by Kentroversy
August 11, 2005
Globalists will seek to sanitize the
Internet by the precedence of REVISIONISM. |
For the past four years since 9/11, I have been
asked by many people in my own private life if I thought the Internet would
be censored in some form. What has lead people to ask this question are the
many truth-telling websites, which are popping up seemingly out of nowhere.
Where they were once the brunt of derision, the
websites of people like Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, and
Icke now receive millions of hits per month EACH. It seems that
not as many people are mocking the truth these days. The category of
patriotic truth-telling websites are now near the top of the offerings of
the entire Internet, which I am very pleased to see and be a part.
I began
THE KENTROVERSY PAPERS because as a writer and
research-journalist, I was not about to sit here and NOT contribute to the
enlightenment that is going on these days. If I remained silent, I would be
complicit in the continuing cover-up that this group of globalist scum
attempt to perpetrate. Not wanting to be a part of the problem, I sought to
play a role in the solution.
Recently, I received an e-mail that said:
"...your work consistently turns up heaps of
data that gives me pause to re-evaluate a number of my pre-conceptions
about the American socio-political-economic landscape that have arisen
from ignorance."
When I receive comments such as this, I know
that I am successful in helping people to understand the BIG LIE that
surrounds us all.
THIS is why I do what I do, and this is why I am proud to
be included in the continuously growing group of people who are helping
others understand the difference between lies and truth. I see great
progress being made, especially in a June 2005 MSNBC poll, which asked:
you believe President
Bush mislead the nation to go to war with Iraq?" -
where 94% of the respondents felt he LIED, and only 6% believed in his
But, the results of THAT POLL was never reported on the MSNBC cable news
channel itself, and you should be asking yourself WHY.
Even the globalist-controlled establishment media cannot hide the fact that
Bush is seen by many, including myself, as simply the worst President of
all-time. An AP-Ipsos poll, which was reported on August 5, 2005 by CNN,
stated that Bush's approval rating is at 38%, which is the lowest of his
entire term thus far.
If this represents the true numbers, then I posit a
correlation between this number of 38% and the percentage of people still
asleep concerning the horrors unfolding in this country at the present time.
Realize that there are a sad minority of people out there STILL believing
that Bush is a Christian, even though he has NEVER been seen at any church
services, does NOT belong to any church congregation, and didn't attend one
single memorial service for any of the 9/11 victims.
Even though it has been
documented and proven that the
Skull & Bones initiation ritual involves
homosexual acts in a coffin, and Skull & Bones itself is a part of a larger
occult group that calls itself 'The Brotherhood of Death,' there are people
still out there trying so desperately to believe that Bush is a Christian -
such is the level of their denial.
This years
Bilderberg Group meeting - which was held on May 5-8, 2005 at
the Dorint Softiel Seehotel in Rottach-Egern, Bavaria, Germany - is notable
for it involved a major discussion of the Internet.
Brave and honorable
patriots such as Alex Jones, Phil Jayhan, Greg Szymanski, and Jeff Rense are
squarely in the crosshairs of these globalist scum, who fear what they
described in this years meeting as "truth-telling patriots."
The Internet is
seen as a threat to the globalists, and this is for good reason. For it is
the Internet that has been instrumental in waking up tens of millions of
people to the fact that these people have an agenda that in no way benefits
the people of any nation, and their acting upon this agenda is treasonous,
to say the least.
With the Internet viewed as their largest obstacle at this point in time,
the Bilderberg Group globalists were seen and heard in this meeting making
comments about how the Internet in America must be shut down, and how these
"truth-telling patriots" must be stopped at whatever the cost. Forgetting
for a moment, the issues related to "free speech and expression," let us
take a look at what it is that the globalists view as their largest
impediment blocking the full implementation of their agenda of a one-world
global government - their precious new world order, as it were.
When the Internet reached the mass consciousness of our global population in
the 1990s, most of what was hyped and promoted was the use of the Internet
to procure and obsess over pornography.
Pornography has always played a part
in the mass acceptance of various technologies - the VCR in the 1970s and
1980s, the DVD player in the 1990s, and of course, the Internet in the 1990s
and beyond.
But, pornography and the various other Internet diversions -
such as sports, gambling, and online videogaming - did not appeal to everyone.
Some of us who harbor intellectual interests began putting together and
disseminating terabytes of research data, and subsequently publishing our
own research findings online. Ninety-nine percent of the people who consider
themselves Internet researchers - such as myself - do not make one single
penny doing what they do.
I cannot speak for anyone else, but for me, it is
a matter of moral imperative. Having a talent for both writing and research,
I would be complicit in the cover-up if I did not report on these matters. I
leave it to my readers to be their own final arbiters of truth in these
As a matter of fact, many mainstream news publications have been caught
misstating the size of their daily readership, as with the recent cases
involving the Dallas Morning News and Newsday newspapers. This has an effect
on everything from what these papers charge for advertising, to the general
reputation and veracity of the publication in its' local community.
so-called alternative news websites of,
...have now become the de facto mainstream press, with
MILLIONS of people visiting these sites on a monthly basis.
The tens of
millions of people who have been awakened to the lies and crimes of the globalists is the reason why the Internet must be stopped.
The domestic terror psychological-operation known as 9/11 actually backfired
on the globalist cabal. When a person Googles '9/11' - they end up with
29,200,000 hits. According to the website called Internet World Stats, the
United States has 68.5% Internet penetration, which means that nearly 7 of
every 10 people are connected in some way to the Internet.
The Internet was
instrumental in showing tens of millions of people worldwide the truth
behind the 9/11 attacks - that they were carried out to demolish a building
complex that had out-lived its' fiscal usefulness - and it has to be the
largest case of insurance fraud of which I have ever been aware in the
history of this nation.
So, how exactly will the Internet become a 'sanitized' gated-community?
There are four primary ways in which this can be accomplished and it is my
own personal informed opinion that all four techniques will be used
Internet Will Be Used As Part of Terror Attack Against The USA:
This has been shown on the most recent season of the television show '24,'
where a rogue terrorist cell had kidnapped the Secretary of State and
threatened to broadcast his execution on the Internet, live and in
Just as the X-Files spin-off THE LONE GUNMEN showing a plan to
fly a hijacked airliner into the World Trade Center in March 2001, I believe
that this fourth season of '24,' which had shown both the Internet being
used to carry out a terror attack, AND the launch of a nuclear missile
against a major U.S. city. It is my own firm belief that what '24' was truly
showing were near-term future events - just as The Lone Gunmen episode did
in March 2001 - six months before 9/11.
Incidentally, the March 4, 2001
date of The Lone Gunmen episode involving an airplane attack on the World
Trade Center was exactly 191 days before 9/11 - and here is yet another
example of the 911 signature and numerological coincidence involved with
this tragic event.
The Internet involvement in a large-scale terror attack against a major U.S.
city will give the neo-con cabal all the pretext it needs to sanitize the
Internet once and for all - which will all be done for our own safety, of
course. It will also be hyped as a way of getting rid of junk e-mail spam
and viruses, as well as finally creating a 'family friendly' environment for
all to enjoy the Internet in peace and complete safety.
Any time children
are used, or are seen as the motivation for, public action, the sleeping
masses go along without questioning the action - simply because it is being
done for the children.
Passage of Hate-Crime Laws and Hate-Speech laws (thought crimes):
It is important to note that the real reason why hate-crime laws are passed
is NOT to protect anyone's religious beliefs, ethnic heritage, or racial
This does not mean, however, that religious beliefs, ethnicity,
and race are NOT used to enflame such issues. They are all used, which to
the typical person who has been trained to accept everything perceived
authority figures say, seem like reasonable actions. Why wouldn't any
reasonable person want to stop racism, for example?
Most people cannot see these laws for what they really are
- which is to
stifle debate or silence a large group of people on a particular subject
that has been deemed 'off limits' by the globalists. For instance, recent
laws that have been suggested all have one thing in common - if anyone's
writing incites or gives aid to groups who commit violent acts - that
person can be prosecuted under the Orwellian thought-crime laws that are
sprouting up throughout the world.
The Tony Blair government, at this
moment, is planning to roll-out laws that criminalize all criticism of the
government and its' policies.
The globalist methodology is to lower the hammer upon an individual or group
who is despised by the general population, which elicits the "we didn't need
their viewpoint, anyway" response.
However, such people do not realize that
what is being set up is legal precedence, so while thought-crime laws of
today are brought against someone who might be seen as despicable by the
mass population, tomorrow, these same laws can be used against anyone else - all because legal precedence has been established. Today, while these
thought-crime laws can be exercised against so-called 'terrorists,'
tomorrow, they can and will be used against you or I.
What role the hate-crimes legislation plays in the censoring of the
Internet, is to immediately halt all anti-government polemics, replacing
them with an Internet that has been 'wiped-clean' and that same Internet
will not include people such as Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Phil Jayhan, Greg
Palast, or Greg Szymanski. Furthermore, if the globalists see the Internet
as such a threat, that means that we ARE having a positive effect.
This is
what true patriotism is all about - and not fear-based enflamed nationalism
by placing a red, white, and blue ribbon sticker on my car, as can now be
seen on about every fifth car on the roads of this endangered nation.
Taxation of Bandwidth and E-Mail:
This idea has already been put forth in the form of a trial-balloon, and the
response by the public was swift and exacting.
The globalists will attempt
to place so many taxes on Internet usage, that it will become financially
difficult for anyone to reach a large audience. People are already paying
approximately 60% total tax, once all the sales, income, property, gasoline,
cigarette, and all the other various license fees that are paid are added
The taxation of either or both bandwidth and e-mail will affect the
underlying operation of the Internet, which is access to tremendous
libraries of truth at our fingertips. The Project For A New American Century
(PNAC) report entitled 'Rebuilding America,s Defenses: Strategy, Forces, and
Resources For A New Century,' lists as one of its' key findings:
"Control the new 'International Commons' of space and 'cyberspace,' and pave
the way for the creation of a new military service - U.S. Space Forces."
Why PNAC is important is because of WHO belongs to the organization.
the following partial list of members, which is found on the PNAC website at
the bottom of the Statement of Principles, which was signed on June 3, 1997:
Elliott Abrams (National Security Council)
Gary Bauer (Well-known
Christian fundamentalist)
William J. Bennett (Secretary of Education, Drug
Jeb Bush (Governor of Florida, brother of Bush Jr.)
Dick Cheney
(Vice-President under Bush Jr.)
Steve Forbes (Presidential candidate, John
Kerry's mother is from Forbes family)
I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby (Dick
Cheney Chief of Staff)
Norman Podhoretz (Council on Foreign Relations)
Dan Quayle (Vice-President under Bush Sr.)
Paul Wolfowitz (President of
the World Bank)
Also notable about the
Rebuilding America's Defenses report of
PNAC, is that
it may be considered as the Neo-Con statement of intent.
Listed in the
report, are the following countries, with whom America now has problems - each one of these countries have been subsequently mentioned in reference to
the ongoing stability of American foreign policy:
North Korea
and finally - China
Careful study of think-tank reports can usually shine a light on the
intentions of those in charge - and this is especially true of this PNAC
report in particular.
Many have asked me,
"How could the Internet be controlled?"
This is quite easy, actually. It involves the control of something called
Internet Domain Name Servers, which I will explain below.
United Nations or USA Control of Domain Name Servers:
Major companies like Cisco and
Sun have already said they are not planning
on upgrading the domain name servers. This involves something called
Internet 2 - which is the prototype template of the forthcoming 'sanitized'
Both companies claim that demand is far exceeding technology
- and even though the Internet is built upon a network of freely-expanding
nodes - these companies claim they cannot keep up with the "one new blog
per second" rapid-fire expansion of the Internet.
All of us are familiar with Internet website nomenclature, e.g.
www.rense.com, as it is how one travels from one website to the next. It is
also how the estimated 8 billion web pages are organized. The naming scheme
is controlled by an independent organ called the Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
As it explains on the ICANN website, in
the 1980s, seven top-level domains were created for Internet addresses.
These were:
Of these seven,
only .com, .net, and .org could be used without limitation or restriction.
The other four were related to government, and as such, had limited and
restricted use.
On July 2, 2005,
the London Guardian website ran a story that reported that
the Bush administration was taking control of the thirteen root servers,
which control the domain-name servers, thereby regulating Internet traffic.
The reason stated was,
"growing security threats and the increased reliance
on the Internet for global communications."
Of course, this is all bogus
reasoning - as it is provable that nearly all of the terror attacks are
being done by the host government for fear-based control over their own
The London Guardian report goes on to say:
Despite many doomsday scenarios, the most recent US decision will have
little if any immediate effect on Internet users, and given the Internet's
anarchic nature it may simply represent a desire to assert state control
even when it is not possible to do so.
Claudia Bernett, 32, a digital design
analyst in New York, said:
"Scary as it seems, because of the nature of the
internet, I think they'll be hard pressed to create a coherent system that
is capable of the kind of monitoring they hope for... Eventually, the
people participating in the system will find the technological means to
evade the watchful eye."
While I would like to believe that the above quote represents truth, my
intuition tells me that all mainstream papers have more to gain by lying
than they do by telling the truth.
We Need A Napster-Type Application For Future Patriot Communications
If there are any computer programmers reading this
Kentroversy Paper, please
understand that once this Internet censoring operation goes into effect, we
are going to need some type of Napster-type software to communicate amongst
ourselves. This software is going to need to be cross-platform, and it is
going to need to encrypt the messages passed between nodes.
It should also
be able to handle both text and instant messages. I do not know how to do
this programming myself, beyond knowing that this type of software
application will be needed at such time as this sanitizing does take place.
So, if any programmers are out there reading these words, please consider
programming a peer-to-peer cross-platform client for use in future patriot
communications once the Internet is closed down to those of use who proudly
wear the badge of 'truth-telling patriot.'
I would much rather try to
preempt some of their plans by bringing up this subject now while we still
have some time to develop such a program.
Also, this program should be
ideally offered as freeware, and the programmers dedication to the future
generations of this once-great nation should provide more than enough
satisfaction in providing such a tool for use by all dedicated to defeating
these globalist scum.
Internet reporters such as Greg Szymanski and Greg Palast are embarrassing
mainstream news reporters - who should be more correctly known as
news-readers - as none of these people do any real reporting any more,
investigative or otherwise.
This is contributing to a mass
exodus from
mainstream to Internet news.
The awakening of tens of millions of people to
the lies and crimes of the globalist cabal is creating an environment where
the Internet itself is being seen as a threat to the furtherance of their
agenda - which has been proven to be an agenda to bring about a one-world
government built upon military fascism and iron-fisted control of WE THE
For those of us who have children - we are literally fighting for their
The Internet has opened up people's eyes to home-schooling, to the
lies and crimes of
the Bush Crime Family, and has provided a community-based
connection whereupon many like-minded patriots have been able to realize
that we are not as isolated as the mainstream media likes to portray us.
fact, we are now the mainstream of America - we are winning this battle for
the soul of America - and WE THE PEOPLE will not allow these globalist scum
to take away the open communication of the Internet.
The following sources were used in the preparation of
this Kentroversy Paper:
‘24’ Season 4 Episode Guide (FOX-TV)
KOS – Bush Wants Control of the Internets!, July 1, 2005
Drudge Report –
Senator Denounces Report Calling For U.N. Global Internet Control,
August 1, 2005
Date Calculator
Gonzales, Servando – Kiss Your Internet Goodbye!, April 6, 2003
Internet Corporation For
Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) – Internet Top-Level Domains
Internet 2
Internet World Stats
‘Lone Gunmen’ Pilot Episode (March 4, 2001)
MSNBC Poll – “Do you
believe that President Bush mislead the nation to go to war with
Prison Planet – Bilderberg Group Meeting 2005, May 2005
Prison Planet – Intelligence Sources Say Bilderberg Targeting
Patriots, May 28, 2005
Project For A New American Century (PNAC) – Rebuilding America’s
Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century,
September 2000
The National Strategy to
Secure Cyberspace, February 2003
Theimer, Sharon – Bloggers Lobby To Fight Regulation By Government,
Associated Press, June 30, 2005
Report of the Working Group
on Internet Governance (Final Report), June 2005
Younge, Gary – Bush Administration To Keep Control of Internet’s
Central Computer’s, July 2, 2005
International – Half of New Yorkers Believe US Leaders Had
Foreknowledge of Impending 9/11 Attacks, August 30, 2004
sanitize Internet
Project For A New American Century
Internet 2