by Michael Snyder
May 13, 2015
EndOfTheAmericanDream Website

Will a
UN Security
Council resolution formally recognizing the establishment of a
Palestinian state be passed by the end of 2015?
Now that
the Vatican has formally recognized a Palestinian state,
there is a tremendous amount of international momentum for precisely
such a UN Security Council resolution.
In fact, France
plans to push really hard for one by the end of this year.
At this point, the only thing that could
derail those plans is Barack Obama. For years, the threat of a
Security Council veto has been the one thing stopping a resolution
from moving forward.
But now that Benjamin Netanyahu
has been re-elected and has put together a cabinet that does not
seem inclined to negotiate with the Palestinians, the Obama
administration is pledging to "reevaluate our approach" and says
that it will not "prejudge" what it will do if a vote comes up at
the United Nations.
And as you will see below, one news
source is now reporting that behind the scenes
Barack Obama has already given the "green light" for
France to go ahead with a resolution on a Palestinian state at the
If this is truly what Obama plans to do,
it will absolutely shatter U.S. relations
with Israel and plunge the entire
Middle East into chaos.
Most Americans don't realize this, but
136 countries already formally recognize a Palestinian state. Those
136 nations have a combined population of more than 5.5 billion
As of this moment, the major holdouts
are the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and
most of Europe. But most of the European nations have already
indicated that they are ready to recognize a Palestinian state if
the United States will. In fact, as I mentioned above, France plans
to lead the push for a Palestinian state at the UN Security Council.
The "State of Palestine" already has "non-member
observer" status at the UN, but obviously they are not satisfied
with that. They have been very eager for formal recognition by the
UN, and now that the Vatican has given them formal recognition that
has really bolstered their cause.
The following is from a CNN
article about the Vatican announcement that stunned the world on
The Vatican announced Wednesday that
it had brokered a treaty with the "state of Palestine,"
upsetting Israeli advocates and propelling Pope Francis into the
heart of yet another geopolitical fray.
The treaty is expected to be signed
"in the near future," the Vatican said. Mahmud Abbas, president
of the Palestinian Authority, is scheduled to visit Pope Francis
on Saturday, the day before the church canonizes two Palestinian
The treaty is thought to mark the
first time the Holy See has formally recognized Palestinian
statehood in a legal document.
Of course this didn't come out of a
vacuum. The truth is that the Vatican has been moving in this
direction for quite some time.
Just consider what the
Washington Post had to say about the matter…
The move should not be too great a
surprise. Since the U.N. General Assembly voted to recognize
Palestine as a "non-member
observer state" in 2012, the Vatican has referred to the
"state of Palestine" in
its communiqués.
When Pope Francis
visited the Holy Land last year, the official Vatican
program referred to Palestinian Authority President Mahmud
Abbas as the leader of the "state of Palestine."
And the pontiff
publicly referred to the "state of Palestine" at a speech in
the West Bank.
Now that the Vatican has done this,
international pressure on Obama to support a UN Security Council
resolution on a Palestinian state is increasing.
When the UN Security Council resolution
being drafted by France comes up for a vote later this year, what
will Obama do?
Well, according to Debka,
Obama has already given the "green light" for France to move
US President Barack Obama did not
wait for Benyamin Netanyahu to finish building his new
government coalition by its deadline at midnight Wednesday, May
6, before going into action to pay him back for forming a
right-wing cabinet minus any moderate figure for resuming
negotiations with the Palestinians.
Banking on Netanyahu's assertion
while campaigning for re-election that there would be no
Palestinian state during his term in office, Obama is reported
exclusively by our sources
to have given the hitherto withheld green light to European
governments to file a UN Security Council motion proclaiming an
independent Palestinian state.
Not only that, Debka
is also reporting that members of the Obama administration have
actually traveled to France to help draft the resolution…
To show the administration was in earnest, senior
US officials sat down with their French counterparts in Paris
last week to sketch out the general outline of this motion.
According to our sources, they began
addressing such questions as the area of the Palestinian state,
its borders, security arrangements between Israel and the
Palestinians and whether or not to set a hard-and-fast timeline
for implementation, or phrase the resolution as a general
declaration of intent.
Incorporating a target date in the
language would expose Israel to Security Council sanctions for
If what Debka is reporting is accurate,
this represents a massive betrayal of Israel by the Obama
However, the
Jerusalem Post is reporting just the opposite.
They are reporting that Obama plans to
veto the French resolution…
US President Barack Obama has told
associates that he intends to veto the French proposal for a UN
Security Council resolution mandating the creation of a
Palestinian state and an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank
within two years, Channel 10 is reporting on Friday.
French Foreign Minister Laurent
Fabius said this past March that Paris planned to start
discussions with partners in the "coming weeks" on a United
Nations Security Council resolution to lay out the parameters
for ending the Middle East conflict.
"I hope that the partners who were
reluctant will not be reluctant anymore," said Fabius, referring
to the United States, which has traditionally shielded its ally
Israel from any action at the United Nations.
So what is the truth?
Only time will tell.
But what we do know is that Obama was
absolutely furious when Netanyahu promised during his most recent
campaign that there would not be a Palestinian state as long as he
was in office.
And we do know that the Obama
administration has pledged to "reevaluate our approach" and has said
that it will not "prejudge
what we would do if there was a U.N. action"…
The U.S. would "reevaluate our
approach" based on Netanyahu's "change in his position," White
House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters as the
president flew to Cleveland to deliver a speech on economic
State Department spokeswoman Jen
Psaki raised the possibility that the reevaluation could include
a shift in position at the U.N. She avoided the usual U.S.
language about vetoing Security Council resolutions that Israel
"The prime minister's recent
statements call into question his commitment to a two-state
solution," Psaki told reporters. "We're not going to prejudge
what we would do if there was a U.N. action."
In the final analysis it is so hard to
tell exactly what Obama will do, because as he has shown
over and over again, lying comes as naturally to him as
breathing does.
However, I think that we can get some
clues about how obsessed Obama is with the establishment of a
Palestinian state from public statements that he has made throughout
his presidency.
The following quotes from Barack Obama
regarding the need for a Palestinian state come from
previous articles…
#1 "Negotiations will
be necessary, but there's little secret about where they must
lead: two states for two peoples"
#2 "And I think
everybody understands the outlines of what a peace deal would
look like, involving a territorial compromise on both sides
based on ‘67 lines with mutually agreed upon swaps, that would
ensure that Israel was secure but would also ensure that the
Palestinians have a sovereign state in which they can achieve
the aspirations that they've held for so long."
#3 "The only way for
Israel to endure and thrive as a Jewish and democratic state is
through the realization of an independent and viable Palestine"
#4 "Neither occupation
nor expulsion is the answer. Just as Israelis built a state in
their homeland, Palestinians have a right to be a free people in
their own land."
#5 "Let me be clear:
The United States strongly supports the goal of two states,
Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security.
That is a goal shared by Palestinians, Israelis, and people of
goodwill around the world. That is a goal that the parties
agreed to in the road map and at Annapolis. That is a goal that
I will actively pursue as President of the United States."
#6 "…we continue to
believe that a two-state solution is the only way for the
long-term security of Israel, if it wants to stay both a Jewish
state and democratic"
#7 "It is not fair that
a Palestinian child cannot grow up in a state of her own, and
lives with the presence of a foreign army that controls the
movements of her parents every single day."
#8 "None of us are
under any illusion that this would be easy. As I said in my
speech this morning, it has already entailed significant
political risk by President Abbas, as well as Prime Minister
Netanyahu. But I think the reason that they've been willing to
take those risks is they realize this is the best way, the only
way, for us to achieve what should be our goal: two states
living side-by-side in peace and security. It's right for
Palestinian children. It's right for Israeli children."
#9 "Just as the Israeli
people have the right to live in the historic homeland of the
Jewish people, the Palestinian people deserve the right to
self-determination. Palestinian children have hopes and dreams
for their future and deserve to live with the dignity that can
only come with a state of their own."
#10 "The only solution
is a democratic, Jewish state living side-by-side in peace and
security with a viable, independent Palestinian state."
In the end, I believe that Barack
Obama is going to choose to betray Israel at the United Nations,
and it will have very serious ramifications that will literally
be felt all over the planet.