by Joël van der Reijden
December 2005
Even today it’s members consist of the wealthiest businessman and
the most influential politicians. It was erected over a century ago
and meets at least 2 or 3 times a year. Still, 99% of the world has
never heard of it. We’re talking about the Pilgrims Society. An
aristocratic Anglo-American dining club who’s members keep
themselves informed by inviting politicians to make a speech. The
primary purpose of this club is to keep the ties between the United
States and Britain as strong as possible. The official reason was,
and is, that the forefathers of most Americans from the Virginia and
New York area emigrated from the British Isles, therefore they share
a common heritage.
They are blood brothers so to speak. Of
course, the obvious reason was to form an unofficial alliance with
the United States to improve the strained relations and to vastly
increase the powers of the dwindling British empire. The heart of
the British
and the later British Commonwealth became the Pilgrims Society, it’s
philosophies dominated by the executives of the upcoming mega
corporations, largely located in the City of London and the city of
New York.
The London chapter of the Pilgrims Society was established on July
11, 1902, followed by a New York chapter on January 13, 1903. It’s
patron is the British monarch, who has plenty of representatives
attending the meetings. A member of the Royal family usually attends
the London diners.
As you’ll find out by looking at the membership list, the Pilgrims
Society has clearly fused together the business centers of New York
and London, together with a large portion of the political centers
of both nations. Ninety percent of the American members are
top-level bankers and businessmen from New York city.
Only a couple of Pilgrims own or chair companies with headquarters
in Boston or Philadelphia. Businesses that have their headquarters
in any other location than this small part of the north-east corner
of the United States don’t seem to be represented at all (do keep in
mind that recent data is sketchy). Relatively few government
officials from Washington are recruited into the Pilgrims Society.
Officials from outside the UK or US visit the club occasionally. In
the past they usually came from countries incorporated within the
British Empire or the Commonwealth, most notably Canada and
A mistake usually made when people refer to this society, is when
they call it the ’Pilgrim Society’, because this name hasn’t been
used that often. The most often used name is the ’Pilgrims Society’,
sometimes spelled as ’Pilgrim’s Society’. You might think this isn’t
such a big deal, but when you search the internet or some archives
for the ’Pilgrim Society’, you will hardly find any official
sources, simply because they all refer to the ’Pilgrims Society’.
The name ’Pilgrims Society’ is also unique, so you won’t confuse it
with this one. Also try searching on ’The Pilgrims’ or more
specifically, the ’Pilgrims of the United States’ and the ’Pilgrims
of the United Kingdom’/’Pilgrims of Great Britain’.
The club is secret. It might be one of those ’open-secrets’, but
it’s secret nonetheless. If it wasn’t, we would have read about it
in the history books, we would know all the details of the meetings,
and we would have membership lists in the public domain. It is
possible to find quite a bit of information in regular newspaper
archives, but you really have to look for it. It takes forever to
piece the story together. For example, The Scotsman made numerous
references to it in the first half of the century (archives are only
available up to 1950 atm). Time Magazine made them much less, but
still referred to the club once every few years. After 1958, Time
only mentioned the club 2 or 3 times, even though meetings continued
as usual. Other newspapers in the U.S., like the New York Times and
the Washington Post have referred the Pilgrims at times.
The Wall Street Journal on the other
hand never mentioned a whole lot about this dining club at any time
in the past century. The Times of London mentioned the society a
couple of times in the past 10 years, even though, as all the other
papers, it didn’t give many details about who’s attending. Most
other newspapers, including the Scotsman, New York Post, Washington
Times, or even the Guardian, seem to have been (almost) completely
silent about the Pilgrims in the last 5 to 7 years (that’s how far
the digital archives go back). In other countries it’s virtually
impossible to get any information on the Pilgrims. Not one large
Dutch newspaper has mentioned the name in the past 20 years.
References in German or French newspapers are just as uncommon.
One thing you actually can find, is
different speeches on official websites: One at NATO, another one at
the State Department, and yet another one from 1999 on the MoD
website. They all deal with one little speech and when you ask for
some background information you won’t get any replies. And that’s
strange. Maybe it’s done to give people the impression there’s
nothing unusual about the club. Indeed, looking at the speeches
there certainly isn’t. All they do is talk about regular pro-NATO
politics and kiss up to their "brothers" on the other side of the
ocean. Two recent examples:
[1] January 2002, Lord
Robertson, ’NATO after September 11’
[2] November 2002,
Richard Boucher on Foreign policy,
the EU, and NATO
You can find other speeches in the
references at the bottom of this article. Of course, it’s probably
not because of the speeches that the Pilgrims Society keeps itself
out of the public eye. More likely it’s because of who’s being
informed and for what purpose. Also, it’s obvious that members
discuss a lot of other business among themselves.
More in depth
As already stated, those who own or run the major banking houses,
law firms, and insurance companies in the London and New York area
will be invited to join, together with a few very specific
government officials. This always includes the president of the
United States, the U.S. Secretary of State and the U.S. ambassador
to Great Britain. Below you can see which other delegates
traditionally are recruited into Pilgrims. Chancellors, Chief
Justices, and Attorney Generals seem to be frequent members also.
Occasional exceptions have been made to allow writers, composers and
art collectors into the society. An example of that was Mark Twain.
The patron of the Pilgrims Society is the king or queen of England
and a member from the royal family usually attends the Pilgrim
dinners in Great Britain.

That’s basically all there is to this Pilgrims Society; it’s a
dining club. Several times a year a dinner
is planned and the board chooses which members it will invite this
time, usually somewhere between 300 and 500. A few additional people
are invited to hold a speech on a variety of political topics and
someone is made the guest of honor.
This guest of honor is usually a new
member or a Pilgrim who has accomplished something worth
remembering. In addition, the chairman of the Society (in Britain it
is Robert M. Worcester atm) might give a speech to
the CFR or the RIIA once in a while. As already demonstrated, the speeches are both
boring and interesting at the same time. Boring because of their
substance, and interesting because they show us that Pilgrims, as a
whole, aren’t privy to many state secrets.

click image
A great example of the cooperation
between the London and American Pilgrims is the London Bush House,
which was ordered to be built in 1919 by Pilgrim Irving T. Bush, a
N.Y. businessman. At the time it was the most expensive building in
the world and was meant to be an Anglo-American trade center where
buyers could purchase goods in one place. It lost it’s original
function after a couple of decades, but still exists today as an office to the BBC World Service. Above the entrance there’s a large
statue, which represents this Anglo-American cooperation.
(above image)
Britain is represented on the left by the lions, the USA is
represented on the right by the Eagle. The Celtic cross indicates
their common heritage. The torch can represent freedom, wisdom,
victory, or something along that line. Below the statue you’ll find
the inscription "To the friendship of English Speaking Peoples".
The Pilgrims Society is allied with the English-Speaking Union,
which is an organization that promotes the use of the English
language all over the world. The patron is the English queen and the
president is prince Philip. The chairman, as far as we know, is
always a member of the Pilgrims.
institutions the Pilgrims control
’Pilgrim-presidents’ |
Strong |
1914-1928 |
Harrison |
1928-1940 |
Allan Sproul |
1941-1956 |
Alfred Hayes |
1956-1975 |
Paul Volcker |
1975-1979 |
Anthony Solomon |
1980-1985 |
E. Gerald Corrigan |
1985-1993 |
William J. McDonough |
1993-2003 |
Timothy Geithner |
2003-present |
Red =
confirmed Pilgrim |
All the important members of the 1910
Jekyll Island meeting were Pilgrims; Vanderlip, Strong, Warburg,
Davison, Norton, and Aldrich. Senator Aldrich’s closest ally in
congress, Edward B. Vreeland, was a Pilgrim too, together with his
brother. Vreeland helped Aldrich establish a privately owned central
bank. Of course, J.P. Morgan, George F. Baker, John D. Rockefeller,
and Jacob Schiff were members also. Keep in mind these people were
often competing with each other and weren’t necessarily friends, as
so many (conspiracy-oriented) people seem to think.
Pilgrim-presidents of the New York Federal Reserve Bank cover the
period from 1914 to 1979. The 4 presidents since then have not been
members as far as we know, although that’s probably because of a
lack of recent data. Pilgrim-chairmen of the New York Federal
Reserve cover almost the entire period from the 1920s up to 1990, so
we can safely assume that the New York Federal Reserve Bank is owned
by the Pilgrims. That’s not that unusual, because New York itself is
Pilgrims property.
Because the Pilgrims have a large influence on Washington politics,
it would be interesting to see if they have any members on the
Federal Reserve Board of Governors, also located in D.C. If we have
those names, we can estimate the Pilgrims’ level of control over the
Federal Open Market Committee. The FOMC is the main body of the
Federal Reserve that decides on the monetary policy. The New York
FED then carries out those directives through it’s daily ’open
market operations’. In the words of the official Federal Reserve
website that I just gave a link to:
"Finally, the Committee [FOMC] must
reach a consensus regarding the appropriate course for policy,
which is incorporated in a directive to the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York—the Bank that executes transactions for the System
Open Market Account. The directive is cast in terms designed to
provide guidance to the Manager in the conduct of day-to-day
open market operations. The directive sets forth the Committee’s
objectives for long-run growth of certain key monetary and
credit aggregates. It also sets forth operating guidelines for
the degree of ease or restraint to be sought in reserve
conditions and expectations with regard to short-term rates of
growth in the monetary aggregates."
The FOMC consists of the 7 FED
governors, 1 permanent New York FED president, and 4 presidents of
the other 11 FED banks that rotate each year. The chairman of the
board of governors is also the chairman of the FOMC, and the
president of the permanently represented New York FED is the vice
chairman of the FOMC. We quote from the same page:
"...Traditionally, the Chairman of
the Board of Governors is elected Chairman and the president of
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is elected Vice
When sifting through the members list,
it turns out that at least 4 of the 13 Federal Reserve chairmen are
confirmed Pilgrims (they cover the years 1933-1934 & 1959-1987). Two
other chairmen, Eugene Meyer and Alan Greenspan, have all the
trademarks of being Pilgrims members. If that could be confirmed,
the FED’s Board of Governors has had Pilgrims as chairman from at
least 1930 to 1934 & from 1959 on to 2005. In any case, the Pilgrims
Society seems to be represented a disproportionate amount on the
most influential places inside the U.S. monetary system, especially
for a society that doesn’t want it’s existence to be known to the
general public. It is likely that at least since 1959 the chairman
and vice chairman of the FOMC were Pilgrims, together with the
persons carrying out the directives of the FOMC through the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York.
Function |
Amount |
non-executive members |
45 |
CFR executive
members |
33 |
Institute executives |
21 |
FED executive
positions |
21 |
J.P. Morgan
executives |
17 |
Chase Bank
executives |
16 |
Skull & Bones |
11 |
President World Bank |
4 (of 10) |
After analyzing the Pilgrims Society
members list of about 360 names (updated in the meantime), I found
that the institutions you see on the left were the most often
represented. About 75% of this list is American and 25% British
(rough estimate). This means that about 1 in 3 of the U.S. members
of the Pilgrims Society is a confirmed member of the CFR. Striking
is the fact that such a large percentage of
CFR members are
executive officers. About 50% of all the CFR executive officers have
been confirmed members of the Pilgrims Society, which seems to
indicate that quite possibly all of them are.
I remember looking at an old documentary about the CFR "master
conspiracy". The usual stuff came by; banking, the Illuminati and
the dollar bill. At the end they showed these concentric rings,
indicating the CFR had unknown inner circles. Guess we can now say
for sure what the second circle is, counting from the outside. It’s
the Pilgrims Society and it undeniably shows the close link between
American and British foreign policy.
Of course, it has long been speculated that the same group that set
up the RIIA, set up the CFR, but I was never convinced enough
though, because the group connecting both organizations has never
been fully identified. The existence of
the Round Table, however
likely, has never been proven. For now, the Pilgrims Society, a
seemingly larger body, is a fine substitute, because it shares many
similarities with the "association of helpers" from the Round Table.
Read this text from the 1966 book ’Tragedy and Hope - A history of
the world in our time’, written by Oxford professor Carroll Quigley:
"In 1891, Rhodes organized a secret
society with members in a "Circle of Initiates" and an outer
circle known as the "Association of Helpers" later organized as
the Round Table organization. In 1909-1913, they organized
semi-secret groups know as Round Table Groups in the chief
British dependencies and the United States..

The Round Table Groups were
semi-secret discussion and lobbying groups whose original
purpose was to federate the English speaking world along lines
laid down by Cecil Rhodes. By 1915, Round Table groups existed
in seven countries including England, South Africa, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand, India and the United States.
Money for their activities originally came from Cecil Rhodes,
J.P. Morgan, the Rockefeller and Whitney families and associates
of bankers Lazard Brothers and Morgan, Grenfell and
The chief backbone of this organization grew up along the
already existing financial cooperation running from the Morgan
Bank in New York to a group of international financiers in
London led by Lazard Brothers.
Lionel Curtis established in England and each dominion a front
organization to the existing local Round Table Group. This front
organization called the Royal Institute of Public Affairs, had
as its nucleus in each area the existing submerged Round Table
In New York, it was known as the Council on Foreign Relations
and was a front for J.P. Morgan and Company in association with
the very small American Round Table Group. The American
organizers were dominated by the large number of Morgan
"experts" including Lamont and Beer, who had gone to the Paris
Peace Conference and there became close friends with the similar
group of English "experts" which had been recruited by the
Milner group. In fact, the original plans for the Royal
Institute and the Council on Foreign Relations. In 1928, the
Council on Foreign Relations was dominated by the associates of
the Morgan bank. Closely allied with this Morgan influence were
a small group of Wall Street lawyers whose chief figures were Elihu Root,
John W. Davis, the Dulles Brothers, John J. McCloy...
...There does exist and has existed for a generation, an
international Anglophile network which operates to some extent
in the way the Radical Right believes the Communists act. In
fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table
Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or
any other groups, and frequently does so...

...It might be pointed out that the
existence of this Wall Street Anglo-American axis is quite
obvious once it is pointed out. It is reflected by the fact that
such Wall Street luminaries such as John W. Davis, Lewis
Douglas, [John] Whitney and Douglas Dillon were appointed to be
American ambassadors in London."
If we forget about the other groups, the
description of the U.S. and U.K. Round Table Groups as submerged
nucleuses of respectively the CFR and the RIIA is the perfect
description of the Pilgrims Society. Also, the only name of a person
in the quote above, that is not represented in my incomplete
Pilgrims members list, is Lionel Curtis. All the other names are
confirmed Pilgrims. And what is said here about the large number of
Morgan representatives is something I also immediately
when I was filling in all the biographies. Even though Rockefeller
interests, especially in later times, were just as dominant, the
history of the Morgan family really shows their ties to England
through George Peabody and Junius S. Morgan. At the turn of the
century, the Morgans wielded enormous power over the United States
economy [1].
Besides the organizations I put in the table above, you will also
find that institutions like the Atlantic Institute for International
Bilderberg, the
Bohemian Grove, the
Trilateral Commission,
Brookings Institution, the
Ford Foundation, the Ditchley
Foundations, the Fabian Society, the Japan Society, the Asia
Society, the American-Australian Association, and some others, are
quite frequently represented. I didn’t specifically look for these
institutions though, simply because it takes me too much time.
Often, these institutes aren’t mentioned in the bios of the person
you’re researching.
The reason that you find quite a few
Skull & Bones members (or
members who have family in Skull & bones) in the Pilgrims Society is
probably because Yale is a prestigious University and a first choice
for many law and MBA students. It’s also located very close to New
York. Don’t kid yourself however, 20 year old boys don’t rule
anything. You’ll also find at least 5 Scroll & Key members and many
more Yale students who haven’t been into any society. But as far as
I can see, the Pilgrims Society is open to anyone who learns enough,
works enough, and winds up in the right place for a Pilgrims
invitation. Harvard and Columbia are other common universities where
Pilgrims have studied.
Involvement of
the Pilgrims over the last 100 years
1906 - Pilgrims are involved
in the secret Algeciras Conference to settle a dispute among the
British, Germans, and French about the division of Morocco.
1913 - The earlier mentioned
establishment of the Federal Reserve and of course the 1910
Jekyll Island meeting that preceded it.
1917 - Some Pilgrims are said
to have been financing the Communist revolution of 1917. Most is
known about the partners of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.; Pilgrims Jacob
Schiff, Paul Warburg and Otto Kahn.
1919 - Many Pilgrims played
an important role in the Versailles peace conferences following
WWI. In all the history books I’ve seen, only the discussions of
the ’big three’, Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George and Georges
Clemenceau, are emphasized. I’m still looking for all the names
involved, but I’ve already seen quite a few Pilgrims and
suspected Pilgrims. In any case, Robert Cecil, chairman of the
Supreme Economic Council of the Versailles Peace Treaty was a
member. In the same year, he was the chairman of the committee
that established the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
1924 - After the German
economy was completely taken apart and they couldn’t pay their
imposed debts anymore, the Reparations Commission Committee of
Experts was set up. President Coolidge appointed Pilgrim Charles
G. Dawes as chairman. The committee comes up with the so called
1927 - It is said that
Pilgrim Benjamin Strong (head FED) and Pilgrim Montagu Norman
(head Bank of England) had at least one secret meeting in July
of this year with their friend Hjalmar Schacht of the German
1930 - The Young plan, which
is named after committee chairman and Pilgrim Owen D. Young, is
introduced as a follow up of the Pilgrims concocted Dawes plan,
because Germany still can’t pay their debts. Hjalmar Schacht
doesn’t agree with the reparations and quits as the head of the
German Reichsbank. The same year Schacht becomes a Fascist,
starts bringing all the German industrialists together and
becomes the most crucial person for bringing Hitler to power in
1933 and on - J.P. Morgan and
Rockefeller associates are financing Nazi Germany. Pilgrims
Watson and Watson Jr. of IBM were also involved. Pilgrim Averell
Harriman was involved. Ford was involved, and looking at the
prominent presence of the Ford Foundation in the Pilgrims
Society, he was probably a member also.
1934 - Because general
Smedley Butler exposes the planned coup, FDR is not thrown over
and replaced by a fascist government. The persons financing
various fascist elements turn out to be the Pilgrims Morgan jr.,
the du Ponts, Louis S. Cates through Phelps-Dodge company, and
undoubtedly many other, but unconfirmed, Pilgrims.
1945 - Nazis,
Knights of
Malta (SMOM), and elements in the OSS create the so called
’Vatican rat lines’, through which thousands of Nazis are
smuggled into Spain, South-Africa, and South-America. Pilgrim
and SMOM member Allen Dulles played a large role in this
project. He also plays a crucial role in releasing and
recruiting Nazi intelligence chief Reinhard Gehlen (Le Cercle)
so this person can establish the Gehlen Organization. This
Gehlen Org becomes the eyes and ears of the CIA in eastern
Europe. Reinhard recruits many serious nazis in his
1946 - Pilgrim Francis
Beverly Biddle was one of the four primary judges at the
Nuremberg trials representing the United States. I’ll bet the
British judge (and president) of the trials was a member of the
British Pilgrims.
1947 - Pilgrims Society
member, five-star general and U.S. Secretary of State George C.
Marshall introduces his European Recovery Program (ERP).
Around 1948 - Pilgrim John J. McCloy oversees the release of Fritz Thyssen, Hjalmar Schacht,
Friedrich Flick and Alfred Krupp. They are the main
industrialists who built up the Nazi war machine and are close
associates of different Pilgrims Society members.
1949 - Pilgrims member and
ambassador Lewis Williams Douglas had a daughter, Sharman
Douglas, who, according to a very sure ITV (competitor of the
BBC), had a 2-year lesbian affair with Queen Elizabeth II’s
younger sister, Princess Margaret Windsor. Sharman also married
Andrew Hay of the Pilgrims. (Normally I wouldn’t dive into
tabloid topics, but this is just too funny to pass over)
1951 - General Douglas
MacArthur, who has just driven back the North-Koreans, is
removed from his command when he doesn’t accept the decision
from the US government to not attack the Chinese forces.
Pilgrims Harry Truman, Dean Acheson and George C. Marshall are
his main adversaries on this issue. MacArthur is replaced by
Pilgrim Matthew B. Ridgway. Senator McCarthy attacks Truman,
Acheson and Marshall for being in the communist camp.
1954 - Some of the earliest
invites to the Bilderberg conference are Pilgrims Society
members; David Rockefeller, George Ball, and Henry Heinz.
1961 - Howard Hughes, owner
of Trans World Airlines, is charging Pilgrim Charles C. Tillinghast, Jr., the president of his company, with conspiring
with others to take over the ownership the company.
1963 - Pilgrims John J. McCloy and Allen Dulles are members of the Warren Commission.
Gerald Ford, a future honorary Pilgrim, is a third member.
1965-1973 - During the
Vietnam war, Pilgrim
Henry Kissinger is the chief US negotiator
for the communist regimes. At the same time, Kissinger and many
of his Pilgrims Society buddies were investing massive amounts
of capital into the Soviet Union, even though this country
continued to supply about 50% of North-Vietnams military arms.
Of course, these were allowed to enter North-Vietnam almost
unobstructed, because the US government was afraid for an
escalation of the conflict if Haiphong harbor was closed off and
bombed into oblivion. Pilgrims Society members controlled at
least some of the institutions that had to check the goods that
were imported into the USSR.
1973 - Pilgrim Edward W.
Simon was chairman of the President’s Oil Policy Committee from
February to December of 1973 (oil crisis started in October in
the midst of the Yom Kippur war). He also was an administrator
of the Federal Energy Office since December 1973 and was charged
with the responsibility of minimizing the effects of the energy
crisis and preventing future crises (decided the oil prices and
the distribution). Together with Pilgrim Henry Kissinger he was
the most important speaker of the 1974 International Energy
Conference. In 1973, Henry Kissinger first informed the Pilgrims
about the creation of an "International Energy group", which
became the International Energy Agency.
1975 - Pilgrim Nelson
Rockefeller heads the ’ U.S. President’s Commission on CIA
activities within the United States’. It was created in response
to a December 1974 report in The New York Times that the CIA had
conducted illegal domestic activities, including experiments on
U.S. citizens, during the 1960s. The commission was, among other
things, responsible for the investigation and publication of
Project MKULTRA, a CIA mind control study.
1992 - Pilgrim Lord Bingham
of Cornhill heads an inquiry into the Bank of England to find
out their responsibility in the BCCI drug laundering scandal.
Turns out the Bank of England was just a bit lazy, but didn’t do
anything on purpose. The persons that owned the BCCI were mainly
1001 Club members; Agha Hasan Abedi, Salem Bin Laden, and Kalid
bin Mahfouz, possibly more. Lord Bingham became a member of the
very elite
Order of Garter in 2005. Some other persons involved
with the BCCI scandal were members of the secret international
intelligence group
Le Cercle.
2001 - Henry Kissinger, who
was picked as the first chairman of the 9/11 commission, was a
Pilgrim. The old vice-chairman of the 9/11 Commission, George
John Mitchell, became a director of the CFR in 1995, so chances
are very substantial he’s a Pilgrim too. The new chairman,
Thomas H. Kean, is from a very prominent New Jersey family and
has been a chairman of the Carnegie Foundation, so don’t be
surprised if it turns out that he also attends Pilgrims dinners
(or 1001 Club meetings in his case). More rumors concerning 9/11
and likely Pilgrims exist, but as plausible as some of them
sound, I won’t go into them, simply because I don’t trust the
researchers this information came from.
2004 - Pilgrims Society
member Lord Peter Inge is part of a five-member panel that looks
into the gathered intelligence that was used to justify an
invasion in Iraq the year before. All 5 are Privy Councillors
and just as the panel’s chairman, Lord Inge is a knight of the
Order of the Garter.
* As you can see, when we move into the
eighties and nineties, information on the Pilgrims becomes quite
It is obvious that the Pilgrims Society has a very interesting
history and that it’s membership consists of very influential
people. Above all, it seems that the Pilgrims Society represents
that old dream of Cecil Rhodes to create a worldwide
English-speaking free-trade zone (his exact words), with the
dominant position for the Anglo-Saxon race. Rhodes had also
speculating about a network of secret societies that had to absorb
the wealth of the world. In fact, the enormous fortune he left
behind was probably used to set up the Pilgrims Society just 4
months after he died. But especially these days, ’free-trade’
policies seem to be nothing more than a tool by which western
companies wrestle control of foreign markets. This makes it hard to
say if their ultimate goal of ’global peace’ really is that noble.
In the course the 20th century, especially after WWII, many
organizations with similar objectives have sprung up worldwide.
Among them are Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, the British
Invisibles, the European Round Table, the Group of thirty, the
European Institute, the Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue, the 1001
Club, the EU-Japan Business Dialogue, the Pacific Basin Economic
Council, Le Cercle, the Multinational Chairman’s Group, and dozens
In every single case, British and American interests are represented
more than adequately, at the very least in leadership positions.
Even though recent names are in rather short supply it has already
become obvious that we can find most, if not all of these leaders
back in the Pilgrims Society. This indicates that we are dealing
with one of the most important privately funded institutions of the
globalist movement. But, like I already said, let’s not exaggerate
by saying that we found ’the puppet masters’ or something like that.
At any time, there are loads of intelligence operations going on
most of the well over a 1000 members know nothing about. Also,
looking at the bios, it’s obvious that there is considerable
infighting going on and that different members can’t get along with
each other at all. So, as for now, I suggest that we focus our
energy on gathering as many names as possible. Then the picture will
become clear by itself.
A lot of additional information on the Anglo-American establishment
and/or the British Empire can be found in the books of professor
Carroll Quigley. The articles on Executive Intelligence Review also
contain a lot of insightful information.
[1] October 1901, #6, McClure’s
Magazine, ‘J. Pierpont Morgan’
[2] February 05, 1903, Reuters, ’Lord C. Beresford in
[3] March 3, 1903, The Scotsman, ’Great Britain and the
United States - Banquet in London’
[4] June 20, 1903, The Scotsman, ’MP George Wyndham at the
Pilgrims Club’
[5] February 20, 1908, New York Times, ‘Ambassador Reid –
the Pilgrims guest’
[6] April 24, 1910, Associated Press, Mark Twain deceased -
Pilgrims visit
[7] February 6, 1913, The Scotsman, King George delivers
message at Pilgrims Society
[8] December 24, 1915, The Scotsman, ’Closer Unity of the
British Empire’
[9] June 1, 1918, Press Association, ’Hands off the Southern
[10] December 22, 1919, The Scotsman, Pilgrims celebrate
299th birthday of original Pilgrims
[11] March 17, 1924, Time Magazine, ’A Summing-Up’
[12] April 21, 1924, Time Magazine, ’The Judgment’
[13] December 2, 1926, The Scotsman, ’Duke of York -
Pilgrims God Speed’
[14] May 4, 1928, The Scotsman, Nicholas Butler becomes the
new president of the U.S. club
[15] July 6, 1931, Time Magazine, ’30 Years of Picasso’
[16] October 26, 1939, The Scotsman, Pilgrims speaker
denounces the Nazis as Barbarian Pagans
[17] November 6, 1939, Time Magazine, ‘Aims and Rights’
[18] 1940, John Whiteford, ‘Sir Uncle Sam, Knight of the
British Empire’
[19] January 20, 1941, Time Magazine, ’Churchill & the U.S.’
[20] March 20, 1941, The Scotsman, Nazis denounce
Churchill’s Pilgrims speech and the Anglo-Saxons
[21] December 3, 1942, The Scotsman, ’New World Order - Path
of Equality and Human Brotherhood’
[22] E.C. Knuth, 1946, ‘The Empire of the City’
[23] December 13, 1947, The Scotsman, ’Marshall on his
[24] October 23, 1950, Time Magazine, No Pushing
[25] November 7, 1950, The Scotsman, ’No Slackening after
[26] Oct. 27, 1952, Time Magazine, ’No Pushing’
[26] July 2, 1956, Time Magazine, ’Give ’Em Hell, Harricum!’
[27] Dec. 8, 1958, Time Magazine, ’The Double Dare’
[28] April 16, 1965, Time Magazine, Ambassador Patrick
[29] 1966, Carroll Quigley, ’Tragedy and Hope - A history of
the world in our time’
[30] December 1973, Kissinger addresses the Pilgrims and
suggests an "International Energy group"
[31] June 1975, American Opinion, William P. Hoar, ‘Henry
Kissinger: This Man Is On The Other Side’
[32] January 30, 1981, Reuters, ’Mrs. Thatcher Detects No
Sign Of Moscow’s Interest in Detente’ (excerpt)
[33] 1983 (original from 1952), Eustace Mullins, ‘Secrets of
the Federal Reserve’
[34] December 10, 1985, New York Times, ’ Excerpts From
Shultz Remarks on Aid to Rebels’ (excerpt)
[35] Official Federal Reserve websites
[36] April 20, 1994, The Times, ’Britain belongs to Europe’
[37] April 20, 1994, The Times, ’US ambassador leaves with
rebuke for Euro-sceptics; Raymond Seitz’
[38] November 16, 1994, The Times, ’US tries to forge pact
on eastward expansion of Nato’
[39] April 6, 1995, The Times, ’FDR and The Times’
[40] June 30, 1999, MOD, Speech of George Robertson
[41] 2002, Anne Baker Pimlott, ‘The Pilgrims of Great
Britain – a centennial history’
[42] 2002, Antony Sutton, ‘America’s Secret Establishment’
[43] Watch.pair.com, ‘The Pilgrim Society & The English
Speaking Union’
[44] January 31, 2002, nato.int, ‘NATO After September 11’
[45] November 28, 2002, U.S. State Department, ‘State’s
Boucher on U.S. Foreign Policy, EU and NATO, Iraq, Freedom’
[46] 2002, University of Dundee, ’Laureation Countess of
Strathmore and Kinghorne - Professor Alan Newell’
[47] January 21, 2004, Royal.gov.uk, ’Diary of engagements
of the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh...’
[48] February 4, 2004, Times Online, ’Today’s royal
[49] February 12, 2004, The UK Mission to the United
Nations, ’Speech to Pilgrims of the United States on "A
Multilateral Journey"’
[50] September 16, 2004, Chatham House, internal program
list names Robert Worcester as a Pilgrim
[51] September 2004, English Speaking Union, ’Panel
Discussion on the US Election’
[52] Charles Savoie, Silver Investor, 2004-2005, ‘Meet the
World Money Power’-series. (highly recommended. Many names
come from this person’s research.)
[53] Kansas City Infozine, biography of Robert M. Worcester
(again) confirms he is a chairman of the Pilgrims.
[54] Corporate Entertainer Magazine, ’Banking on
Hospitality’ (article on Rupert Hambro, year unknown)