by Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
December 2008
NewsWithViews Website
Dennis Laurence Cuddy,
historian and political analyst, received a Ph.D. from the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American
History, minor in political science). Dr. Cuddy has taught at the
university level, has been a political and economic risk analyst for
an international consulting firm, and has been a Senior Associate
with the U.S. Department of Education.
Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress on behalf of the
U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Cuddy has authored or edited twenty
books and booklets, and has written hundreds of articles appearing
in newspapers around the nation, including The Washington Post, Los
Angeles Times and USA Today. He has been a guest on numerous radio
talk shows in various parts of the country, such as ABC Radio in New
York City, and he has also been a guest on the national television
programs USA Today and CBS's Nightwatch. |
December 1, 2008
[Note: Gerald Celente of Trends
Research Institute has been heralded by THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, CNBC, CBS,
etc. and he has recently said by 2012 the U.S. will become “an undeveloped
nation” with tax revolts and a lot of homeless people and crime. Also
recently, accidental fires created a state of emergency in California, which
is just a reminder of the havoc that could be created by a few Iranian
agents here if war should break out between the U.S. and Iran.
Regarding the terrorist attack in India last week, it was by a Pakistani
group with links to Pakistan’s ISI intelligence service about whom I’ve
written. The group is called Lashkar-e-Taiba which opposes India’s
involvement in Kashmir, about which I wrote in my July 23, 2007
NewsWithViews.com column “Javier Solana and the Larger Plan.” Also, remember
that in my Sept. 22, 2008 NEWSWITHVIEWS column, “Threats Used for Coercive
Compliance,” I wrote (over two months before last week’s attack) that
“globally, threats can be non-Communist as well, as India feels threatened
by Pakistan and vice versa (watch Kashmir in the future).”
And concerning the Obama administration’s continuing the Power Elite’s
planned alternation of power by including many Clintonistas, two examples
are Rhodes scholars Dennis Blair (named director of National Intelligence)
and Susan Rice (named U.S. ambassador to the U.N.).]
In a previous NewsWithViews column, I mentioned that globalization
has returned us to the late 1800s where workers underbid each other for jobs
whose conditions weren’t safeguarded by health regulations. “Robber barrons”
ruled, and these were people like John D. Rockefeller (his nephew
Percy became a member of
Skull & Bones in 1900).
With the beginning of the 20th century, Theodore Roosevelt was president and
came to be known as a “trust buster” against Rockefeller’s Standard Oil and
others, but major corporations that were split up still had interlocking
Thus, Rockefeller’s power was maintained, and he
is portrayed in Robert Minor’s 1911 cartoon in THE ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH
as welcoming Karl Marx to Wall Street, with Marx carrying a book titled
SOCIALISM. Rockefeller was able to use his great wealth to “buy” politicians
who would see to it that through laws, rules and regulations, their “owners”
were not adversely affected—a type of corporate Socialism.
In August of the same year (1911), McCLURE’S magazine published an
article titled “Masters of America: The Seven Men,” which warned that,
“all fundamental resources, all industries
capable of forming a unit, are being drawn together toward monopoly
control…. And if corporate centralization of power continues unchecked,
what is the next great popular agitation to be in this country? For
state socialism?”
Education was an important component of the
Rockefeller plan, and he hired a reassuring Baptist minister, Frederick
Gates, to set up his General Education Board in 1902 to oversee
this effort.
From this position, Gates wrote Occasional
Letter No. 1 (published 1912), stating that,
“in our dream, we have limitless resources,
and the people (rural folk) yield themselves with perfect docility to
our molding hand… unhampered by tradition.”
Rockefeller education initiatives applied to
city schools, too, as Mayor John Hylan of New York City said in
THE NEW YORK TIMES (March 27, 1922):
“One of my first acts as mayor was to pitch
out… from the educational system of our city the Rockefeller agents” and
others who planned “to fit the children for the mill and factory.”
The Rockefeller Foundation throughout the 20th
century would try to influence many aspects of American education, for
example supporting the School-Health Coordinating Service begun in 1939. But
the Rockefeller plan’s educational component ultimately has been to
facilitate globalism.
In Edith Roosevelt’s 1962 article “The
Universal Theocratic State,” she revealed:
“Curriculum are being drafted to
indoctrinate our children in what John D. Rockefeller, Jr. called ‘the
church of all people.’… plans are being made to set up regional world
Universities whose objectives would include… ‘to build a world
At the end of the next decade, the Rockefeller
Foundation supported a 3-volume set, including James Becker’s
Schooling for a Global Age, attempting to
convince parents and the general public of the necessity of a global
“otherwise children and youth enrolled in
globally oriented programs may find themselves in conflict with values
assumed in the home.”
In the mid-1980s, Seattle schools “Rockefeller
Project” promoted “global education,” and in 1987 the Rockefeller Foundation
helped finance Global Perspectives in Education’s,
“The United States Prepares for its Future:
Global Perspectives in Education, Report of the Study Commission on
Global Education.”
In November 1992, when Bill Clinton was elected
president, David Rockefeller, Jr., who was on the board of the National
Center on Education and the Economy, “celebrated” Clinton’s victory which
would give NCEE the chance to implement a “cradle-to-grave” plan “to
integrate education and human resource development” that could require
radical changes in attitudes, values and beliefs.
Changing attitudes, values and beliefs were also aspects of “social control”
which, like education, was an important component of the Rockefeller plan.
In order to control people, the Rockefellers
knew they had to have the ability to monitor what people do. In that regard,
investigative reporter Thomas Lawson in EVERYBODY’S magazine
(August 1904) learned,
“about the greatest information bureau in
the world. A ‘Standard Oil’ agent is in every hamlet of the country.”
Of course, it was also an important aspect of
control to be able to manage what information the American people received.
In that regard, in 1905 U.S. Rep. Joseph Sibley (Rockefeller Standard Oil
payoff man in Washington) wrote a letter to John D. Archbold (Standard Oil’s
money provider) saying,
“An efficient literary bureau is needed, not
for a day or a crisis but a permanent healthy control of the Associated
Press and kindred avenues. It will cost money but it will be the
cheapest in the end.”
John D. Rockefeller, his son and grandson were
all interested in eugenics, with Rockefeller Foundation money supporting the
Eugenics Record Office and in 1926 the founding of the American Eugenics
Society. And a few years later, on April 11, 1933, Rockefeller Foundation
president Max Mason assured its trustees that “the rationalization of social
control” would be the concern of their Social Sciences program.
Then in the next decade, Rockefeller Foundation
medical director Alan Gregg in 1945 sought to fund research into whether
wartime psychology could be relevant for the civilian society.
At the beginning of the next decade, John D. Rockefeller III founded the
Population Council in 1952 to develop population control measures worldwide.
These efforts were vigorously promoted through the 1960s, and in 1973 the
same John D. Rockefeller III authored
The Second American Revolution applauding
sexual liberation and the “humanist revolution” while disparaging
“old-fashioned nationalism” (remember my earlier remark about the
Rockefeller plan changing attitudes, values and beliefs).
The progression of this plan continued into the 1980s with Arthur S.
The Secret Constitution and the Need for
Constitutional Change (1987) sponsored in part by the Rockefeller
Foundation. In his book, Miller asserted that “ours is the age of the
planned society…. No other way is possible.”
Four years later, the National Commission on Children, with John
D. Rockefeller IV (U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller) as Chairman, issued its
1991 report, “Beyond Rhetoric: A New American Agenda for
Children and Families,” stating that many others (e.g., health
professionals, the media, etc.) besides parents “must help children form
It also proposed values education programs built
on “common values” which, of course, eliminates exclusively Biblical values.
December 15, 2008
Twas the night before Christmas, and
with great elation,
Barack Obama was planning to “change” the nation.
Corporate stockings were hung at the Congress with care
in the hopes that bailouts soon would be there.
The public was nestled all snug in
their beds,
while visions of tax cuts danced in their heads.
Women in their kerchiefs and men in their caps
had unfortunately settled for political c___.
When over the airwaves there arose
such a clatter,
people sprang from their lethargy to see what was the matter.
Away to the TV, they flew like a flash,
heard economic bad news and feared for their cash.
Stocks on the Dow hit a new fallen low,
creating more fears down the tubes we would go.
When what to our tearful eyes should
but Congressional leaders allaying our fears.
With their leader Obama so lively and quick,
we knew in a moment there must be a fix.
More rapid than politicians fleeing all blame,
Barack whistled and called his allies by name.
Now Daschle, now Geithner, now Gates
and Biden,
on Rahm, on Pelosi, on Reid and Clinton (Hillary).
"To the top of the world," we heard him call,
“Proclaim our agenda, Socialism for all!”…
Obama flashing his smile spoke in
such prose
that the world was in awe at this king that arose.
He sprang to his throne, to his team gave a whistle.
National sovereignty was gone without the firing of missiles.
But I heard him exclaim from his
lofty height,
Now I possess such great power, there’s no use to fight (it)!
In addition to the educational and social
control elements of the Rockefeller plan, the economic component has also
been important.
Mayor John Hylan (mentioned in Part 1) of
New York City, in the March 27, 1922 NEW YORK TIMES claimed that the
Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests and a small group of others “virtually
run the United States government for their own selfish purposes.”
These “selfish purposes” would even include
helping the Nazis, as on July 15, 1941 Major Charles Burrows of military
intelligence wrote that Standard Oil of New Jersey was diverting 20% of its
oil going to the Canary Islands instead to refueling Nazi submarines with 6
of the oil-ships manned mainly by Nazi officers.
A few years later, on July 26, 1950 Gen. William Donovan (former head
of the O.S.S.) as chairman of the American Committee for a United Europe
(ACUE) wrote a memo on how to promote a European Parliament. By 1958,
the Federalist European Movement received over 53% of its funds from the
ACUE, which itself was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and others.
Bilderbergers held their first meeting in May 1954, and have also
been funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
In the next decade (1960s), James Simon Kunen in
The Strawberry Statement (1968) revealed
Esso (Rockefeller) money went to Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
“to make a lot of radical commotion so they can look more in the center as
they move more to the left.”
This “move more to the left” was exemplified by David Rockefeller in his
August 10, 1973 article in THE NEW YORK TIMES. David Rockefeller had
attended the London School of Economics (founded by Fabian Socialists),
which from 1924 to 1949 had received $3 million from the Rockefeller
Foundation and the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Fund. And in David’s
article he praised the economic and social “success” of the brutal Chinese
dictator, Chairman Mao, who had killed millions of innocent Chinese
This was also the same year (1973), David Rockefeller founded the
Trilateral Commission (TC) with the Marxist-praising
Zbigniew Brzezinski as its director.
In Holly Sklar’s
Trilateralism - The Trilateral Commission and Elite
Planning for World Management (1980), she revealed these “ruling
elites” would use debt “as part of an economic and political destabilization
campaign to strangle a rebellious nation into submission.”
And in Sen. Barry Goldwater’s
With no apologies (1979), he explained that
what Rockefeller’s TC,
“proposes is an international economy
managed and controlled by international monetary groups through the
mechanism of international conglomerates manufacturing and business
enterprise…. What these Trilateralists truly intend is the creation of a
worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the
nation-states involved.”
One mechanism of this “worldwide economic power”
was revealed at the September 11, 1987 “Fourth World Wilderness Congress”
held in Colorado with David Rockefeller as a speaker. There was talk at the
Congress about creating the International World Conservation Bank
that would collateralize 30% of the Earth’s land surface (relevant to “debt
for nature” swaps).
Another mechanism of the “worldwide economic power” has been GATT, which on
December 1, 1994 Sen. Earnest Hollings revealed “is being pushed by David
Rockefeller and the Trilateral Commission."
About GATT, House speaker Newt Gingrich
said it was,
“a very big transfer of power from the
United States to a new organization (World Trade Organization).”
Acknowledging what was occurring as within David
Rockefeller’s realm of activities, Gary Hufbauer’s and Jeffrey
Western Hemisphere Economic Integration
(1994) was dedicated “To David Rockefeller.”
And in it one reads about an,
“integration agenda,… the need for some
institutional mechanism to administer the arrangements,… and the case
for a common legal framework.”
Each of these elements are related to David
Rockefeller’s globalist Power Elite efforts described in his
David Rockefeller: Memoirs (2002), which
will be quoted later.
Economic integration will ultimately be a global synthesis of Western
Capitalism and Eastern Communism into a World Socialist
Government, and President-elect
Obama is
Power Elite’s choice to lead Americans into a Socialist future
with his campaign emphasis on “spreading the wealth around.”
It will be as Edward Bellamy related in
his 1888 novel
Looking Backward: 2000-1887, wherein he
projected that around 2000 A.D. Americans would come to allow their economy
to be managed by a “Great Trust” (Socialist) rather than maintain a free
enterprise Capitalist system.
What usually compels people and nations to accept what they otherwise would
not is some sort of crisis like the current international economic one.
Relevant to this, Gideon Rachman in “And
Now For A World Government” (Financial Times, December 8, 2008)
“For the first time in my life, I think the
formation of some sort of world government is plausible, (and) would
involve much more than cooperation between nations. It would be an
entity with state-like characteristics, backed by a body of laws.”
He then quotes Australian historian Geoffrey
Blainey as writing that,
“for the first time in human history, world
government of some sort is now possible,” and Rachman assesses that “the
financial crisis and climate change are pushing national governments
toward global solutions, even in countries such as China and the U.S.
that are traditionally fierce guardians of national sovereignty.”
Relevant to Obama, Rachman comments on the
importance of his appointment of Rhodes scholar Susan Rice as U.S.
Ambassador to the U.N.
Then Rachman refers to,
“a recent report from the Managing Global
Insecurity (MGI) project, whose small U.S. advisory group includes John
Podesta, the man heading Mr. Obama’s transition team and Strobe Talbott
(Rhodes scholar), the president of the Brookings Institution, from which
Ms. Rice has just emerged.”
Rachman relates that the MGI report,
“talks about ‘global governance’ rather than
world government, but Jacques Attali, an advisor to President
Nicholas Sarkozy of France, argues that:
‘Global governance is just an euphemism
for global government.’…
So, it seems, everything is in place. For
the first time since homo sapiens began to doodle on cave walls, there
is an argument, and opportunity and a means to make serious steps
towards a world government.”