by Anders
15 February 2011
from Euro-Med Website
Famine is a ticking time bomb now.
starvation is increasing, so that today approximately 15% of the world's
population go to bed hungry. There are many explanations like climatic
changes not due to a non-existent global warming.
There is a growing suspicion that the U.S.' and
Russia's HAARP facilities are in play - as declared in the U.S. Airforce
study released in 1996, “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather
in 2025” - including using HAARP.
Additionally, particularly in Africa, widespread land purchase/leasing by
foreign states and private speculators (Rothschild, George Soros) abroad is
taking place, native farmers being displaced from their century-old family
farms - and the agricultural products are exported to the markets with the
highest prices and the landbuyers' countries.

bees are dying
because of virus or pesticides.
Although it has not yet reduced food production
significantly it is dangerous, because 1/3 of global food production depends
on pollination.
Moreover bleak outlook for the coming harvest and a weak
dollar raise food prices. Studies show that it is not production that is
causing problems so far. With the available technology, 9 billion people can
be fed, if technology is used. No, the problem is that food prices,
especially for wheat and corn, have doubled over the last 1/2 year.
This has led to rebellions in North Africa - and
Israel, too, is now seeing discontent in her population. So both there and
in the Arab countries, governments try to keep food prices down, what they
cannot afford for long.
With poor people, a strong sense of injustice done
by dictatorial governments is emerging - apparently
vigorously supported by
the USA/CIA and in Egypt by the
Muslim Brotherhood, too.
The U.S.
Council on
Foreign Relations puts it this way:
We need world government to control food
Henry Kissinger's old food weapon (1974).
But who is the real force behind the rising food prices?
The Rothschild Bank, Goldman Sachs, who helped
Greece out with large loans in return for its main sources of income + 300
million dollars to the bank so that Greece could join the euro on the sly,
had the brilliant idea to buy futures on huge quantities of wheat at 3 -6
dollars a bushel. And they continued to buy and prolong futures so that they
and their accomplices were sitting on 64% of wheat futures in the U.S.
They waited while the ensuing demand shock in
this artificial scarcity market raised the price to $ 25 per bushel.
Furthermore, they introduced “replication”:
They invested their thus acquired huge gains in
more wheat, where they can hold a quantity of wheat at e.g. $ 100 by only
investing $ 5. With the remaining $ 95 they can act similarly. These
ruthless illuminati have thus earned trillions of dollars on the world’s
poor being unable to afford to buy staple grains. They are believed to have
added a further 250 million to the number of the starving.
The Illuminati core are devout followers of the
Talmud, the book of the Pharisees, that calls on Jews to deceive and kill
Christians and other goyim - like the Koran, which owes much to the Talmud.
Therefore, these self-appointed rulers of the world together with their
bought stooges have an extensive depopulation program.
It is against this backdrop that famine has to
be seen - as well as being a means of personal enrichment, agitation and
revolutions, which,
“can only be stopped by a world government.”
The American Dream:
Global weather patterns have
gone haywire over the past 12 months, and this is putting immense pressure
on a global food system that was already on the verge of a major breakdown.
Food stockpiles all over the world are
disturbingly low. Right now a desperate scramble for food is beginning.
Prices for staples such as wheat, corn and soybeans are absolutely soaring,
and the UN is projecting that they will continue to rise rapidly throughout
According to the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, U.S. corn reserves will drop to a 15 year low by the
end of 2011
The United Nations says that the global
price of food hit another new all-time high in the month of January
The price of corn has doubled in the
past six months
The price of wheat has roughly doubled
since the middle of 2010
According to Forbes, the price of
soybeans is up about 50% since last June
The United Nations is projecting that
the global price of food will increase by another 30 percent by the
end of 2011
Due to all of the unprecedented
flooding, the winter wheat crop in Australia has been absolutely
This winter Brazil was hit by some of
the worst flooding that nation has ever seen. This has substantially
hampered food production in that country
Russia, one of the largest wheat
producers on the entire globe, is still feeling the effects of last
summer’s scorching temperatures. In fact, Russia is actually
importing wheat this winter to sustain its cattle herds
China is busy preparing for a “severe,
long-lasting drought” that is projected to have a huge impact on
several provinces. In fact, Chinese state media says that the
eastern province of Shandong is dealing with the worst drought it
has seen in 200 years
It appears that Chinese imports of corn
will be about 9 times larger than the U.S. Department of Agriculture
originally projected them to be for 2011
Approximately 1 billion people around
the world go to bed hungry each night.
Somewhere in the world someone starves
to death every 3.6 seconds, and 75 percent of those are children
under the age of five
As food has become increasingly scarce
around the world, many companies have started using whatever kinds
of “fillers” that they can think of in their “food” products.
For example, Raw Story is reporting that some
companies in China have actually been mass producing “fake rice” that is
made partly of plastic. According to one Chinese Restaurant Association
official, eating three bowls of this fake rice is the equivalent of
consuming an entire plastic bag.
Ellen Brown,
Kopp Verlag 8, Febr. 2011:
According to the Associated Press about
40 per cent of people in Egypt live at the the World Bank defined
poverty limit of less than two dollars a day.
According to estimates by analysts, the
inflation of food prices in Egypt is currently at an unsustainable
17 percent a year.
In poorer countries, people have to
spend 60 to 80 percent of their income on food, as compared with in
only 10 to 20 percent in developed countries.
If the price of a gallon (about four
liters) of milk or a loaf of bread for the Americans goes up by
about a dollar, then such an increase for people in Egypt and other
countries means starvation.
Consequences of the
developing famine
Time and again it has been postulated
that the North African revolutions are due to high food prices and
ANSAmed 10 Febr. 2011: Faced with
growing popular discontent over rises in the cost of living and with
a general strike on the horizon, Israel’s Premier Benyamin Netanyahu
has today announced measures to soften the impact of price increases
on low and medium-income households. The cost of living and of
purchasing power, have been seriously hit over past months by price
increases of 10% (for bread) to as much as 134% (for water) .

ANSAmed 7 Febr. 2011:The governors of
the Arab countries have started to launch several measures in an
attempt to absorb the anger of the people. For example, they have
increased their expenditure to contain energy and food prices. The
leaders have little room for manoeuvre due to the deficit of the
national budgets and the negative forecasts on the Arab markets.
The Council on Foreign Relations 4 Febr.
2011: Food prices are skyrocketing across the world, and last month,
they peaked to the highest levels since the UN’s Food and
Agriculture Organization began indexing them in 1990. In the Middle
East, wheat prices are playing a role in the ongoing unrest,
particularly in Egypt, the world’s largest wheat importer.
Garrett, CFR’s senior fellow for global health, says the rising
prices of staple grains in the region are adding to a “real sense of
anger and injustice.” The food price crisis, she says, is “a
destabilizing moment in terms of global governance“.
In early 2008,
key rice-producing countries, particularly in Southeast Asia,
[decided] to hoard their supplies, not share in the global
So, 1 bn People, i.e.
15% of mankind, is starving. Why are food prices increasing drastically?
Above climate is said to be
putting immense pressure on a global food system that was already on
the verge of a major breakdown.
Drought in China and Russia,
flooding in Australia as many times before - not due to
global warming and here - but it may be due to
HAARP weapon activity, as maintained by Russian scientists, while China
accused the US of causing a big HAARP earthquake in China.
In fact,
the US Airforce has issued a study, “Weather as a Force Multiplier:
Owning the Weather in 2025” - by means of HAARP.
This is what
Press 21 Jan. 2011 writes:
below video shows how the sky looked over Sichuan for 30 min. before the
great earthquake there in 2008 - an electromagnetic phenomenon, which
may also emanate from the ground.
In Mexico 80-100 % of rice and
vegetable crops have been lost due to big freeze - making prices
skyrocket, also in the US.
Farmland speculation
As previously
described on this blog extensive expropriation of farmland abroad by
states like Libya, China, Saudi Arabia etc. as well as by
speculators like the Rothschilds and their agent,
George Soros, is
taking place
Bees are dying
Almost a
third of global farm output depends on animal pollination, largely
by honey bees (The Telegraph 6 Febr. 2011). The agri-business lender Rabobank said the numbers of US bee colonies failing to survive each
winter has risen to 30% to 35% from an historical norm of 10%.
The rate is 20% or higher in much of Europe, and the same pattern
is emerging in Latin America and Asia. It is unknown whether this is
due to a virus or pesticides. So far agricultural production has not
been severely affected.
Worsening of the outlook for crops in
key producing countries -
FAO Nov. 2010
Another leading factor has
been the weakening of the United States Dollar (US Dollar) from
mid-September, which continues to sustain the prices of nearly all
agricultural and non-agricultural traded commodities. As FAO's
graphs show, the problem is not decreasing production - but
increasing prices.
The psychological
The Council on Foreign relations 31 Jan. 2011:
politicians simply embrace the efficiency of the market, public
feelings of injustice may cause more trouble than the volatile price
of food itself. For the most part, the planet’s 700 million-900
million hungry people have suffered in silence.”
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the managing director of
International Monetary Fund, warned of mass starvation and other “dire
consequences” if food prices were allowed to rise too high:
“As we know... those kinds of questions
sometimes end in war.”
Moral outrage is a common theme in the history
of food riots.
How Goldman Sachs'/
Rothschild's irresponsible speculations drove wheat prices up by 500%
Ellen Brown,
Kopp Verlag 8, Febr. 2011:
In a revealing article in Harper’s
Magazine from July 2010, Frederick Kaufman wrote in an article:
“The food bubble: How Wall Street was able
to unpunished drive Millions into starvation”
“In the year 1991 Goldman Sachs decided that
our daily bread presented an excellent investment…
Kaufman declared this innovation on 16 July in
an interview on the U.S. radio program Democracy Now:
With Goldman… the idea of the Commodity
Index Fund was born, so they were actually able to accumulate
tremendous amounts of cash for themselves… Instead of buy or sell
orders, they simply began a. to buy, buy, buy wheat and to prolong
futures into new futures. They accumulated this unprecedented
mountain of long futures for wheat.
This accumulation led to b. a
“demand shock” in the markets… In this case, Goldman and other banks
had created this completely artificial demand for wheat, which drove
prices up. Hard Red wheat is normally traded at 3 to 6 dollars per
bushel. The price rose to 25 dollars a bushel… Paradoxically, 2008
was the year with the biggest wheat harvest in history…
The other monstrosity is… ”Replication”…
Let’s suppose, you wished me to invest for you at the wheat market.
You give me 100 dollars into my hand… I would be to invest these 100
dollars in the wheat market. But that’s not necessary. It is
sufficient if I invest $ 5… With these five dollars I can hold a
100-dollar position.
So now I still have 95 of your dollars… Goldman
and all the other banks have invested hundreds of billions of
dollars in very conservative investments… and now that they have for
hundreds of billions of T-Bills, they can invest them into trillions
of dollars…
Then they take this trillion of dollars, they pass on to
their day traders and tell them: ‘Come on, guys. Make it the most
lucrative business.' So, while billions of people are Blankenfein-goldman-sachsstarving, they are using the money to
generate billions of dollars for their own accounts.”

Lloyd Blankfein
CEO of Goldman Sachs
Texe Marr
24 Sept. 2009:
The official records of ownership show that, while
much of Goldman Sachs' stock is owned by the public, a controlling share is
in private hands, held by a consortium, or pool, of just 221 persons. The
chief owner, however, is Lord Jacob Rothschild, and he and other Rothschild
family members dominate the consortium which reigns over the planet’s Money
Goldman Sachs is its nucleus and tornadic eye
and Mr. Blankfein is the servant and deputy of Lord
Rothschild, the fourth
Baron of the Rothschild Dynasty.
Mr. Blankfein:
“I’m doing God’s work.”
Indeed, he is doing “God’s Work;” that is, if we
agree with the famed nineteenth century German Jewish writer and philosopher
Heinrich Heine, who wryly observed,
“Money is the god of the Jews, and
Rothschild is his prophet.”
Other researchers share this explanation for
the food crisis.
In an article written in July 2010, entitled “How
Goldman Gambled on Starvation,” the
journalist Johann Hari observed:
“In late 2006, the worldwide rise in food
prices began.
A year later, the price of wheat had increased by 80%, the
price of corn by 90%, and the price of rice by 320 %. In more than 30
countries there were food riots, 200 million people were threatened by
malnutrition or even starvation. Suddenly, in the spring of 2008, prices
for foods fell back to the previous level as if by magic. Jean Ziegler,
UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, spoke of a “silent mass
Some economists say the increases are due to the growing demand
of the middle class in China and India and the increasing use of corn
for ethanol production. But according to Prof. Jayati Ghosh of The
Center for Economic Studies in New Delhi, the demand from these
countries during the same period has declined by as much as 3%.
International Grain Council said the world’s wheat production has
increased, while prices have been increased. Acc. to Kaufman the food
bubble has increased the number of hungry people in the world by 250
US Securities and Exchange Commission 16 April
The SEC today charged Goldman, Sachs & Co. and one of its vice
presidents for defrauding investors by misstating and omitting key facts
about a financial product tied to subprime mortgages as the U.S. housing
market was beginning to falter. The SEC alleges that Goldman Sachs structured
and marketed a synthetic collateralized debt obligation (CDO).
Goldman Sachs
failed to disclose to investors vital information about the CDO.
“The product was new and complex but the
deception and conflicts are old and simple.”
Investors… are alleged to have lost more than $1
But also the drive for
one world governance behind world famine.
Council on Foreign Relations 31 Jan. 2011:
In the absence of viable
forms of global governance in food and drug manufacture and trade, the risk
to public safety is rising all over the world.
So is overpopulation
of the planet the problem?
Independent 18 Jan. 2011 Dominic Lawson:
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers
published “Population: One Planet, Too Many People?”
The institution answered its own question in the
As the report’s lead author, Dr Tim Fox, pointed
“We can meet the challenge of feeding a
planet of 9 billion people through the application of existing
For example, Dr Fox pointed out, in Africa, no
less than half the food produced is destroyed before it reaches its local
marketplace: with refrigeration and good roads, the developing world could
avoid this horrendous waste.
This year National Geographic magazine is making population its theme.
quoted Hania Zlotnik, the director of the UN’s Population Division, saying:
“We still don’t understand why fertility has gone down so fast in so many
societies, so many cultures and religions. At this moment, much as I want to
say there’s still a problem of high fertility rates, it’s only about 16 per
cent of the world’s population, mostly in Africa.”
The most fashionable of all arguments for some sort of global anti-natalist
legislation comes in the form of professed concern for the atmosphere - too
many people produce too much CO2, thus damaging the planet via
climate change.
Yet Joel Cohen, the professor of populations at
Columbia University’s Earth Institute, told National Geographic:
“Those who say the whole problem is
population are wrong. Population is not even the dominant factor.”
Goldman Sachs’ merits are many and long. A year ago, it emerged that
bank had robbed Greece of huge sums in return for a credit that secured the
actually insolvent Greece a fraudulent entry into the euro zone in return
for the Greek government’s important income sources + 300 million dollars
for the bank!
How do they get away with it?
simple. You hire the best people,” as the
say at Carnegie's - and that includes former US Treasurer and former
Goldman Sachs boss, Hank Paulson, who enriched his old firm and
Rothschild with a bail-out of 13 bn US taxpayer dollars for its fraud!
Ruthless Illuminati are sacrificing mankind to
grab money and power for their one world government and here - at the same
time pursuing their global depopulation program and here and here and here.
And mankind puts up with these 6.000 superrich
people and their minions, obey their rotten morals, slave for them, die for
them in Afghanistan, Iraq etc. That is the real misery of mankind. When will
the start to comply with their own slogan: Order out of chaos?
Hardly until
they have created total chaos - then to construct their
Agenda 21 alias Orwells
1984 for the few survivors.