by Mehreen Saeed
August 03, 2010
from OpinionMaker Website


Mehreen Saeed is a blogger and freelance journalist based in New Jersey, USA. She writes on current issues concerning the USA and Muslim Region of the world.

She is a frequent contributor to Opinion Maker.

British Petroleum (BP) has been inundated with diatribes by our government and media for a lack of responsible reaction during the three months while millions of barrels of oil gushed out of MC252 well site into the Gulf of Mexico.


Since the biggest environmental catastrophe in the U.S. history enfolded, causing billions of dollars in damage to the fishing and tourism industries and wildlife habitat, the corporation executives have been trying to seek a way out of this ignominy.

In order to pay for the damages it caused to U.S. businesses and to itself, BP will likely resort to its historic strategy of how it became an oil giant in the first place. And the U.S. will once again help the corporation as we did in 1953 when a covert CIA plot overthrew Iran’s democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh and instated an authoritarian regime in order to acquire that country’s oil.

The coup proved to be a successful covert experiment for the U.S. when The National Iranian Oil Company was transformed into British Petroleum in 1954.


Iran’s illustrious experiment was also catalytic in helping the U.S. make similar coups a norm in various Middle Eastern and Latin American countries including Iraq, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Panama to overthrow leaders noncompliant toward imperialistic demands.

In 1979, Iran’s Islamic Revolution ousted BP from the country and attained back its resources; but for the past few years U.S. officials have again been looking toward Iran, which still has the world’s third largest oil reserves. Our politicians have been pressing Iran to stymie its nuclear enrichment program which they claim is a threat to Israel’s security - perhaps in the same way the imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq were a threat to the U.S. in 2003.


In June, our powerful nation successfully pressured the United Nations to impose economic sanctions on the recalcitrant Iran but such diplomatic stunts are designed to be expired the moment corporate greed demands again.

President Obama’s diplomatic stance has been under immense pressure from corporate lobbyists who want to send our troops to invade Iran in order to get their grip on the country’s petroleum and natural gas. The U.S. has a solid history of sacrificing its human and financial resources for corporate executives; therefore, BP executives will contentedly demand that we sacrifice our tax dollars and troops to help them steal Iran’s oil once again.

According to many analysts invasion of Iran is imminent, and the BP fiasco in the Gulf of Mexico might serve as a key factor to expedite that invasion. But hopefully the American public is slightly smarter today than we were in 2003 and will not be misled by the greedy corporate executives.

As we stand facing harsh consequences of the two wars we started in Iraq and Afghanistan, BP and its likes might have to turn to another soldier this time in holding Iran accountable to pay for the catastrophe the corporation caused.


The country that serves as BP’s next partner in crime will be guilty of bloodshed and environmental disasters as they arise in the future.


The only way to end the cycle of violence and man-made environmental catastrophes is by adamantly opposing the greedy oil executives and putting tangible emphasis on sustainable alternative energy.

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