by Zen Gardner
May 12, 2014
ZenGardner Website

Over the top doesn't begin to describe where the US Police State has gone.
From daily beatings, killings and arbitrary
incarcerations to beyond Orwellian surveillance and armored military
patrolling their streets, Americans have transitioned into a full blown
Stasi controlled State.
Just Google "police state america" and you'll see there are over 620
MILLION results. This is clearly no secret, yet the hordes trundle on
like nothing's happening.
Who were
the Stasi and why is this label appropriate?
The East German secret police, known as the Stasi, were an infamously
intrusive secret police force. They amassed dossiers on about one quarter of
the population of the country during the Communist regime.
But their spycraft - while incredibly invasive - was also technologically
primitive by today's standards.
Here's a graphic of a typical Stasi file.
You can just imagine what today's
neural network of computers is capable of.

Click here to explore a hand-drawn graphic, made by the East German secret
police, that appears to show the social connections the Stasi gleaned about
a poet they were spying on.
State of the Stasi
As everyone now knows, although it's been available knowledge for a long
time, we're being
traced, tracked and monitored on a massive scale.
As we move into biometrics and even so-called
pre-crime detection the situation only worsens by the day. Now with
the NDAA
it doesn't take anything for a warrantless arrest, incarceration and even
death for anything considered suspicious, evidence or no.
And all based on the deliberately ambiguous, techno-sanitized term

Former NSA-CIA director - 'We kill people
based on metadata'
At a recent debate concerning
the National Security Agency's bulk
surveillance programs, former NSA and CIA director Michael Hayden
admitted that metadata is used as the basis for killing people.
The comments were made during a debate at Johns Hopkins University,
after Georgetown University Law Center professor David Cole detailed the
kind of information the government can obtain simply by collecting
metadata - who you call, when you call them, how long the call lasts,
and how often calls between the two parties are made.
Although NSA supporters often claim such metadata collection is
permissible considering the content of the call is not collected, Cole
argued that is not the case, since the former general counsel of the NSA,
Stewart Baker, has already stated metadata alone is more than enough to
reveal vast amounts of an individual's personal information.
The Disease Spreads -
By Design
What's worse is all the countries following this draconian blueprint.
The reason? It's the stated plan of the infamous
New World Order. One that must be enforced, for our own welfare, safety and
security of course.
Henry Kissinger famously confessed way
back in 1991:
"Today, America would be outraged if U.N.
troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be
This is especially true if they were told
that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or
promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all
peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil.
The one thing every man fears is the
unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be
willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to
them by the World Government."
Quote by Henry Kissinger
Bilderberger Conference in Evians,
France, 1991
Plain enough? Apparently not for most people.
Maybe when they take a boot on the neck or they
see innocents brutalized or shot for themselves the point will come home,
but apparently folks are even acquiescing to that even that now.

Where Are We?
It can't get much worse than this. That's what people don't realize.
The cage has come down on the farm and yet the
animals still graze as if it's a protective fence. Hard to believe, I know,
but if you're still inside that cage you probably don't really get it yet
either, no matter what your mind tells you. Your feet are frozen in place,
as in a nightmare where you can't scream.
The full reality hasn't really dawned on you if
you haven't drastically changed your life and started taking action to
either push back or get the hell out of the pen… or both.
People like to theorize what they would have done in any one of those past
oppressive regimes from safely distanced history,
Whether it was Nazi
Germany or Stalinist Russia - would they have fled?
Would they have fought
for their lives, and a whole lot sooner than those "blind, ignorant souls"
of the past?
That's how it works.
"It couldn't happen here, we're too aware of
the lessons of the past."
Oh really? It's already here.
Is anyone really paying attention? A precious few I'm sorry to say.
I hope you're one of them. And take serious action. We're nearing society's
event horizon, the point of no return. Full conscious awareness and
appropriate action are both the solution, and escape route.
Business as usual is the enemy of your soul, and those you love.
Spread the word...