by Susanne Posel
May 23, 2012
OccupyCorporatism Website
During a military parade rehearsal this
week, more than 90 people were killed after a bomber wearing an army uniform
self-exploded amidst a group of soldiers at al-Sabin Square.
The terrorist group al-Qaeda claimed the bombing, saying that one of their
members carried out the attack.
Along with the estimated 90 killed, defense ministry officials said 222
people were injured in the attack.
The al-Qaeda plant was present moments before Defense Minister Nasser Ahmed
and the army’s chief-of-staff were scheduled to greet the troops. The
majority of the dead were stationed from the Central Security Organization.
Yemen has been the stage for al-Qaeda’s
attacks against the president Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who recently
took office. Hadi has declared war against al-Qaeda, saying it is a
“religious duty’ of the state to do so.
US intelligence and military support have been covertly deployed to Yemen.
The Obama administration’s terrorism advisor, John Brennan called the
attack “cowardly”.
While the violence in Yemen escalates, President Obama took the time to
release a new executive order (EO) called
Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or
Stability of Yemen .
In this EO, Obama claims the right to confiscate,
“all property and interests in property that
are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States,
or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any
United States person, including any foreign branch, of the following
persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported,
withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any person determined by the Secretary
of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State.”
If any person, including US citizens, is accused
of assisting a terrorist group of threatening “Yemen’s peace, security, and
stability” they will find their possessions and bank accounts confiscated by
the US government; as well as being arrested and detained by federal
Last month, Obama announced that the "war
on terror”
is over, claiming that we are in a
“post al-Qaeda era”.
Obama admitted that
his new foreign policy would allow that,
“we have killed most of al-Qaeda, now that
people have come to see legitimate means of expression, people who once
might have gone into al-Qaeda see an opportunity for a legitimate
However, as
Hillary Clinton pointed out
al-Qaeda was a CIA creation trained by the US government and released into
strategic countries for the purpose of destabilizing their governments
therefore making the task of usurping control easier for the US government.
According to investigative reporter Seymour Hersch, the
administration, in conjunction with Saudi Arabia, was covertly funding
radical Suni groups with ties to al-Qaeda to counter Shiite groups backed by
In a game of fake terrorist group planted into a country to agitate
the governments in place this method appears to be common.
Along with the al-Qaeda invention,
Osama bin Laden was trained by the CIA
and worked for them as an operative. In 2008, Milt Bearden told Dan Rather
that the “myth of Osama bin Laden” was created by the US government.
At first bin Laden was a great warrior when he
worked with the CIA against the Russians in Afghanistan, then he became the
go-to Boogeyman leader of an “extremist terrorist group called al-Qaeda”.
Further evidence that the US government not only created al-Qaeda, but use
them for controlled terrorism in foreign countries comes from Richard Clark
in his
most recent book.
Clark contends that al-Qaeda was created for Saudi Arabia to bankroll Osama
bin Laden, through the House of Saud,
“in the Afghan war against the Soviet Union
during the 1980′s and Riyadh and Washington together contributed an
estimated $3.5 billion to the mujahideen.”
The terrorism Yemen is experiencing is obviously
controlled by the US government and the Obama administration.
Within the US boarders, Obama has declared,
“any United States citizen, permanent
resident alien, entity organized under the laws of the United States or
any jurisdiction within the United States (including foreign branches),
or any person in the United States” that is suspected of aiding
terrorist groups (that the US government has planted in Yemen) will be
“obstructing the political process in Yemen”.
The situation in Yemen that has been created by
CIA funded al-Qaeda is being used to declare Yemen,
“an unusual and extraordinary threat to the
national security and foreign policy” and the president has “declared a
national emergency to deal with that threat”.
By funding the terrorism, the US government,
under Obama’s direction is endeavoring to not only destabilize the Yemeni
government, but also place American citizens under the threat of being
accused of terrorist activities.
We are right back to where we were when
Bush administration used the
flag threat of al-Qaeda terrorism to not only terrify the
American public, but justify the arrest and detainment of US citizens.