by Susanne Posel
May 25, 2012
OccupyCorporatism Website

A new report released found that the majority pharmaceutical drugs used to
combat malaria are
bogus or of poor quality .
The Fogarty International Center at the US national Institutes of Health
(NH) funded a study that found a shocking 20 to 42% of the malaria vaccines
used in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are of substandard quality or
absolutely fake.
By researching studies and publications, the report explains that, according
to the Southeast Asian countries, 36% of the 1,437 samples of malaria
vaccines were counterfeit.
Another 30% of samples could not test positive for the pharmaceutical
compounds that would be in a malaria vaccine.
Those drugs given to Africa were discovered to be bogus as well, with 20% of
more than 2,500 samples in 6 drug classes showing that they are not real.
Thirty-five percent were under drug corporation standards.
"These findings are a wake-up call demanding
a series of interventions to better define and eliminate both criminal
production and poor manufacturing of anti-malarial drugs," said Dr. Joel Breman, a senior scientist emeritus at NIH.
Non-profit organizations like the,
...are administering vaccines to combat malaria
that are having no medical effect on the disease.
This indicates that
the pharmaceutical corporations and the non-profits are
intentionally misleading these nations into taking these drugs.
"The economic incentives for criminals of
drug falsification surpass the risks involved in their production and
sale," stated the study, which was published in the Lancet Infectious
Diseases journal.
GTC Bio-therapeutics, a Massachusetts-based
pharmaceutical company, created this malaria vaccine more than a decade ago.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
has been one of the most prominent
advocates for the malaria vaccine.
It is
little known that several members of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
management committee, leadership teams, affiliates, and major funders are
currently or were previously members of the boards or executive branches of
several major drug makers, including Merck and
BMGF holdings are invested in Berkshire Hathaway, which the researchers
write has significant ownership in GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi-Aventis Johnson &
BMGF held stock in Merck at a time when it developed partnerships with the
African Comprehensive AIDS and Malaria Partnership and the Merck Company
Foundation to test Merck products... unsuspecting Africans.
BMGF claims that:
Between 2000 and 2006, several countries in
Africa saw a 50 percent decrease in malaria by using a combined set of
effective interventions, including insecticide-treated bed nets and
indoor spraying of homes with insecticides to control mosquitoes, and
drug treatments to prevent and cure malaria.
The goal of the BMGF and the
Global Alliance for
Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI) to vaccinate every human being on the
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that:
In 2010 655,000 killed by malaria
2,000 children killed in Africa
3.3 billion killed worldwide
WHO purports that, 200,000 deaths could be
avoided by administering the malaria vaccine.
When the majority of the vaccines administered by organizations like WHO,
GAVI and BMGF are fake, how is the disease being prevented?
WHO, one of GAVI’s partners , has teamed up with the World Bank and
the U.N.
Population Fund in the 1970s under the Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility
The Task Force,
"…acts as a global
coordinating body for anti-fertility vaccine R&D."
GAVI is heavily funded by the BMGF for the
global vaccination projects.
The scientific community is working on
developing strange alternatives to
administering the malaria vaccine. Researchers at the Texas A&M University
(A&M) have revealed their latest genetically modified project; GM goats that
unnaturally produce the malaria vaccine in their milk.
After altering the genome of goats to produce the malaria parasite, the
scientists were successful in producing goat’s milk with genetic materials
that are found in the malaria vaccine.
"Our ultimate, ultimate idea is to continue
the research to the point to where you actually have a herd of goats
that are producing vaccines, pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals... in
their milk... just go out and drink the milk and get vaccinated," said
Mark Westhusin, scientist who participated in the experiment.
It is expected that this study’s findings will
create a stir within the international community.
How can governments trust pharmaceutical makers who produce faulty drugs or
purvey fakes as authentic?
No doubt the fraudulent medicines cost the same as real ones.