by Joël van der Reijden
August 14, 2005
last update September 18, 2008

from InstituteForTheStudyOfGlobalizationAndCovertPolitics Website



if you look up information on the 1001 Club on the internet you'll find that the group is listed on Wikipedia's WWF page.


The author has added it there several years back, but any attempt to add additional information - however basic - has always been blocked.


Now that membership lists have been made available with this article, I suggest people expand on the 1001 Club information on Wikipedia and see to it that it doesn't get sanitized.


Whether you search in Dutch, French, German, English, American, or South-African newspapers of the past 35 years, you will find that there is virtually no information available on a private association naming itself the 1001 Club. Even in the Netherlands, where Prince Bernhard's involvement with Bilderberg should be widely known by now, absolutely no one has heard of his role in creating "the 1001".


The only official information available about this club - which the average person is very unlikely to stumble upon - is that it was established in the early seventies by individuals as Prince Bernhard, Prince Philip, Charles de Haes, and Anton Rupert, and that every member paid a one time fee of $10,000 to get lifetime membership - that's about it.


This almost total absence of public awareness seems odd, as the men visiting 1001 Club receptions often represent some of the greatest economic interests on the planet.




Background of the WWF and the 1001

In 1948, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) was erected, mainly by Sir Julian Huxley, a famous biologist. Later, in September 1961, Julian Huxley officially established the WWF, together with persons like Prince Bernhard and Prince Philip.


Ten years later, around 1971, WWF officials Anton Rupert, Prince Philip, and Prince Bernhard came together and decided to form a club that would cover the administrative and fundraising aspects of the WWF, making the organization's existence independent from donations of the general public.


Anton Rupert is said to have been the one who came up with the idea.


Bernhard became the "figurehead" of the organization, a role similar to his role in the Bilderberg meetings. Bernhard was well liked, knew many people on both sides of the Atlantic, and as a prince, was considered neutral. Anton Rupert appointed the Belgian economist Charles de Haes as Bernhard's personal assistant.


Bernhard and de Haes would approach most of the individuals who would be invited to the 1001 Club, which mainly were friends and associates of the two princes. In 1974, all the members were recruited, each of them having paid the one-time contribution of $10,000 to the Club's "1001 Nature Trust".


From this point on, we have very little information on how the club organizes its meetings and how much each of the members keep contributing.




The strangest club in the world? (above image)

  1. Fugitive banker and drug smuggler Robert Vesco, reportedly working for the CIA

  2. Agha Abedi, founder and head of the BCCI

  3. BCCI shareholder Salem Bin Laden, the older brother of Osama, whose small plane crashed when the BCCI scandal came out

  4. Permindex founder Mortimer Bloomfield, who was a SOE-CIA-FBI Division Five and Haganah/Zionist agent, here talking to David Ben Gurion

  5. 1001 Club member Mobutu Sese Seko, the anti-communist dictator of Zaire, having a laugh with Prince Bernhard, the 1001's head.



Club meetings

Press reports about the 1001 Club have been extremely sporadic. Possibly the only serious exposé on the club was published in 1980 by Private Eye.


One of the questions this magazine asked was:

"The puzzling question is what do the '1001' get for their money apart from private prestige and the privilege of dining with Prince Bernhard or the Duke of Edinburgh?" [1]

We'll leave the answer to this question for later.


The mentioning of diners indicates that the 1001 Club is organized in the same way as many other establishment clubs, including the prestigious Pilgrims Society. An initial problem when writing this article was that it was difficult to determine whether or not the 1001 still existed - information was extremely scarce to say the least. One thing that could be found was that new members were still invited in 1996.


On the website of Buttonboss Plc. we can read in the history section:

"Buttonboss celebrated its 20th Anniversary and, once again, Prince Bernhard honored us with his presence in attending the spectacular celebration party in Twente (Holland).


It was on this occasion that he, in name of fellow members of the selection committee, offered Henk Brusse membership of the '1001-Club', for which he was responsible in founding.


This club compromises 1001 good friends and relations of H.R.H. Prince Bernhard, all of whom support the world-wide activities associated with the World Wild Life Nature Fund."

The next step was to contact several branches of the World Wildlife Fund for Nature and ask them about the 1001.


On August 10, 2005, the Dutch branch of the WWF finally confirmed that meetings were still being organized:

"I received your question about the 1001-Club. Regular meetings indeed do take place. The location is different every time.


For instance, last April there has been a Panda Ball in Monaco and a diner in Barcelona... Could you please inform me why you are interested in this information?"

In the email the question was asked if the meetings were held in London.


The WWF employee said that although it's very likely that meetings have been organized here too, that they were held in various countries. A very brief 1978 report in The Times confirms that Prince Philip gave a reception at Windsor castle for 1001 Club members [2].


A leaked, confidential internal report of the 1001 Club furthermore confirms that Prince Bernhard regularly organized receptions at Soestdijk Palace for Dutch 1001 Club members, and that King Juan Carlos organized his own receptions in Spain for Spanish members.


According to this last report, international meetings have also been organized on a regular basis. [3] One example of these international trips/meetings appears to have been a five-day trip to Nepal of some thirty 1001 Club members. The excursion was headed by Prince Bernhard [4].

Three days after uploading the initial 1001 Club article (the site was visited by WWF headquarters in Switzerland for some time after the emails had been sent) and five weeks after sending them an email, the British branch of the WWF finally decided to reply (it should normally take two days max).


They confirmed the 1001 Club was still organizing meetings and added to it that the one-time introduction fee had been increased to $25,000.

"I have been in discussions with our major support section in order to find all the information that you require about the 1001 club.


There is a one off membership fee of $25,000 (US Dollars) and there are field trips and events organised mainly by WWF International. If you have further queries please come back to us..."

This short message took them five weeks! And why did this person have to go in "discussions" to receive "all this information"?


Needles to say, we did get back to them and asked them whether or not the regular staff has actually heard of the 1001 Club, or if all this information is held behind closed doors within the WWF headquarters. The answer came after about three weeks, on September 5, 2005.


If we skip the usual apology for the delay, the whole email read:

"I would like to inform you that the 1001 Club is a scheme run by WWF-International, which is situated in Switzerland, and for detailed information we have to contact WWF-International."

As expected, the answer doesn't tell us a whole lot.

Anyway, if you have a thousand members with an average age of 45-50 years or so, you'd expect that at least an average of about twenty people die each year.


Twenty new members who each pay the $25,000 introduction fee is a baseline income for the 1001 Club of at least $500,000 annually.



Difference between the 1001 and the Pilgrims

The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society is a good society to compare the 1001 Club with.


Both are very aristocratic and very low profile social clubs. Both are international and have originated from England. The two are also comparable in size, with considerable overlap in membership when it comes to British or, to some extent, American members.

There are also differences, the most obvious being that members of the 1001 Club are recruited from all over the world.


There are:

  • Conrad Black and Maurice Strong from Canada

  • Henry Ford II and Robert McNamara from the United States

  • Antenor Patino and Gustavo Cisneros from Latin America

  • Sir Peter Cadbury and Lord Buxton from the United Kingdom

  • Hilmar Reksten and Alf Bjercke from Norway

  • Henk Brusse and Ferdinand Grapperhaus from the Netherlands

  • Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza and Berthold Beitz (Krupp) from Germany

  • Egmond Frommelt and Herbert Batliner from Liechtenstein

  • Mobutu Sese Seko and Salay Edu from Africa

  • Mohammed Al-Naki and Agha Abedi from the Middle-East

  • Gyanendra Dev from Nepal

  • Sir Kenneth Fung and Sir Y.K. Pao from Hong Kong

In contrast, the Pilgrims Society is strictly Anglo-American.





Nobility and royalty in the 1001:

  • Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein, who is trying to become the absolute ruler of his country

  • Gyanendra Dev with Prince Philip, right after Dev's family had been murdered almost entirely by his nephew Crown Prince Dipendra

  • King Juan Carlos, who doesn't mind shooting endangered species

  • Prince Johannes von Thurn und Taxis who seems to have been involved in underhand business with leading Cercle members

  • Baron Heinrich II "Heini" von Thyssen-Bornemisza, nephew of the notorious Fritz Thyssen

Another difference between members of the Pilgrims Society and the 1001 Club is that Pilgrims virtually always remain highly respected individuals from high society throughout their life, whereas a considerable amount of 1001 Club members have fallen from grace over the years.


Among the examples are

  • Mobutu Sese Seko, the ruthless dictator of Zaire

  • drug and arms trader Robert Vesco

  • arms/gold/diamond smuggler Sheikh Ali Ahmed

  • the hard-right, anti-communist financier Nelson Bunker Hunt

  • Mossad agent and money launderer Tibor Rosembaum

  • Zionist agent Louis Mortimer Bloomfield

  • Salem Bin Laden, the half brother of Osama Bin Laden

  • Agha Hasan Abedi of the BCCI

  • Zionist/mafia-linked bankers as (Mrs.) Edgar de Picciotto and Edmond Safra

There are leading figures from respectable banks and corporations, but overall the 1001 has a much more mixed crowd.


Because of all the foreign interests, persons representing the Vatican-Paneuropa network and Zionism are also considerably more prominent in the 1001 Club than the predominantly Episcopal and Presbyterian Pilgrims Society.



Land grabbing and covert operations

As Private Eye magazine asked: what is the real purpose of the 1001 Club?


Private Eye suspected that the real motive of many businessmen joining the 1001 has a lot to do with them seeking new ways to expand their business operations, in this case by using the WWF and the 1001 Club as a platform to casually meet the leaders of third world countries who control a substantial amount of the planet's natural resources.

This accusation is actually quite hard to substantiate.


There are a number of British and American 1001 Club members who represent great oil, mineral, and shipping interests, but only a small number of third world political leaders can be found among the membership (Mobutu is probably the biggest exception).


Of course, the 1001 Club remains a good place to meet important persons from various countries around the world, but the question is if this is the primary purpose for members to join.




1001 Club members (above image):

  • Sidney Spiro

  • Harry Oppenheimer

  • Sir Val Duncan

  • Maurice Strong

  • Sir Eric Drake

They represented corporations and banks as Anglo-American, De Beers, Charter, Rio Tinto, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and BP, the British Newfoundland Corporation, Société Générale pour l'Energie et les Ressources, the International Energy Development Corporation, P&O shipping, the Bank of England, Barclays and Hambro.

To a large extent the 1001 Club seems to be just what it is supposed to be: a group of influential people concerned about the environment.


However, as kings and emperors have shown over the centuries, it's perfectly possible to enjoy nature and not care anything for the common man. Striving for a sustainable future can be a very elitist thing.


We all need fresh air and clean water. On top of that, many bankers and industrialists of the western world list among their hobbies such activities as hiking, fishing, visiting faraway places, and above all... hunting.


An ever-expanding world population seriously gets in the way of these things.

Although no politician or journalist will burn his fingers on this topic, helping people of third world countries is actually quite problematic from a strictly geopolitical point of view.


The reasons:

  1. it may upset the balance of power

  2. there aren't enough natural resources to support 6,5 billion people with a high standard of living

The economic power clique of the West seems to have realized this, judging from internal documents that leaked from the World Bank in recent years.


These documents described the process through which the IMF and World Bank crush third world countries economically by extending their loans only after the leaders of the respective countries have accepted secret and very far-reaching policies of privatization and deregulation. [5]


The eccentric financial expert Jean-Pierre van Rossem may have said it best:

"The whole third world is indebted to the banks. And it really is the financial power clique that keeps these countries poor. Why does poverty continue? Because it has a purpose." [6]

The bankers and industrialists of the Eastern Establishment have traditionally been very involved in suppressing Latin American trade unions, while anti-communist hardliners, mainly from the United States and Israel, have been training death squads in Latin America since at least the early 1980s.


There has been a degree of antagonism between these two groups, mainly about the degree of support for radical Zionism, but the lines are hard to define.

Britain too has tried to find ways to remain an influence in the world, and some have argued over the years that British Intelligence and the Foreign Office have tried to use the WWF (and 1001 Club) to pursue some of the country's geopolitical interests.


The most important of these critics has been the Irish journalist Kevin Dowling, who in 1990 produced the documentary 'Ten Pence in the Panda', in which he documented the extreme ineffectiveness of the WWF's efforts to defend species as the panda, the elephant, and the black rhino.


During the controversy in the weeks and months after the documentary, Dowling produced more damning evidence against the WWF.


It turned out that the people living in the reserves were forced to live under inhumane conditions (and could be shot on sight), that wealthy customers could illegally hunt on rhinos and elephants, that leading nature conservatives were involved in the illegal trade in ivory, and that criminal special operations were launched from nature reserves to sustain the apartheid system. [7]

The Dutch Attorney J. Wilgers in more recent years looked into the work of Kevin Dowling and reached similar conclusions.


According to Wilgers, the IUCN and the WWF (and therefore also the 1001 Club) have been created as fronts for British neo-colonial policies:

"In 1948, the IUCN, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, was established. The most important person involved was Julian Huxley. This IUCN had a close working relationship with the British Colonial and Foreign Office. All his life Huxley had been working on projects related to the conservation of nature.


In 1960, he made a trip through the British colonies that were about to become independent.


He made sure that the British government was able to keep their hold on the nature reserves located in the countries of the Commonwealth, even today.


Somehow he was able to convince the new African leaders that every person from Africa was a natural born poacher.

"Great Britain has always been preoccupied with the capture of raw materials from the countries in the Commonwealth and the protection of the unlimited supply of it.


It is noteworthy that the IUCN still has the affix, "for natural resources" [International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources].


I also point to the fact that the IUCN is an extension of the government offices and the public sector of the United Kingdom, because in the end, these are the real beneficiaries.


A year after Huxley's trip, the WWF was established with the sole purpose of gathering funds for the IUCN. The IUCN went to the background at the moment the WWF came into existence...

"Thirty years later, the WWF controls 10% of the world's surface. They control 40% of Tanzania. At the moment they are focused on South-America.


This is something of the last 5 years [since 1994-1995]." [8]

It's no secret that a crucial aspect of the West's prosperity has to do with its reasonably inexpensive access to bulk materials as oil and precious metals around the world.


If these supplies were to dry up, or become too expensive to import, the economy of the West would collapse totally and permanently.


One person who understood that very good was Sir Julian Amery, one of the most important behind the scenes players in post WWII Britain.

"The prosperity of our people rests really on the oil in the Persian Gulf, the rubber and tin of Malaya, and the gold, copper and precious metals of South- and Central Africa.


As long as we have access to these; as long as we can realize the investments we have there; as long as we trade with this part of the world, we shall be prosperous. If the communists [or anyone else] were to take them over, we would lose the lot.


Governments like Colonel Nasser's in Egypt are just as dangerous." [9]

Amery made these remarks in late 1962, after Egypt had sent troops to Yemen in order to prevent domestic forces from bringing back the ousted Imam.


The British had a Crown colony in the south, Aden, but realized they were not a superpower anymore and could do little to defend their overseas interests.


Overtly that is, as Amery and his good friend David Stirling, founder of the SAS, soon approached Sir Alec Douglas Home, Foreign Secretary at the time, in the White's Club to discuss their plan of a covert war.



Julian Amery, who would become head of Le Cercle in the 1980s.

Billy McLean, Prince Turki Al-Faisal and the King of Jordan

would all become members of this international private intelligence group.



The idea was that Stirling would be send to Yemen with a group of ex-SAS men and train the local royalist groups, who were supporters of the deposed Imam. Under the leadership of the SAS, they would then undermine the Egyptian forces.


Stirling approached the Saudi House of Al-Faisal, who agreed to fund the entire operation. Weapons were delivered by Adnan Khashoggi; the arms dealer's first major contract. Stirling also received support from the King of Jordan.


The Mossad and former MI6 officers as George Kennedy Young and Billy McLean (another close friend of Amery) were also involved in the secret war.


The operation was a huge success and in August 1965 the Egyptians had been so tied down that they were forced to sign a cease-fire with the Saudis, the main overt supporters of the Yemeni resistance, and begin their withdrawal.


Unfortunately for Stirling and Amery, Wilson had recently entered office and began withdrawing British forces all over the world. Yemen would soon be taken over by communist-sponsored elements in society.


To prevent this from happening in Saudi Arabia, which had been left virtually defenseless by the British withdrawal, Stirling and his business associates managed to sell an Air Force to Saudi Arabia, maintained by SAS mercenaries.


The deal would bring many other business opportunities in the future. [10]

Although private interests, especially banks, always had a great deal of influence on the British government (or on any government), the events in Yemen is considered the start of not only the privatization of British foreign policy, but also of covert warfare. The result was not unlike a diluted version of the historic British East-India Company or Cecil Rhodes' British South Africa Company.


And herein lies the problem: even though someone like Stirling was quite brilliant in his own way, the group he hung out with was a combination of robber barons, imperialists and fascists.


Examples are John Aspinall, Lord Lucan, Sir James Goldsmith, Tiny Rowland, the Cecil family and Lord Julian Amery.


Especially the last four had many connections to the leading aristocracy (they were part of it), the business community and international intelligence.


They became involved in funding and training rebel groups across Africa; officially to counter the Soviet threat, unofficially to retain control over the minerals in that area. In itself not that much of problem, although human rights have never been a point of consideration for these people, who also supported dictators like Franco, Pinochet, Mobutu and Ian Smith.


Rowland, together with Adnan Khashoggi, did a lot of business with Ghaddafi [11]. These two picked up where "rogue" CIA agent Edwin Wilson left off 10 years earlier.

One operation in particular would be damning to the British establishment if it were to be fully exposed. Men like the 7th Marquess of Salisbury (Cecil) and Julian Amery, both leading members of the international private intelligence group Le Cercle, were strong supporters of the apartheid governments in Africa [12].


The accusation is that when it became obvious in the 1980s that the apartheid system was breaking down, British fascists set up private SAS operations in southern Africa to counter this movement, largely in the same manner as the operation in Yemen about 25 years earlier.


Retired SAS officers operated through front companies. One of those was KAS Enterprises, a private security firm first headed by David Stirling, and when he died in 1990, by Sir James Goldsmith. Officially, KAS was hired to protect elephants and rhinos from poachers in southern Africa. They were authorized to use deadly force.


However, soon people began to notice that a disproportionally large amount of the people killed were ANC activists, many of them part of the armed resistance.


Even though reportedly 1,5 million people ended up dead, the operation of bringing a halt to majority rule was unsuccessful.


Attention was now shifted to South Africa alone and an attempt was made to destabilize the country to such an extent that the military of the apartheid government could step in and declare martial law.


The idea was to set up the ANC against the Zulu-dominated Inkatha Freedom Party, respectively the largest and second largest anti-apartheid movements in South Africa.


The tactic was to train black units, like the Anti-Cattle Thieves Brigade and the Crowbar Unit, and to have them commit terrorist actions in the black townships. This was to lead to a civil war followed by a military crackdown.


The operation killed several ten thousand people, but accomplished nothing; in 1994 the apartheid system was history.


Interestingly, a South African report about Operation Lock, as the project was called, was suppressed by the Mandela government as it was considered "too explosive".


Press releases did however indicate that the SAS, in part through KAS, was the origin of the mysterious "third force", blamed for the campaign of terrorism and assassinations. [13]

KAS had been hired by "wealthy conservatives", although besides Prince Bernhard, names do not seem to have been released. It is also not known how much these men knew, or wanted to know, about the secondary operations of KAS.


Kevin Dowling:

"I discovered that in the so-called wildlife parks a system of total repression existed. People don't have any rights, their traditional way of income is forbidden.


They can't even step on a flower without running the risk of being murdered.


At the same time these so-called wildlife parks turned out to function as staging grounds and training camps for all kinds of mercenaries.


South-Africa stationed its secret troops there which had to sow death and destruction in the townships of South-Africa and the frontline states, while also the terrorists of Renamo and Unita liked to hide out there. ...

"Because I had so many contacts in Africa by that time, I was being overwhelmed with information about Project Lock. I discovered that very heavy guys were involved in the operation.


The military branch of the operation was under the command of Colonel Ian Crooke, the second man of the special forces in England, the SAS....


Furthermore, in the Lock network I found the name of Gordon Shepard. That is a kind of dirty tricks [specialist of MI6 who used to work in Northern Ireland] ...


There were people of Kroll Associates, a kind of private intelligence service of Wall Street. In short, it was a real heavy group, an old-boy network in which the WWF, the SAS, MI5 and MI6 plus some CIA guys and private intelligence services brotherly came together.


The civilian side of the operation was headed by John Hanks, Prince Bernhard's right-hand man in Africa." [14]

J. Wilgers, who was inspired by the work of Kevin Dowling, did his own research and reached similar conclusions:

"During that time these people trained a number of elite black units in the wildlife parks [of the Peace Parks Foundation and the WWF]...


I have seen that these projects were completely financed by the World Wide Fund for Nature.


Of course a certain Prince [Bernhard] has been involved in that, who has walked around there with a suitcase full of money, but the question remains how much this man knew about the projects..."

"It is known that in the past SAS units of the British army have been flown into South-Africa and were stationed on territory controlled by the WWF with the purpose of conducting military operations...


Military units have been trained in these kinds of parks and were later brought in connection with murders in the South-African townships.


In the Zambezi-Valley, members of the military wing of the ANC have been shot at from WWF helicopters. The Zambesi-Valley was the primary entrance into South-Africa.


Under the cover of fighting poachers ANC members have been executed without any form of trial. I call that an undeclared war or genocide..."

"There are 2 types of parks: nature parks and strategic parks. The official purpose of the nature parks is the protection of nature. Often, these parks contain important minerals like diamond or uranium.


Locals are encouraged to leave or simply chased away.


Type 2 are the strategic parks. If you look carefully you'll find that these parks are either located on certain ridges useful for military observation, or they are border transcending parks like for example those in South-Africa and Mozambique...


It is remarkable that corridors have been projected in such a way that they cleverly combine the preservation of nature with the gaining of a military advantage." [15]


WWF map from a 2001.

New parks have been created in the mean time.


Wilgers was persecuted by the WWF for making public statements that the World Wide Fund for Nature is a criminal enterprise.


Unfortunately for the WWF, they lost their case, although they never had to admit that Wilgers was right in his accusations. Wilgers wasn't "knowingly speaking untruths", it was concluded [16].


Years later, I made a call to Mr. Wilgers, who stated that the 1001 Club is directed by the Privy Council and MI6. This now turns out to be similar to the leadership of Le Cercle.


All British chairmen of Le Cercle were deeply involved with British and foreign intelligence, and the last three were members of the Privy Council.

It may be possible that these so called 'strategic parks' might not be limited to Southern Africa.


For instance, if you take a look at Pakistan, the "ally" of the United States in the War on Terror (and significantly represented in the 1001 Club, in part through the Bhutto family), you'll see five major national parks in the north of the country.


One is located at the border with India, another at the border with China, and yet another one at the border with northern Afghanistan.


The management of these parks works closely with the IUCN and the WWF. The Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) of 1001 Club member Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan is another partner in many of the same projects in that area.


It's hard to say if these parks are used for some type of military operations, but they certainly are conveniently located.



Three major parks bordering the surrounding countries.

More detailed geographical info can be found at the websites cited.

Although the picture seems to indicate that two of the parks

are located some distance from the border, in reality they extend right to the border.




The human-induced global warming agenda



This paragraph primarily reflects the author's opinion. It is not meant as an in depth discussion of the theory that CO2 is causing catastrophic global warming.


A formerly unsubstantial aspect of the environment movement, the idea that CO2 is causing global warming, has become a very hot item since former vice president Al Gore came out with his documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth' in 2006.




1001 Club members David Rockefeller, Edmund de Rothschild, and Maurice Strong (not to mention James Baker III) already promoted an agenda in the 1980s that their associate Al Gore only really put on the map in 2006 with his film 'An Inconvenient Truth'.


At these early meetings, Strong introduced Edmund the Rothschild as the founder of the "conservation banking" program.


The audio recordings are hard to dispute, but let's hope the document produced by George Hunt in which these people describe using the United Nations to take over the world is not true. (see old introduction article for details)


The Gore family has intermarried with the Schiff family of The Pilgrims and the Wildlife Conservation Society.


Gore's closest ally in his global warming campaign is Theodore Roosevelt IV, another establishment family whose members for decades have been top-level CIA officers and in one case an anti-Establishment (disinformation) propagandist.


Family members also were great fascist appeasers who supported the overthrow of FDR in favor of a more "right wing" government (see Pilgrims Society article for the details).


You can find this latest Theodore Roosevelt in such organizations as the Alliance for Climate Protection (vice chair under Gore), the Pew Center for Global Climate Change (chairman), the World Resources Institute, and the Wilderness Society.


Maurice Strong is also still very active today. He is chairman of the Earth Council Alliance and sits on the board of the Chicago Climate Exchange, a CO2 trading scheme.

Since that time the media has bombarded Western society with the "undeniable fact" that the earth is heating up, that we humans are the cause of it, and that if we fail to make drastic changes, a large portion of the earth's population will die in horrible cataclysms.

The problem with Al Gore's theories is that they are terribly lopsided, as documentaries as Channel 4's 'The Great Global Warming Swindle' and CBC's 'Global Warming Doomsday Called Off' have shown.


Although the former may take a slightly too biased approach from a skeptical point of view, both documentaries clearly show that 'An Inconvenient Truth' is nothing more than a crude propaganda piece.


The changes the earth - not to mention other planets in the solar system - is going through are likely to be nothing more than a natural cycle largely caused by the sun's increased energy output.

Unfortunately for the world, Al Gore is backed by the most powerful interests in the Anglo-American liberal establishment, resulting in almost zero opposition to the theory that human-produced CO2 is the major cause for the warming of the earth.


The WWF is just one establishment institute that blindly supports Al Gore's theories.


Looking at their websites, other organizations promoting the ideas of Al Gore are:

  • the Business and Industry Advisory Committee of the OECD

  • the International Chamber of Commerce

  • the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy

  • the Rockefeller Brothers Fund

  • the Carnegie network

The Carnegie Endowment alone makes large annual grants to numerous United Nations programs, to the CFR, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and the Atlantic Council of the United States, not to mention dozens of universities in the United States (including Harvard, Yale, and Princeton).


It works closely with the Ford Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Al Gore would be the perfect 1001 Club member, and he could well be one.


Unfortunately there are no recent membership lists available, so the only thing that can be concluded is that Gore's mentors have been among the membership of the 1001: Maurice Strong, Edmund de Rothschild, and David Rockefeller.


As has been documented quite extensively in ISGP's old introduction article, these are the people who set up the globalist-environmental agenda in the 1970s and 1980s, and were the earliest funders and promoters of human-induced global warming theories.


And they are still involved.


Return to Al Gore and "An Inconvenient Truth"...



Organizations represented by 1001 Club members

When you take a look at the membership list that we have compiled so far, you'll find the leaders and founders of some of the environmental organizations below.



African Wildlife Foundation

A few 1001 Club members and alleged members have been involved in setting up and running the institute since 1961, which was first known as the African Wildlife Leadership Foundation. Among the founders were Russell E. Train (cousin of John Train, the Pilgrims Society member and former financial advisor to CIA-ally John Hay Whitney, who was a vice-president of the Pilgrims), Kermit Roosevelt Jr. (the CIA coup plotter who founded the anti-communist Safari Club), and Arthur Windsor Arundel. Sue Erpf van de Bovenkamp of the 1001 Club used to sit on the president's council.

Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP)

Founded by 1001 Club member Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan. According to the World Bank in 2002: "By many measures the Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) is a highly successful NGO-run rural development program. It reaches some 900,000 people in about 1,100 villages in the Northern Areas and Chitral District of Pakistan, near the Afghanistan border."


Formerly owned by the Latin American globalist giant Gustavo Cisneros. This leading Venezuelan environmentalist group was shut down after it was caught faking dolphin killings for a campaign against the tuna fishing industry. At times, the WWF and Greenpeace have been accused of doing the same thing. Cisneros is a Knight of Malta, a member of the chairman's council of the Americas Society, trustee of the Rockefeller University, and a member of the international advisory board of the Power Corporation of Canada. Accused by Chavez of complicity in the April 2002 coup attempt in Venezuela and of using his private TV station Venevision to undermine the administration. Among his friends are the Rockefellers, Bushes, and King Juan Carlos.

Club of Rome

Founded by (alleged) 1001 Club member Alexander King in 1968 with Fiat's second man, Aurelio Peccei. The former number one man in Fiat, Gianni Agnelli, used to be a 1001 Club member. People like Dean Rusk and Carroll Wilson, both of the Pilgrims Society, helped. 1001 Club member King Juan Carlos is as a honorary member of the Club of Rome.

Natural Resources Council of America (NRCA)

The NRCA was founded in 1946, to a large extent by 1001 Club member Clinton R. Gutermuth, and included in its leadership council people from the Sierra Club and the Wilderness Society; among them was Russell Train.

Peace Parks Foundation

The founder and chairman of the Peace Parks Foundation is Anton Rupert, who is said to have come up with the idea of the 1001 Club. The Peace Parks Foundation manages the nature and wildlife parks that are part of the WWF. The Club 21 is the primary financier of the foundation and also acts as its advisor. Among its 21 members are numerous companies of the Rupert Family, the Rothschild Foundation (Anglo-Zionist), De Beers (Anglo-Zionist), Deutsche Bank (German), Philips (Dutch), Total (French; largely controlled by the Suez Group), and DaimlerChrysler (US).

Rhodesia and Nyasaland Club

1001 Club members Harry Oppenheimer and Sidney Spiro dined at the club. Julian Amery, a later head of Le Cercle went there, just as Lord Grenfell of the Pilgrims Society family.

South Africa Foundation

Founded by 1001 Club members Major General Sir Francis de Guingand, a former head of Military Intelligence, and formerly headed by 1001 Club member Harry Oppenheimer. It is a South African big business lobby, and it includes corporations as De Beers, Anglogold, Angloplatinum, GFL Mining Services, Shell, Siemens, Sony, etc. Guingand became secretary and president of the foundation. In November 1969 the foundation gave a luncheon in honour of 1001 Club founder Anton Rupert. 1001 Club member Sidney Spiro was among the participants. The 2nd Lord Beaverbrook, another 1001 Club member, has also attended meetings.

Survival Anglia

1001 Club member Lord Buxton was CEO of the Anglia TV Group from 1958 to 1986. He was chairman of the nature documentary producer Survival Anglia from 1986 to 1992. Besides being Prince Philip's right hand man, he actively suppressed information about the WWF and 1001 Club that journalist Kevin Dowling wanted to make public. A cousin of his, Andrew Buxton, was a long time leading figure in Barclays Bank and created the high-level LOTIS discussions.

Wildlife Conservation Society

1001 Club members Mrs. Vincent Astor, Laurance Rockefeller, Joseph Cullman III, Sue Erpf Van de Bovenkamp are/were all trustees of WCS. Pilgrims Society member David T. Schiff is chairman of the WCS. Other important officers and trustees are Howard Phipps, Jr., John N. Irwin III (son of a Pilgrim), Murray Gell-Mann (JASON Group), Paul A. Gould (Pilgrims family), and George F. Baker III (Pilgrims and 1001 Club family).

WWF Worldwide

From Hong Kong to South-America, all the national heads of the WWF are members of the 1001 Club.

Zoological Societies of New York and London

Charities that work together with some of the local zoos, nature parks, and research centers.



Controversial members


Just as Le Cercle, a lot of members of the 1001 Club have a remarkably controversial background. Below you can find examples of some the more controversial and-or remarkable individuals.


You can find many more names, plus far more extensive biographies, in the membership lists.


Agha Abedi

Co-founder and chairman of the BCCI, which went down in the most massive banking scandal ever. The BCCI was a money laundering center for weapons, drugs, and all kinds of other illegal businesses. The role of the Bank of England was investigated by a Pilgrims Society member who became a member of the Order of the Garter in 2005.

Ali Ahmed

Corrupt Bengal/Pakistani project developer said to have been involved in the smuggling of diamonds, gold, and weapons with the Dutch, the British, and some American interests. Partner of the mafia-connected CFR member Maxwell Rabb. Disappeared in 1976.

Sir Max Aitken

Son of the 1st Lord Beaverbrook, who was an intimate of Hitler's inner circle and became a very good friend of Rudolph Hess, the Thulist who, like Beaverbrook, was promoting the idea of an Anglo-German Peace. Privy councilor Jonathan Aitken, the former head of Le Cercle who was deeply involved in illegal arms transports, is a great nephew of the 2nd Lord Beaverbrook.

Walter H. Annenberg

Born in one of Chicago's most powerful crime families which both inspired and befriended Al Capone. Somehow ended up becoming Ambassador to England in 1969. During this time, he appointed Gordon Gray, a psychological warfare expert, as head of his Triangle Broadcasting Company. Annenberg became a member of the Pilgrims Society.

Herbert Batliner

Trust manager in Liechtenstein and partner of 1001 Club member and corrupt Mossad agent Tibor Rosenbaum. Accused by the German BND for having laundered money for chancellor Helmut Kohl, Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, drug lord Pablo Escobar, and Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire. Batliner also keeps a job in Vatican City.

Bechtel family

Generally seen as a very powerful family with many intelligence connections. Family well known for their prominence in Bohemian Grove's Mandalay Camp. Big funders of the Neoconservative movement since the 1980s.

Salem Bin Laden

Half brother of Bin Laden. Business partner of the Bushes. Killed in a 1988 plane crash after his involvement in the BCCI became known.

Louis Mortimer Bloomfield

Ardent Canadian Zionist who helped train the Jewish army in the late 1930s and was part of the Zionist/Haganah Sonneborn espionage and action network in the United States in the period after World War II. Met numerous times with Israeli prime minister David Ben Gurion. Has been a member of the SOE, OSS, CIA, FBI Division Five, and was a co-founder of the shadowy Permindex. Suspected of being involved in the assassination of JFK and the attempted assassinations on Charles de Gaulle. Member of the Order of the British Empire. Said to be gay, just like his good friend J. Edgar Hoover. Good friend of the Bronfmans.

King Juan Carlos

Even though his patron and good friend was Franco, Carlos is seen as the person who introduced democracy to Spain. He's a Knight of Malta and supporter of Opus Dei. Carlos likes to hunt with foreign leaders like George Bush, Sr. and kill as many endangered species as possible.

Gyanendra Dev and killer nephew

Ascended to the throne of Nepal in June 2001 after most of the Royal family had been murdered by his nephew, Crown Prince Dipendra. Gyanendra dismissed the democratically-elected government in October 2002.

J. Peter Grace

Former chairman of the Knights of Malta in the United States. Member of the Pilgrims Society, the CFR, and the Council for National Policy. Chairman of the chemical giant W.R. Grace & Co. from 1945 to 1992, which was especially big in South-America. Close to the Rockefellers. Said to be a major player in the fascist underground in the post WWII era, especially in South America. His brother was another member of the 1001 Club.

Nelson B. Hunt

He and his brother were oil heirs. His brother sat on the boards of some of the largest U.S. companies. Hunt is a member of The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus (Templar-inspired militant roman catholic organization). He was a major financier of the John Birch Society and the Council for National Policy. He sat on both boards and was president of the CNP in 1983 and 1984. Hunt has done jobs for the CIA, the Vatican, and the Rockefellers. He has been accused of creating death squads and being responsible for a genocide among tribes in the Amazon basin. He is suspected of having stood in contact with Lee Harvey Oswald, the supposed assassin of JFK. He went bankrupt after his effort to corner the silver market failed. Convicted for it in 1988.

Thomas V. Jones

Longtime chairman, chief executive and president of the Northrop Corporation. Has been bribing international government officials all his life. Convicted for some of them. Lord Joseph Kagan, another member of the 1001 Club, was the conduit for the money from Lockheed to Prince Bernhard. Fred Meuser was another 1001 Club member said to have been involved in the Lockheed Affair.

Francis L. Kellogg

Briefly served in the OSS during WWII. An American businessman involved in raw materials shipping, including gold, diamonds, and petroleum. Moved in relatively elite circles. Chief of protocol for Queen Sirikit of Thailand during her visits to the United States in the 1980s. Worked for the CIA during his business life. Trustee of the William J. Donovan Foundation and awarded by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan

Said to be a direct descendent of the prophet Mohammed, the ancient Persian royal families, and the Assassin families, who worked with the medieval Knights Templar. The Aga Khan are collaborators of the British empire since the mid-19th century. Sadruddin's father, Aga Khan III, was a Freemason and a member of the Privy Council. Pilgrims Society executive John Train was Sadruddin's roommate at Harvard while Jay Rockefeller (Pilgrims-1001 Club family) was the roommate of Karim Aga Khan IV (another 1001 Club member). Longtime tennis partner of George H.W. Bush and heavy funder of the WWF. Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire and received awards from the Vatican.

Prince Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein

A member of the 1001 Club together with his late father Prince Franz Joseph II von Liechtenstein. Of Habsburg descent. Almost certainly very close to Opus Dei and Knights of Malta interests, as many other Catholic aristocrats. In recent years drew a lot of power to himself, which turned Liechtenstein from a regular parliamentary monarchy to more of a classical (dictatorial) monarchy.

Believe it or not, co-funded the June 1992 Abduction Study Conference at MIT, which included the research of John Mack (work funded by intelligence-big business interests), Budd Hopkins (supposedly worked for the CIA to come up with therapies for the "abductees"), David Jacobs (another prominent abduction researcher who has a decidedly negative view of the subject), and several others. Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project claims to have spoken with Prince Hans Adam II and has stated that the prince has been so interested in funding abduction research, because one of his brothers had been abducted (according to Greer, by a perfectly human "stagecraft" team).

According to Greer, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Prince Philip have all been very interested and to some extent involved in the UFO subject. In case of Prince Philip, this has been confirmed by other witnesses.

Count Leopold Lippens

From Belgium. Brother of Maurice Lippens, who is one of two or three most influential bankers of Belgium, and an occasional visitor of Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission. At least three members of the Lippens family, including the two brothers, have been accused by about half a dozen witnesses of extremely sadistic child abuse. Other past and present Belgian 1001 Club members as Baron Daniel Janssen, Charly De Pauw, and Pierre Solvay have also been uncomfortably close to child abuse scandals.

Daniel K. Ludwig

Very wealthy. Visitor of the Bohemian Grove. Destroyed a chunk of the rain forest in one of his business enterprises. He later helped Meyer Lansky, chief of the Jewish mafia in New York, to set up his drug money laundering empire in the Bahamas. Did everything he could to stay out of publicity. April 27, 1999, The Daily Mail, '20 years ago':

"Once fired a tanker skipper for submitting a two-sheet report which had been paper-clipped together... the paperclip was wasteful... Although too stingy to pay his former wife Gladys just [pounds sterling]100 a month in alimony... he poured hundreds of millions into his charity, the Ludwig Institute of Cancer Research, in Zurich."

Paul Mellon

Son of the robber baron Andrew Mellon. Paul became an OSS station chief in London during WWII. After the war he and the family's companies worked closely with the CIA. Richard Helms, when head of the CIA, made regular visits to his estates, just as the Queen of England. Member of the Pilgrims Society and the elite Roxburghe Club, together with the Rothschilds, Oppenheimers, Cecils, Cavendishes, and Dukes of Norfolk.

Peter Munk

A Hungarian Jew, regular skiing partner of Prince Charles, and one of the wealthiest men in Canada. CEO and chairman of the world's largest gold-mining corporation, Barricks Gold, which was founded and majority owned by the controversial Iranian arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi. Khashoggi has close ties to the British royal family and his career has been jump started by the Bin Laden family.

Khashoggi has been a business partner of Wally Hilliard, the financial backer of Rudi Dekkers who trained the main 9/11 hijackers. Munk tried to keep it under wraps that his company purchased the rights to a gold mine in Nevada - containing $10 billion in gold - for only $10,000. His U.S. gold mines have been accused of poisoning the local water. Munk was accused of insider trading back in 1967.

John M. Olin

Member of the 1001 Club together with his brother and wife. The Olin Foundation was one of the most important in funding the neoconservative movement in the 1980s. The foundations have also been named as being close to intelligence.

Mrs. Edgar de Picciotto

Wife of a controversial banker from Geneva. From an old Portuguese Jewish trading family. De Picciotto was a director of George Soros's Quantum Fund back in the 1990s. Long-time friend and business associate of the late 1001 Club Edmund Safra, who laundered large amounts of funds for the Russian mafia and was tied to the Mossad.

Tibor Rosenbaum

A Hungarian Jew who became a a Mossad agent in 1951. He was a friend of Prince Bernhard. In 1958, with Edmond de Rothschild (1001 Club member), he was a founder of the Swiss BCI through which he funded Mossad and Permindex operations. The bank was kind of a forerunner of the BCCI and equally involved in money laundering.

Edmond Safra

Descendent of a Syrian-Jewish banking family. His ancestors were gold traders in the Ottoman empire. Founder and head of the reasonably large Republic Bank. In the 1980's and 1990's he and his banking system were investigated for drug and money laundering practices ranging from the U.S. to Moscow and from Turkey to South-America.

It is known that Safra laundered money for the Mossad and the Russian mafia. In 2000, the Republic New York Corporation and its sister company Safra Republic Holdings were acquired by HSBC for $10.3 billion. In the 1980s Safra was member of the Board of Overseers of B'nai B'rith International, together with Edgar M. Bronfman (chair) and Max Fisher (highest level connections in the US and Israeli governments). Has many banking friends in England, Switzerland, and Italy.

Safra died in a fire in his Monte-Carlo apartment back in 1999. Seemingly informed sources have claimed that Safra was murdered for having given evidence to the FBI pertaining to the diversion of IMF credit to Russia (after the FBI had closed in on his money laundering practices).

He had a fight about this with Boris Berezovsky several months before his death. Among the friends of the Safra couple were Nancy Reagan, Condoleezza Rice, and Prince Charles. His wife was later introduced to the aristocratic circles of London by Lord Jacob Rothschild.

Mobuto Sese Seko

Long time dictator of Zaire, which went from one of the richest countries in Africa to one of the poorest. In 1961, Mobutu overthrew the communist Lumumba and, with the support of Belgium, executed him. He forced foreign business interests out of the country. Supported the Rwandan Hutu's, even after the 1994 genocide. When his government issued an order in November 1996 forcing Tutsis to leave Zaire on penalty of death, they erupted in rebellion. From eastern Zaire they launched an offensive to overthrow Mobutu which succeeded in 1997. Laurence Kabila (assassinated in 2001) came to power.

Shah of Iran

Likely an early member (before 1978). The anti-communist dictator of Iran who was an ally of the West. His secret service killed quite a number of dissidents. He was a member of Kermit Roosevelt's anti-communist Safari Club and greatly supported by the Rockefellers and associates.

Baron Heinrich II "Heini" von Thyssen-Bornemisza

His uncle Fritz was the most important financial backer of Hitler, in cooperation with Hjalmar Schacht, the Dillons, the Rockefellers, Speyers, and several other families. Pilgrims Society member John J. McCloy would acquit his uncle of all the Nuremberg charges, together with Hjalmar Schacht and Alfried Krupp. David Rockefeller was impressed by his art collection in May 1960.

Neo-fascist Cercle member Franz Josef Strauss has been accused of taking at least one half a million dollar bribe from the Thyssens in order to promote some of their weapon systems back in the 1980s. Today the Thyssen empire has merged with that of the Krupp family, forming ThyssenKrupp AG. The company is represented at Bohemian Grove camp Mandalay through James H. Brandi (from a Pilgrims Society family).

Robert Vesco

The king of the fugitive financiers. Business partner of Mafia chief Meyer Lansky. Accused of stealing $224 million dollar in 1973 and donated $200,000 to Richard Nixon's re-election campaign. He tried to buy an island and establish it as a sovereign state. Stuck in a Cuban jail until 2009. He will be released when he is 74.

Lew Wasserman

Gave many millions to Jewish and Catholic causes. Donated so much to Catholic charities that Pope John Paul II asked to meet him in 1987. Wasserman was a god in the Hollywood movie business up to the 1980's. Stories circulated of executives who fainted or vomited in the midst of Wasserman tirades. Among his friends and business partners were many mafia figures, but his full involvement hasn't been fully explored. Died in 2002.





[1] August 1, 1980, Private Eye, #486, 'Lowlife Fund' Article available for download at the bottom of this page.

[2] April 11, 1978, The Times, Court Circular, page 18:

"The Duke of Edinburgh, President of the British National Appeal of the World Wildlife Fund, gave a Reception this evening at Windsor Castle for Members of the 1001 Club."

[3] May 1973, confidential introduction to the 1001 Club written by Charles de Haes Document available for download at the bottom of this page.

[4] Friday, October 28, 1977, The Fremont Argus, 'Dutch prince loves nature':

"KATMANDU, Nepal (UPI) - Prince Bernard of the Netherlands arrived here yesterday at the head of a 30- member group of naturalists. The members of the "1001 Club," a group of nature lovers, will be in this mountain kingdom for five days. Bernard, consort of the Dutch queen, was met on arrival by Prince Gyanendra, brother of Nepal's King Birendra. Among those accompanying the prince on the trip are Francis Kellogg, president of the American Wildlife Fund, and Mt. Everest conqueror Tenzing Norkay. The group plans to visit Everest National Park, highest in the world, and the Chitwan National Park, which contains rare one-horned Asian rhine and tigers."

[5] 2004 (expanded election edition), Greg Palast, 'The best democracy money can buy', chapter 4

[6] Van Rossem in the Dutch documentary 'Het Grote Complot - Part 3' ('The Big Plot - Part 3'), broadcasted on January 24, 2004:

[7] November 5, 1997, De Groene Amsterdammer (small weekly magazine), 'The World Nature Army', includes an interview with Kevin Dowling

[8] September 24, 1999, Kleintje Muurkrant, 'Advocaat levert felle kritiek op Wereld Natuurfonds' (Dutch - partial translation used for the article)

[9] 1999, Adam Curtis, 'The Mayfair Set' (broadcasted on BBC2). Excerpt:

"David Stirling was a close friend of Julian Amery's and together they were determined to find a way to stop Nasser... Stirling and Amery had diner with the foreign secretary, Alec Douglas Hume, at the White's Club in St. James's. They proposed a plan: a group of SAS men would mount an operation to fight the Egyptians, but they would do it privately."

[10] Ibid. This documentary does not discuss the role of George Kennedy Young, Billy McLean and the Mossad.
May 1990, Issue 19, Lobster, 'The final testimony of George Kennedy Young - Introduction' (written by Young himself):

"However Nasser did get his uppance. Young had already left MI6 for merchant banking when Mossad approached him to find an Englishman acceptable to the Saudis to run a guerrilla war against the left-wing Yemeni regime and its Egyptian backers. 'I can find you a Scotsman', replied Young, and over a lunch in the City introduced Colonel Neil ('Billy') Maclean to Brigadier Dan Hiram, the Israeli Defence Attaché. The Israelis promised to supply weapons, funds and instructors who could pass themselves off as Arabs, and the Saudis eagerly grasped the idea. Maclean's irregulars restored the Imam's rule and Nasser pulled out his troops whose morale had been badly shaken by the Yemeni practice of sending back captured troops with their lips cut cut off in a ghastly grin."

[11] A few examples to make the point that the group Stirling hung out with were robber barons, imperialist and fascists:

  • 1999, Adam Curtis, 'The Mayfair Set':


    • "In 1962, John Aspinall opened his own gambling club, the Clermont Club in Mayfair. Stirling was one of its members... [Other members] included James Goldsmith, a playboy and ferocious gambler who is to become a close friend of Stirling's; the tycoon Tiny Rowland, who Stirling already knew from his time in Africa; Lord Lucan, the descendant of the man who led the charge of the Light Brigade; and Jim Slater, the takeover tycoon and asset stripper who ran the notorious Slater Walker. What united all these men was a belief in decisive reckless action. It was this, they believed, had made Britain great; not moderate post-war governments."

  • January 9, 2005, The Observer, 'Desperate Lucan dreamt of fascist coup':


    • "when he [Lucan] left Hatchards, the book under his arm was a Thirties translation of Hitler's political testament, Mein Kampf ... The Countess of Lucan confirmed this weekend that Lucan was an extremist in his politics: 'He did have very right-wing views, some might describe them as fascist.


      I didn't know he was indulging in extremist reading matter in 1972, although I knew he listened to recordings of Hitler's speeches at Nuremburg Rallies... he [Lucan] and his associates, who included casino owner and party host John Aspinall, and the tycoon Sir James Goldsmith, were increasingly convinced Britain had fallen victim to a socialist conspiracy.


      Daily Express journalist Charles Benson, one of Lucan's friends, said:


      • 'He was very right wing and never watered it down in front of liberals. He would talk about hanging and flogging and niggers to get a reaction.'


      One biographer, Patrick Marnham, said:


      • 'Seen from the Clermont Club [Lucan's favourite gambling haunt], the country was starting to resemble the less stable years of the Weimar Republic. Sir James Goldsmith began to develop his theory of "the Communist infiltration of the Western media". Over the smoked salmon and lamb cutlets, the talk turned to the pros and cons of a British military coup... His marriage had collapsed, gambling debts were crushing him and he had become convinced Britain was going to the dogs.


        In his growing desperation, he had convinced himself that his wife was unfit to bring up his three children and had spent the previous year trying to get her committed to mental institutions. In fact, the 7th Earl of Lucan, who disappeared in November 1974 after the murder of the family nanny [Goldsmith is said to have flown him out of the country], was himself growing increasingly unstable.'"


    Brian Crozier, former head of Le Cercle and a great defender of Francoism, was a close associate of Goldsmith in the failed effort of getting Franz Josef Strauss (of Le Cercle) elected chancellor of Germany. Strauss was a good friend of Francoist ultrafascists as Federico Silva Munoz (Le Cercle) and Gonzalo Fernandez de la Mora.


    These two were also defended by Crozier.

  • July 27, 1998, The Financial Times, 'The talented but ultimately unacceptable face of capitalism':


    • "Mr Rowland, born Roland Walter Fuhrhop, of a German father and Anglo-Dutch mother in India in 1917, was a natural outsider and maverick. Educated first in Germany, then briefly in England, he was detained on the Isle of Man during the war, where he was suspected of Nazi sympathies."

  • August 16, 1992, Sunday Times, 'Gadaffi to buy 'SAS package' from Khashoggi':


    • "Colonel Gadaffi, the Libyan leader, is recruiting disaffected former members of South Africa's special forces to train his commandos... Gadaffi is also seeking to buy large amounts of top-quality military equipment, including a sophisticated radar air defence system, American M-40 anti-tank weapons, and NBC combat suits designed to protect troops against the effects of nuclear, biological or chemical attack.


      According to documents obtained by The Sunday Times, the secret deal of special forces training and equipment for Libya has been negotiated by Adnan Khashoggi, the Saudi arms dealer recently involved in a controversial partnership between Gadaffi and Tiny Rowland... the relationship has blossomed, with both Khashoggi and Rowland promising Libya political influence in the West..."

  • According to Wikipedia, John Aspinall once claimed that Britain was in need of "a Franco-ite counter-revolution".

  • 1999, Adam Curtis, 'The Mayfair Set' (John Aspinall speaking):


    • "Some people actually seek risk, and they put themselves at risk voluntarily. And I think this is a spirit that is to be admired. I think it's the spirit that built the prosperity that everybody in this country is enjoying today was created by adventurers; by merchants-adventurers; by pirats if you like, like [Henry] Morgan and [Sir Francis] Drake."


    Morgan and Drake worked in part on their own and in part for the British Crown during the war against the (Catholic) Spaniards. Most people would probably agree with the first part of the statement, but many would become worried when a businessmen's idols are pirates like Morgan and Drake.

  • March 13, 2006, Daily Mail, 'A very British Coup':


    • "As for Colonel David Stirling,... he too believed the situation in Britain had become so serious that a military coup had to be an option. According to his friend, Major Alexander Greenwood, Stirling also offered a more informal way of handling the trades union agitators - provoking them into a confrontation. 'He thought: "Let's attack the leaders, let's get them run over by a bus - then they'll start thinking," ' says Major Greenwood, who had become a stockbroker after his Army career."

  • September 5, 1996, The Independent, Julian Amery's obituary:


    • "He threw himself with zest into the role of a backbencher, intervening, in that great, rumbling voice of his, on a wide variety of subjects but, increasingly, in support of the rebel Rhodesian government headed by Ian Smith, thus showing he was his Imperialist father's son to the core... When Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister in 1979 his first major foreign challenge was the conference of Commonwealth Prime Ministers in Lusaka in the autumn, where the main topic was to be Rhodesia (the government of which was now headed by Bishop Abel Muzorewa, with Smith in close attendance).


      Rhodesia was the main subject in the adjournment debate of 25 July, the last occasion for discussion of the matter before the summer recess. The Prime Minister took great care over her speech, seeking to placate both those who wanted to bring Muzorewa and Smith down, and the many on the Conservative back benches who sympathized with them. She succeeded, with one exception. Amery alone in the debate divined instantly that she had decided to abandon the Muzorewa-Smith government and, in a bitter and powerful speech, he castigated her for so doing. It was to no avail."

  • March 30, 1997, The Independent, 'Courtiers down the centuries; Profile Robert Cranborne':


    • "After the Guards it was the City and in 1970 he married, causing a family crisis because his bride, Hannah Stirling (daughter [actually, niece] of the founder of the SAS), was a Roman Catholic. The Cecils take the defence of Protestantism and the Church of England seriously and Robert's mother, Mollie, took time to be reconciled. A compromise was reached and the two sons (the "heir and the spare") were brought up as Anglicans, the three daughters as Roman Catholics.


      In 1978 domestic calm was shattered when Lord Cranborne's brother Richard was killed by guerrillas while filming in Rhodesia. The family were strong supporters of the white settlers - the name of the country's capital, Salisbury (after the 3rd Marquess), giving away the connection. Robert went to Africa to try to find out how his brother died. His brother's death seems only to have reinforced his public support for the whites. During the 1980s he helped organise a secret meeting between Ian Smith and Tory MPs, and backed sporting links with apartheid South Africa."


    When Robert was reporting on Rhodesia he referred to the resistance as "terrorists" and reported every gruesome detail of attacks and retaliations by the local black resistance fighters, clearly showing his intent of upholding support for White minority rule.

[12] Ibid.


  • January 31, 1997, The Guardian, 'SAS linked to rogue force in South Africa':


    • "The SAS has been linked to violence by a 'third force' that threatened to undermine South Africa's transition to majority rule, in a report considered so explosive it was suppressed by Nelson Mandela... It confirms the involvement of commando units in random violence, the use of poison - supplied by the Seventh Medical Division - by hit squads, and the supply of arms and training to the Zulu-dominated Inkatha movement... The truth commission document says evidence was given to Gen Steyn that destabilization of the government and neighbouring countries was planned 'to enable the military to step in credibly to create order'.


      Preparations for this allegedly involved stockpiling arms in countries which included Kenya, Zambia, Mauritius and Portugal, to create 'springboards' for possible military action. It said there was 'a suggestion that there was close contact with the British SAS'... As reported by the Guardian, a group of SAS officers working for a private security firm in Britain [KAS] were hired by wealthy conservationists in the late 1980s to come to South Africa to fight elephant and rhinoceros poachers.


      They became involved with local intelligence agencies and reportedly took part in paramilitary training. The British security firm, Kas Enterprises, was owned by Sir David Stirling, the founder of the SAS, and taken over after his death by Sir James Goldsmith. The security firm's SAS mission to South Africa was headed by Ian Crooke, who led the SAS..."

  • September 24, 1999, Kleintje Muurkrant,


    • '"People have been murdered under the cover of nature protection" - Attorney severely criticises the World Wide Fund for Nature' (translated from Dutch to English): "It looks like the WWF to a large degree is responsible for several projects, especially in South Africa, where in two fases respectively one and a half million people and subsequently ten thousand people were killed. In the first phase it was about the battle in the frontline states against the ANC [the major anti-apartheid movement], especially against the military wing.


      The war has been waged under the cover of nature protection and while protecting nature these people have lobbied the legislator to adopt a "shoot to kill" policy, whereby it became legal to shoot poachers in the field before arresting them. Afterwards you have to say that among the victims were quite a lot of ANC members... After 1990 the struggle shifted to the territory of South Africa [instead of the whole of southern Africa]. During that time these people trained a number of elite black units in the wildlife parks [of the WWF], like the anti-cattle thieves brigade and the crowbar-unit that turn out to responsible for the murder of several ten thousand inhabitants of the townships.


      This was part of the plan to create a civil war between the Bantus and the Zulus, that is to say that the ANC had to be set up against Inkatha [of Inkatha Freedom Party, the second largest anti-apartheid movement which mainly represented the Zulus] and that operation has been conducted with the intention of destabilizing southern Africa."

[14] November 5, 1997, De Groene Amsterdammer (small weekly magazine), 'The World Nature Army', includes an interview with Kevin Dowling

[15] September 24, 1999, Kleintje Muurkrant, 'Advocaat levert felle kritiek op Wereld Natuurfonds' (Dutch - partial translation used for the article)

[16] January 17, 2000, Algemeen Dagblad, 'WWF lost from lawyer' (Translated from Dutch to English)



Additional references and downloads

[1] May 1993, Washington Monthly, Book Review: 'At the Hand of Man: Peril and Hope for Africa's Wildlife'

[2] November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, 'The Coming Fall of the House of Windsor', pp. 17-18, 43

[3] All of the 1001: A Nature Trust information from the WWF's own archives.

[4] 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion, Het geheime leven van Prins Bernhard', p. 216 [photocopy]

[5] 2004, Philip Dröge, 'Het Oranjekapitaal,' pp. 211-216 (mentions Ali Ahmed, the Shah of Iran, Herbert Batliner, among other names)

[6] August 1, 1980, Private Eye, #486, 'Lowlife Fund' [download]

[7] 1978, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Kevin Dowling in September 2008) [download]

[8] 1987, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Kevin Dowling in September 2008) [download]

[9] May 1973, confidential introduction to the 1001 Club written by Charles de Haes [download]