January 17, 2012
YouTube Website
In an historic final interview, filmmaker and music promoter
Aaron Russo
goes in depth on the insider-knowledge given to him by a member of
Rockefeller family.
Russo was told - prior to 9/11 - of plans to stage
terror attacks, invade foreign nations, and kickstart a high-tech police
state control grid that would track the populations' every move with
implantable RFID microchips.
This information-packed presentation is filled with never-before seen
footage. Throughout the film, Alex Jones breaks down the latest activities
of the New World Order and how it ties into what Russo predicted.
Aaron explains how
the elite created the women's liberation movement to
break up the family and tax working women. Russo breaks down the deception
of democracy - which is nothing more than mob rule guaranteed to produce
Russo also exposes the IRS and
The Federal Reserve. He blasts the unconstitutional
and predatory institutions that have crippled the American Republic and
crushed the people with bogus taxes, inflation and loss of privacy. Russo
explains that he himself was persecuted in the late 80s by a criminal
'retroactive' tax scheme that attempted to levy new taxes on years already
As night falls on the Republic, Aaron Russo delivers a powerful call for the
forces of liberty to rise and crush tyranny.
Only then can the Republic be
Reflexiones y Adventencias - Una Entrevista con Aaron
Subtitulado en Español
February 2007
Russo habla en concreto sobre una discusión mantenida
entre Nicholas Rockfeller (curiosamente
ausente en
Wikipedia pero miembro del
Council on Foreign Relations,
abogado de empresa californiana y apóstol del
y él mismo, 11 meses ANTES de los atentados del
11 de
Septiembre de 2001, explicando, entre otras cosas, los
propósitos que tenía Rockfeller.
Aaron Russo murió el 21 de Agosto del 2007 de una larga
enfermedad (cáncer de vejiga),
meses después de realizar esta entrevista.
Es un testimonio directo de una persona con
responsabilidad política y que da que pensar.
See also, "America
- Freedom to Fascism / De La Libertad Americana al Fascismo".