by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
February 14, 2011
NaturalNews Website
In an
article posted on January 3 of this
year, it was predicted a rise in food prices resulting from freak
weather events.
Here's what the article said:
By the end of
2012, I predict
significant food supply disruptions in North America, brought
about either by radical weather affecting crop yields or perhaps
the invasion of disease indirectly caused by the over-use of
pesticides or GMOs.
The number of people in America
struggling to feed themselves and their families will rise along
with food prices...
Expect to see food prices climb with
alarming speed over the next two years. While food won't
disappear, it will become significantly more expensive, causing
more people to shift to subsidized foods (corn, sugar, etc.)
which also happen to be some of the worst foods for your health.
Now there's news from Mexico that the
fresh produce normally shipped to U.S. grocery stores has been
largely destroyed by the freak cold weather snap that struck the
continental United States over the past 10 days.
As a result, prices on cucumbers,
zucchini, peppers, tomatoes and asparagus are set to double or
triple starting right now. Even worse, it looks like the supply of
many of these items will be completely wiped out. You won't be able
to buy them, in other words, at any price!
This is the fallout from the worst freeze event recorded in North
America in 60 years. It has affected not just Northern Mexico, but
also much of the U.S. Southwest.
It also raises the question:
Is the food supply further
threatened by radical weather events?
A theory of what's
I'm not going to go into all the details here, but from what I've
been reading and researching about a number of seemingly-unrelated
events, some clues that might explain their commonality begin to
It all seems to lead to the theory that
this is all being caused by the weakening of the Earth's magnetic
field. The magnetic field is shifting, you see. It's in the process
of flipping, as it has done many times throughout Earth's history.
As explained on
Wikipedia :
"The Earth's magnetic north pole is
drifting from northern Canada towards Siberia with a presently
accelerating rate -- 10 km per year at the beginning of the 20th
century, up to 40 km per year in 2003, and since then has only
I recently wrote about how an airport in
Tampa, Florida recently had to renumber its runways to account for
unexpectedly rapid shifts in the Earth's
magnetic poles.
That same story discusses the theory of how the weakening
magnetosphere may have allowed high altitude sub-zero air carrying
toxic space clouds called
Noctilucent clouds to invade the lower
atmosphere, causing the sudden death of birds that we've been seeing
reported across the globe. (This theory, however, does not account
for the unexplained deaths of fish.)
The other side effect of this is the introduction of extremely cold
temperatures from high altitude (or low orbit) space clouds that
could be reaching into the lower atmosphere and spreading from the
North Pole down through areas that would normally never see such low
This may explain the "freak weather"
that's killing the produce and driving food prices through the roof.
How Earth's
magnetosphere impacts your dinner plate
Of course, it's all just a theory so far, but here's the theory in a
Weakening Earth's magnetic field (which is what happens during the
magnetic pole shift transition) causes extreme cold to break into
Earth's lower atmosphere, which causes freak cold weather events to
spread far and wide, which causes the destruction of food crops.
Theoretically, this could even lead to a rapid ice age taking over
the planet, almost like something out of a Hollywood movie. Such a
scenario would obviously be devastating to the human population
across the planet as billions would starve from a lack of food.
(That would no doubt fulfill
Bill Gates' mission of
reducing the world population,
eh? Who needs vaccines when you've got sub-zero space clouds?)
The Earth's
magnetosphere, you see, is a vital
protective force field that protects life on Earth. Without the
magnetosphere, we would not only be fried by cosmic radiation;
Earth's atmosphere would also be slowly blown away by the
solar wind, leaving Earth looking a
whole lot like Mars.
The magnetosphere is believed to be generated by the Earth's core.
As Wikipedia explains,
"The internal field of the Earth
(its "main field") appears to be generated in the Earth's core
by a dynamo process, associated with the circulation of liquid
metal in the core, driven by internal heat sources."
We know from studying lava flows of
basalt rock that the Earth's magnetic field has "flipped" many times
in the past.
Interestingly, a scientific study
published in the journal Nature (1994) and entitled "New
evidence for extraordinarily rapid change of the geomagnetic field
during a reversal" reveals that the Earth's magnetic
field has, in the past, shifted by as much as six degrees in just 24
At that pace, the magnetic poles would be completely reversed in
just 30 days.
A magnetic
flip isn't pretty
This NASA page shows an interesting picture of what happens during a
It explains:
"Magnetic lines of force near
Earth's surface become twisted and tangled, and magnetic poles
pop up in unaccustomed places.
A south magnetic pole might
emerge over Africa, for instance, or a north pole over Tahiti.
Weird. But it's still a planetary magnetic field, and it still
protects us from space radiation and solar storms."
This magnetic pole shift (or "magnetic
flip") could allow extreme cold to abruptly enter the lower
atmosphere, perhaps even reaching all the way down to the Earth's
surface. The magnetic field isn't "clean" and "smooth," you see.
Here's an image of the current magnetic
map of the planet (2007):

Notice how it has holes in it?
It's not completely smooth and uniform
as you might expect. In fact, magnetic "holes" can easily appear and
then disappear anywhere on the planet as the flows of metal in the
Earth's core shift around.
These holes can last anywhere from a few
minutes to a few decades, depending on what's happening in the
planet's core. During short-lived magnetic turbulence, a particular
region on the planet can "lose" its magnetic field (it's neither
North nor South but neutral).
This results in a magnetic "gap" that
creates a vulnerability.
The general consensus is that the
greater danger here is exposure to cosmic radiation, but there is
also the possibility that freezing cold space clouds may also be
influenced by the magnetosphere (or the gaps therein).
That may be some of what we just experienced over the last ten days,
in fact:
A taste of things yet to come if the magnetic field
continues to churn and drift.
Imagine a winter where even Mexico
freezes, and many areas of Canada maintain temperatures of minus 50
Again, this is just a theory of what could be happening. A
I don't have any scientific proof that the magnetic pole
shift is causing these freak cold weather events. But it's clearly
an area deserving exploration. Because if the cold weather events
get worse over the next few years, we could be looking at serious
disruptions in the food supply, the climate and Earth's ecosystems.
This isn't being caused by 'global warming,' either. Unless you
believe that global warming causes global cooling, of course. Instead, this is being caused by the movement of Earth's core.
Therein lies the bad news:
There's virtually nothing we can do about
If the Earth's core wants to shift, it's going to shift,
regardless of what you or I want it to do.
If that's what's happening, get out your garden seeds and your cold
weather greenhouses. It might be a good time to subscribe to your
local CSA and support their farming efforts, too. You'll need to
grow more food to help compensate for the global food failures
likely to be brought on by increasingly radical weather.
Get ready for some crazy summer monsoons in the months ahead, too. I
predict we're going to see some cataclysmic flooding in Southeast
Asia, followed by deadly droughts somewhere else on the planet.
Radical weather has a way of reminding
humankind that we're not so clever after all... and that we need the
planet for our survival, but the planet can survive just fine
without us around.