Timothy Alexander
Rense Website
As the global bankers' plan to bring down the
American and world's economy continues (so that they can acquire as much of
our wealth as possible at 'fire sale' prices ~ an old strategy), the world
is facing another much worse danger.
A regional war in the Middle East that will
involve global strategic weapons of mass destruction with deaths in the
hundreds of millions in North America, Europe, the Middle East and globally.
I have served as a consultant to three very high tech aerospace firms. My
specialty is conceptualizing advanced warfare especially as it relates to
new cutting edge advanced weapon systems. What I see unfolding with a war on
Iran is the most frightening set of circumstances I have ever seen; and I
have been involved in advanced theoretical weaponry strategy and design for
over 20 years.
The rise of the Likud/neo-cons, with Benjamin Netanyahu as the unholy high
priest, has been a disaster for Israel, America, the Middle East, and the
world at large. The smartest thing that Israel ever did was to use American
money to buy off Jordan and Egypt and make peace with them.
The dumbest thing was to empower the Likud Party
hardliners centered on Bibi Netanyahu and the
Bush/Cheney Administration (with supporting roles played by
Sharon, and neo-con leaders in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy,
and elsewhere). Four years ago Israel was no where near a MAD (mutually
assured destruction) environment.
Today it has a very dangerous four-front MAD
environment and it was unable, in the Second Lebanon War of two years ago,
to overturn the dangers surrounding it, in fact the level of MAD danger has
increased considerably since the summer of 2006.
The war party in Israel and America has facilitated the rise of a regional
(Iran/Syria/Lebanon/Palestine) MAD. I truly believe that the Likud/neo-con
strategy is a total failure. The stated goal of the strategy is to break-up
and weaken several Middle Eastern states that pose, or could pose, a
strategic risk to Israel. To this end Saddam was encouraged to attack Kuwait
resulting in the First Gulf War.
When he was able to demonstrate, even in the
face of intense allied air attacks, his ability to "deliver ordinance on
target" using his Scud missiles the United States (and allies) decided not
to drive all the way to Bagdad. We knew that he was holding back "the heavy
stuff" and only using "dumb" high explosive warheads; not the chemical,
biological and radiological warheads that could have caused massive damage
to Israel and to the Saudi oilfields.
Saddam Hussein's military had prepared what it
called the "great equalizer", an arsenal of 25 Scud warheads carrying over
11,000lb of biological agents, including deadly botulism poison and anthrax
germs (an additional 33,000lb of germ agents were placed in artillery shells
and bombs). It was only after he was forced into denuding himself of his
advanced weaponry that the neo-cons were able to begin the Second Gulf War.
After Iran, the Likud/neo-con war strategy calls for the neutralizing of
Iran and Syria. The Iranians response was to train and equip Hezbollah in
Lebanon and to deepen their strategic alliance with Syria.
During the 2006 Second Lebanon War, the Iranian trained and equipped
Hezbollah forces repeated the efforts of Saddam during the First Gulf War.
They delivered a very large number of rockets with "dumb" high explosive
warheads on Israel.
The Hezbollah Special Forces are in-effect a
highly trained and well-equipped Iranian commando force of at least a
Brigade in size. They man and protect a large number of mostly unguided and
rather crude rockets, generally Katyusha 122mm artillery rockets with a 19
mile/30km range and capable of delivering approximately 66 pounds/30kg of
Additionally, Hezbollah are known to possess a
considerable number of more advanced and longer range missiles. During the
2006 war Hezbollah fired approximately 4,000 rockets (95% of which were
Katyshas) all utilizing only "dumb" high explosive warheads. Some Iranian
build and supplied Fajr-3 and Ra'ad 1 liquid-fueled missiles were also
At the time of the 2006 war Hezbollah was
reported to have in the range of 13,000 rockets. There are creditable
reports that this number has been rebuilt and expanded upon since the end of
that war and that the number of rockets is now at least 20,000 and perhaps
30,000 or more.
During the 2006 war the world watched as Israeli towns were hit time and
time again by the Katyushas. What was not discussed by the main stream news
media was the fact that the ordinance delivered by the Katyushas was mainly
harassment fire with very limited effect. The Iranian/Syrian trained and
supplied Hezhollah commandos were holding back their "heavy stuff" both in
terms of their longer range guided missiles capable of hitting southern
Israel and most importantly warheads of strategic military importance.
That is NBC (nuclear [in this case
radiological] chemical and biological) and advanced-conventional
warheads. They were demonstrating their ability to deliver "ordinance on
target" and their ability to survive a heavy Israeli ground and air combined
arms attack.
Hezbollah has the capability of loading truly strategic warheads on the
large number of mostly crude older technology unguided rockets that it has.
The use of advanced-conventional fuel-air explosive (FAE)
warheads on the Katyushas would have had a much more profound effect in
Israeli cities. The use of FAE submunitions on the larger missiles capable
of hitting any target in Israel would have given Hezbollah the firepower of
low-yield nuclear weapons without crossing the nuclear threshold.
Coupled with the large number of missiles in
Syria and those in Iran, the Hezbollah rockets posed, and continue to pose,
a truly grave strategic threat to Israel if FAE warheads are used. This
threat is dramatically increased if radiological ("dirty bombs"), chemical,
and/or biological warheads are used.
The massive number of Hezbollah rockets could also be outfitted with
chemical warheads. It is worth noting that the joint Syrian-Iranian chemical
warfare R&D and production program is perhaps the largest and most
complicated on earth. Generally the Israelis have shown themselves to be
prepared for chemical warfare, however a chemical war attack following
closely behind a FAE attack (to open up bunkers and apartment buildings)
would have greater effect.
While it is not necessary to utilize a rocket to
deliver a biological war attack, it could be done and there is some benefit
militarily to a rapid dispersal of biowar agents under the cover of
conventional attacks. Radiological weapons deliver the long term (which can
be hundreds of thousands of years) lethal effects of radiation without the
blast effect of a nuclear bomb.
The combined military strategic capability of NBC/Advanced Conventional
warheads and very large numbers of rockets operated and protected
by Hezbollah, coupled with the arsenal of Syria and Iran (and Hamas) acts as
a MAD (mutually assured destruction) between Israel and Iran/Syria. Yes the
Israelis can nuke the hell out of both Iran and Syria; however, they possess
a fatal return punch.
The response from the Israeli and neo-con hardliners to the new MAD
strategic environment has been frightening. Instead of recognizing the
danger to Israel and to the entire world from the Iranian/Syrian "checkmate"
on the aggressive Israeli/neo-con strategy, and making major changes to
their strategy, they are attempting to "tough it out".
The issue of "danger from the Iranian nuclear
program" is a smokescreen to facilitate the coming war on Iran and her
allies (Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas) and to continue with the next stage of
the neo-con strategy. The response from the hardliners is more war and damn
their WMD (weapons of mass destruction). This is most unwise
and most dangerous to the entire world.
When the USSR was falling apart, and in the aftermath of the USSR breakup,
Iran spend a lot of money to hire some of the best Soviet biological war
experts. The advanced biowar weapons that Iran has developed gives Iran a
Global Strategic Weapon of Mass Destruction that can unleash levels of
death among the populations of the major neo-con nations (USA, UK, France,
German, Italy, etc.) very similar to that from a global strategic nuclear
This means that Iran and her allies have a MAD
with America, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, German, Italy, etc.
Most people think of biological warfare as anthrax and smallpox; they do not
understand that there has been a major shift in technology. The
difference between the old biowar (that most people think of) and
advanced biowar (with its recombination DNA designer super killer
viruses) is like the difference between an old Model T Ford and a 2008 Rolls
Royce Phantom. Both are cars, or biological weapons, but there is a
difference of several orders of magnitude.
Regardless of how a war against Iran breaks out, it is likely to very
quickly escalate to the usage of WMD. There has been talk among USAF war
planners of a 1,200 (some say 2,000 to 3,000 or more) target attack on
Iran's nuclear, industrial, military, political and religious
If a foreign enemy were to bomb 1,200 or more
targets in the United States, what would be the response of the American
government and it's military?
Actually the answer to this question is well
known. The stated doctrine of the United States of America is to rain
hundreds of hydrogen bombs (WMD) on the territory and people of such an
aggressor; this has been our policy for approximately 60 years. Why do we
presuppose that the Iranians would not do the same?
If Iran is hit by either an Israeli and/or an American air attack, it is
certain that Iran will respond. This response, even if is non-WMD at first,
will certainly result in more escalation and counter-escalation. The chances
of a regional Middle East war between Iran/Syria/Hezbollah/Hamas and
Israel/USA not becoming a nuclear and advanced biological war nightmare are
very low.
In fact, since both sides know this, there is a
strong military incentive to move to all out usage of WMD when the first
bombs begin to fall (in order to utilize more of one's weaponry before its
The end result will be a third or so of Israelis dead and large parts of the
Israeli nation poisoned for hundreds of thousands of years by radiological
warheads. Syria, Iran, and large parts of Lebanon and Palestine will cease
to exists and will be little more than a green radioactive debris field
poisonous to all forms of life higher than a cockroach for hundreds of
thousands of years (longer than modern man has existed).
The Iranian oilfields and most likely the
oilfields of a large part of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other areas of the
Middle East are also apt to be so poisoned by Iranian radiological warheads
or Israeli/American nuclear fallout.
The world will suffer its most complete economic collapse in history. All of
this will take less than one week.
At about two weeks, after the beginning of the war on Iran, emergency rooms
and doctors offices will begin to see a sudden spike in a number of new
diseases with numerous very ill people being admitted to hospitals in North
America, and Western Europe and what is left of Israel. By that time the
Iranian and Syrian states will have effectively ceased to exist with
insufficient manpower and organization to even bury their dead.
The many new
genetically engineered viruses causing the
strange diseases showing up will have been spread by sleeper agents supplied
with a number of new viruses and distributed in public places (movie
theaters, shopping malls, churches, etc.) quietly without anyone knowing.
Humans themselves will become the vectors of the
diseases/biowar agents.
Although the Bush Administration has spent $40
billion on biowar defense in the last couple of years, there is
little that can realistically be done against a global strategic advanced
biowar attack.
The tactic of necessity will be to lock down
everyone, with only key persons being allowed to leave their homes, in order
to let the multiple genetically engineered diseases burn themselves out (a
nice way of saying letting everyone who has the illnesses die off).
Expect to see dear old Bibi Netanyahu
as 'head' of what is left of Israel.
Expect to see sub dermal RFID chips
implanted under the skin of the population left in the major neo-con
states to "prove your disease free status" and necessary to buy,
sell, or work.
Expect to see military checkpoints
everywhere and total control by the neo-con national governments
over all aspects of life.
Expect to see concentration camps for
persons suspected of disloyalty to the state (this will include many
viewers of sites like this one).
Expect to see levels of death, fear,
repression that are almost incomprehensible.
Expect to see the various biological
warfare diseases spread throughout the world, even with a total
shutdown of international travel. Millions will die in Russia and
Expect to see those national governments
not controlled by the neo-con masters to go ape shit when their
populations face the nightmare of advanced biowar.
Expect the regional war in the Middle
East to trigger an all out global battle utilizing all forms of
weapons of mass destruction within a few months of the initial
attacks on Iran.