by Julian Rose
April 06,
TheConnorPost Website
Julian Rose
experience as a leader in reviving rural economies
throughout the 1990s led him to be invited to join the
advisory board of the South East of England Development
Agency, and the Country Land Owners Association.
also served on the Oxfordshire Economic Partnership and
was founder-chairman of The Association of Rural
Businesses in Oxfordshire.
2000, he led an innovative project to revive regionally
important market towns as centers of vibrant local
activity and hubs for rejuvenated local food
Julian is a prolific writer and broadcaster.
articles appear in a wide diversity of journals and
on-line sites. Visit
www.julianrose.info to find out about Julian's
highly diverse life and acclaimed books Changing Course
for Life and In Defence of Life. |

Deciding the
Future We Want
This subject should be of interest to everyone, regardless of where
you live.
We are all affected by
the unraveling of this behemoth called
the European Union, just as
we are by its continued presence. It is, after all, a work of
mammon; yet masterfully disguised as a pan-European socio-economic
entente cordiale.
It has its roots in the historical imperative of empire building and
came into being as a direct extension of Hitler's Nazi-inspired goal
of establishing a 'Third Reich'.
The leading voice of the EU's first version, the
European Union
Treaty of 1957, was a German named Walter Hallstein.
He became the first
president of the Commission of the European Economic Community and
one of the founding fathers of the European Union. His suitability
for filling this role was based upon his earlier work as a senior
attorney of
the Nazi/IG Farben partnership.
The line of continuity is
However, the blueprint that led to the formation of the European
Union was first tabled at a meeting of the highly secretive
Bilderberg group in Rome some four years earlier.
group, which meets annually to this day, is composed of,
It is
hardly surprising that the notion of a European Super State should
find favor with this assembly.
We are looking at the key individuals behind what became a
self-selecting, autocratic top-down hierarchy. A hierarchy whose
decision making process would be entirely self-contained.
It was never, by any
remotest stretch of the imagination, a 'people's movement'. Nor did
it aspire to any form of 'democracy'; but developed rapidly into a
centrally-based technocracy.
A pyramid, whose top-end
bureaucracy consists of an unelected cabal serving the interest of
big business, multinational corporations and political power mongers
interested in the wider control of humanity as a whole.
It is a major plank in the long desired elite vision of a 'New
World Order'.
Overt Monopoly
Hallstein himself stated in his book 'Europe in the Making':
"The Commission is
entrusted with what virtually amounts to a monopoly in taking
the initiative in all matters affecting the Community.
There are
few exceptions to this general rule, but these ought to be
removed at the earliest opportunity."
He adds,
"As I see it, the
Commission should eventually be empowered to take all measures
necessary for the implementation of the Treaty on its own
authority, without having to rely on special and specific
approval by the Council of Ministers."
Thus it has been and
continues to be...
But due to a fundamental
belief and expertise in the powers of deception, it has carried some
four hundred million European citizens along with it under the aegis
of uniting independent nations behind what it has claimed to be,
'an economically
beneficial harmonization of rules and regulations'.
It is a process that has
led the European Union to become the largest trading block in the
With the Commission as
leader of a 'Supranational' authority, overseeing the 'acquis
communautaire' (the great acquired rule book) under which all member
nation states are bound.
'Supranational': please remember that this means 'above national,'
the 'highest authority' - that which supersedes national law.

What an incredible feat...!
Millions and millions
across the continent of Europe have come to passively accept the
covert - and often overt - imposition of a dictatorship under the
illusion that it is a benign force for good.
But such deception cannot prevail forever. Signs of dissent have
been growing for decades. In 2001 the Irish voted 'no' to being
party to the
Nice Treaty.
The news rocked Europe,
causing the Commission to put the Irish government under enormous
pressure to do a re-run and to embark on a massive propaganda
exercise warning that the Irish economy would collapse unless it
voted in favor of the Treaty.
It duly conformed...
Further tremblings have grown in intensity since that time, and
then, in June 2016, the infamous 'Brexit' was launched into reality.
It shook the nation and it shook the federation - and the shock
waves have not ceased to reverberate.
With similar rebellions
simmering on a number of fronts throughout the Union, cracks are
opening up that can no longer be papered over.
There are good reasons to be suspicious of the sincerity of the
British government in genuinely freeing Britain from the chains that
have bound it to the Union for the past forty-four years
However, that is the
subject for another article...
Do We Have a
Vision of the Future We Want?
Whatever the political reality actually is, one thing in particular
is alarming the powers that be - people are becoming aware. Slowly
at first, but week by week the process is gathering pace.
As a result, a large question now presents itself to all citizens of
Europe and beyond:
This is not a Utopian question.
Those who think it is, are unwilling
to recognize the power that exists among 'we the people' to bring
about the change we want to see.
Not to countenance this
is to remain a slave to the same control system that is suffocating
the creative power at the heart of humanity.
When I speak of change, I mean real change, the clearing away of not
just the EU, but all known versions of 'government' and their
replacement with a new model that will rise-up from the grass roots.
So to get things underway, I'm going to make my contribution by
briefly outlining a vision of the general direction I believe we
could and should be moving in.
Firstly, in order for EU countries and regions to (re)establish
their socio-economic and cultural identity and organic sense of
direction, they must actually break-free from the fascistic super
state that is today's reality.
Also, as I have stated
above, they must break free from all recognized forms of top-down
government, since virtually all of them are deeply corrupt and in
the pockets of corporate interests.
This 'ditching of the dead' is
the prerogative for moving forward.
Once freed from the neoliberal/neocon military industrial project
covertly imposed by an alliance of US government interests, the
European Commission and the governments of most Western nation
states, each country will be able to once again explore its
priorities and to freely redefine its relationship with its
Right from the start, the old 'globalization model' must be
abandoned in favor of the reintegration of production and marketing
according to an inter-regional and local pattern.
The Proximity
Supply and demand will be based upon what I have termed elsewhere as
'The Proximity Principle'.
Food and farming will be
geared to firstly supplying the needs of the nation, the nation's
regions and the local communities of these regions.
The same applies to
reestablishment of national fisheries. This is supply and demand
based upon actual geographic proximity rather than distorted global
market priorities.
It equally applies to the demand for fuel and fiber. In my view, the
production and supply of localized, renewable, ecologically
sustainable sources of food, fuel and fiber, is the practical model
towards which we should all be working.
It is of fundamental importance for all countries to responsibly
manage their indigenous resource base before turning to distant
market places for their supposed needs.
That is a rule that has
been broken with impunity for decades, leading to a profligate
mining of global resources according to a 'market demand' that pays
absolutely no attention to the environmental consequences, jobs or
quality of life of those stuck on the production chain.
A second, and connected, criterion will be to enable many more
people to have affordable access to productive land, so that they
can support themselves by growing and processing their own food.
The old capitalist 'market economy' has bled the natural resource
base almost dry right across the planet.
It is a blinkered and
divisive paradigm that must go. The EU's contribution has been to
exploit this market economy so as to build a virtually impregnable
power base for itself while simultaneously creating the largest
trading block in the world.
It has tried to impose a blanket 'one system fits all' policy over a
group of widely diverse nations with highly contrasting climates,
topographies and cultures.
It simply doesn't work...
A Humanitarian
That is the model we must replace in the coming years.
Replace with one that
fulfills the needs and aspirations of sentient human beings, not
robots. Such a society will no longer pander to big business, the
war machine and technocratic control system based in Brussels.
The new model will be essentially egalitarian and humanitarian. It
will be founded on the principle of drastically closing the obscene
earnings gap between 'rich' and 'poor'.
It will recognize an
essential equality between all occupants of this planet, and put
into effect a resource management policy founded upon 'minimum harm'
to human, animal and natural living environments, and maximum
support for the health and welfare of all sentient life forms.
It will not, I say again, be a 'market economy' as we know it at
present, but an economy,
'as though people and
the fabric of the planet mattered'.
Money will lose its
position as the totem around which everything else takes second
With reliance on
globalization and
Big Pharma set aside, Europe, once
again composed of many 'independent and interconnected countries',
will develop a non-toxic health program that draws upon the deep
wisdom of natural healing methods available to all cultures of
Europe and the world.
People will start coming
alive, rather than dying.
The education programs of individual nations will centre on bringing
out the innate creativity that exists in all young people. This
resource will, in turn, help shape the new direction of society
Whereas at present, much
of what is called 'education' is simply an
exam machine, a factory
conveyor-belt supplying slaves for the corporate dominated and
controlled 'job market'.
This is not education, it is indoctrination...
The emancipation of 'the spirit of man' will be central to the
post-EU era I envision.
It will be recognized
that this supreme human attribute, our spiritual power, has been
deeply repressed. Repressed by an aggressive and regressive
insistence upon money, prestige and power being the supreme goals of
Religions, dependent upon dogma and the accumulation of wealth, will
have to take a back seat as values associated with developing the
true spirit potential of the individual will gain ever greater
importance in a renaissance of post-EU independent nations.
Violence, crime and narcissistic self interest, which have greatly
increased under the jurisdiction of an out of touch centralized
super state and its associated warmongering governments, will become
a thing of the past as our true human qualities reemerge.
Qualities directed
towards the realization of as yet barely awakened expressions of
creativity, compassion and sense of oneness with fellow humans - and
indeed with the great breadth of nature herself - of which mankind
is a part.
Lastly, crude nationalism and xenophobic tendencies will lose their
appeal as diverse countries link up to combine their socio-cultural
strengths and common aspirations for liberation, emancipation and
genuine evolution of the consciousness of the individual.
The political class, so deeply corrupted under the self-interested
goals of phony leadership, will fade away altogether as 'people led'
initiatives gain ever greater influence at the local and regional
Eventually arts, cultural
and administrative hubs will form that are firmly in touch with the
needs and aspirations of a waking humanity.
Parliaments will transform to become places where the wise,
thoughtful and visionary meet to deliberate on inspirational ways to
further evolve and guide the new society on its way.
Those serving in them
will no longer hold a sword over the people who elected them, and
the people will cease playing out their roles as pawns in the
obscene and antiquated power game which remains prevalent today.
The words 'European' and 'Union' will eventually mean something very
much more real than the cruel facade that has been used to deceive
the people of Europe for the past five decades.
We are the power of change...
Our vision will become our reality. Not
overnight, but imperceptibly, as conscious awareness steadily builds
across the planet.
The depth and intensity of our desire for positive change determines
the outcome. Have no doubt about that. Whereas to retreat from the
challenge ensures remaining forever chained to the wheel of slavery.
It's up to us...