiento Colectivo
de Nuestra Sociedad en la Era Digital
Study Shows Kids are Born Creative
Geniuses but the Education System Destroys Imagination
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of
- A Whistleblower's Account
The Horrors of Public Education
- How The Public Education System is Rigged to Turn
Individuals Into...
The Militarization of Education in
The Truth About the School System
in a Two Minute Video
Español |
Una Investigación sugiere que
Todos somos Genios hasta Entrar en el Sistema Escolar
Italiano |
Una Ricerca afferma che Tutti
siamo dei Geni fino a che non entriamo nel Sistema
United Nations "Education for All" - The Elite
Mono-Minding Global Plans for All Children
Español |
Vivimos en la Era de la Ignorancia...
Why Millions of Kids Don't See Any
Purpose in Going to School Anymore
Additional Information |
Academic Oligarchy - Majority of
Science Publishing is Controlled by Just Six Companies
Español |
Así es cómo Consiguen los Hijos de
la Élite que los Contraten en Trabajos de Élite
Bill Gates, TED, and
College Bubble Set to Burst in
Control 101 - Creating Consensus
Don't Seek Education, Seek
Italiano |
come Riescono i Figli dell'Elite a farsi Assumere nei Lavori
Education After The Collapse
Education After The Collapse
- A Journey Back
Español |
El Problema Inherente con la 'Educación'
por los Medios de Comunicación y cómo esto Mantiene al
How Ideas Become Contagious Online
Italiano |
Il Giappone rende ufficiale il
Sistema che forgia Elites di Esseri Umani - Nuovo
Sistema Educativo
Is Science Only for The
Español |
Japón formaliza el Sistema
forjando Seres Humanos Élites - Nuevo Sistema Educativo
Español |
La Edad de la Transición y del
Cientificismo Fraudulento
Español |
La Filosofía se ha Rendido al
Sistema - Debe aportar algo de Pasión para Sanar a esta
Sociedad Enferma
Español |
La Infantilización de la Cultura Occidental
Español |
Las Universidades del Capitalismo
y el Imperio - Entrevista a James
Español |
La Teoría Psique-Genética - Unión
de Alma y Cuerpo |
Español |
Los Niños Más Empoderados en El
Futuro Serán los Desprogramados y Desescolarizados
Italiano |
Non Studierai Mai a Harvard anche
se tuo Padre può Pagare
Español |
Nunca Estudiarás en Harvard aunque
tu Padre pueda Pagarlo
Oxford University
- The Illuminati Breeding Ground
Paying to Be Programmed - The
Student Loan Conspiracy |
Español |
Pedagogía del Oprimido
of The Oppressed
Political Correctness or Political
- New York City Schools
Ban Words and Topics From Tests
Sensitivity International
- Network for World Control
The Age of Transition and
Scientism Fraud
The Ambitions of Bill and Melinda
Gates - Controlling Population and Public Education
The Ascendancy of The Scientific
The Behavioral Science Teacher
Education Project
The Black Book of The Bologna
The CBDC Indoctrination has Begun
The Class Pay Gap in Higher
Professional and Managerial Occupations
The Inherent Problem with
Mainstream 'Education' and How it Keeps the World Stuck
The Killing of Science -
Spread Elimination of Scientists Worldwide
- Main File
Obsession With Controlling Speech Is Soaring to
Unbelievable Heights
Oligopoly of Academic Publishers in the Digital Era
The Perversion of Scholarship
The Psyche-Genetic Theory - Union
of Soul and Body
The Rockefeller Plan
Español |
Una Sociedad Adolescente
y lo "Políticamente Correcto"
- ¿Y si Clint Eastwood
Tuviera Razón?
Italiano |
Una Società Adolescente e
il "Politicamente Corretto"
- E se Clint Eastwood Avesse Ragione?
What Increases Your Learning
Why is 'The West' so Weak and
Russia so Strong?
Alternative Education |
Español |
Aquellos Que se Niegan a
Desaprender, Descolarizarse y Desprogramarse, Serán Los
Italiano |
Coloro Che Si Rifiutano di
Disimparare, Descolarizzarsi e Deprogrammarsi, Saranno
Gli Analfabeti...
Decentralizing Education - How
Startups Are Dismantling The University
Español |
Educadores Hogareños Huyen de La
Persecución en Alemania y Suecia
Education of the Future?
Scientists Figure Out How to UPLOAD Knowledge to the
Español |
Enseñando a los Niños Cómo Pensar
en lugar de Qué Pensar
Español |
Está Creciendo el Movimiento de
Descolarización y de No-Escolarización
- The Future of Liberty
Teaching Children How to Think
Instead of What to Think
The Deschooling and Unschooling
Movement Is Growing
The Most Empowered Children of The
Future Will Be Deprogrammed and Deschooled
This is What Happens when
a Kid Leaves Traditional Education
Who Refuse to Unlearn, Deschool and Deprogram, Will Be
This Generation's Illiterate
Hackschooling Makes Me Happy
- 13 Years Old Logan LaPlante at TED x University of
Niño de Trece Años Deja la Escuela
y Diseña su Propio Sistema Educativo
Books-Treatises |
Education in The New Age
- by
Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul
Español |
El Elemento
- por Ken Robinson
Español |
Historia Secreta del Sistema
- por John Taylor Gatto
Español |
La Mancha Humana
- por Philip Roth
Español |
Pedagogía del Oprimido
- por Paulo Freire
Pedagogy of The Oppressed
- by Paulo Freire
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of
- A Chronological Paper Trail
- by Charlotte
Thomson Iserbyt
Transatlantic Cooperation in
Vocational Education -
by Karl-Jurgen Wilbert and Bernard Eckgold
Multimedia |
de Demandar al Sistema Escolar...!
Cambiando Paradigmas en La
Changing Education Paradigms
Charlotte Iserbyt -
La Deliberada Estupidización del Mundo
College Conspiracy
Ho Appena Citato in
Giudizio il Sistema Scolastico...!
How Schools Kill Creativity - Ken Robinson
I Just Sued the School
La Educación Prohibida
La Herencia Universal
- La Educación Prohibida - Ater Tumti - Matías De
Las Escuelas Matan la Creatividad - Ken Robinson
Leading Education Scholar Diane
Los Nuevos Experimentos en
- Sugata Mitra
- ¿Sirven
de Algo los Actuales Títulos Universitarios?
Textbooks Are Wrong! - Does this
Explain What's Going On Today?
The Child-Driven Education
- Sugata Mitra
The Forbidden Education
Related Reports |
Lucis (Lucifer) Trust
- Main File
The Ultimate Delusion - The United
- Main File