by Randall Clifford
May 30, 2012
ActivistPost Website
As such a useful tool of exchange, money is not
inherently evil.
Money can be a springboard to such evil as
bailout-begging banks too monstrous to fail gambling with taxpayer wealth -
you know, private profits, public risk. Casino financing with taxpayers as a
backstop. The $700 billion TARP bailout actually being a $23.7 trillion
bailout. But the root of all evil is the human brain.
New research has exposed, shall we say, the root of the problem.
is its flower.
pathocracy (n).
A system of government created by a small
pathological minority that takes control over a society of normal people
Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for
Political Purposes, by Andrew Lobaczewski).
A small minority of people are born psychopaths; they inherit a genetic
deviance linked to certain structural abnormalities of their social brain.
The physical dynamic that exposes psychopaths is a reduction of gray matter
in the anterior rostral prefrontal cortex and temporal poles. Magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) is able to image this deviation fundamental to
psychopathy. Potential benefits to humanity are immense; imagine something
like a TSA screening (without the bureaucracy, groping and humiliation) to
keep psychopaths from boarding the flight to power.
Psychopaths enjoy a perverse advantage over normal people in ascending
pyramids of power.
Unfettered by conscience, empathy, morality...some might
say, without the weight of a soul, psychopaths readily rise to the top in a
society turned upside down by pathocracy. Lying, cheating, stealing,
backstabbing - without remorse, psychopaths can claw for power in ways that
make a person with a conscience recoil.
It’s not so much that power corrupts as that the corrupt seek power.
Politics and investment banking are prime waters for psychopaths to school.
If people enjoying great power over others were screened for social-brain
deviations with an MRI scan, and the psychopaths were weeded out,
renaissance might occupy Capital Hill and Wall Street.
Judging from our
current state of politics and financialization, there certainly would be
many vacancies to fill in such a furthering of the humane.
It truly is right in our hands, an opportunity we may never see again.
But... possessing the means of physically detecting
psychopathy and
correcting the blight of psychopathic “leadership” may be irrelevant in the
face of pathocracy fully entrenched. Psychopaths in power would never
volunteer to have their social-brain deviations revealed, would never allow
legislation regarding a brain MRI as a prerequisite to holding any elective
Perhaps it's true, "where there’s a will, there’s a way".
Technology offers
us the way - the key to identifying the human brain’s physical roots of psychopathy. The question becomes whether or not the American public has the
will to force holders of great power over others, and seekers of such power,
to bare their soul... or lack thereof.
Legislation requiring some “newfangled, junk-science” brain scan for leaders
could only be forced from below. But our influence down here in the 99.99%
is withering toward nothing but voting for a red psychopath, or a blue one,
in elections controlled by unlimited corporate cash, and fraud.
And there’s: “Either with us, or against us”. Criminalization of dissent is
plodding toward any questioning of entrenched pathocracy becoming “domestic
A most insidious aspect of psychopathy: It’s in the genes.
Not only can money-power be passed on through progeny, so can genes for psychopathy.
elite are shameless in pronouncing their gigadeath plans (95%
reduction of
human population) with such as,
...though they are elusive about how billions of humans will be
When human population is reduced to 500,000,000, will the elite in absolute
control be psychopaths across the board?
Perhaps an easy way to consider our potential is a simple MRI scan:
Dick Cheney was screened from ultimately becoming, for eight
years, the de facto president of the greatest military power Earth has ever
Imagine that 9/11 never happened...